View Full Version : Hotel Doorhangers Alert of Pet's Presence in Room

finn's mom
03-20-2007, 01:24 PM
I think this is something everyone who has a pet should be aware of. The sport of dock jumping and the world of dogs recently lost a good friend. Nutmeg, a chocolate labrador retriever, was over 14 years old and was a tremendous athlete and a wonderful companion to her owners. The family was at an event in Pennsylvania and their two dogs were in their hotel room while they went out for dinner. Someone called in a bomb threat to the hotel and the police (or firemen, or whoever) opened up the hotel doors. Nutmeg escaped and was killed on the highway. Dock Dogs has come up with a door hanger to alert anyone and everyone that there is a pet inside.


Just scroll down til you see the story entitled "Nutmeg Tribute Door Hanger Tag."

I thought this was something I should post.

03-20-2007, 01:52 PM
Oh how sad. That's one reason I NEVER leave the dogs unattended in a hotel room.

finn's mom
03-20-2007, 01:54 PM
Oh how sad. That's one reason I NEVER leave the dogs unattended in a hotel room.

Yeah, from what I've read, they would have typically crated them in their vehicles while they ate out, but their other dog, Daisy, was recovering from an injury. I'd probably crate Finn in the hotel room if I had to leave him there for any length of time. I think I may have actually met Nutmeg and her dad at one of the competitions I have gone to. He looks really familiar, but it could be that I've seen photos of him. The whole thing was so sad when i heard about it. :(

03-20-2007, 01:55 PM
I'm so sorry for their loss. :(

Technically dogs are not supposed to be left unattended in hotel rooms, but just about everyone does it.

Sign or not, in the case of a bomb threat, I can see where they would open the door anyway.... though, why were the police opening doors? Wouldn't they just set off the fire alarm to get people out? Or go door to door and knock and if there was no answer, move on?

Sad situation all around.

finn's mom
03-20-2007, 02:15 PM
Sign or not, in the case of a bomb threat, I can see where they would open the door anyway.... though, why were the police opening doors? Wouldn't they just set off the fire alarm to get people out? Or go door to door and knock and if there was no answer, move on?

Sad situation all around.

I'm not sure the protocol with bomb threats. I'm also not sure why they had to open their particular door or all the doors...at least the doorhanger would alert them and maybe they would open the door a bit more carefully.

03-20-2007, 02:44 PM
That's so sad to hear. Poor Nutmeg. :(

Cinder & Smoke
03-20-2007, 03:35 PM
... though, why were the police opening doors?
Wouldn't they just set off the fire alarm to get people out?
Or go door to door and knock and if there was no answer, move on?

Couple reasons:

1) To be sure the occupant isn't disabled and unable to call out or flee ...
2) The "empty room" MAY be the one with the bomb! :eek:

In fire and bomb situations, someone needs to visually check ALL rooms or
areas where a person could be either trapped or hiding, or a "device" could be hidden.

/s/ Phred

03-20-2007, 03:41 PM
Poor Nutmeg.

My first reacation was that I'm not sure I would use that tag because I would think some sick freak would see it and try to take my Fenway.

But then I got to thinking....I was trying to think if I've ever left Fenway in a hotel room before and you know, I have. It was two summers ago & we went out to dinner and rather than leave him in the car, we left him in the room. So now I'm thinking I would use it.

Also, I've left him in a cabin while we went out to dinner & moose "hunting".

RIP Nutmeg.

03-20-2007, 10:25 PM
Poor Nutmeg, that's such a tragedy. The door hanger seems like a good idea. At least they would be aware & not just let the dogs out accidentally. maybe the police let them out, thinking that the owners must already be out there waiting for them?

03-21-2007, 07:41 AM
RIP Nutmeg.....