View Full Version : sneezing cat

02-19-2007, 03:15 AM
I need some help.....Wednesday afternoon I took Bei-jing to the Vet for her checkup and her shots, she had all of them, including the vaccine they put up her nose. Sorry I can't remember the name of that one.
Anyway saturday she started sneezing some, and now its very early Sunday morning and she is sneezing quite a bit, I need to add it has been very cold the last several days here in florida, freezing temps. I thought it was just from the vaccine and was not to concerned but her doing it quite a bit has me a little worried now, if she is still doing it when I get up I am calling the vet to see if I need to bring her in or what they think.
Has anyone ever had this??????

02-19-2007, 08:27 AM
Since this is so close to her vet visit and vaccine I would call and let them know how she is.

Usually, my cats sneeze when they have a URI. I take them in to the vet and get the antibiotic for them. It is a one week course of treatment. Vita gets the URI often, and needs 10 days to cear it up.

I don't know how old she is. The other thing which causes sneezing is tooth decay.

Talk with your vet.

critter crazy
02-19-2007, 08:30 AM
I have never heard of a Vaccine hat goes up their nose before??

I would imagine, that would be the cause, but like Freedom said, Sneezing is an indicator of a URI. I would call the vet, and let him know how she is doing.

02-19-2007, 01:23 PM
I honestly do not think I have ever heard Taz sneeze before. Zoee sneezes all the time. I would definitely call the vet asap. Poor Bei-Jing. :( I hope it's nothing and will go away on it's own. We do not need our kitties to be sick anymore!! Please let me know what happens. :)

02-19-2007, 02:06 PM
I'm sorry to hear that she's been sneezing so much. It may just be a reaction to the shots but I'd definitely call your vet to let them know what's going on. I sure hope that it's not a URI.

02-19-2007, 02:53 PM
I called the vet today and they said it is normal and it actually lets me know the vaccine is working as long as when she sneezes its clear, no congestion or yellow to it, they said it would last about 10-14 days and to not worry about it. so im very glad she is ok. she is 14yrs old so I always get paranoid since the last three years i have lost both my older dogs, she is all I have left...lol Thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes.

02-19-2007, 07:26 PM
Oh good!! I am glad to hear it is normal. That's a huge relief!! :D
10 to 14 days though :confused: That's not happy.
Get better quick Bei-Jing, so mommy doesn't have to worry about you anymore. :p

02-20-2007, 04:26 AM
She is defintely not liking all of this sneezing. I noticed tonight she seems to be kinda like she is not feeling great, her little nose is a little warm, jeff is off tomorrow from work and I told him to keep a close eye on her if she is not perked up more by wed then I am going to take her in and have them check her just to be sure. I dont know anything about a cat's temperature, I knew with both the dogs and I knew how to take it but cat's are so different. I just hope she has not caught a bug where i was sick with strep throat all this last week. when she sneezes its still clear so maybe its just all the sneezing is just wearing her out. lol
Cindy how is Taz doing? hope he is still eating and doing ok.

02-20-2007, 04:35 PM
As it stands at this moment, Taz is doing fine. Better than Bei-Jing at this point. :( I am going to weigh him tonight, it's been a week since the last shot and he seems to be eating VERY well.
Bei-Jing will be in my thoughts. I hope she stops sneezing soon. I know I hate it when I have sneezing fits, I can't imagine it for 10 to 14 days. It's probably giving her a headache, ya know?
Marti, please do not worry. Bei-Jing will be fine. I just know it!!
Oh, I sent you an email last night too. On a different subject.
Let us know how it goes today, if you can. :)

02-21-2007, 03:23 AM
well she seems to be back to her old self...lol i guess it was just the vaccine all along, i tell you i know these vaccines are to keep them safe but sometimes i wonder if they do more harm then good. maybe im just being to emotional who knows...lol i hate seeing her miserable, she is never like that ever, she has been the only one of the three i have never had to worry about being sick. but she is eating normal, drinking normal, daddy said she even chased a moth around the house tonight. sounds a mommy loves to hear!!!!!!! lol i still cant help but wonder if the fish oil stuff they gave us might have something to do with it, i told jeff we are going to stop it for couple of days and see how she does too, she did not have anymore but it was still on her food today. im just skepitcal of stuff when she has never needed it before, but i have to find something to help get her skin so it is not so dry. any suggestions from anyone?????? i hate to change her food but i will if it will help her skin and me not have to give her fish oil stuff..lol any help would be appreciated.

02-21-2007, 09:17 AM
Well, I have no suggestions for her skin. (sorry) But I am glad to hear she no longer is sneezy. :D Way to go Bei-Jing!!

(oh, I weighed Taz this morning....no gain.)

02-21-2007, 09:52 PM
that sucks no gain at all?????? awww cmon taz you got to put on some weight buddy. i can mail you 3 of bei-jings pounds if you like...lol oh by the way she is still sneezing her head off but she is not sick anymore so im grateful for that...lol

02-22-2007, 12:52 AM
well she seems to be back to her old self...lol i guess it was just the vaccine all along, i tell you i know these vaccines are to keep them safe but sometimes i wonder if they do more harm then good. maybe im just being to emotional who knows...lol i hate seeing her miserable, she is never like that ever, she has been the only one of the three i have never had to worry about being sick. but she is eating normal, drinking normal, daddy said she even chased a moth around the house tonight. sounds a mommy loves to hear!!!!!!! lol i still cant help but wonder if the fish oil stuff they gave us might have something to do with it, i told jeff we are going to stop it for couple of days and see how she does too, she did not have anymore but it was still on her food today. im just skepitcal of stuff when she has never needed it before, but i have to find something to help get her skin so it is not so dry. any suggestions from anyone?????? i hate to change her food but i will if it will help her skin and me not have to give her fish oil stuff..lol any help would be appreciated.

Some animals can get rather sluggish for a day or two after a vaccination, similar to some children being a little 'sickish' after an immunization as well. Fortunately true vaccine reactions are very rare.

As for fish oils added to the foods for dry skin, here's one you can try.

Shed Stop (http://www.worry-free.net/mrsallens/shed-stop.html)

It's also sometimes available at Wal-Mart a little cheaper, some cats like it some don't, so just buy a small bottle until you know if your kitty likes it or not.

A high quality food (not the grocery store brand or those 'pouch' foods) will help with skin.

A humidifier in your house also helps alot!

Good luck.