View Full Version : Retro Thursday 198..

02-07-2007, 05:38 PM
I feel like a little disco-ing...

Pull out the platforms and bell bottoms....

Let's boogie DOWN...

For the youngsters...Fake it! ;)

02-07-2007, 05:52 PM
RICHARD, do you some STRONG coffee with Bailey's to maybe offset the intense pain in my ribs?? I've been VERY sore & painful since my car accident.

02-07-2007, 07:05 PM
....*singing...boogieee feverrrr, got to boogie down... all right, time for my then drink ofchoice, tequilla sunrises...is there any fresh oj in california...do the hustle...dooo-dooo....dah dah dah dahh...da dah dah

02-07-2007, 07:12 PM
I brought the Donna Summer Records! OH yeah pull out those lame Jumpsuits!
Be back in a bit need to tease my hair up and get the glitter on my cheekbones! Great Idea!

Oh can I have a Hurricane?? fave dance drink!

humming .....she works hard for the money....mmmmmmm so hard honey..........deededeeeeeeeee mmmmm ....... :p

02-07-2007, 07:41 PM
Here's some AquaNet to keep those do's up. Platforms, bell-bottom jumpsuit, floofy hair - pour me a wine cooler and let's DANCE!

02-07-2007, 08:03 PM
Ummmm! I feel like joining and doing a bit of Saturday Night Fever.
Disco sounds fun!
Kaula and Cream for me please!

02-07-2007, 08:23 PM
I'll take a Tequila Sunrise, please...then I want to hear..


~Your theme drew me into my first Thursdays visit. LOL!!!!

For the health and welfare of all concerned, I will omit the bell bottoms from my wardrobe... ;)

02-07-2007, 09:09 PM
Calling Dorothy, Lut, Jen, and the rest --Alright ladies....this sounds like a job for "the PT Spice Girls" of 2006! At last we can don our cute little white jumpsuits & go-go boots and dance!


02-08-2007, 11:35 AM
Mario - I'll take a TAB (in a glass bottle if you have one) and some ABBA music please!

02-08-2007, 02:51 PM
This has been the crappiest last 2 days I can remember in a long time....I even made Mike take me out for dinner last night! So.......I think I have to pass on the disco...it will only make my screaming headache worse! lol I will, however, take the largest blue margarita on the rocks with salt that anyone can drum up!

02-08-2007, 03:35 PM
I'll just st here and WATCH th discoing! I'll also have a TAB in a bottle if RICHARD has any. MARIO! Thanks. I'd rather watch instead of dance!

02-09-2007, 01:32 AM
What in God's name are you all wearing? And the music? Ha Ha!

What a crowd we have here - just stopped by for a nightcap - or a daycap - or a nice long nap.............and I would like some of Slick's Bailey's straight up - no ice............

Mario -oh you darling boy, come on over here for a snuggle - you know when people need a little quiet time, don't you?

02-09-2007, 04:46 AM
Gini, I'll have a coffee with Bailey's, light on the coffee. My ribs are really painful, but Mario is being very gentle with me.

02-09-2007, 08:10 AM
[QUOTE=gini]What in God's name are you all wearing? And the music? Ha Ha!

tight bell bottom jeans, platform heels with gold glitter and a silky polyester purple gold butterfly sleeve top...and don't i look young and fashionable (snicker)
....i love the night life...i love to boogie....in the disco rounddddddd oh yeah.....

02-09-2007, 10:02 AM
:) Well lets get out the Tye Dyed Spandex Top & the HipHuger BellBottoms & the Dingo Boots.. :cool: Now I do still have some HipHuger Shorts too.. :p Mario get out of those Dingo Boots & go get me a Long Island Tea please.. Oh for pete's sake Mario get those HipHuger Shorts off.. :rolleyes: Boy howdy Mario we have to watch every minute of the day.. :D

02-09-2007, 12:06 PM
:) Well lets get out the Tye Dyed Spandex Top & the HipHuger BellBottoms & the Dingo Boots.. :cool: Now I do still have some HipHuger Shorts too.. :p Mario get out of those Dingo Boots & go get me a Long Island Tea please.. Oh for pete's sake Mario get those HipHuger Shorts off.. :rolleyes: Boy howdy Mario we have to watch every minute of the day.. :D



LOve the steps....


Coffee and Bailey's?


GIN...One Baily's? DONE!

Hi Mugs,

One gallon of Blue?



One Tab?



make mine spicy!


One Sunrise...and if you are going to Inferno, could you please stay away from the fire sprinkler system??? ;)


KYS...Kahlua snd cream?



I thought you were going to mix the hairspray and WC....


