View Full Version : Who has a pure-breed?

06-28-2002, 05:04 PM
I just created a forum and I'm looking for some opinions. You know how some people automatically assume certain breeds are a certain way? They're wrong 98% of the time and owners of those breeds know it.

If a few of you could stop by and provide your input -- on your breed -- that would be awesome! :D

Buffy's site (http://www.cutefamilypets.com)

I hope there's someone here who has a Pit Bull :( They are so misunderstood.

06-28-2002, 08:56 PM
I don't have any pure breeds myself, but I will say that at my shelter we get in several Rotts, Chows and Pitts who are complete lap dogs. They have such sweet, gentle natures if brought up by kind people.

06-28-2002, 09:11 PM
I want a APBT sooooo bad!!!

I have a Black Labrador Retriever, named Sadie!:) ;)

06-28-2002, 09:29 PM
You're both welcome to stop by and provide some feedback :)
PS: I love black labs!

06-29-2002, 08:39 PM
Hi i have a pure breed border collie and a pure breed schnouzer,and my mom has a pure breed sheltie,my brother has a "pure-breed" German Shepard9not so shure bout him.....my uncle has Pit Bulls that he shows and they are all sweeties!!I am going to show one of his pits Missy who is really sweet......
Where you wanting info on diff. breeds?well i g2g ttul tt4n:D

06-29-2002, 08:44 PM
Border Collies are so beautiful. My ex-boss has two of them and they are very smart. Would you believe they can't see groups of people cuz automatically they start herding everyone together. It's hillarious.

Your welcome to post the information in my new forum. It's at the URL listed below. I wish more people from here would stop by and post their breed's information. There's enough room in the Internet to spread the pet love.

Hope to see you there.

06-29-2002, 08:45 PM
You should let your son get a Pit Bull, Barbiro!!
Goodlooking guy+a Pit Bull= Kay Ann's dream world!! LOL!

06-29-2002, 08:48 PM
LOL :) That's what he says - he's dying for one.

He doesn't have time right now to even breathe (with school and all), much less take care of a new pet. I know someday he'll have a Pit, maybe two. It's always been his dream.

Hey, when are you going to feature your cutie? Stop by my forum and introduce the two of you. It would be fun.


06-29-2002, 09:00 PM
lol i didnt know that the Border Collies would do that.when my lil brother goes out to our bridge that goes across our ditch Chewy will go stand in front of him and run around him trying to get him to go back to the house:)I think that Border Collies are beautiful and German Shepards too....people think that they are mean but Sport my brothers is very sweet and very protective of Chris and the family only at 7 months..My favorite breed is Border Collies and German Shepards....well g2g ttul tt4n.....:D

06-30-2002, 06:21 PM
Sorry, this a bit long. : (
But I hope it helps.

I do not believe in stereo typing any breed of dog.

I would say that if you read up on the breed standard
for AKC or the Official Breed clubs etc. that will
give you a pretty good idea on the characteristics
of the dog you our interested in.

Take in mind that hereditary, enviroment and social surroundings
also can mold your dogs personality too.
I have 3 dogs:
2 Akita's and a Norwich Terrier.
My Norwich fits
her standard to a capital T personality wise.

I will talk about my Akita's since you are interested
in Pits.

My two Akita's have different personalites, but much
of their traits are the same and fit their breed
description under AKC.

Temperment under their breed standard: (give or take) ;)

Alert, responsive, dignified and courageous, reserved with
strangers. (often dominant over other dogs)

Now this doesn't mean that all Akita's are like this.
Some Akita's love every human and every dog they meet.
(but that is not the norm)
So read between the lines and 2 great sources
for information on pits, would probably be
the official Breed club for American Staffs and also
Pit rescue groups tend to be very honest.

