View Full Version : Question about my kitty

02-10-2007, 02:16 AM
Hi everyone!
I am new here.
I have a 7 month old kitty named smokey. Lately I have been noticing SMALL amounts of blood in his stool, Which my vet said was not something to be concerned about. Just about 15 minutes ago however IUnoticed a small bit of blood on my white carpet...Remebering seeing a small drop the other day I became concerned, thinking he had injured his paw pad or something to that effect. I went to clean the litter box and his stool was normal (as usual) with a small amount of blood on the outside. Concerned the blood on the carpet was from him, I check his anal area. There was a streak of blood (I would say 1tsp) On his anus and surrounding fur. After wiping the blood A little bit more (1-4 drops) was there about 2 minutes later. I can tell this is not an anal prolapse, But I am not really sure what to do or think. He is acting completely normal and wants to play right now! He is eating, drinking and seems to be his normal self.
however, I am EXTREMELY concerned.
Is this somethign he should be taken to the emergency vet for now?
I just checked his anal area and it is free of blood.
Please help!

02-10-2007, 09:18 AM
I would say not an emergency vet - but a DIFFERENT vet.

When I first got my kitty Cole, he had the same thing, and just a touch of diarrhea.

I took some of his stool into the vet to get checked. The tests showed such s SMALL increase in a certain bacteria that they wouldn't treat it - unless he was showing symptoms.

He was - so a pill a day for five days, and he has been just fine ever since!

I'd put some of your kitty's poop in a baggie, take it to the vet's, and tell the technician you want it tested.

Stupid Vet! It's BLOOD!

Go for it.

02-10-2007, 10:35 AM

Duh! Sometimes we know more than they do. You don't ignore blood in the stool.

I agree with Catty1. Not the ER vet, but another. Take in a stool sample for testing.

02-10-2007, 01:58 PM
I absolutely agree with the previous posts!!! Get a stool sample and go to ANOTHER vet!!! Your kitty could have a coccida!!! Keep up posted please!!! GOOD LUCK!

02-10-2007, 02:44 PM
Blood is not supposed to be in the stool. Your vet needs to be replaced. Find another one, good grief!


02-10-2007, 02:46 PM
I agree, there's no place for Blood there and you should replace your vet or get a second opinion.


02-10-2007, 04:32 PM
I was completely shocked when I was told it was no big deal as well. Basically the vet thought it was some minor irratation to the anal area causing the blood as he seemed (noticiable to me as well) to have a fissure (anal tear)
This morning there was more blood arround he anal area and I am just completely panicing.What was strange was no blood in his stool today/
I am currently waiting for the new vet (who was referred by a friend) to call and let me know when I should bring him in.
Thanks so much for all your comments! :D

02-10-2007, 07:15 PM
We got back from the vet (and my dear cat Rachael passed away from cancer about 15 min after we got home.) but the only keeping me sane is that it is as catty1 had mentioned he had pretty much the same issue. a lot of bacteria. He was given some meds and is to take them for 7 days and return to insure that was and is the only issue.
He did note that he seems to have issues with hard stools which might be causing a tear in the inside of his rectum. Hopefull my dear one will remain healthy and not take the passing of his cloest friend as a sign to leave me.
This sure has been a hard week. I am REALLY thankful I found this site!

02-10-2007, 11:49 PM
Hard stools...try a wee bit of metamucil in a bit of wet food, or even a tiny bit of olive or castor oil.

Hopefully the pills will fix most of the problem.

I am so sorry about Rachel. How old was she? Poor you, and poor dear girl.

02-11-2007, 12:44 AM
Rachael was 4 years old and was diagnosed with cancer at 3 and held on for a very long and tough fight. It was so sad to see her go but I know she is in a better place

02-11-2007, 11:48 AM
If he has hard stool maybe feeding him a little canned pumpkin will help bulk it and soften it up. The fiber from the pumpkin will help things move along easier on the same theory as the Metamucil.