View Full Version : Behavorial problems with my boys.

03-03-2007, 09:45 PM
I really wasn't going to post anything about this, but it is getting to a point where I just don't know what to do anymore and it is really starting to get me down. There are days that I just want to cry.

I really don't understand these guys lately. Maybe it's cabin fever. I just don't know. My quiet, lovey eyed Chipper has become a hissy boy, with Poppy, Willy & Nugget. Whenever they just approach him to play or just to smell him, he takes a hissy fit. Just this morning he was confronting Nugget who just walked by him a little too close. Then my not so much of a peacekeeper now, turned around to confront Chipper. There was the walking around each other with ears back, hunched backs, some growling, on Chippers part, and in that defense mode. Then Nuggy got in his face and Chipper hissed and swatted at him and then Nuggy went into attack mode. Chipper took off with Nuggy right behind him and then me right behind them. Chipper had an escape root though. He ducked into the hooded top from a litter box that I have on the floor. Poppy has also become somewhat hissy and goes into attack mode with some of the boys. Nuggy has been going around crying since PeaPod left and has started to poo on the floor in front of the litter boxes. Remember that's why he came to me in the first place. He hadn't done anything like that for 6 months. I thought at first it was because I had changed the litter, so I went back to the same old litter, but he still did it. Not on a daily basis mind you, but about every 2-3 days. Why he is doing this, I haven't a clue. I know he doesn't like the hooded boxes, I have two of them, so I took one of the hoods off and kept just one on. But he still does it. The longest he has gone without doing it was for about 2 weeks. I have a hunch though why he started back. We had a floating floor put down in the kitchen about 3 weekends ago and I put their food and water in my room for the time being. I also went from 4 litter boxes down to 3, as I took the box out of my room to make room to put some of the stuff from the kitchen. Also, I put a small board across the doorway to the kitchen to keep Buddy out because he slips on the floor and I'm afraid that he might put his back out with it being in a weakened state with his arthritis. The cats are able to jump it with no problem. Last weekend I started putting everything back into the kitchen, including their food and water. Put the litter box back into my room and took the board away. I thought this would put things back to normal. NOPE!!!! Just this morning I caught him pooing on the floor and before he could finish, I told him "NO", picked him up and put him in the litter box where he finished going. I think that Nuggy just does not like change. Mooky and Sades still ignore each other like the plague. Mooky though will now and then all of a sudden just bite whoever is close to him. What goes on during the day when I am not here, God knows.
Anyhoo, that's whats' been going on with my boys. As frustrating as it is too me, I still love the little buggers, even though I threaten to get rid of them if
they don't start behaving. ;)

I'm sorry this is long, but I just needed to vent to the people who understand how I feel and what I am going through.
Some of my friends tell me to just get rid of them and then I will have no problems. :mad:

03-03-2007, 10:16 PM
No idea what to suggest since that same exact scenario plays out in my house several times a day (though here the part of a hissy brown tabby is played by Pouncer. occasionally, his understudy Abby steps in for a show or two)

Its frustrating, I know. I wish I could figure it out because everyone used to get along so well.

03-03-2007, 10:57 PM
Well, Chipper is upset because Poppy, Nouget and Willie came after him. So ... to solve that problem, he can just come live with his auntie Kim! ;)

Seriously, I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all of this. :confused:

03-03-2007, 11:24 PM
LOL!!!!! Thanks for the laugh Kim/KLC, I really needed that. By all means come and get him and anyone else willing to take one of the boys, come on down. ;)

JUST JOKING!!!! You all know that anyways.

That's what kills me, is that when Nugget was first here, everything was GREAT!!! Now, I just want to strangle the lot of them. Don't worry people, these are just words used in frustration. If I had enough rooms, I would separate them all. I don't know if having SweetPea and then PeaPod here upset the applecart or not, but gee whiz, come on, they've been gone for just over 2 months now. Get back on board will ya guys before you drive your meowmie completely bonkers.

03-04-2007, 12:21 AM
Maybe a reading from Nancy? Gosh...maybe Sweetpea and PeaPod really added a lot to the group...

