View Full Version : keeping newborns clean?

02-01-2007, 08:43 PM
Snow is laying with the babies and the 3 healthy ones are nursing, the weak one I still feed, but its stays with mom otherwise. Problem is she isnt being the greatest mommy. Im unsure she is licking them at all actually. Now the problem is with poop. Last time I fed little one I checked over the others and found that they have a lot off poo going on. I thin I am going to stimulate there bottoms when im in there for now on. I dont know if she is doing it. How can I get the poop off of them? One kitty has quite a bit on her tummy, legs, tail... Some im finding on there faces even. :confused: I dont want to wet them and risk them getting chilled... any other options? I was considering baby wipes maybe, but im not sure if I should use them? Im just worried about them getting a chill since they are just over 24hours old now. Yet poop cant be good to have on them either... When it was just mess from feeding them it wasnt so bad, just milk... Now that mom is in control its getting messy for them.

02-01-2007, 09:41 PM
Baby wipes or kitty wipes (I think they're the same thing), or a warm washcloth - just use warm water; you don't want to irritate their baby kitty bottoms.

02-02-2007, 08:29 AM
There are kitty wipes out there and I used them on the furbabies I was fostering, of course they were a older, for the same problem. Hang in there and keep doing the great job you have.

02-04-2007, 12:22 AM
A warm wash cloth is best. Babywipes have scent and may have alcohol (both of which are not the best for tiny ones.) Using a warm damp wash cloth and then a dry wash cloth to rub them dty is the nearest to momm doing it and will be good stimulation for their bowels and for their whole self...

You are being a great cat-mom, but I do hope Snow's instincts kick in!