View Full Version : Need help with cats :)

07-04-2002, 12:26 PM
Before I tell the problem I should say that Butter is gorgeussssss, I think is Logan`s cat isnt? well she or he is soo cute :)
I have a question also, is it normal that kittens that are 3 and a half month are still feeding from her mother? The mother still have milk, and they love to purr while eating with her, I told to my vet and she told me poor mother because they must be bitting her, but she doesnt mind I guess or they are doing it slowly, I just want to know if this behavior is correct.
And here is the problem, when the kittens started to eat , the mother was always trying to eat first and she always ate all so I was always pushing her and screaming at her so she be fair and let the babies eat first, well I think she learn the lesson, but now whenever I put the food the poor cat waits untill the kittens eat, but the thing is they are starting to eat a lot, and leave her nothing, what should I do? I know is my fault :( I shouldnt be so bad with Capablanca (mother) I really regret.
Any help will be appreciate.

07-04-2002, 05:19 PM
Usually the mother cat or dog will wean the kittens/puppies when its time. I would suggest feeding them separately at the same time. Maybe the mother in one room, and kittens in another room.

At our house, we feed our puppy in her crate (so the adult dogs don't get her food), the mother in our bedroom (so the puppy will let her eat in peace), and our other dog in the kitchen.

07-10-2002, 09:44 PM
Yes, I think momma cat will wean when the time is right, but 3 months does seem like a long time :confused: I don't know though because usually kittens go to new homes before 3 months. I would ask the vet.

07-11-2002, 10:28 AM
Yes, feeding the momma cat with a separate bowl is a great idea. We do this for our female cat, and she is much less cranky because of it.

When her two remaining kittens were over three months old, she was trying to wean them, but one in particular was so insistent that she would give in and wouldn't wean them.

I did want to get her spayed at that time and the vet mentioned that her milk needed to be dried up for four weeks before the surgery, so we had to separate her from her two remaining kittens for a week. This did the trick. It broke the maternal bond and she was spayed a month later.

Best of luck.

07-12-2002, 12:01 AM
Interesting what u said because I spayed her even now and she still have milk, the vet didnt tell me anything about it. I hope is no problem for her because she still have milk heheh.
One of the kittens Musti, is dead now but Margarita the one left is always insisting, she is starting to bite her but then she gaves up and let her, they seem absolutely cute :)