View Full Version : Fister's Journey - from rags to riches

07-01-2002, 10:54 AM
I suppose cats never really become “tame” like dogs for example, they simply regard themselves as our “partners”.
If you visit us in our flat, you would probably regard Fister as a tame, but shy cat. But we didn’t entice him up to our flat until he was about a year old, and before that, he had been 100% wild. He was brought up in a world of thundering dustbins, large aggressive dogs and even people who didn’t like cats! His mum Mrs. Spot obviously detested humans, and she probably had some talks with Fister about keeping well away from them.


All this doesn’t often show much nowadays, but when he first arrived on our scene, he was really interesting to watch. A study in behaviour patterns as it were. Here are some of the new objects that Fister had to come to terms with in his 5 star luxury home.

The carpet!
What exquisite luxury was this? Having lived all his life on concrete and dirt, this was just amazing! He rolled around on it, gave it a good scratching, rolled around on it again, scratched again and then just rolled around on his back with a big grin on his face. This was a standard habit for months before he began to accept it as normal.

The ceiling!
Where on earth had the sky gone, why didn’t it rain anymore? One of his favourite occupations for a long time was to lay somewhere comfortable and just gaze at the ceiling. Many pleasant hours could be spent this way. Every corner was scrutinised again and again, the lamp a special object of attention.

The clock!
What was this spidery thing moving round and round on the wall? When he finally pulled up the courage to sit on the table in my office, he would sit as if mesmerised, just staring at the second hand.

What on earth were these things? Were they dangerous? Definately unpredictable! He once relaxed enough to lean against a door, and it moved! He was out of the room and under the bed in a flash. Now he’s got used to them, and will hook them open to get through. But funnily enough he’s never realised that you can also push them, and this resulted in him squashing himself in the door once and severely frightening himself.

The television!
This is no longer of interest, but at first it was a constant source of wonder. His favourites were the scrolling credits, football (soccer) and Formula 1 racing cars. We once showed him a video of himself eating shrimps. He was completely captivated by this, and ended up going over to the screen and scratching after the shrimps!

Nowadays he appears superficially to be quite tame. He is loving and caring, lies all over us in bed at night, and has learnt to talk with us. He has a whole range of different sounds, not a lot of miaowing but purring-like grunts and squeaks. He complains when his cat litter is messy, (very rare) or when he hasn’t received the food that he feels he deserves, but he will also say thank you and respond with a loving headbump or two! He knows now who is in charge, and is very proud of his two tame humans.


But he is a creature of instinct and routine, and as soon as something is not as it usually is, he will revert to type. The tiniest thing can put him in a state of extreme caution. Just a pair of shoes standing in the wrong place can put him right off his stride and will have to be carefully checked out before he relaxes.
When he comes up onto the bed in the evenings, he has a standard routine. He will sit and look at the bed for a moment, then very cautiously stand on the edge with his front legs and survey the territory, raising his head and sniffing the air. He looks like a cheetah on a termite mound checking out the savannah. Only then he will hop up, but if a remote control or a book or something else unexpected appears he will go on full alert again until he is quite sure that it isn’t dangerous. He’s only been on the bed a few thousand times but you never know! Last Christmas we came home unusually late at night, and in frustration over this break in routine Fister had opened every door and cupboard in the whole flat.

So the old saying is probably true (or to paraphrase it) - You can take a cat out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the cat!


Former User
07-01-2002, 11:16 AM
WOW!!! What a story! Fister sure is a lucky boy now, isn't he? And those thngs he dircovered, so every day life stuff for us, but for a cat, everything's new experience. I loved the way he was getting used to the carpet :D
And clock...yeah, that can be so intresting when you really start staring at it (Casper does this too), hasn't he ever wanted to smack the clock down?

I'm glad he is in with you guys now, so that he doesn't have to get wet anymore, nor be afraid of the dogs, nor sleep on the concrete, nor try to find his food from the bins.

Randi and John, thanx for providing him this 5 star home!

PS. Great writing John!!!

Edwina's Secretary
07-01-2002, 11:24 AM
What a rich boy Fister is now...the carpet, and ceiling, and television -- those are nice -- but what really makes Fister a rich boy today is the love and affection he gets, the safety, security, and contentment he feels.

Congratulations Fister and welcome to the lap of luxury!

