View Full Version : Ebay

03-28-2007, 12:47 PM
I was at work yesterday talking with a customer. She told me that Bed Bath & Beyond coupons were being sold on E-bay. So, I went and checked it out. Sure enough someone is selling both 20% off and $5 off $15 or more coupons!!

I have a bunch of them that I get through the mail that I don't use because I get an employee discount. Think I should try selling them??? Normally, I bring my coupons into work with me and give them out, usually to elderly people who are on fixed incomes.

What do you guys think??

03-28-2007, 12:53 PM
:) Well you know Donna I am a little confussed.. Why would someone want to buy a coupon?? Does this not give them much $$ diff if they have to pay for the coupon?? Personally I like the idea of giving them to a elderly person on fixed income..

03-28-2007, 01:07 PM
There are sites you can go and download coupons for free. I would NOT pay money for coupons on ebay. To me that's being a scam artisit selling those for money.
I agree with lvpets2002, give them to the eldery customers. They truely appreciate them.

03-28-2007, 01:11 PM
:) Well you know Donna I am a little confussed.. Why would someone want to buy a coupon?? Does this not give them much $$ diff if they have to pay for the coupon?? Personally I like the idea of giving them to a elderly person on fixed income..Ya I agree. Selling the coupons would be really pointless. I doubt that they even have bids on them youd have to be pretty wacky to pay for coupons (and shipping) for something you get free in your mail...

03-28-2007, 01:13 PM
lol, I agree!! That's crazy. What a scammer.

03-28-2007, 02:19 PM
I kinda KNEW what the answer was. I just wanted to get your opinions. I had an elderly couple come in yesterday to buy a wedding gift for their granddaughter. They purchased a $400 pan set. I gave them my 20% off coupon which saved them $80. They were so greatful. Made my whole day!

03-28-2007, 02:26 PM
Yay! Isn't that a nice feeling! :) And you know those pots and pans will be used for years and probably treasured as coming from grandma and grandpa!

03-28-2007, 03:29 PM
that was very nice of you to give away your coupon.

People would sell anything on ebay :rolleyes: doesn't mean they will sell though..
and remember that ebay charge you when you put things for sell and charge you even more when they do sell :p

03-28-2007, 03:44 PM
I recently saw a BBB coupon on Craigslist! My initial thought was, "Now why would someone be trying to sell that????" But you just never know.

I love that you have given your coupons to others in the store, especially the elderly! How wonderful. I would say keep up the good work and don't try to sell them!