I strongly advise anybody getting a pure breed dog
to do their research to make sure it's the right dog
for their life style.
Before I got my first Akita I had a long talk
with a woman who was in charge
of an Akita Rescue and placement in my area.
I found her very honest about the breed
telling me pro's and con's.
I also read up articles from the ACA Breed Club.

Hope this helps a bit for informaton for you site for
choosing a dog. : )

P.S. I just checked out Buffy at your site.
She is just adorable, I want to give her cuddles and lots
of kisses. lol

06-30-2002, 09:07 PM
I have 2 APBTs - Smokey and Pork Chop (they are in my sig or you can see more pics here: http://photos.yahoo.com/obbsuperstar )

They are TOTAL sweeties!!! But it's super important that they be properly socialized as pups.
Pork Chop was not socialized as a pup and now that he's over a year old he barely ever gets to go out where other dogs will be because he's unpredictable around other dogs.
Smokey, on the other hand, has been socialized since he was 8 weeks old and I can take him pretty much anywhere with me and he's good. Of course, he's still just a wee little guy so this could change as he gets older... but as long as he keeps familar w/ other dogs and people, there shouldn't be a problem.

by the way, I have never had any other dog besides a pit. and i love them!!!

06-30-2002, 09:09 PM
Wow Manda, would my son love you - he adores Pit Bulls. Do me a favor, stop by my site and open a Pit Bull thread and paste this info there. I'm sure my son will spot your thread and ask you a million questions :)

07-01-2002, 04:25 PM
I have a pure bred minpin..and my uncle has a pure bred Korea Jindo Dog..:)

07-01-2002, 04:30 PM
My Bella is a pure-breed Standard Poodle, and I will definitely stop by your site. ;)

07-02-2002, 12:10 PM
My pup is a pound puppy, but my roommates basset hound is a pure breed, what a cutie he is.

07-02-2002, 12:19 PM
Well, let's see...

2 full Great Danes (one from the shelter and one found in an alley)
1 full Aussie (from the shelter)
1 full Beagle (from a stupid neighbor who wouldn't know how to take care of a dog if he tried)
1 full Toy American Eskimo (found running on the side of the road)
1 full Weimaraner (from a shelter where he had come from an abusive home)

The rest are mixes (who are the absolute best)

Have had...

2 full Pit Bulls (don't deserve the reputation they have, but can be a problem....ours came from fighting backgrounds and we couldn't get it out of them)

1 full Cocker Spaniel (found running the neighborhood, but sadly was killed by one of the Pits...and NOT the Pit's fault...the fault lie with the abusive SOB that had him before)

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don't pay attention to breed standards or temperments, so I'm not all that familiar. I know some, and like you said Barbiro, it's the individual dog, not necessarily the breed.

07-02-2002, 08:00 PM
Our dog Sara is a Boxer and supposed to be pure-breed...
alot of people think she's a Pit Bull though.

07-02-2002, 11:43 PM
It's wonderful to hear from all of you but I need your feedback posted here:

My Forum (http://www.cutefamilypets.com/6/ubb.x?a=cfrm&s=919605151)



Just open up a topic for your breed and copy and paste the information there :D

If someone has opened a thread for your breed, just add your 2 cents :)

07-03-2002, 07:48 PM

07-03-2002, 11:11 PM
:) Thanks.

PS: Now they're asking you questions :p

07-03-2002, 11:59 PM
Hey, that's OK with me. But I'm NOT an expert!

07-04-2002, 08:35 AM
:) No experts there, just owners! Hey, it's appreciated. Pit Bulls are very misunderstood by the general population. I'm hoping to attract a few owners who will contradict that perception. Thanks for the feedback. :)

07-04-2002, 10:53 AM
Ok, done...now everyone there is going to think I'm a nutcase!! lol

07-04-2002, 02:37 PM
We're not looking for experts on all breeds, just owners who can provide their feedback. :) That is so wonderful that you can talk about so many breeds -- now all you need is to post some pictures of each :) :) Get ready to be bombarded with questions.

Thanks and enjoy.

