View Full Version : Question about an indelicate subject

03-11-2007, 10:17 PM
Please excuse the subject of this but I need some answers. Decker is now six months old and was neutered at around 9 weeks of age. Tonight we witnessed him mounting and for lack of a better term, humping Moxie. Is this normal? It's been four months since his neuter and he was so young that I can't believe he would have any testosterone lingering.

We've had this problem with Ripley over the years and the objects of his affections were an old Oscar the Grouch hand puppet and a blanket. We felt this may have been due to the vet leaving something during his neuter. Is that possible and if so could it be the case with Decker?

Rocky is my only other male and he has never done this as far as I know.

03-11-2007, 10:19 PM
Allen will occasionally do the same to Pouncer. Pouncer typically looks confused for a moment or two and screams murder a minute later.

03-11-2007, 10:25 PM
Is there any kind of direct relation to neutered male cats who still do this and spraying or marking their territory, if that makes sense? That is our big concern because we have spraying issues with Ripley and he is our only other male cat who has done this before. I hope that makes enough sense someone can understand what I'm asking.

Scooter's Mom
03-11-2007, 10:29 PM
My scooter bug has been neutered since he was a baby. However, the only time he was around a female kitty he went nuts! Mom called me at work one day wanting reassurance that he WAS fixed so that we didn't end up with kittens. Luckily, no kittens.

He was about 2 years old at that time... and he got fixed right about 6 months old. Gosh, he's almost 12 now. Time sure flies.

Edwina's Secretary
03-11-2007, 11:02 PM
Instinct runs deep.....

Eddie has a blanket with which he is in love. (Please keep it quiet as he gets very embarrassed about it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ) The vet says it is because he left his momma too soon....

03-11-2007, 11:48 PM
Remus will sometimes get the "urge" and go after Spook and he was nutered at six months (he's over 3 now). No spraying or teritory marking though, thankfully.

03-12-2007, 06:21 AM
Jack is neutered and I have to admit he has a bit of a rolled up sock fetish. During last summer he kept getting by bed socks and bringing them downstairs and having his way with them, which was very embarrassing!
I think he's tried it on sunny a few times but she just batters him anyway and he never has a chance, I would also stop him if I saw him reallistically trying to have his way with her, as I couldn't bare that thought!

03-12-2007, 09:05 AM
When I lived alone with Kiki and BooBoo for many years...Kiki always tried to hump booboo but booboo would ignore him and go to sleep.lol
He did this for almost his whole life.17 years.only once in a while.more when he was younger.
My vet said it was because of him just being a nervous cat.kind of like monkeys..they do it all the time because they are nervous animals.that's what my vet said.i laughed at him when he said it (referring to monkeys)but he was serious.
it may be because of behavioral or just needs more time after his neutering.

03-12-2007, 09:21 AM
There's nothing to worry about. I knmow it looks funny. When doogie was with me, he used to get dry humped by LilEli. I thought maybe he was gay or something. :p

03-12-2007, 09:43 AM
Like everone said there is nothing to worry about.
When Zippy brother Tiger was still alive he did that off and on too when he was neutered.

03-12-2007, 01:01 PM
My understanding is the mounting is more of a dominance issue than a hormonal one. Bear and Pooky occasionally do this to each other (they are brothers), although Jack sometimes does this to soft furry blankets. I once had a Manx cat that did that to his fuzzball toy.

03-12-2007, 02:58 PM
My Boo Bear is 15 and I had him neutered as a kitten. He still gets on Pidge's back and bites her neck. He used to do it to his sis (RB) Peeka, too, and she'd growl as if to say "Get him off me!" I wouldn't worry about it. They're just being male.

03-12-2007, 03:38 PM
Okay, so no worries that the vet "missed something" and that we need to be concerned that Decker might start spraying and marking in the house because of it. I'll tell Richard this to ease his mind. Sounds like it's just boys being boys. :D

Thanks everyone!

03-12-2007, 04:09 PM
Both Willy & Nugget were neutered when they were months old and ummm, lets just say that they enjoy each other's company a little too much at times.
The only problem with that is, they both get matted on top of their backs.

03-12-2007, 04:30 PM
Miquelito will do this if an unaltered male Cat gets too close to the porch and he grabs Pouncierge by the back of the neck.
Mr Scrappy did this to Pouncer once in a while and took a beating!!!
Micheal tried that with The Princess once and only once.
Did the fur ever fly then!!!!!


Our Cat Angels living it up in HAWAII!!!!

04-19-2007, 11:17 PM
There once was a cat named Decker,
Who's thoughts were on his p-cker-
He mounted up on Moxie,
Who he thought of as foxy
But he's only managed to wreck her...


04-19-2007, 11:23 PM
My understanding is the mounting is more of a dominance issue than a hormonal one.

That's what I always thought too. Neither of my boys try it but I wouldn't be suprised if I ever saw Churchy try, he's still trying to find his spot on the totem pole. He's realized that Toby's "Major Gato", now he's just got to figure where Dixie's at.

04-20-2007, 06:42 AM
There once was a cat named Decker,
Who's thoughts were on his p-cker-
He mounted up on Moxie,
Who he thought of as foxy
But he's only managed to wreck her...


Welcome back Richard :D

Oh yes...he went there :eek:

Too darn funny, especially this early in the morning!

smokey the elder
04-20-2007, 07:31 AM
I had a foster named Raven who had a botched spay, and went into heat. Tictac and Pink Nose, both altered for many years, tried VERY hard to get her "with kitten"! :p :D We even have pics! :eek: Talk about purrno...

04-20-2007, 07:43 AM
Talk about purrno...

I'd rather see it... :eek: :rolleyes:

Thanks DJ!

04-21-2007, 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Catlady711
My understanding is the mounting is more of a dominance issue than a hormonal one.

I'm hoping that this is the case with Sky. Because he's been trying to mount Ziggy. I've seen him do this several times lately and he even bites her on the neck like male cats do when they're trying to mate with females.:eek: I break it up and Ziggy just lies there and doesn't know what to do. All of my cats are spayed and neutered so I'd better not end up with any pregnant cats.

04-21-2007, 06:54 AM
Yep, it's a dominance thing more often than not. Coco Puff mounts and bites the neck of both male and female here. He's been neutered, of course. Boo Bear does it to Pidge but she's his squeeze, so I think it might be different there. He's been neutered, too, of course. But it's a male thing, whether sexual or dominance.

04-21-2007, 08:40 AM
Yep, it's a dominance thing more often than not..

That explains a lot of the behavior of the idiot that was my boss at my last job. :eek: :confused:

04-21-2007, 09:22 AM
Ruh roh!

Don Juan's mom
04-22-2007, 02:27 AM
Don Juan, who was neutered at 1.5 years (after which the Humane Society let me take him home), still sometimes mounts Zerlina. Zerlina responds with a half-snarl half-meow which I think translates as "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU???? I'VE BEEN SPAYED!!!



04-22-2007, 11:20 AM
None of my boys have ever mounted any of the girls, but Jorgie had this "thing" for Tazzer when he was with me. I'd find them on my bed or on the carpet, and normally Taz was on his back, belly up, and Jorgie was "making biscuits" on his belly and sucking on his fur. It was BIZARRE! I still think Jorgie is gay, as he always tries to make friends with any new male in the house, lol.