I remember you used to get teased about keeping Sweetpea so there would be a lady around to settle the boys. Hmmm...I wonder if there is anything to that?

Sometimes, it takes a lot of love. Sometimes - the water bottle and OK NOW STOP THAT! ENOUGH.

I'll send prayers...

03-04-2007, 07:06 AM
What a lousy situation. I am so sorry there is trouble in "paradise".

This is what I would do (and it is only my opinion).

Take Chipper to the vet. It just sounds like something is bothering him and the other cats are picking up on it.

Place Nugget back into a room (like when he first came) and try to "retrain" him to use the litter box. And then maybe try adding another litter box somewhere, maybe one that is a little larger.

You may also like to try a feliway plug-in or two.

Good luck figuring this out. :(


03-04-2007, 02:53 PM
Some of my friends tell me to just get rid of them and then I will have no problems. :mad:
Oh, sure!.. or just throw yourself off a bridge and then you'll have no problems, too!

Poppy says she'll take Poppy off your hands, so just send him on down here.

For the rest of them, looks like some good suggestions from Jen there. Best wishes, Lorraine and kitties! We're all saying our prayers and chanting our incantations to send you some good energies.

Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Priscilla, and Elmer

03-04-2007, 05:29 PM
Lorraine, I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with your boys.:( I think that Jen's suggestion is a good one and I'd try that first.

Even though all of my cats get along very well, Storm can still be quite stormy towards both Sunny and Sky. Lately he's been chasing poor Sky around for no reason.:( I just think that he's getting grumpier in his old age and won't tolerate as much as he used to. He loves the girls though so maybe you need another girl in the house.;) Good luck.:)

03-06-2007, 09:03 PM
Thank you everyone for your comments and advice.

Catty1; Water bottle/Done that.....YELLING/Done that....

Jen; An appointment with the vet for Chipper AND Nugget, this Thursday and will pick up some Feliway at the same time.

Phesina; LOL!!!! I'm sure Poppy girl would LOVE to take her Poppy off my hands.

03-06-2007, 09:12 PM
It sounds like you have had a lot of changes in a short time and cats don't like a lot of change.
You've moved their food and water, changed their litterboxes and the kitchen floor and sent Nuggets two best friends to a new home.
They may just need a lot of extra attention and reassurance that things will be back to normal now.
I know Samantha gets upset with change and it takes a while for her to get over it, hopefully with time and extra loving your kitties will soon be back to normal and we can have happy cuddling cat photos from you again. :)

03-06-2007, 09:26 PM
The more I think of it Vermontcat, the more I have to agree with you. It was just too much change at once and Nuggy is such a sensitive guy, that he is taking it the hardest. This week, I have been giving them all more one on one attention and Nuggy gets a little extra because he really did miss his little PeaPod. That's why I haven't been on the computer much lately. Right now they are all sleeping. :)

03-07-2007, 12:50 AM
Lorraine, have you been getting many sunny days lately?

This may sound crazy but I've noticed this about Storm recently. When it's been dreary and rainy for several weeks, he tends to get moodier and more grumpy and he'll lash out at his brothers much more. When he finally gets to see the sun again his mood is much better and he seems much happier. I know that sun deprivation affects people too and can cause depression but I never thought that it could also affect animals in a similar way.

03-11-2007, 06:46 AM
I used Aspen mixed with spring water (just a drop) a couple times a day for a week(Edward Bach Remedy)to help on that situation.It relaxes their muscles.
Or get feliway plug-ins.
Or calms from revivalanimal.com it works like feliway.
My Tucker and Jasmine were rivals bigtime until recenty.
Now....I accually saw them huddled together under the bed when the guy came yesterday to fix the furnace.And they were calm next to each other.Me and Mike just looked at each other with our mouths open in shock.But I did notice no more tifs the past few days.Everything is so quiet...it's almost scary ;)
I ended up buying the whole collection a while back and the book on how to administer them.
The book is called:
Bach Remedies for Animals by Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis
This paricular book is accually the easyiest reading for learning on how to administer them.
The behaviorist for animals I went to told me about this book.
good luck :)