View Full Version : Otis appears sick

07-05-2002, 10:57 AM
Upon my return from Kansas this morning I see that Otis has diarrhea. He didn't have this before I went away for the past 9 days. What to do? Is there something I can give him here at home until I move? Any adivice would be most appreciated.


07-05-2002, 11:18 AM
On a site called "vetinfo," I found someone in your situation - had gone away, and came back to just one of the cats with diarrhea

: Cats are prone to getting diarrhea when they are stressed. Obviously, I can't say for sure that is the cause, but it isn't really unusual in our practice for cats that are boarded, or even cared for by someone else in their own home, to get diarrhea. This is especially true with boarding, since many cats also have diet changes due to their owners not bringing along their own food. There are a number of possible causes of diarrhea and the only way to sort them out is diagnostic testing. Your vet can help you with this if it becomes necessary.

A general approach to the treatment of diarrhea is to withhold food for 24 to 36 hours and then give a partial meal. If the diarrhea has resolved, it is likely to be due to stress, bacterial overgrowth (occurs with sudden diet changes) or dietary indiscretions, such as too many treats. If not, it may be more serious and it is a good idea to have your vet examine your cat and begin testing to rule out other causes.

Also, look around the house and make sure that there wasn't something the cats got into when your were gone. Boredom can lead to some strange behaviors. We treated a cat that ate a bar of soap when its owner was away and that caused diarrhea.

Any missing soap at your house? Bleaahh!

07-05-2002, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Any missing soap at your house? Bleaahh!

Ick!!! Can you imagine??? :eek:

07-05-2002, 12:24 PM
Any change in his routine could upset his system. If he eats well and seems to feel well other wise, I'd just watch and see if it clears up in a day or two, if not a vet visit may be called for. He didn't steal anyone's Nachos did he? My Nacho Napper, Leonardo, ate mine and paid that price for it. Good luck!

07-05-2002, 11:31 PM
I don't know Wayne :confused: If you find out, let us know. I have a little kitten at home right now (maybe foster, maybe to keep), and he has been having the same problem off & on. :eek:

07-06-2002, 12:13 AM
I would probably take him to the vet if it doesn't clear up within a day or two because this will cause him to become very dehydrated and this can be very serious if it continues. When my cat Pepper was sick he had diarrhea too and the vet had to give him some I.V. fluid. Good luck and please keep us posted.

07-06-2002, 08:59 AM
then if it doesn't clear up....take pet to the vet.... I bet it is stress related....

My two monkey cats will consume large quanities of butter at one sitting if I am not careful and it gives them problems. So I buy no more butter! They will open cabinets to get to it.

Keep us posted!


07-06-2002, 08:35 PM
Thanks for your input, all. I think it was stress related, because when I got back 2:30 am on Friday, the house was a total mess and it smelled like a zoo! It seems as though they had been littering every place except in their litter box. What a mess to clean up! (Do you suppose that this behavior is because I was absent from them?) Also, that I left a small bowl of chlorox-water on the bathroom sink board. I noticed that one of my furkids was licking that up! At any rate, I dumped the chlorox -water. 'Noticed that after cleaning up the house, Otis appears to be OK now. He had a touch of clymidia in one eye on Friday, which I immediately washed out and applied some ointment. That appears to have cleared it up. They all appear to have lost weight during my 9-day absence. Fawn, Tiger, Snow Cat, and Amy were very happy to see me return, especially Fawn, he began to meow, when he saw me come in that early hour on Friday. He always sleeps next to me at night. I guess they miss me more than what is realized, as substitute care just doesn't "cut it". They need the loving care and attention that (apparently) only I can give them. Tiger did not jump up in her carrier for my neighbor for special feeding, as I gave her written instructions on caring for Tiger. Tiger is now adopting a manner of placing her front paws on my shoulder and nibbling my hair. I don't know if this is to tell me that she is hungry or whether she just wants some scritchies, but I believe it is the latter.

Silver Prince is nearly 6lbs (5-3/4lbs.) now and is still growing. I suppose that he would have already topped the scale above 6 lbs, had I been here all last week. Perhaps some of you remember Fluffy , constantly attacking Princess about 2 months ago. Since Fluffy has been spayed, she has calmed down. I brought her inside today, so she can get used to all the others, including Princess, as I want to take her with me, and there has been NO attacking, some fussing, yes, but otherwise she is calm. Yet, she doesn't recognize her own kittens (but hisses at them), the 3 Maine Coons. Fluffy has been an outside cat most of her life.

I am now getting things ready to move to Kansas. I wish that this could occur later in the year after cooler weather has set in. I am thinking of placing a blanket in the back of the truck's camper for the two-day trip, and attaching a watering hose with a control valve to a 7 gal. bucket of water, on to the blanket, in order to keep my pets cool, especially traveling through the desert at night. Also, that I plan to have some of the little "safe" houses in there also, so they can hide and won't feel so frightened at the rumbling and moving of the truck. That I will have to reinforce the screens on the camper sides, so as they won't be able to tear them out. It has been my general observations that cats are more content at not watching the scenery go by, not like a dog. I have had a few cats that would travel in a car but they seem most content at sleeping on the floor. That also, I hope to see if any of them will adapt to traveling quickly. Does anyone out there have any other ideas about keeping them cool?

They know something big is coming. Blue is incessantly talking (to me). She has that "worried" look in her green eyes.

When I get to my new home in southeast Kansas, I think that I can let them loose in one room of the house. It is not known how they will react to stopping and gathering them up to place in the house. I hope they don't panic when I attempt to bring them in by pairs. Maybe after being two days on the road they may be too tired to panic! Thinking also to give them a real treat, perhaps two or three cans of tuna. I will have all three of the pet carriers ready. The old (new) house is quite large and it will probably take them several days to explore the entire facilities.


07-06-2002, 09:20 PM
Yes Wayne, it probably was because you were gone. My 2 did that only once, and it was when we were gone for an extended time (all on the bed :eek: )

It's a big move you are making and it will be stressful for the cats (and you)! They will recover in time, some quicker than others :)
I am also sure that you kitties know something big is going to happen..........cats always know!

Good Luck! Let us all know how it goes.

07-07-2002, 12:03 AM
20 some years ago I had a cat, and while she was at my parents house for a while she had that problem, bad, and my mtoher gave her a dose of pepto bismo!!! sounds funny but it worked, and no more problem, just give a small amount...