View Full Version : Winter Thaws

02-22-2007, 05:54 PM
Ok on a couple of threads I have noticed people commenting about the thawing snow and the "joys" of now doing the winter clean up of poop. The searching for it, the thawing piles, even the brown spots on the grass. Well I have a solution that I thought some of you might be interested in. What if I told you that you would never have to search agian, or worry about stepping in hidden piles, or even keep your kids in any more because you didn't want them out stepping in it. I bet you would all be very happy. In the summer I am happy to walk bare footed around my yard with no worries, and I never worry about grass being wrecked. In the summer I never worry about thawing snows or stepping in a hidden pile. Why? Because my dogs are trained to never ever use the yard to potty in. Even when they are not supervised they do not use the yard. They use thier potty pen. They will be playing hard and stop and go and use the potty pen. This is such a convience. Easily built, cleaned and maintained. It could solve the problems. Here take a look:


This is how I train for it. And trust me it works no matter the age of the dog or the breed. I trained most of my foster dogs to use it as well when I fostered for shelters. This training is so popular that this article was published in multiple magazines, along with some of my other training techniques. If you want to see the others that I have written just go to Training Pages in teh menu. Anyway I just thought I would throw this idea out there.