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Laura's Babies
02-23-2007, 08:54 AM
I have to brag some! (Sorry. :rolleyes: )

Kitty Boo is still amazing me with how sweet and affectionate she is, constantly! She is SO devoated to her human and follows me around like a little puppy. I decided to quit going in my bedroom to spend time with her to see if that would draw her into the living room with the rest of us and it HAS! Being a faithful bed companion, I woke up yesterday to not fine her in the bed with me so I got up and looked for her. This is where I found her.. In the living room, on the arm of the sofa!

She stayed there awhile, then got down to look around and she found the feeding station facinating.

(Hummmm! What is THIS? Is that FOOD I smell?)

Last night, here she comes again, up into the living room and I was on the sofa so she came got in my lap and cuddled with me for a LONG time. Wouldn't you know it, there was nobody here to get a picture of that. She is coming out of her shell, not that she was in it to deep to start with, but she is realizing there is more companionship up here than in the bedroom by herself. This was last night.

This morning she is up here and Giz is about 2 feet from her and the growling was very little. I am so thrilled!!!

My sister and hubby will be here by suppertime today, the first leg of their joureny accross country and I am hoping that Boo is up here when they arrive. They will be shocked!

BIG QUESTION! I am due to go back to work again Wednesday. I hate the thought of shutting her up in the bedroom for those 28 days all alone but am unsure if I should let her have unsupervised run of the house this soon. What would you do?

02-23-2007, 09:06 AM
Kitty Boo is so gorgeous! How wonderful that she's settling in and becoming comfortable in her new surroundings. Looks like you've got quite a little lovebug there. As for what to do while you're away, I wish I knew what to say. But when it comes to advice, PT is the best place to come! Would you give that sweetie some scritchies and smoochies from me?

02-23-2007, 07:18 PM
I Would Let Her Out And See How The Introductions Are Going And If Things Are Going Smoothly Then Thats Fine , If Not Then You May Have To Leave The Offended Cat In The Bedroom Where He Can Aquaint Himself Of Her Scent.
That Works At The Hotel.

02-24-2007, 12:59 PM
Laura, what FANTASTIC news! Kitty Boo is certainly making herself feel right at home! I think she will be just fine having free-run of the house while you are gone. She can always find a hidey-hole temporarily if someone picks on her. I don't really think that is going to happen though! ;) I would be afraid that suddenly leaving her locked alone in the bedroom for an extended period, might depress her and set her back. She will be JUST FINE almongst your other babies! :)

Give that pretty girl some hugs and kisses for me, please!


02-24-2007, 05:58 PM
That is great that she is coming out more. I agree with Kim...let her stay out. You've got someone that comes by occasionally to check on them while you are gone, don't you? If they notice anything wrong they could put her in the bedroom. But, what do I know? I only have one cat. hee hee

02-24-2007, 07:23 PM
Laura this is wonderful news. She sure is fitting in well.:) I would also leave her out to roam around. I'm sure she'll do just fine. She'd probably be much too lonely cooped up in a room by herself and I bet she'd love to be with the other cats while you're away.:)

Scooter's Mom
02-24-2007, 09:02 PM
You have people checking on them while you're gone? If so, maybe they can watch for signs of fighting... and put her in a room but only if necessary?