View Full Version : Oh, Goofy!!!

07-03-2002, 08:51 AM
You are making me weak in the knees!!:) Look at that precious little face of yours! You are SO adorable! I simply can't resist tiny, pink little pet paws!:) And that cute little nose, those sweet, sleepy eyes! Ahhhh!! And in true Ferret fashion, you exhibit the most wonderful traits of your species: Incredibly loving, playful, joyful and gentle! How your family must cherish having you in their lives, little one. I hope your very special day of honor is spent lazily napping away the hours in your hammock, indulging on treats and getting all the extra love and attention you deserve! Congratulations to you darling little Goofy! Today, you're the Pet of the Day!!!

07-03-2002, 09:56 AM
Well you are right I have fallen in love with Goofy at first sight.
I love that photo of him, he is adorable. I would love to see all the goofy things that he does, from what your family says Goofy you are one fantastic companion and lots of fun to be around.
Congratulations dear, sweet, handsome Goofy, Our Very Best Pet of the Day. I'm sure you will get some very special treats on your very special day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-03-2002, 11:37 AM
Well I'm certainly goofy over you!!! I'd love to give you a kiss on that sweet pink nose. Congratulations on being our sweet Pet of the Day today.:D

07-03-2002, 02:13 PM
goofy u are the cutiest ferret I Have ever seen!;)

07-03-2002, 04:26 PM
LOL!!!! Goofy, you are darling!!! What a great friend and pet you are for your humans. I hope you have a perfectly wonderful day, with all the good things you enjoy. Congratulations on being our Pet of the Day!!! :D