View Full Version : :( bloody urine :( *NEWER UPDATE* 4-5-07

03-24-2007, 05:59 AM
I found a pee spot this morning and it was pure blood. :( So who do I take to the vet? :confused:

Mama's intuition will have to do because I don't want to wait since this is the weekend. The vet will be in this morning, but after that I'd have to wait until Monday.

SO, Sterling will (hopefully) be going to the vet this morning. I say hopefully because there is no guarrentee they will have time for him.

Why Sterling?? He is known for peeing on the floor (and other places). And a while ago he had the bloody urine that I treated with Clavamox. I guess it was less then 100% effective. :(

So let's all pray that I have the right cat, because if they find nothing I will need to figure out who ELSE it might be.

03-24-2007, 06:18 AM
Since it's the weekend, I'd be hoping they'd give antibiotics to Sterling so that I could switch them over if it wasn't him. Saturdays can really reek sometimes. :(

03-24-2007, 07:41 AM
How frustrating! :( I hope the vet gets to him and maybe you will even see a bit more of the bloody urine (maybe in the cage on the way to the vet) so that you know it was Sterling for sure. ((HUGS))

03-24-2007, 07:43 AM
I'm almost hoping it is NOT Sterling - if he's already been treated once, he must be really ill and not feeling well poor fella. Whereas, if it is someone else, they may have just a mild case and you are catching it early on.

Either way, I hope you find out WHO so you can help the kitty feel better.

03-24-2007, 08:57 AM
Oh boy, that's scary and frustrating. Here's hoping you get to the bottom of it right away.

03-24-2007, 09:53 AM
Which ever Cat it may be Jen we pray that the White Coats can help him get over this illness.
We are praying that our Dear Pal Sterling is not ill again.

03-24-2007, 10:06 AM
Oh Jen, I am SO SORRY. I'm sure mama's intuition is leading you the right way.

Sterling, Sterling, Sterling, please tell us whats wrong!

03-24-2007, 12:00 PM
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry to hear this. You know your kitties so go with your intuition until you know for sure if it's Sterling or not. It's easy to understand your concern, when it's Saturday, Monday seems so far away. Please let us know how this plays out? Be assured that my prayers are being prayed for all your kitty companions.

03-24-2007, 12:27 PM
I hope you get the right one to the vet. With UTIs it doesn't work to wait :(

03-24-2007, 03:01 PM
Not a whole lot of satisfaction :mad: But we definitely have the right cat.

Here is the story:

I had to work today, so Charlie took Sterling to the vet.

Not our regular vet. :rolleyes:

She could not get a sample from his bladder as it was too empty. :(

Gave NO medicine! Never took his temperature! Told Charlie to get a urine sample OR bring cat in on Monday to stay until he produces a urine sample. Told Charlie if he stops eating take to emergency vet!

I purposely took him TODAY so I could avoid the emergency vet. GRRRRR.

When I got home, (and read sirrahbed's answer mentioning urine in the carrier) I remembered that I PURPOSELY put a clean white towel in the carrier. Sure enough, blood and urine. (Charlie never thought about checking the towel at the vet's :( ) So this is why his bladder was empty.

I am going to give him clavamox again, as it is the only antibiotic I have available, and somehow get a urine sample and hopefully NEW, stronger medication Monday.

Poor Sterling.

Killearn Kitties
03-24-2007, 03:04 PM
Oh Jen. :( Sending all my good thoughts to you and Sterling.

03-24-2007, 03:06 PM
That is so frustrating, poor baby. How do you get a urine sample yourself?

03-24-2007, 03:27 PM
That is so frustrating, poor baby. How do you get a urine sample yourself?
Usually I CAN'T!

But you need to use an empty litter box (and hope they actually USE it!) You can put something non-absorbant in it for "scratching" like shredded wax paper or these plastic beads that you can get at the vet's. Then confine the cat somewhere and hope he uses the box and not the floor. :(

03-24-2007, 06:49 PM
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry to hear this.

You know you have my thoughts and prayers!


