View Full Version : Have you ever heard of this cat breed?

Aspen and Misty
06-30-2002, 03:14 AM
.An Uno. They are completely white with Gray on their head and tail. I was watching an Animal planet show. I forget which one, I watch to much Animal Planet as it is :rolleyes: . But anyway. And people were showing off there Uno's. I was like OMG THAT IS OUR TUNDIE. These people were like they are the sweetest things they wanna just be with you every second of the day (Tundie) and they wanna just sit on top of you (Tundie). This lady was describing my Tundie to a T. Well turns out Tundie, who we got at a school fair for free is worth like lots of money. But we don't care, she is our baby, and will be till the day she dies. And when she does she will be greatly missed. But I have never heard of them before, has any one else? I thought it was weird we looked in my sisters Cat-alog (where you shop for cats, lol) and she isn't in there. So they either are really rare or they lied to me. O well I don't care either way really. Tundie is still Tunide. The cat that never leaves you alone :rolleyes: I think she loves us to much but then on the otehr hand, I think we love her to much :D

06-30-2002, 04:13 AM
I have never heard of that breed either! It's like with Bassett - I think she must be Russian Blue, or at least partly because she is so much like them.. but I would never part with her either! I got her for free outside a grocery store!

Isn't it great to know that our treasures are even MORE of a treasure!! :D

06-30-2002, 05:20 AM
I've never heard of them either!

07-01-2002, 12:14 AM
I've never heard of that breed either. I also watch a lot of the shows on Animal Planet. I'm sorry I missed that show. Maybe someone can look this breed up on the internet to find out more about it.

07-01-2002, 03:25 AM
Do we know if that is the correct spelling for that breed? I tried looking it up and all that came back were stories about cats named UNO.?? :confused:

07-01-2002, 03:42 AM
I tried looking this breed up on a search engine. All I could really come up with was a bunch of indvidual cats with the name "Uno." Heheheheehehe.......:rolleyes:

07-01-2002, 03:48 AM
I looked online for that breed and I can't find anything. I even looked at lists of breeds to see if I could find anything that sounds similar, but no luck.

07-01-2002, 01:45 PM
I think you guys are talking about the Turkish Van. Here is a link that explains the breed, originating from Lake Van in Turkey, hence the name. Beautiful cats.



The second link explains the origin of the breed and is quite interesting.