DR G...


One hurricane and I know you meant "LAH-MAY" jumpsuit!


02-09-2007, 01:19 PM

I thought you were going to mix the hairspray and WC....


Would that make it a stiff drink? :p

02-09-2007, 02:08 PM
No gettin down with my bad self this week. My back is really killing me. I'll just sit and watch you all. Remember, Mario loves to disco and that monkey can boogie!!!

How about a cherry vanilla coke and some nachos? :D

02-09-2007, 02:52 PM
No gettin down with my bad self this week. My back is really killing me. I'll just sit and watch you all. Remember, Mario loves to disco and that monkey can boogie!!!

How about a cherry vanilla coke and some nachos? :D
Connie, I'll join you and we can talk about our aches and pains. My ribs are killing me! Could I have another coffee & Bailey's??

02-09-2007, 03:41 PM
>>>Y>>>M>>>>C>>>>AAAAAA!!..wait, mario, don't put the glitter platforms on....
another tequila sunrise please..dah dah dah dah dahhhhh

02-09-2007, 04:09 PM
>>>Y>>>M>>>>C>>>>AAAAAA!!..wait, mario, don't put the glitter platforms on.... Oh but he looks SO cute! :cool: Rock on, Mario! :D

02-09-2007, 04:21 PM
;) Oh my Mario you are for sure the Rocking Monkey here with Glitter in your Poof Fuffu & the Tye Dye Top & those Hip Hugger Shorts.. :p By the way Mario those Dingo Boots are too big for you.. However but cute.. :D
Oh but he looks SO cute! :cool: Rock on, Mario! :D

02-10-2007, 09:15 PM
I think the theme scared away the regulars... :eek: ;)

02-11-2007, 05:53 AM
I think the theme scared away the regulars... :eek: ;)

No mate.....we're right next door !!!!

02-11-2007, 07:10 AM
RICHARD, I dug Orc's remote out of this chaos and he's getting the fire roaring again. I have the big coffee urn operational and a supply of Bailey's too. The floor is a sea of colorful bell-bottoms and Mario is clinging to the disco ball in the ceiling!

02-11-2007, 11:46 AM
The floor is a sea of colorful bell-bottoms and Mario is clinging to the disco ball in the ceiling! But where are the people? :eek: Oh, wait! They're all in the hot tub! :p

02-11-2007, 12:46 PM
But where are the people? :eek: Oh, wait! They're all in the hot tub! :p
Is THAT where I am????? Thanks for finding me!!! ;)

02-11-2007, 07:13 PM
I think the theme scared away the regulars... :eek: ;)

nahh, it's just the ones old enough to recall the first disco fever are getting tired about 9pm b/c work is the next morning at 8. it's much easier to be a club kid when i could dance till 2, sleep 3-7, go to work, nap 6-8, then back to dancing....do the hustle now means getting to kinkos before the 5pm rush...sigh

02-12-2007, 07:20 AM
Hi guys, sorry I haven't been around, (stupid reality keeps getting in the way) wow, disco I haven't gone dancing in a while. I'll pass on the platform shoes, too much heel and I'm on the floor. Can I have a glass of port please? Need something to loosen me up for all this dancing.

davidp I hope you feel better very soon.
momo talk to LH if you see him he's got some good muscle relaxers
Lady, stay off the dance floor or you'll get stepped on

02-12-2007, 05:37 PM
Can I have a glass of port please? Need something to loosen me up for all this dancing.

Served on the starbaord side! :rolleyes:



We don't serve Kinko's here.... ;)

Rest up...


MOFF and Redd....

Who put the Mr. BUBBLE in the Hot Tub? :eek:

CVC and Nachos? DONE!


Thank you for the attention to detail..
Hope those ribs are better!

One coffee and bailey's DONE!


The snow drifts make it hard to look outsede.. :eek:

02-14-2007, 10:59 AM
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY everyone!!! Mario, please wipe that glitter off your lips before kissing me..... How about we tidy up a little bit......

disco here

disco there

:D :D

02-14-2007, 01:36 PM
MOFF and Redd....

Who put the Mr. BUBBLE in the Hot Tub? :eek:

I'll never tell!!!


Mario is passing out kisses so beware!!! :eek: :D

02-14-2007, 04:03 PM
:o Now you tell me that Mario is passing out kisses.. :rolleyes: By any chance Mario was you in the Hot Tub with the Bubble Bath.. I seem to be hickupping Bubbles since you gave me that Wet Kiss :p .. **** HAPPY VALETINES TO ALL ****
I'll never tell!!!


Mario is passing out kisses so beware!!! :eek: :D