View Full Version : Help, please.. x_x

03-04-2007, 03:13 PM
Yeah, this is probably the wrong place to post this, but it would get more response here, so...

Okay, I swear, I truly have the most pickiest dog on the face of this planet. We've tried almost everything. (I'm talking about Lily!). She won't eat dry food, so it's all in pouches or canned..

We've tried raw, nutro, almost every single food that a natural pet supply sells, and she kind of eats Pedigree, but she's obviously getting tired of it. She eats people food fine though.. :rolleyes:.


03-04-2007, 03:35 PM
I think it is more down to picky syndrome than simply not liking it.

Dogs don't have as many taste buds as humans so they don't taste as well as we do. Plus, being natural scavengers, it isn't really in their nature to be picky and pokey. In the wild, they'd grab whatever they came across...not bothering about taste unless it was something particularly vile...

However, if dogs realise they have a push over owner who tries plying them with something tastier whenever they turn their noses up, they'll surely do it all the more to the point where you can hardly get them to eat anything at all. Trying different stuff all the time and giving them people food to try and get something down them just tends to make them even faddier and then you end up in a trap. If they carry on just being fed stuff they are willing to eat, they are likely to not be getting the balanced diet they require.

Still, even though it sounds cruel, no dog in it's right mind will starve itself to death. Choose a good food brand and stick to it. If the dog won't eat it, it's not because she doesn't like it, it's because she'd rather you feed her something else thats a bit tastier. Rather like kids turning their nose up at their proper meal because they want the dessert instead.
Insist that the only food she is going to get is the dog food you have chosen for her and feed her nothing else...at all.....
If she turns her nose up, leave the dish there for 5 minutes then take it up....make her wait until her next meal time and repeat. There will come a point where she is too hungry to refuse the food and she'll start eating. If you take it up after 5 minutes, even if she starts eating after 4 and a half, this will teach her that if she doesn't eat it straight away, it will get taken away. It can take a little while but, as I said, no dog in it's right mind will starve itself to death just out of faddiness. Thats what worries most owners into giving in.

Changing foods all the time doesn't really do dogs any favours either. It is stressful for the digestive system having to get used to new food all the time.

03-04-2007, 03:42 PM
Don't give into her pickiness. A truely healthy dog will not starve him/herself. Pick a brand of food you are happy with and offer it to her for her meal. If she doesn't accept, offer it to her next meal, etc.

She knows she can get away with not accepting kibble.

03-04-2007, 03:42 PM
Do not feed her any people food at all. If you stop that most likely she'll start eating the dog food again. I know a couple of people who's dogs were just like that. They stopped all people food and they started eating again. It may take a while for her to get used to that, so be prepared for a fast, probably will last at the most 2 days and she'll be ready to eat the dog food.

03-04-2007, 06:24 PM
Nice to 'see' you again, Bri!
You should really stop feeding her people food. That's a huge cause for dogs to become picky with the food they eat. A healthy dog will not starve herself, so I recommend you put the food out that you want her to eat, and don't feed her anything else. She'll start eating again and get over her pickiness. Molli used to be that way at one time.

Lori Jordan
03-04-2007, 06:26 PM
Don't give into her pickiness. A truely healthy dog will not starve him/herself. Pick a brand of food you are happy with and offer it to her for her meal. If she doesn't accept, offer it to her next meal, etc.

She knows she can get away with not accepting kibble.
This is so true,Let them put there nose up too it,they will edventually eat when they are hungry.

03-04-2007, 07:12 PM
Have to agree with what everyone is saying. Just stop the people food, pick the dog food you want to use. Put it down, say 10 minutes. Then pick it up. Meal time's over! Next time, put the dog food down again.

It is a question of who is training whom, and you KNOW who is winning right now! :eek:

03-16-2007, 03:47 PM
Well.. I wasn't really the one who started feeding her people food.. *cough*mother*cough*, because she was afraid she wouldn't eat.. soooo...

Anita Cholaine
03-16-2007, 04:43 PM
Well.. I wasn't really the one who started feeding her people food.. *cough*mother*cough*, because she was afraid she wouldn't eat.. soooo...

I had the same problem with my mum :rolleyes:

There was a time she gave Anita so much people food, that she stopped eating kibble. Well, we had to make my mum stop doing that, and we offered her nothing but kibble. She didn't eat for a day or two, and then she was so hungry that she had to.

I have always been told that it isn't good for the dog to change the brand of food very often. I would choose the one you like best and stick to it. Lily will start eating it eventually.

03-16-2007, 06:37 PM
Ha. I know it's my own fault she's so picky, but I don't think my mom's going to believe me. She thinks I just want to waste money/it's a waste of money to buy Lily high-quality food. I seriously need a job. >_>

03-16-2007, 06:48 PM
Did you ask your mom to stop feeding her it? Is she eating her kibble?