View Full Version : Tornado watch??

03-28-2007, 05:06 PM
:eek: I just got an alert from my desktop weather channel thingy that we are under a tornado watch until midnight tonight.... I went to take a look at the radar picture and what on earth are they thinking? :D :eek: :p There is only a teeeeeeny tiny storm system heading this way I'm terrified of tornados but I don't think that I'll be hunkering down under a mattress anytime soon :p

03-28-2007, 05:14 PM
Yikes... that's scary. I'm terrified of storms... LOL I remember when I was a little girl we had a really bad storm and there were Tornado warnings. I had everyone downstairs in our little storage space until the storm was over hahaha.

Good luck... I hope that doesn't turn into a big scary cloud :(