03-24-2007, 07:23 PM
Jen, I'm sorry to hear that Sterling is having urinary problems.:( I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

03-24-2007, 09:47 PM
Oh Jen, I knew you'd have the right intuition here. So sorry that it was Sterling (you know I love that boy!)

What a dreadful response from the different vet. I do hope you'll say something to your regular vet next time. Did they make you pay for the office visit? It sounds as if they didn't do anything! Pouncer and I send prayers for this weekend.

03-25-2007, 12:19 PM
Poor Sterling! I can only imagine how frustrated you must be with this other vet. Did the vet even examine him? Prayers that Sterling doesn't get to feeling worse before his regular vet can give him a proper going over.

03-25-2007, 01:18 PM
He's been on a (bloody) peeing spree around the house. :( POOR BABY!!!

Even though I was dissapointed in the other vet, I think I can understand her view point. At the time of the appointment we were not 100% certain it was Sterling with the blood, so since she could not get any urine she "probably" did not want to give a medication until we were all certain.

Well, I am C E R T A I N now!! Tomorrow cannot come soon enough. He obviously needs something stronger (or different) than clavamox.

On the plus side, he is not acting sick in any other way.

03-26-2007, 01:17 PM
He's been on a (bloody) peeing spree around the house. :( POOR BABY!!!

Even though I was dissapointed in the other vet, I think I can understand her view point. At the time of the appointment we were not 100% certain it was Sterling with the blood, so since she could not get any urine she "probably" did not want to give a medication until we were all certain.

Well, I am C E R T A I N now!! Tomorrow cannot come soon enough. He obviously needs something stronger (or different) than clavamox.

On the plus side, he is not acting sick in any other way.

Just a suggestion, but next time you take a cat to the vet for urinary problems, don't put any absorbant things inside (ie; towels, papers), they can get urine from the carrier but not if it soaks into anything.

Most likely they didn't want to give meds to a cat they weren't positive had the issues. It makes sense.

Clavamox is a pretty good antibiotic. Sterling may have simply had a reacurrence. Where I work we sometimes use other meds if Clavamox doesn't work, but they all come in pills, not liquids.

If Sterling were my cat I'd want them to do a urinalysis as soon as I could get some urine in, and possibly an x-ray for bladder stones depending on what the urine results are.

Good luck.

03-26-2007, 01:29 PM
Well, he is at the vet and I am waiting for some info. I guess I should not have put a towel in, but I hated the thought of his fur soaking up the urine if he peed in the carrier. :(

03-26-2007, 07:47 PM
So Sterling F I N A L L Y gave (or should I say was forced to give) a urine sample.....

Very high on the blood count, very miniscule amount of sediment.

So we are not worried about crystals, but mostly infection.

He will get Baytril and after 10 (of the 14 days) he needs to have another urine test. If the red count is still high the vet wants an x-ray.

So, that's all I know for now. He is still acting very much like himself, but that urine is SO bloody. :(

03-26-2007, 08:02 PM
Poor Sterling! I guess the fact that Sterling is pretty much back to his usual sweet little self is a big positive. Jen, my prayers continue for your adorable boy and his speedy recovery. Please give him some get better soon scritchies and smoochies from me?

03-26-2007, 08:08 PM
Sterling is pretty much back to his usual sweet little self is a big positive.
Actually, he never showed any symptoms except the bloody urine. :confused: If he didn't do it on the kitchen floor I may never have even noticed. :eek:

03-26-2007, 08:30 PM
Awe... poor Sterling. Baytril works really well on infections. My FIV guys always got rid of their URIs!

03-26-2007, 11:18 PM
Let's hope the Baytril works fast. At least you say he's acting like himself and that's something. Prayers still on the rise....

03-27-2007, 12:14 AM
I hope that the Baytril will cure Sterling's UTI quickly and I also hope that there's nothing else going on with him.

Storm had a UTI in Jan. and he also never showed any symptoms and he was also on Baytril and it did the trick.

03-27-2007, 01:26 AM
Thank Goodness you noticed the blood.Sometimes cats show no sign of anything until it's way too late.
I'm very happy you knew which one to bring in.
I don't think I ever used Baytril Before.It must be stronger than Clavamox.
I'm glad to know about it now.
Praying for her to get better.

