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03-12-2007, 10:16 AM
Anyone know anyone who is employed by the FAA? My husband and I are doing some digging in preparation for his reenlistment (or not) next year and would LOVE if we could get a contact who is inside the FAA. He is a controller :)

03-12-2007, 10:20 AM
:) Yes I am in Aviation & work pretty close with FAA.. Been in this for 18 yrs.. Let me know if I can help..

03-12-2007, 10:23 AM
and you live in Texas :) How fabulous :)
The whole process is alien to us. We're both military brats so even thinking of going a different direction is scary! Would you mind if I PM'ed you? :)

03-12-2007, 10:42 AM
When we talked to Mr. Benefiel last month he said to have Paul contact him. Maybe he knows where to start? I think Mom has his number if you're interested in following up.

03-12-2007, 10:42 AM
:) Don't mind at all.. I think we both live within the Metro Plex{correct}?? Let me know what field of FAA you are looking into.. I work with the DAS Engineer Manager && thru FAA on STC & ect.. with Aircrafts..

03-12-2007, 10:46 AM
My hubby is an air traffic controller in the military right now :)
Devon, what does Mr Benefiel do?? I haven't spoken with that family in years!

03-12-2007, 11:26 AM
He was recruiting for the air force, so I'm assuming that this is how he knows what options Paul would have once he's out. He said some figure that Paul could be making, and it was a lot :D He's working at Dayton Christian getting money for them now.

03-12-2007, 11:59 AM
He was recruiting for the air force, so I'm assuming that this is how he knows what options Paul would have once he's out. He said some figure that Paul could be making, and it was a lot :D He's working at Dayton Christian getting money for them now.

hmm do you have an emial addy or something that you could PM and email me? I didn't even think of talking to a recruiter about getting OUT of the military :D :D

Yeah if Paul worked at a major center he could make a nice tidy sum of money :cool: