View Full Version : URI and eye discharge....?

02-15-2007, 04:21 PM
Ok, so mom's URI did not get too severe and at the moment she seems better, I assume because she was already on antibiotics. Kittens are just getting into it. I took them to the vet, at the time only one had the sneezies with a gunky nose. He gave that one a antibiotic shot and oral drops. He said that if I notice at all the others getting it, to start them on the drops also. I have noticed one just start sneezing, no sign of nasal discharge yet, but has a runny eye, so I started with the antibiotic. Now the third one has a runny eye.

My question. Is the runny eye a normal part of URI and will the antibiotic they are on take care of that? I figure I may call doc tomorrow and ask. I just dont know if I should keep on the way they are, or if they may need something separate for the eye? :confused: Thankfully they are still quite active and healthy even with this going on. (They are 2wks yesterday)

Also care for the eyes...? I wipe ther eye with a warm clothe (always seperate clothe for different kittys and I dont touch the other eye either) I noticed the one is getting irritated around it, is there anything else I can do to help with the irritation?

02-15-2007, 10:02 PM
My guys normally got gunky eyes when they had an URI. If it got really bad, and the antibiotic didn't do much for it, I use a eye med from the vet. It's like a thick salve. I'd definitely check with the vet to see if it's ok to use on a young kitten. We had one at the shelter that got really bad, and we thought she was going to lose her eye. She did get better, thank god. She is such a sweet and gorgeous little girl (she's also Feline Leukemia positive, so her immune system is not great... which probably added to the eye getting so bad).
The warm washcloths area good idea. I use those on my guys when their eyes are gunky.