View Full Version : Iris cyst.

03-02-2007, 07:19 PM
Our Jess has three iris cysts. The vet says they are harmless but he also commented that they are quite rare and not something they see everyday.
They just look like flat black discs on the eye and usually form at the 6 oclock position. If a light is shone into the eye, they are actually transparent.

Here is a photo of one of Jess's. There are two in the other eye overlapping each other. They formed sometime between July and October last year and don't seem to affect her in anyway.

Oh, btw, you can see me in the reflection holding up the ball to make her keep her eye wide open, haha. :D


Still, if anyone's dog here gets one, you'll know what it is but if it sticks out and isn't flat then it could be an iris melanoma and that would need attention by a vet.

03-02-2007, 07:22 PM
Have you had her eyes checked by a opthomologist? i.e. a Cerf? It could be a colaboma as it can leave a dark spot in the eye.. A cyst will change or grow- that won't. Ask your vet to recommend a vet in your area that does this test.
Also- it looks more like to me in the coloring- it could just be its real color. HOttie has darker spots in his iris and he is cerf'd and totally normal. You wont know which it is without a Cerf.

03-02-2007, 07:43 PM
It's not her real colouring. She didn't used to have these spots.
There is a darker spec that you can see at the 9 oclock position and she's always had that. It used to show more when she was younger and had gold coloured eyes. They have darkened with age.

The vet did examine the eyes and said they were just iris cysts. Iris cysts can grow but they don't always get bigger once they reach a certain size. He said they were definitely not iris melanomas.

03-02-2007, 07:46 PM
It's not her real colouring. She didn't used to have these spots.
There is a darker spec that you can see at the 9 oclock position and she's always had that. It used to show more when she was younger and had gold coloured eyes. They have darkened with age.

The vet did examine the eyes and said they were just iris cysts. Iris cysts can grow but they don't always get bigger once they reach a certain size. He said they were definitely not iris melanomas.
Well coloring can develope with age- in eyes and coat colors. Maybe have the Cerf test done. They can tell.
Hottie has a spot in his right eye. It has grown in darkness with his age. The test showed it was coloring, but my regular vet said it was a cyst. Its an extensive test to Cerf as you know.
I wish I had more to offer you..

03-02-2007, 07:56 PM
If you look closely at the black spots, they seem to create shadows on the iris so it's like they are further forward...like flat discs that float just in front of the iris muscle. They are also too perfectly round to be normal colouration of the iris.
The vet showed me a book with some photos in it of iris cysts and it commented in there about how they tend to form at the 6 oclock position...like our Jess's. The ones in the photos looked like our Jess's.

03-02-2007, 07:57 PM
If you look closely at the black spots, they seem to create shadows on the iris so it's like they are further forward...like flat discs that float just in front of the iris muscle. They are also too perfectly round to be normal colouration of the iris.
The vet showed me a book with some photos in it of iris cysts and it commented in there about how they tend to form at the 6 oclock position...like our Jess's. The ones in the photos looked like our Jess's.
Well- if it were me, I would have a specialist look at it ..

03-02-2007, 07:58 PM
The big black circle is the cyst, right? It isn't the pupil? I think Michelle's thinking that is the pupil lol.

03-02-2007, 08:02 PM
Yes, the black spot is the cyst, lol.

The pupil is further up...hiding behind the reflection...of me... :D

03-02-2007, 08:05 PM
The big black circle is the cyst, right? It isn't the pupil? I think Michelle's thinking that is the pupil lol.
Yea hard to tell. Iris can change colors or have spots- but not always a cyst.

Lori Jordan
03-03-2007, 06:56 AM
I have never seen anything like that,Neat picture with your reflection,Maggy is the same way i have to hold a ball to get her attention.