03-27-2007, 05:13 AM
I think it is good he has no crystals- so there is no need for diet etc. Hope the Baytril does its job and poor Sterling will be fine after.

03-27-2007, 05:23 AM
I think it is good he has no crystals- so there is no need for diet etc. Hope the Baytril does its job and poor Sterling will be fine after.
Actually, Barbara, Sterling is already eating the Hill's c/d, as is my entire gang. But after finding out that Rutherford had developed the OTHER crystals, I worry that could be happening to others.

03-27-2007, 08:15 AM
Hey Sterling, let mom give you the meds so you get well quickly!

Jen, Vita is on Baytril right now for a UTI. She HATES taking pills, has bitten me twice so far. Her symptoms: pee'ing on pet beds. Thankfull she wasn't using human furniture! After 4 days, that behaviour stopped. In 9 years, she has never had any of these problems. So I hope the Batril works for Sterling as it seems to be working from my kitty!

03-27-2007, 01:38 PM
Why would you think their may be others develping them.
Just from everyone using the CD formula when not needed?
Just curious.You'd think it would be OK to do it so noone would ever have a problem.But I wouldn't know...the vets would know.I thought of doing that years ago when I was going to adopt a cat that had to be on it for life.Decided against it becauise I wasn't sure If I could feed everyone that food.It would be too hard to seperate the food.The girl trying to get me to take the cat told me I could use CD for all my cats but I was reluctent.

03-27-2007, 02:49 PM
My prays for Sterling that the new meds help.

03-27-2007, 02:49 PM
Poor Sterling, that must really hurt being so irritated. :( I'm glad meowmmy got you some extra good medicine and you will be all better again soon! ;)

03-27-2007, 02:50 PM
Why would you think their may be others develping them.
Just from everyone using the CD formula when not needed?

I have been told that c/d is a fine food for almost any cat. But I guess some cats would form the calcium oxylate crystals (not the struvite, which c/d helps prevent) no matter what food they are on. So I always like to test for crystals whenever there is a problem, even though the double test costs more.

I already booked his "reservation" at the vet office for the 10 days re-test urinalysis! I have NEVER been able to get a urine sample at home, no matter how hard I try. :rolleyes:

03-27-2007, 03:03 PM
Poor little Sterling! I am so glad that the vet was able to get a sample, and Sterling is now home where he can recuperate in a place where he has mis Meowmie and frsibs to give him the love and attention he needs.

03-27-2007, 10:56 PM
Jen, I sure hope that Sterling will recover quickly and that his retest will also go well. If you're worried about your cats developing the calcium oxalate crystals then maybe you should try feeding them Royal Canin Urinary S/O formula. This food is supposed to help prevent both struvite and calcium oxalate crystals. I've been feeding it to Storm, Sunny, and Sky every since Storm had his PU surgery a few years ago.

03-28-2007, 11:46 AM
Hi Jen, How is Sterling today?

03-28-2007, 07:05 PM
Y.Lee and the Pet Angels are all visiting Sterling and lending thier Friend moral support and love.
And All The Found Cats are adding thier prayers that Sterling will be all right.

03-28-2007, 07:19 PM
Sterling is doing fine. he was SUPER pesty last night while I was trying to sleep :rolleyes: does that mean he is feeling better?? :p

We won't really know until the next urine test.

Thanks for asking. :) :)

03-29-2007, 06:49 AM
I'm sure Pesty means Happy :D :rolleyes:

03-29-2007, 03:23 PM

I'm glad you thought to check out that towel!

No offense meant, but have you finished each prescription of Clavamox when given? [Lots of people stop giving antibiotics as soon as their pets seem better, but the bacteria are still lurkin' ...] [Not that you are one of these]

He may not be drinking enough water or may not be using the k-box often enough ... is someone else interfering with his k-box priveleges?

Blessings & best of luck. Hope Sterling is soon feeling better.

04-05-2007, 07:35 PM
Sterling was retested today for blood in his urine. Results came back terrific. Thank you Baytril.

04-05-2007, 08:18 PM
Thank goodness!!