View Full Version : questions..thinking of changing my cats litter product

03-24-2007, 09:54 PM
Ok just thought i would ask some advice here, i am thinking of possibly changing the kind of cat litter i use,until i had lexie i had never used cat litter,at the moment i use a fairly cheap one, as i have to keep costs down,due to my new furbabies, but i find it too dusty, not only for the cat but my home as well, and with my allergies not so good, i have found a new litter which is actually slightly cheaper, it is made of recycled paper and is like pellets,and has no chemicals or perservatives and of course would be much better in the dust department,now is it best just to change her and see how it goes, or add a bit of both, excuse my ignorance here.

03-25-2007, 08:58 AM

I've used Feline Pine for years, and swear by it! It has no dust at all and the pellets help keep the odor down. I will never go back to scoopable cat litter again.

The key to changing cat litter is do it gradually. Put in the new litter and cover the top with the old stuff. Gradually decrease the old stuff till there's only the new stuff left.

03-25-2007, 10:09 AM
Carole - I use Yesterday's News, which sounds exactly like the kind you're using now. I think it's great! It's light and easy to carry, the odor control is superb, and while it isn't technically a "clumping" litter (which aren't safe anyway), the pellets swell and adhere a little bit when wet, and I just scoop daily with a slotted scoop. I think it's a first-rate litter.

I was initially using Feline Pine, which is aesthetically nice, but ended up all over the house because my cat has huge tufts of fur between his toes that picked it up like a magnet.

Love, Columbine

03-25-2007, 10:23 AM
I use the PetValu heavy duty clumping basically for cost.
And I would love to use the Purina Multi Cat but its so pricey for 12 Big Found Cats.Thats the best in my humble opinion.

03-25-2007, 12:47 PM
carole ~ We use a combination of cheap, dusty clay litter and Feline Pine - wood pellets. Just last week I saw the paper pellets litter and thought about trying it one day. Didn't buy it but did notice that it is more expensive (here in Alaska) than the clay litter but cheaper than the Feline Pine.

Glacier told us about using wood pellets make for a wood stove. Where I live, Feline Pine is 75 cents a pound and the pellet stove stuff (which is identical) is 20 cents per pound. So, we bought over 100 pounds of the pellet stove stuff and keep it in the garage.

The cats like it. We put some of the pellets in the bottom of the litter pan and then cover it with clay. The kitties do the mixing for us.

If you try the paper, let us know how it works. I will probably try it some time. Right now we're very happy with the odor control withthe wood.

03-25-2007, 01:09 PM
Carole, The key to changing cat litter is do it gradually. Put in the new litter and cover the top with the old stuff. Gradually decrease the old stuff till there's only the new stuff left.

Exactly! I agree with Donna. Move slowly, and they will adapt.

03-25-2007, 02:27 PM
I also use woodstove pellets. They are so much cheaper than Feline Pine but they have the same purpose. I can get an opened (damaged) bag of woodstove pellets, 40 lbs for about $8. Works just as well as the Feline Pine.

03-26-2007, 12:22 AM
Thanks all, i will indeed let you know the results, going to buy some soon and do the gradual thing, which i kinda thought would be the best way to go, but good to get the expert opinion here. :)

03-26-2007, 04:40 PM
Where do you get the woodstove pellets?


08-01-2007, 06:09 PM
Where does one purchase wood stove pellets? I'm intrigued by something that's less expensive than Feline Pine but works similarly.

08-01-2007, 06:50 PM
Ok, pardon my ignorance but I have a question: what do you do about pee in the litter? I've only ever used clumping litter and, obviously, scooping poop would be fairly easy but what about the pee when using Feline Pine or the pellet stuff?

08-01-2007, 07:23 PM
Well just an update, i have been using the recycled paper pellets for some time now with success,the kitties did not seem to take much time to change over and are using it no problem, I don't find the odour control any better than the other product i was using and it is slightly less economical, as when you do take the pee out, you have to take quite a lot of it out to get rid of it, the dusty stuff was better in that aspect as it kinda stayed in one spot, however i am going to stick with this product as the dust is minimal a must for me and my kitties.