07-04-2002, 05:31 PM
I own a Siberian Husky and a Beagle :) - Rachel

07-04-2002, 06:22 PM
Then head on over there and post your experience with those breeds :)

PS: Your siberian is absolutely beautiful :)

Aspen and Misty
07-05-2002, 12:38 AM
I posted about Shelties. Hee hee. Gotta love them. :D

07-17-2002, 07:43 AM
Is it true Shelties nip people's heels?

07-18-2002, 05:25 AM
I have a Labrador Retreiver puppy from Rosebud Kennels. All of her parents are yellow labs. (she is too,) Rosebud Kennels has 7 generations. including some of the top English Labs in America. Her father is King Athurs Reflections of Camelot. My puppy is the most purebred dog I know!
:D :)

07-18-2002, 05:40 AM
It's funny you should mention a Labrador Retriever, as that is my featured pet of the week. He is really beautiful. :)

07-18-2002, 08:57 PM
:) I am new to this Board and since you were asking about purebreds and mentioned APBTs, then allow me to introduce my Am Staff, Madeleine, and her companion, Espe, the Rottie.

There are a lot of misconceptions about both breeds, and until we adopted both ladies, I would have chimed right in with the misconceptions.

But now, DH and I are converts and we adore our two girls. We have raised Madeleine from about 10 weeks of age (she is now not quite 2 years old), and she is a certified 'Lovebug'.

Espe came to us as a stray in April and is estimated to be a little over a year old, and a cuddle dog as well, although she is more cautious around strangers than Madeleine, who is always worked from the assumption that people mean good things = scritches, treats and attention.

Both treat our cats respectfully, which is a big plus.

Hope to chat with you all.


07-19-2002, 12:36 AM
I have a pure bred boxer, and many people who cross our path think she is mean, just because she is a boxer. I hate it when people stereo type her because of her breed. She is the most loving, wonderful lap dog wanna be ever! Why do people do that?

07-19-2002, 01:30 PM
I have 2 purebred shepherds and I agree with the post of bad dogs. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

Pitbulls are a mistaken and so often, a misidentified breed. If it has a blocky head, low powerful frame, it usually is catagorized as a pit bull. Yet there are so many other breeds that resemble this dog that the average person wouldn't know what it is unless they have thoroughly researched.

If you ever want to see what good breeding is, what the proper temperments are, and how essential proper socializing is, go to a dog show. Watch how all breeds intermingle, and look at what all these factors are supposed to look like.

07-19-2002, 01:45 PM
BoxerLover, people do that because they're ignorant and ignorance tends to bring out fear in a lot of them, so they talk out of place.

I think boxers are absolutely beautiful. There's one close to our home (he will be featured at our site in the upcoming weeks) who is a teddy-bear, although he looks like a horse and weighs over 120 pounds. I believe the owner said he was a "Harlequin". :rolleyes: The boxer was a little intimidated with Buffy, who weighs only 3 pounds :rolleyes:

For everyone that has a pure-breed, you're welcomed to stop by my forum at www.cutefamilypets.com to talk about your pet.

So far I've had owners talk about Pit Bulls (just setting the record straight), Rottweilers (who I think are incredible pets as well), but I don't think anyone has talked about boxers or german shepherds, yet.

My goal is to have a whole collection of breeds with their owners saying nothing but the best about them! :)

07-19-2002, 02:00 PM

Your site is really a nice one. Any chance you can have a forum for mutts since most of my dogs are mutts?? Also, can you tell me how to post pictures on there? Everyone wants to see Max (as well as the others), but I'm clueless on how to do it.



PS...I LOVE Boxers too. Serenity is part Boxer and part Pit and she's just hysterical!

07-19-2002, 02:14 PM
Hi Mugsy,

Thanks so much for the compliment! Please check your email. :)

07-19-2002, 02:42 PM
I will check it...actually it's open, but I haven't gotten it yet...oops...as we speak my little sounder went off...brb!!

