View Full Version : 14 Year Old Shoots 15 Year Old In Hospital

02-19-2007, 09:37 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070219/ap_on_re_us/hospital_shooting;_ylt=AptHrKdcaI7Jwc1Qpn6yqXBvzwc F

Ohio teen shoots another at hospital Mon Feb 19, 6:13 AM ET

MANSFIELD, Ohio - A 14-year-old boy chased down a 15-year-old boy and shot him in the face at the entrance to a hospital's emergency room, where the victim immediately sought treatment, authorities said Monday.

The suspect was tackled by a hospital security guard and placed in handcuffs as he tried to follow the victim inside, said Cindy Jakubick, a spokeswoman for MedCentral/Mansfield Hospital.

The victim was treated at the hospital and then flown by helicopter to Columbus Children's Hospital, where he was in critical condition Sunday night, Jakubick said.

A nursing supervisor in Columbus said Monday she couldn't release more information without the boy's name, which wasn't disclosed by police.

The suspect, whose name wasn't released, was being held in a juvenile detention facility, Mansfield police Sgt. Ken Coontz said. Charges likely won't be filed until Tuesday because of the Presidents Day holiday.

Jakubick said a hospital employee heard several teenage boys arguing near the street, and the altercation then moved toward the hospital in this city about 60 miles northeast of Columbus.

The 15-year-old boy apparently punched the 14-year-old in the face and tried to flee, then was shot once in the right cheek by a .22-caliber semiautomatic handgun, Coontz said.

Where in the HECK are these kids parents??!?!?! What is a 14 year old doing with a GUN? I'm about to stop reading the news, I'm getting sick of all these horrible stories.

02-19-2007, 10:32 AM
First, I do think this is horrific. And, I am sorry that anyone got shot, and that the shooter thought it was reasonable to shoot someone. But, I can't blame parents for the 14/15 year old's actions, really. I doubt the parent was out there with them egging them on. OR, that the parent would have been able to stop the act. Not at 14/15, where, often, kids do run around, without parental supervision.

02-19-2007, 10:07 PM
Oh my, what a sad sad event. I'll keep both these youngsters in my prayers. Their parents' hearts must be breaking. You do your best to raise kids right, but there are so many things that are out of your control.