View Full Version : Merrick Food - What Does This Mean?

03-07-2007, 11:29 AM
This letter was posted on Dogster. It's a letter from the owner of Merrick Pet Food. But I can't decipher it. Can anybody understand what it means? Should I be concerned about feeding Fenway Merrick?


03-07-2007, 04:24 PM
OK, I just did a google search to figure out what this alphabet soup meant.

SRM's are Specified Risk Material of carcasses. I found this report from Canada which banned SRM's from dog food after a case of Mad Cow Disease. I didn't read all of it, or all of the thousands of "hits" I got in google. But this may help.


The proposal is to ban SRM's from "all animal food including pet food." I guess that means SRM's currently go into farm animal foods too.

Should you use Merrick? Beats me! Can you even find another dog food which voluntarily does not use SRM's? I'm not sure how you would go about that, as I don't know if the labels SAY "SRM's used."

Hope this gives you some help.

03-07-2007, 05:43 PM
I wish Fenway could talk and tell me what he wants to eat. But he'd probably say "Taco Bell & McDonalds". :D

Thank you for the info.

03-07-2007, 05:50 PM
Here is something quoted from a friend of mine that I always trust when it comes to dog nutrition. :0

I came across this when I was researching Garth Merrick and his businesses, and the whole thing is one of the reasons why I recommend that people stay far, far away from not only Merrick and "Beef n More" pet foods, but also all their various chew items such as cow hooves, pig ears and so on.

Having lived in Europe during the whole BSE ("mad cow") disaster, I can't believe how dismissive those people with a vested interest in this sick industry can be about the risks. Every single item that was/is even the least bit suspicious is incinerated in Europe. Here it's good enough to be produced into animal feed.

03-07-2007, 05:59 PM
Now I'm really confused. Dogster has a whole thing on Merrick. People are slamming them and some people are supporting them. I don't know what to do. I get Whole Dog Journal & the past 2 issues was on dog food and they recommend Merrick.

Fenway just ate some Brauts & Tots from Merrick. Wolfed it down.

He can be a real "poop" when it comes to food.

I may have to research this a bit more.

03-07-2007, 08:12 PM
I wish Fenway could talk and tell me what he wants to eat. But he'd probably say "Taco Bell & McDonalds". :D

Thank you for the info.

And don't forget, extra ketchup for those fries!

I know, mine are the same way.

03-07-2007, 10:00 PM
I always thought Merick was good.:confused: I used to feed it to my cats but changed then to Natural Balance.