07-19-2002, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Madeleinemom
:) I am new to this Board and since you were asking about purebreds and mentioned APBTs, then allow me to introduce my Am Staff, Madeleine, and her companion, Espe, the Rottie.

There are a lot of misconceptions about both breeds, and until we adopted both ladies, I would have chimed right in with the misconceptions.

But now, DH and I are converts and we adore our two girls. We have raised Madeleine from about 10 weeks of age (she is now not quite 2 years old), and she is a certified 'Lovebug'.

Espe came to us as a stray in April and is estimated to be a little over a year old, and a cuddle dog as well, although she is more cautious around strangers than Madeleine, who is always worked from the assumption that people mean good things = scritches, treats and attention.

Both treat our cats respectfully, which is a big plus.

Hope to chat with you all.


Welcome to Pet Talk! I think most people's fears of a particular breed are based on misconceptions, rumors, myths and experiences with dogs of irresponsible and sometimes cruel owners.

Glad Madeleine and Espe have brought you over to the good side! :)

And as for people thinking Nikki is mean, just because she's a boxer, let them get to know her! Most people cannot tell the difference between a friendly "let's play!" Boxer-bounce and an attack stance, which is just too bad, but not yours or Nikki's fault!

Let them be ambassadors, opening minds and correcting misperceptions, wherever they go! :) :) :)

Dakota's Mommy
07-20-2002, 03:23 PM
My husband and I just got a pure breed Great Dane puppy. I don't have the papers yet, but I've been looking into getting them even though my husband doesn't want to. What do you all think about this? Should I go ahead and get them. We're not going to breed her, but I thought it would be smart so that if we ever want them in the future for one reason or another, we've got them.

07-20-2002, 03:53 PM
The papers generally cost a lot, if you are going to get him fixed, I don't see any reason you'll ever need them. By the way, welcome, and expect to be hounded for puppy pictures here! What coloring does your pup have?

07-20-2002, 06:36 PM
Yeppers!! We want pictures. Mike and I have 2 Danes, both are rescues so obviously don't have papers!;) Jazzy is a Mantle Merle and Daisy is a Mantle. I tend to lean toward your husband's point of view. If you're not going to breed her (and I would HIGHLY recommend spaying her) there really isn't any point in having them other than to see her genealogy. Just my 2 cents worth.

Dakota's Mommy
07-23-2002, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the advise. Sorry it took so long to reply, couldn't seem to reply no matter how many times I signed in and was thanked for it. I will get pic's on here asap. My mom has received them and working on scanning them in as I type. I can't wait to show her off to everybody! She's my doll!

07-23-2002, 08:10 PM
I dont understand how anyone could be afraid of this face!

The Cat Factory
07-23-2002, 08:24 PM
I have a purebred Golden Retriever! BTW Barbiro, I am signing up at your forums right now...

07-24-2002, 09:06 PM
My Dad has a pure bred Black Lab (my big teddy bear sleeping parter) who is so spoiled so she just fits right in with the rest of us kids.
I have a mixed Pit/? but I would love to have a pure bred Pit one day. ;)

07-27-2002, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by The Cat Factory
I have a purebred Golden Retriever! BTW Barbiro, I am signing up at your forums right now...

Would love to see you there. I have quite a few dog lovers, but few cat lovers. The more the merrier :)

For all others that are posting about a pure breed, I invite you stop by and provide your input.

07-27-2002, 11:35 AM
Barbi, I never go on the cat list, have you posted on there about your forum??

07-27-2002, 12:08 PM
Mugsy, not really, haven't posted in the cat forum about it. Would you do me the honor? :)

BTW, I added your PetRefuge link at my site.


Dakota's Mommy
07-28-2002, 11:39 PM
Well, here's a pic of the pure breed dane puppy we've got!

07-28-2002, 11:43 PM
Oh my God!! He is so cute!! How old?

