View Full Version : *PICS* From rescue transport!! ?Baby Bowser?"

02-26-2007, 08:43 AM
Yesterday (Sunday)
I helped Molly with a transport.
These 3 pups started out in an Alabama shelter and ended up at a rescue in New York. I did the final 2 legs to get them to the rescue owner who met me in Erie, PA.
My passengers were 2 male Daschund mixes named Archie and Jughead and a female JRT/Chi? mix. She was a sweetie!!!
They all started out in the back of my blazer, but as soon as I got on the road the female made her way all the way up to the front with me!!

OH just look at those eyes!!

She was falling asleep sitting up she was so exhausted from being shuffled around for the past 2 days! :(


While I was driving I couldn't see what they were doing, so I'd hold my camera up and snap pics!

She was ichy the entire way! :( Poor thing! And oh was she skinny! :(


02-26-2007, 08:47 AM
We're almost there!!

One of the boys had finally woken up!

While waiting in the parking lot for the rescue to pick them up I met another person that drove there to give dogs to the same rescue! These are the 2 dogs she had. The second I saw the little puppy I thought she looked like Phred's Bowser! :eek:
She is aprox 3 months old and OH so cute!

critter crazy
02-26-2007, 08:49 AM
OMG!! they are adorable!! You are so awsome to do this for them! I sure hope they find some great homes!

02-26-2007, 08:49 AM
What adorable little rescues!! :) I just love transporting. But it's so tempting to just drive home with them sometimes. ;)

02-26-2007, 08:49 AM
Awww they are all so cute!

Cinder & Smoke
02-26-2007, 09:19 AM
The second I saw the little puppy I thought she looked like Phred's Bowser! :eek:



She sure has his Sad-Sack Look down pat!
Good thing I wasn't there ... she never would have made her next connection -
we'd have been OUTTA there!

finn's mom
02-26-2007, 09:30 AM
They are all cute, but the little one that reminds you of bowser stole my heart!

02-26-2007, 09:35 AM
Omg, they are adorable! What a nice thing for you to do. :D

02-26-2007, 09:42 AM
He he, LOVE these pics and these dogs are so fortunate to have you and others helping them. I wish them all great homes in the NEAR future!

02-26-2007, 09:45 AM
Awwwww! They're adorable! I absolutly love that first girl with the one blue eye, what a sweetheart! :)

02-26-2007, 11:25 AM
they are so cute! :) Thanks for helping them out! :D

Ginger's Mom
02-26-2007, 02:03 PM
Oh Angie, I am so glad that you got a chance to do this. :) They are all so cute, and now they have a second chance thanks to you and people like you. I must admit that I was a little jealous when you said you were going to help. I would have been sooo tempted to keep one of those little ones.

02-26-2007, 03:08 PM
Gosh, how CUTE! :D Pat on the back to you for helping these dogs out!

The German Shepherd stickers you have on your back window: I thought they were dogs on the road for a minute there! :eek: LOL

02-26-2007, 03:46 PM
The German Shepherd stickers you have on your back window: I thought they were dogs on the road for a minute there! :eek: LOL

A co worker I showed these pics to thought the same thing!! LOL!

02-26-2007, 03:51 PM
Gosh, how CUTE! :D Pat on the back to you for helping these dogs out!

The German Shepherd stickers you have on your back window: I thought they were dogs on the road for a minute there! :eek: LOL

I did a double take on that myself. :o

You certainly deserve big congrats for helping these cute little ones on
their way to great homes, God willing. :) I am going to have to master that
camera trick for my pups one day. :D

02-26-2007, 04:13 PM

She sure has his Sad-Sack Look down pat!
Good thing I wasn't there ... she never would have made her next connection -
we'd have been OUTTA there!

You know Phred, there may not be any harm in "inquiring" about the 'mini-bowser' baby - shee may be looking for "you" :D Just a thought :D

02-26-2007, 05:21 PM
OMGosh they are all so cute! How could anyone drop these puppies off to shelters?:( I would take them all if I could! Glad you were able to take pics without getting in an accident lol :p just kidding...but I was laughing, because I noticed in 2 or 3 of the pics there was the same beige Ford Taurus following close behind you lol.

I'm so glad you are able to take these doggies with you:)

Cinder & Smoke
02-26-2007, 05:36 PM
There may not be any harm in "inquiring" about the 'mini-bowser' baby -
she may be looking for "you" :D
Just a thought :D


Evil thought!

ONE was going to be "enough" - many moons ago.
#1 invited #2 in ... OK ... we can handle two ...

Not sure HOW #3 wormed his way in ... darn New Messicans!

Da KAT would walk out if #4 showed up!


02-26-2007, 08:17 PM
Such cute pups - well done, Angie!
Now, who's the fluffy black and tan pup? ;)

02-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by BC_MoM
The German Shepherd stickers you have on your back window: I thought they were dogs on the road for a minute there! LOL

A co worker I showed these pics to thought the same thing!! LOL!
LOL i thought the same thing.. well i thought they might have been Deer ;).

Thanks for helping out the little ones Angie, they are precious.

02-26-2007, 08:30 PM

So when are you dropping this cutie off at my house? :D

I need to get some GSD decals for my car. Lol

02-26-2007, 10:31 PM
What little cuties!!! I love that black and white one (shocking I know!)

I need to post some pictures of my reacent transports. I transported for a English Setter Group two weekends ina row, and I have to say, I am quickly becoming a fan!!!

02-26-2007, 11:42 PM
omgolly they alllll are sooo friggin cute!
Especially the baby Bowsie! :)
smooches to them!

02-27-2007, 02:37 AM

puppy dog eyes or what???

02-27-2007, 07:15 AM
I noticed in 2 or 3 of the pics there was the same beige Ford Taurus following close behind you lol.

I was on the exit ramp. :p

Kay- The black pup was a Sheltie mix that the rescue owner is keeping for herself. She saw her at the Holmes County Ohio shelter and had to have her because she reminded her of a dog she used to have. So she had her pulled and brought to her with the baby Bowser pup.

02-27-2007, 07:18 AM

Evil thought!

ONE was going to be "enough" - many moons ago.
#1 invited #2 in ... OK ... we can handle two ...

Not sure HOW #3 wormed his way in ... darn New Messicans!

Da KAT would walk out if #4 showed up!

Then well number 5 comes- oh well- the younger ones need a playmate, or ( older addition) the only ones need someone to play with. Number 6 well the new ones needs a younger one and odd numbers do not work- .. so lets make a pair.. Number 7- well if I have to make this much food- one more bowl wont matter... lol.. etc etc etc.. Number 8 well the crate for number 6 is too small, but this one can fit it..- and dogs do better in pairs.. etc etc etc