View Full Version : The Muppet Movie sountrack...don't suppose...

02-10-2007, 09:28 PM
Don't suppose anyone has the Muppet Movie soundtrack or know someone with the soundtrack that they can make a copy of for me? This was a childhood favorite of mine and if anyone has the soundtrack they can copy for me that'd be great. I don't need the expensive original, just a copy of it would be just so cool :)

It's not likely anyone has this, as it's quite rare, but thought I'd ask. I've tried downloading it but no luck.

02-11-2007, 05:07 AM
Leslie i have it on record/ vinyl... and love it :D. Especially the Rainbow Connection and Moving Right Along. I am not sure how i could get a copy to you as i have no way of putting it on CD :(. I will see what i can do though.

02-11-2007, 11:49 AM
Leslie i have it on record/ vinyl... and love it :D. Especially the Rainbow Connection and Moving Right Along. I am not sure how i could get a copy to you as i have no way of putting it on CD :(. I will see what i can do though.

I'm not technicially saavy, but if you can find a way to do it, I'll pay you for your time, shipping and supplies :)

They have the original on sale for over $100 on amazon, but I really don't need the original, I'm not a collector, I just LOVE the music. The Rainbow Connection is my favorite, but I love them all :)

We used to have it on Vinyl as a child, but it was destroyed when we had a flood in our basement.

02-11-2007, 12:05 PM
A very low tech way to do it is to play the record and use the built in tape recorder....that gives you a cassette of it.....then mail the cassette, take that to a friend that has cassette and cd and tape from tape to CD.

It was how I got my BeeGees onto Cd, as I am also not tech savvy.

02-11-2007, 08:16 PM
A very low tech way to do it is to play the record and use the built in tape recorder....that gives you a cassette of it.....then mail the cassette, take that to a friend that has cassette and cd and tape from tape to CD.

Thanks for that i will give it a go and see what happens :D. There should be a way of getting you a copy though ;).

02-12-2007, 09:31 AM
I loved the Muppets too!!
I have the Christmas album and listened to it non stop for a month around the holiday! I LOVED it!
I hope you can find/get a copy!

02-12-2007, 10:22 PM
Thanks everyone :) Sofar I have some of the songs but not all. It'd be nice to have the entire sound track, but it's really hard to find (and incredibly expensive).

Thanks for the replies and advice though :)