Aspen and Misty
07-29-2002, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Barbiro
Is it true Shelties nip people's heels?

Sorry I haven't visited inawhile. Yes that is very true! The also love to find lost people. :rolleyes: . Even if the person has to sit in a closet for an hour lol. :rolleyes: . Thats what ya get for playing hide and seek with a blind Sheltie. LOL

Dakota's Mommy
07-29-2002, 12:23 AM
Dakota was born on June 3rd so she's almost 2 months!

07-29-2002, 08:26 AM
She's beautiful. I'll be fun watching her grow. :)

07-29-2002, 11:21 AM
I have two smooth-haired miniature dachshunds.
They are adorable and are loyal, loving and forgiving.

07-29-2002, 11:23 AM
Dachshunds are so cute. I have to be careful not to look at dachshund puppies otherwise I wind up bringing a few home. :)

07-29-2002, 11:27 AM
Dakota - what a cute, cute (little for a short time) guy. Looks like you got the makings of a really big dalmation:D :D :D . Keep the pics coming as he turns in to a Shetland Pony:D :D

Dakota's Mommy
07-29-2002, 06:16 PM
Actually, Dakota is a pure breed great dane. She's a really great puppy so I think, and hope, that she grows up to be a great dog!

07-29-2002, 07:07 PM
Dakota qualifies for the "Cute Puppy Award." Feel free to stop by our site and submit her for that. She's awfully pretty and we would love to feature her!! Can never have too many puppies, you know :)

07-30-2002, 03:01 AM
We are owned by Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and Miniature Pinschers. We find in playing, training, showing, both breeds are tons of fun, and there're our very best friends! We would never be without ether in our lives. They are loyal, loving, and eager learners. Nether breed is for a couch pototoe personality, they like to have fun, but, then after a hard day of fun they do love to cuddle up with one at the end of a fine day of work, show, or play ;)! http://www.rfarm-kennel.com/CeeCeeachieve..jpg http://www.rfarm-kennel.com/chickenboo.jpg R Farm & Kennel (http://www.rfarm-kennel.com)

07-30-2002, 10:18 AM
Hi Kim!! Your dogs are beautiful. My sister had a Corgi. He just passed away 2 months ago at the age of 14. His name was Bear and he was a wonderful pet.

My next door neighbor has 6 Min Pins. They are so cute and very hper :)

07-30-2002, 10:30 AM
I have a pure-breed rottie named Phoebe..she is a sweatheart.


07-30-2002, 10:42 AM
I have a pure-breed rottie (Phoebe) we adopted her from Rottie Rescue and she is a sweetheart... Also Deisel (Rottie/Shepard) we adopted him from the SPCA. His nick name is "Devil Dog" and if I can find the pics, I will show all of you the evidance of why. He was a very distructive baby....typical BOY though!!



07-30-2002, 10:44 AM
oops Deisel's pics didn't show up in the last post..


07-30-2002, 11:17 AM
I have 2 purebred labs, and they r wonderful!!! They both have very different personalitys though. Chubby the yellow labrador, has a lot of energy, and he run a lot. Chubby is turning 5 on October 8!!!:D
Digger the black labrador is 10 years old, but in very good shape. He loves hunting just as much as Chubby does, but he gets tired easier, and he is getting deaf. We r teaching him hand signals. He is fairly good at them.
I also have a purbred pug, and he is going blind and deaf...:(
But still playful when u want him to be and sleepy all of the rest of the time!!!:p

07-31-2002, 09:26 AM
Hi i have a purebred Rott and a pure bred Presa Canario, people were always afraid of my Rott , but now they seem to think i have a killer in my house with my Presa , when really she is the sweetest dumplin ever. sometimes people think she is a pitt, and some think she looks like a great dane too, i think she looks like a big cat with her sexy tail.

