View Full Version : Thank You Scooters Mom, Scooter and Charlie!!

03-27-2007, 02:51 PM

That Fancy Feast was great we have already eaten three cans.
And Felicia had one too.


Thank You again.
And Juke Joint Joseph went crazy when he saw the Giant Bags of TEMPTATIONS!!!
Its nice to have Cat Friends to trade things with.
I tried to get Miquelito and Pouncierge palying with that Mouse but they beat it up and lost it under the furniture , whichh means they love it.

03-27-2007, 02:57 PM
:) Oh WoW MMmmm & I am hungry too.. All looks so yummy in the tummy.. Nice gifts..

Scooter's Mom
03-27-2007, 10:44 PM
I'm glad to see they liked it, and are sharing with Felicia!

At least now I know how to send packages to Canada :)

All of your babies are so precious, I just wanted to show them a little love all the way from Arizona.

03-28-2007, 08:18 AM
Looks like they loved there gifts. :)

03-28-2007, 09:44 AM
I am saving the Shredded Roast Beef for Felicia as she almost came on the porch last night.
But the white trash lunkheads roared in honking thier horn, and scared her off.
Theres no need for all that noise but after all they are idiots.
I will try again and with that Fancy Feast I will suceed.
Thank You Again Crystal from All Of Us at The Found Paradise Cat Hotel and Shelter.