View Full Version : question about Zoey

02-12-2007, 08:06 AM
recently, me and my bfs mom have noticed like liquidy/thick greenish yelloish stuff coming out of her vagina. I have no idea what this could be.. does she have an infection?


02-12-2007, 09:00 AM
I would call the vet and talk to the tech assistant who answers the phone. They are a wealth of information. And I am familiar enough with the ones at my vet, that I know they don't automatically say "bring 'em in."

02-12-2007, 09:30 AM
Freedom, you're lucky. It sounds like you have a very knowledgable vet staff. At my vet the girls like to act like they know what they are talking about. Then I talk to the doctor and she gets mad that one of the girls told me something they shouldn't have. So when I call, I always leave a message for my vet to call me back, and she usually will within the same day.

Mandy, if you are confident your vet can answer these questions on the phone, then call immediately. Otherwise take her in, ASAP.

02-12-2007, 10:54 AM
Ick... Normally anything greenish/yellowish coming out of any orifice is going to mean an infection (animal or human). That's typically pus or some other kind of bacterial or fungal infection. Definitely call and get her seen!

02-12-2007, 01:06 PM
Is your cat spayed? Is she eating and drinking normally? activity normal? or is she just laying around and not wanting to eat or drink? either way you really should get her into the vet ASAP.

02-12-2007, 05:13 PM
Rather than try to figure it out and treat it on your own, get her to your vet. That sounds like a mean infection to me.


02-12-2007, 06:49 PM
I have to agree with the later posts. That sure sounds like an infection to me. Is the cat spayed? She could have pyometra(sp??)an infection that unspayed female can get. If not treated, the cat/dog can die from the infection. RUSH THAT CAT TO THE VET ASAP!!!!

02-12-2007, 07:46 PM

I just checked her siggy, and Zoee is her doggy. Dog or cat, human or whatever, it's an infection, and she should be seen ASAP.

02-12-2007, 09:47 PM
mY zoey is a cat.. she is about 11months old.. and she was spayed about 6 months of age. she is ahyper cat but she has been calm for about a month.. thats about when we noticed.. she still gets up and runs around and plays with the cats..Ill call

02-12-2007, 09:53 PM
yea. so I just called one of the Vets in Cleveland Ohio and they said she does need to be seen but the office visit is 72$. and I can not afford that right now! I have been sick for 2 weeks and I am paying my doctors bills from then.. any idea what Icould do?

02-12-2007, 10:08 PM
yea. so I just called one of the Vets in Cleveland Ohio and they said she does need to be seen but the office visit is 72$. and I can not afford that right now! I have been sick for 2 weeks and I am paying my doctors bills from then.. any idea what Icould do?

Try calling around to a few different vets and see if anyone in your area has cheaper prices. Most vets will take credit cards, and some will take payment arrangements or even post-dated checks.

Regardless of which ever option you go with, get your cat to a vet ASAP!!

$72 could be a drop in the bucket if it requires an emergency surgery or several days of hospitalization/tests/medications.

The longer you wait the more expensive it gets!! Your cats life could be at risk here!

02-12-2007, 10:28 PM
I know that the big veterinary hospital here in Boston offers payment plans, so you can just pay a part of your bill every month. Catlady is right - the longer you wait, the more it'll cost, and not just in money...

02-13-2007, 06:48 AM
Believe me...get the cat to the vet...if she was spayed incorrectly, and there is still a uterus in there, she could have pyometra-an infection of the uterus, where pus fills up and comes out. She will die if this is not treated-usually only an emergency spay would help. So, like everyone else said, get her to the vet NOW.

02-13-2007, 09:01 AM
ok, so I made her an appointment for tomorrow morning at 10am. I am either writing a post dated check or using my debit/credit card... IF i were to use my debit /credit card, what does this mean exactly? will they take out from it right then or what?

02-13-2007, 10:43 AM
Oh lordy.. I looked at the other Zoee name, Taz-Zoee, and thought it was the same one. Infection info still stands the same.

02-13-2007, 11:21 AM
ok, so I made her an appointment for tomorrow morning at 10am. I am either writing a post dated check or using my debit/credit card... IF i were to use my debit /credit card, what does this mean exactly? will they take out from it right then or what?

Normally when you use a debit or credit card, the funds are taken out at that point. Usually debit goes immediately, and depending on the visa/mc handling, that can take up to 2 days to show up, but a hold is put on the account for a certain amount so that they can insure they will have funds for it to be paid.

I agree with the person who said to take her now, because if you wait, she could become seriously ill and require surgery, which will be much more expensive. Also you don't want her to be so ill from the infection that it's fatal.

02-13-2007, 06:58 PM
thanks. I am going to use Doxyvet, for dogs and cats.. she has an UTI... anyone ever use this antibiotic?

02-13-2007, 07:51 PM
One thing about debit vs credit card - debit comes directly out of your bank account, just as if you had taken money out.

Credit card - you can wait about a month to pay the cost on there, it doesn't come out of your bank account. (Unless you have set up a monthly payment to your card.)

A credit card buys you time - and gives you a chance to save up to pay the total bill.

Hope your Zoey is ok!

02-13-2007, 07:59 PM
One thing about debit vs credit card - debit comes directly out of your bank account, just as if you had taken money out.

Credit card - you can wait about a month to pay the cost on there, it doesn't come out of your bank account. (Unless you have set up a monthly payment to your card.)

A credit card buys you time - and gives you a chance to save up to pay the total bill.

Hope your Zoey is ok!

Unless it's your debit/credit card... then it comes out automatically and is not treated like a regular credit card. Bank cards are different, and come right out of your bank account.

02-13-2007, 08:00 PM
thanks. I am going to use Doxyvet, for dogs and cats.. she has an UTI... anyone ever use this antibiotic?

Is this what the vet said? Did he do any other exam or give you any other suggestions, or a reason why there's an infection with discharge?

02-13-2007, 08:02 PM
Found this online...

Doxyvet-coxycycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic tabs for small animals for bacterial diseases and Ornithosis (one eye colds). Use in the drinking water or give directly.

02-13-2007, 08:12 PM
ok, so I made her an appointment for tomorrow morning at 10am. I am either writing a post dated check or using my debit/credit card... IF i were to use my debit /credit card, what does this mean exactly? will they take out from it right then or what?

thanks. I am going to use Doxyvet, for dogs and cats.. she has an UTI... anyone ever use this antibiotic?

I take it that you were able to get in for an appt. today rather than tomorrow?

A UTI is painful, ouch. Glad you were able to find a vet that could get you in sooner.

Doxyvet's main active ingredient is Doxycycline Hydrochloride which we use on occasion at our hospital in the capsule form.

02-13-2007, 08:30 PM
Sorry, Jenn - where I live, I have heard of debit cards AND credit cards...but not the combined type!

I am sure they are up here somewhere...I lead a sheltered life, that's all! :D

But ZOEY - heal up soon!

02-13-2007, 08:41 PM
LOL... I forget you're in Canada, but I thought it would be the same up there with banks.

Down here we can get a "bank card" that is a debit and credit card. Depending on where you use it, you get charged a fee if you use it as a debit card, so you have the option of using it as a credit card. It's very handy.

I do hope that Zoee will be getting better. Did the vet get her in earlier, cause your message this morning said her appt. was tomorrow. I hope they realized that it was urgent and made time for her!