View Full Version : Switching Foods..wish me luck!

02-26-2007, 05:30 PM
Corona has been continuously having loose stools even after she's been on a higher fiber food(see dog health for more corona poop issues) but cainan has always had loose stools, and everytime i let him out he practically goes. I call him the king of poop.
Well this weekend Andy(my boyfriend) and I went to andy's dads house and he told me that he heard dogs with less fiber in their diet have a tendency to loose hair quite a bit more.
I've been putting it off just because coco seems to be so touchy with food but tonight i went out and bought Pro-Plan. I hope it works, it has a higher quanity of fiber and everyone at the petco where i work told me it was probably the best one in the store.
So im switching tonight from Eukanuba to the pro-plan. I really liked the eukanuba and if this doesnt work we'll go back to normal but im just giving it a test try and hopefully ill be see'ing some results in the next couple weeks with hair lose and poop control!
thanks for listening!

02-26-2007, 05:33 PM
Ohhh coco-bean... Proplan??? sending you a pm..

02-26-2007, 05:34 PM
Purina Pro-Plan? It's really no different than regular Purina. And it's still a low grade food, so there may not be any less poop. But I guess if it's firm, you'll be happy. lol

02-26-2007, 05:35 PM
Purina Pro-Plan? It's really no different than regular Purina. And it's still a low grade food, so there may not be any less poop. But I guess if it's firm, you'll be happy. lol
Thank you...

02-26-2007, 08:12 PM
You may have better luck switching to a non-grocery store brand. Do a search in your area for some higher kibbles. In the long run, they help produce less and 'healthier' stools, costs less, and will overall be better.

If you'd like help doing some research on kibbles, never hesitate to PM me or the several others who 'study' dog nutrition. :)

02-26-2007, 09:45 PM
my managers at petco told me there were a couple "good" foods for labs, royal canan(sp) and pro-plan selects-but i bought just reg. pro-plan because the bag was bigger and i figured if i'd get a bigger bag we wouldnt go through it quite so fast!
Just trying to be a little conservative. plus the price wasnt bad @ all. I only paid 20 bucks, because of my discount and my manager ripped a $2 off coupon off another bag of dog food so i'd get it even cheaper.
I'd figure i'd try it and if it doesnt work out, no harm done. Im sure one bag of dog food isnt going to kill them, just switch up their kind a little.
Ill keep doing some more research on the solid gold that borzoimom recommended.
i'd just like to keep getting my dog food at petco since I DO get the discount and it helps A TON everytime i go and buy food. We buy food about every other week, so we're spending a lot of money anyways but im still saving about 40 bucks a month from my discount.
Im totally up for any recomendations on petco brands or any information! thanks a bunch everyone!

02-26-2007, 10:26 PM
Petco has alot better than Eukanuba or Purina. Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Nutro Ultra...

02-27-2007, 06:26 AM
Petco has alot better than Eukanuba or Purina. Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Nutro Ultra...
EAGLE HOLISTIC would be great! I forgot they sold that at petco. Thank you wolfsoul..