View Full Version : *Update on Bailey the Labrador* :-(

03-30-2007, 10:40 AM
My friend's vet found Lyme disease and she said that it hasn't been known, at least to her knowledge, to cause seizures. But Bailey has had a petit mal seizure every hour since 5:15 yesterday evening. She's sedated and will be watched at the clinic over the weekend. One vet has already suggested euthanasia but his vet says to wait. So wait it is. I'll keep you posted but please continue your prayers for Bailey. (Has anyone experienced this w/their pet and Lyme disease?)

03-30-2007, 11:28 AM

Craftlady would know of some alternative remedies...and I know others will know about Lyme disease.

PT Prayers worked for Pouncer and Kiri, now it is Bailey's turn! :)

03-30-2007, 12:50 PM
MANY prayers for Bailey!!! That is so scary have all those seizures. Is she getting IV meds(I think she might to prevent risk of choking)? Thanks for the update, Mary!!

03-30-2007, 03:35 PM
Dragondawg posted on the dog site and, in essence, the post said that large doses of antibiotics are called for, which my friend said his vet started right away. I referred him to this vet and I'm sure glad I did because the other one wanted to put Bailey to sleep. She is such a caring person and she knows that he is tapped out financially because he's just now starting back to landscape work that she is taking Bailey home w/her for the weekend! And his regular vet who isn't experienced w/this sort of case trades him vet care for landscaping and she said that she would be willing to send the other vet money to pay for Bailey's care and that he could repay her in landscape work. Talk about lucking out! These two vets are really something, aren't they? Hopefully, the antibiotics will kick in soon. The post said that results are seen w/in 5 days, which seems like an eternity right now. But if Bailey has severe brain damage as a result of all the seizures, he will not allow that to keep her here, despite how much he loves her. He wants her to have quality of life. But we're thinking positive here and we pray that the antibiotics were administered in time and that she'll come out of this. Her good buddy, labrador Abby, is depressed and missing her, so my friend has been paying her lots of extra attention. Sigh. I sure hope things get back to normal soon. I want Bailey to be ok but I can't miss any more work. I've missed 3 days already and I have a new office to open in another month. Sorry about the complaining. It just seems as though sometimes things like this happen all at once, y'know?

03-30-2007, 06:43 PM
My dad's friend's dog was having similar problems, and they found out it was Lyme's disease also. She's a very large Rottie named Gretchen, and very sweet. She was started on antibiotics and has been doing really well. I don't know if the seizures were as drastic, but I know she was deathly ill.

Prayers on the way for the sweet Bailey.

03-30-2007, 07:40 PM
Thanx, Jen, I'll be sure to tell my friend that. He needs all the encouragement he can get. His regular vet told him to "chill out". Easy to say, huh?

03-30-2007, 07:46 PM
Thanx, Jen, I'll be sure to tell my friend that. He needs all the encouragement he can get. His regular vet told him to "chill out". Easy to say, huh?
His regular vet needs a course from Dale Carnagie about how to deal with people and being empathetic. Geez. Some people have absolutely NO bedside manner.

03-30-2007, 10:06 PM
No kiddin'. I won't take any of my furkids to her but my friend has been going to her for years and, as I said previously, they have a barter agreement, vet care for lawn care. But the vet that I recommended is partners w/my old vet who came out of retirement and she's really special.

03-31-2007, 02:25 PM
My friend just left me a voice mail. They just cannot get the seizures stopped. She's had one an hour for the last 2 days. He took Bailey to the specialist and he was crying on the voice mail; he said he'd catch me up on everything when we talk but that none of it is good news. I've been sick all day so I haven't had the chance to talk to him. But I'll keep you posted. Thanx, all, for your help and prayers.

03-31-2007, 04:38 PM
Hi Mary,

How sad this is concerning Bailey. I hope that everything works out for the best. Prayers for all. Monica