The other downside for me is i can only buy it at one supermarket in at the mall, so it means a special trip every so often there, however i quite often go for a shop and have decided to stock up in advance instead, it costs me 9.95 a 15 litre bag or 4.99 for a 6 litre bag, sometimes they don't have the big bags so i have to spend a little more buying smaller ones, i do get fustrated that my own supermarket does not stock it, maybe i will ask if they will consider it.

08-24-2007, 04:02 PM
Dear ones, can you please advise me? I was at Petsmart last night, looking at the types of cat litter they sell. We are currently using good old clay, not the clumping type. Petsmart has an information card by the "alternative" litters suggesting that all of them - recycled paper, pine, wheat and silica - provide better odor control and need changing less often than regular clay. Does anyone out there use "crystals" litter? And if you do - how do you like it? I was thinking of switching to either Feline Pine or Yesterday's NEws.

08-24-2007, 04:15 PM
My kitties adapt to new litters instantly. Usually, I buy feline pine scoopable, but when we can't get to the pet store, I buy Max Cat scoopabe. They don't seem bothered by the rotating of cat litters. :)

08-24-2007, 05:00 PM
I used clay for 3 weeks (I got it free, long story for another time). UGH! I hated it! Dust everywhere, and the odor was terrible. I just switched back 2 evenings ago. I don't use either of those you mentioned, so I can't commment on them; but you will see an improvement!

I use Tidy Cats scoopable.

08-25-2007, 09:27 AM
I also use woodstove pellets. They are so much cheaper than Feline Pine but they have the same purpose. I can get an opened (damaged) bag of woodstove pellets, 40 lbs for about $8. Works just as well as the Feline Pine. I get pine pellet horse bedding (brand: Equine Fresh) at the feed store for $5/40 lbs. :D

08-25-2007, 11:53 AM
You can get wood stove pellets at any feed store.

Pine Pellets horse bedding??? I'll have to try it. I'll let you know how it works.

08-25-2007, 01:18 PM
Yesterday's News is a decent litter, low dust, and scoops out fairly nicely but I don't think it does much of a job for odor. We use that one at work for the declaw surgery patients.

I'm strongly against the crystal litters ever since we had a client who switched to one of those and her cat went bald, itched like crazy, stopped eating, and the skin was horrible shades of red and purple! The cat took several weeks to get over the worst of the allergic reaction. Since then I've steered people away from those clear crystal litters.

For our clients we use a plain unscented clay litter from Tractor Supply called 'Paws & Claws', here it's only like $3 or less for a 25 pound bag. Doesn't do a great job with odor control, and doesn't clump although scooping it out isn't as hard as plain clay litter, but it's cheap and because it's a plain unscented litter we don't worry too much about our patients having allergies to it. I find it reasonably dusty myself though.

For my own cats I used Fresh Step Scoopable for 7 years until they changed the formula, the cats didn't like it, and I thought it stunk fresh out of the package. For the last 5 years or so I've been using Arm & Hammer Multi-cat Scoopable. It does good with odor control, the cats like it, but it doesn't clump as well as the Fresh Step used to so I have to change out the litter boxes a bit more often. I usually buy it on special in the bonus sized boxes, $11-12 for 35 pounds of litter. I don't find it as dusty as the plain clay one we use at work.

08-25-2007, 01:25 PM
I use Tidy Cats scoopable for multiple cats immediate odor control. It really keeps the odor down but it is dusty, though, and it tracks a lot. But I Swiffer and vacuum every day anyhow, so no biggie.

08-25-2007, 07:24 PM
I am still using my recycled paper pellets, breeders select, and finding it the best, although not quite as economical as the old one,however it is darn hard to get sometimes,which fustrates me.