View Full Version : Biting Beagle

03-24-2007, 08:19 PM
I recently bought a beagle she is the cutes thing. She is now 15 weeks old BUT she will run and bite my older Lab with her face all scrunched up. And when i tell her to stop and try to remove her she tries to bite me and has broke skin on both my husband and I . She is uncontrollable and we tell her no, and put her in her crate till she settles, and most times as soon as we let her out of the crate she will come at us and bite our leg or what is ever closes to her. Can anyone give me some advice. I love her she can be really good most of the time, I am worried if i don't fix it now she will endup really hurting some one

03-24-2007, 10:12 PM
You need to enroll in Puppy Classes ASAP. This is something you can control, but it would be best if you got the help of an in-person trainer. I suspect if you're already having those types of issues, you'll need help with other problems as your dog ages. Doing obedience now with a good trainer will help you shape your new puppy into a great housedog.

03-27-2007, 02:23 PM
thank you for the advice i am enrolling her after her last needle this weekend. she is getting much better now though when she bites i put her in the crate with a sturn no that is bad this seems to be working well she seems to be getting the hint that this is not acceptable maybe i was to hasty and consistancy along with her aging and classes she will be all she can be

03-27-2007, 06:14 PM
Along with classes, a pup that age needs safe toys to chew on too. I
hope you both do well & learn a lot in the puppy classes.

03-27-2007, 08:53 PM
thank you for the advice i am enrolling her after her last needle this weekend. she is getting much better now though when she bites i put her in the crate with a sturn no that is bad this seems to be working well she seems to be getting the hint that this is not acceptable maybe i was to hasty and consistancy along with her aging and classes she will be all she can be

I wouldn't use the crate for punishment. It is designed to be her safe room, not her bad place. I'd use another place (a boring bathroom, utility room, etc.) as a place to put her when she is bad. Don't keep her there long either. You only need to separate yourself from her for about 30 seconds. That's long enough to hammer home the issue.

Keep the crate her safe room where she can go to get away from things and rest or eat...not a place to go for punishment.

Keturah's Mom
03-29-2007, 05:51 PM
Hi, I would like to start off by saying I DO NOT believe in spanking or hitting any dog for any reason... That said, I have found when you have a pup and are holding it or have it on your lap and it bites your fingers or hands if you just turn your hand and flick (like you would a piece of dust middle finger off your thumb) them on the nose or side of there nose right as they bite they will put the two together and after a couple of times they won't do it again. They are just playing with you like they did there litter mates and have no Idea what they are doing is wrong or hurts. And the flick won’t hurt them but they won't like it either.

03-30-2007, 08:31 PM
Hi I just wanted to say thanks for the advice and no i don't believe in spanking or physically hurting an aniimal either. But For some reason maybe age or maybe more outside time but my pup has changed alot in the last week no biting :) and no going after my older dog either. she is calmer and more cuddly and seems to take well to being told no alot better. I still love her to peices and think she is the most adorable pup.

03-30-2007, 10:52 PM
I am going through the exact same thing with mine, he is a beagle and cocker spaniel mix. he is not quite 11wks old yet and oh my lord, my feet, legs and hands are tore up. my husband and i dont believe in spanking or anything like that either, my vet says that at 12wks old and up, it is like a lightbulb comes on and they finally start getting what you have been trying to teach them. I pray so because I am at a loss as to what to do. My last option is getting him into some kind of puppy class and hope it works..lol
He really is the best, we love him dearly and he just makes my heart sing!!!!!! So hanging in there is the only option available, we dont believe in getting a dog then getting rid of them because of problems.

03-31-2007, 06:24 PM
:) my vet told me that now that i have crate trained my pup that he talked to a trainer that trains beagles he said that they are very head strong, this trainer suggested that every time my beagle bite tell her no in a harsh voice then ignore her, if she bite me a second time to say no stick her in the crate and ignore her for 1 min if she is quiet let her out and praise her. then all is forgotten til next time but i don't even let her teeth my hand as that would send missed feelings. also you have to bring them out for plenty of excercise they need to get tired. so i have been doing this and it has worked wonderfully.I also noticed that now i have her on a schedual for eating, outside time and bed time that she is better because most of the biting was around bed time. so as soon as she starts to get biting around time for bed i just put her in her crate she goes right to sleep no biting and no whining. she has turned out to be the most cuddly pup and is eager to please. Hope this helps