07-31-2002, 10:24 AM
The Presa Canario is one breed I'm not familiar with at all. I know the media says bad things about them, just like they do about Pit Bulls (seems to sell newspapers). I don't believe there are bad dogs, just bad breeders.

I invite you, and everyone else that has a pure-breed, to stop by our forum and provide your input. Other members may have opened a thread with your pure-breed type, but I know there's quite a few we're still missing, such as a Pug, Presa, to name a few.

Do you have a picture of your Presa?

07-31-2002, 10:37 AM
i will definitely go to that site. I have a bunch of pics of my presa i tried to post them yesterday but they didn't work i will try again, most people i tell about her only know of her breed by that trial in california, the breeder we got her from says those were not purebred presa, either way i also believe there are no bad dogs just bad owners. here is a a link to the website where we bought her it is in canada , we drove there quite a few times to talk with the breeder and see her dogs, Senoritas(my pooch) parents are on the site there names are zella and goblin they are very sweet dogs, all the presas looked very intimidating but when she let them out to play they were sooooo sweet and loving:

07-31-2002, 10:45 AM
I have to admit that the first time I heard about the breed was because of that trial!! :( Isn't that sad! :( I know so many pet owners, but never one with a Presa. We talked about the trial and everyone agreed they had never heard of that breed.

Well...now you can educate the public at my site by talking about your pooches and how wonderful they are. You can also add your web site's link (give it some traffic!!) plus there's a Breed Gallery for those owner's who feel their pure-breed is the best!! Add your pet as well!! Nothing but the best of the breed there.

I wanted my site to be a fun site and have created a lot of things. for pet owners. Just visit, enjoy and have fun! :)

08-01-2002, 08:41 AM
Hi FaceRita,

I have a purebreed Rott as well and a Rott/Shepard. They are the sweetest dogs around.

One of my friends has a presa as well....he is the biggest, sweetest dog around too!!! Big baby that one. He thinks he's a lap dog.

Everyone's reaction to me when I tell them I have a rott is:

"Oh my those dogs are visous!!!"

I tell them no they are not, its just in how you raise your dog. My saying is "There are no BAD dogs....just BAD owners".

Its all just in the media!!!!!! I have a pic (if I can find it) with my rott/Shepard eating and a 6mth old baby sticking her hand in the bowl....Deisel just ate around her hand. My dogs are very good with children. Phoebe is very protective of babies!!

08-01-2002, 04:26 PM
Hi turner, i just commented on your rotts pic on a different thread, she is such a dumplin. i think thats great your friend has a presa too i would love to see it's pics if she has any, did you say it is a boy?

08-01-2002, 11:28 PM
Hi FaceRita,

Ya he is a boy "Ditto" is his name. He's a darlin'. Today when I got home and went out too see Deisel & Phoebe, oh my you would think I had left them for months.

They are always sooooo excited too see my husband and I when we get home. Deisel has a nasty habit of leaping on you (doesn't realize how big he really is) and he almost knocks ya down. He's not as bad as he use to be. We are trying to get that out of him.

Phoebe just jumps straight up in the air (tigger is the nick name we gave her) and wines.

They are too funny, don't know what or where I would find the entertainment if I didn't have my dogs. JUST LIKE KIDS THEY ARE INDEED!!!!!! LOL!!! :D :p :)

08-02-2002, 09:12 AM
:) My dogs are the same way, great entertainment. i could sit and watch them play all nite long, Senorita makes noises i have never heard out of a dog before i love them!

08-05-2002, 09:20 PM
We have two pure bred long-haired chihuahuas. Chihuahuas often get a bad rap too. Many people believe that they are ankle biters, yappers and quite mean. I know I always thought that too. Ricky and Lucy Tu are exposed to people on a regular basis. We take them to RV Rallies, Camping World, Home Depot and truck stops. Anywhere that there will be people and dogs are allowed. Because of this they are used to people coming up to them. You are more likely to be licked to death by these two than ever bitten.