View Full Version : Need Help

02-06-2007, 08:46 PM
We recently got a 2 1/2 yr old yorkie. He is the cutest little thing. He knows all the commands like sit, down, stay, fetch and so on. The thing is that when we took him in...we didn't know that he doesn't get along with other dogs, our other dog...who is so playful wants to play but not the yorkie. Also when you carry him, he feels tense...not relax. Which brings me to believe that the original owners thought him all the basic's but not the things like bring him to a park to play with other dogs or I don't thing they held him enough. His too cute not to pick him up to hold him or kiss him. Now we're kinda afraid that we might get bitten if we try to hold him. Does anyone have this same problems or those anyone know what to do. I think the best way to do this is to bring him around other dogs and hold him so he can get use to. What do you folks thing?

02-06-2007, 10:50 PM
When he's around other dogs, don't hold him. You need to establish yourself as "pack leader". Rather than typing out a big long thing, I'll give you this link www.dogpsychologycenter.com. This guy's really good-click around, and it'll tell you exactly what to do. if you have the national geographic channel, I'd also reccoment watching his show.

02-07-2007, 09:09 AM
Dogs that are held too much turn nasty because you are lifting them up to a higher level that they think only the alphas have so you are doing them more harm than good by picking them up and holding them.

They might look cute but dogs that are carried around all the time don't often act cute when it comes to others. They end up snappy and bad tempered.

Remember that they have legs....for a reason.

02-07-2007, 03:15 PM
Maybe you should take you Yorkie to the park to interact with other dogs. Don't held him. Let him check them out on his own, but stay close so nothing bad happens.

If you want to pick him up, be patient. Let the Yorkie come to you don't go to the Yorkie. When he comes to you pet him and see try to pick him up. If he try to escape from your hands, let him go. This may not be his time. Get him use to you. Don't rush him or it'll take longer.

Help this dvice helps. Good luck! :)

02-07-2007, 05:29 PM
When he's around other dogs, don't hold him. You need to establish yourself as "pack leader". Rather than typing out a big long thing, I'll give you this link www.dogpsychologycenter.com. This guy's really good-click around, and it'll tell you exactly what to do. if you have the national geographic channel, I'd also reccoment watching his show.

I wholeheartedly agree. Most of us try to use human psycology on our
dogs instead of canine. Doesn't work. I subcribed to Cesar's newletter as
well & it's also full of interesting stories & dog tips. :) Best of luck with the
new pack member.