07-01-2002, 11:26 AM
Oh, My!!! Such a laugh you gave me. The 'Cheeta on the termite mound' just did me in. I can't stop chuckling. I bet Fister is very grateful he doesn't get rained on anymore too! What a story! Thanks so much for sharing Fister's experiences. Sure makes me think how lucky I've been always living indoors and all.:D

07-01-2002, 11:46 AM
What a great great story!! Fister sure does seem to enjoy the lap of luxury, eh? LOL What a neat thing it must have been to watch him 'transform' into a contented housecat!! All those new things to inspect and discover! I know it was a rewarding experience to watch my poor little bedraggled Marius turn into a plump and pampered housecat from a mangy streetcat when I first found him! I'm sure they really love us for that:)
I'm so glad Fister has it so great now, and of course, it's the love of his 'parents' that makes it wonderful!;)


07-01-2002, 01:27 PM
I loved your story!! What a wonderful depiction of his life...to date of course! Fister is such a fun, sweet kitty! Thanks for sharing his home with us! :)

07-01-2002, 02:18 PM
Way to go Fister! I'm so happy you ended up coming indoors!

Great pics! GREAT story!!!

07-01-2002, 02:47 PM
Awwwww Fister, you are too sweet! I love hearing your stories and seeing your pics! (Aren't you the kitty who was NOT going to be 'allowed' on the bed?!) :p :D

Great pics, wonderfully told story! :)
Randi and John, you have a very special cat :cool:

07-03-2002, 04:27 AM
What a great story, AGAIN!!! ;) :D I love Fister's doings, and the way you put them into is really, well, ironically, I can't fine the words for it!!! :) :)

I'm glad Fister can now enjoy all the goodies he deserves! Clever boy! What a conqueror! But he won't stop now, you know! Do you realise he's beginning to take over the whole world through the Internet? He makes you post this great, enchanting stories to spread his control over us, poor humans, all over the world!!! :D :D

Thank you, Randi and John, for giving Fister such a good home!!!


07-03-2002, 08:45 AM
What a beautiful story, John.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
I think, you should consider writing books about cats, for kids especially, and publish them. There are so many books about dogs, not too many about cats. I think, the way you put it in words could help little girls and boys understand and love more kitties, so more of those stray kitties could find humans to take them home, like you did with Fister.
Good luck to Fister with all of those unexpected things he gets scared of.;)

07-03-2002, 09:47 AM
Here’s John again ....

Thank you all for your kind words, it’s most satisfying to share some of our wonderful experiences with like-minded people.
Yes, Yorkster, he IS the cat who was not going to be allowed on our bed, but I always regarded Randi’s idea of keeping him off as a bit naive. I’ve lived with cats ever since I was a baby, so my deep respect for them goes back a long long way. And yes, Wolflady, it was very “neat” to watch him transform, but I would have to mention that it took the most incredible patience and perseverance over a period of 5 years to get him to the state he’s in today. But worth every second of it!
Sirocco’s comment on his plans to conquer the world were certainly thought provoking, he’s certainly made an elegant job of conquering us at least. The rest of the world can’t be such a big problem for him. Just time, patience and a large dose of cat cunning should do the trick!

07-03-2002, 01:14 PM
What an incredible story..you certainly have a gift.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Fister is one lucky kitty.

07-03-2002, 11:42 PM
What a great story. Fister sure is glad to have parents like you Randi and John. Thanks for sharing the story and the pics. http://www.smilies.nl/groot/cat.gif

07-04-2002, 06:32 PM
Fister is such a stunning tabby! I smiled when I read the part about little changes disrupting Fister's life. Ritz is also very much a kitty of habit - for my birthday, we bought a whole pile of gardening stuff and put pots, flowers and a rope hammock on our backyard deck. I also bought a watering can. Ritz was just beside herself with all the goings on, pacing back and forth to the window while we were working outside.

Even when we bring groceries in....she goes into "inspector Ritzy" mode. I locked myself out of the house one morning, and sat on the back deck waiting for someone to come and unlock me...Ritz sat there the entire time pawing at the door pacing back and forth and meowing - just didn't understand why I was out there so long.

I loved your story - Ritz has never been outside (other than when she was a wee kitten for a bit) so I can imagine there had to be an adjustment period for Fister.

07-05-2002, 10:54 PM
I missed this earlier, but I'm so glad I had the chance to read it tonight. What a story!! I've always loved Fister because he reminds me so much of my childhood cat, Tigger, who lived to be 18 years old, long past the time when my sister and I, who begged to have him, were out of the house, finished with college and married. He is a remarkable boy, Randi and John, and he is a LUCKY boy to have found such good and patient folk to set up housekeeping with. :)

07-08-2002, 12:52 PM
Aw, Fister is precious, like a king on his thrown or in his case a large white pillow. What a sweet little face.

Edwina's Secretary
07-08-2002, 01:16 PM
I keep coming back to the wonderful picture of Fister in bed. I think it should be a "caption contest"....


Now that's what they call bed hair!

Oh man...what a party what a night! Where am I anyway??

Any others?

07-10-2002, 12:28 AM
How about:
"My little plan worked- the humans fell for it! Pretend to be homeless and hungry so I could get to lay on this big, soft bed!"