View Full Version : Throwing Up

06-24-2002, 09:05 PM
I already posted this in General, but just realized it may get more response here....

Throwing Up
Poor Noah seems to have a sensitive stomache...poor thing...my question is...if you have cats that do this...what do you clean it up with? We have that high-quality apartment carpet :) and it's hard to make it really clean unless we clean up right after him...any ideas??

06-25-2002, 01:08 AM
I have this problem with Sunny. I use frebreeze and I've found that it even works well on dried up throw up. It also makes the carpet smell nice. Good luck.http://www.smilies.nl/groot/cat.gif

06-25-2002, 02:12 PM
Downy --or is it Bounce-- can't remember now:rolleyes: , makes a wonderful smelling freshen-upper too!

06-26-2002, 02:37 AM
I'm glad I have tile so I don't have to worry to much about the kitty vomit. I think science diet makes a formula for cats with sensitive stomachs, maybe that could help her.

06-26-2002, 09:25 AM
NoahsMommy - my Noah :) also has a sensitive tummy and throws up quite often. Nature's Miracle works really well for getting the stain and smell out.

06-28-2002, 10:15 PM
Thank you Noahmason! I will pick that up this weekend!! :)

Give your Noah a hug for me! I hope he's feeling better!

06-29-2002, 12:32 AM
Hey NoahsMommy,

If Nature's Miracle doesn't work for you, try Resolve Stain & Spot Carpet Cleaner. It works great for my Thelma, aka "Bulemic Kitty."

I've also heard Oxyclean (sp?) is good.

Good luck!

07-01-2002, 06:17 PM
catwoman, GREAT idea about the oxy clean....I actually thought about that when that commercial came on! We'll try that! Thanks!!

07-07-2002, 08:24 PM
Noah's mommy, I have a cat that would often barf up what she ate, that is until I told a vet about her. She recommended that I feed her (Tiger) that which doesn't make her sick. I have found that kitten chow mixed with some Friskies canned food with a dab of Nutracal on it, not only fills her up, and gives her extra energy, but also it has stopped Tiger from barfing. Tiger has a kind of feline "hypo-glycemia", (low blood sugar, in human form), because when she does not eat regularly she get markedly weak. I noticed this one day when she was away from the house. When I found her under the next door neighbor's mobile home, she hadn't eaten in nearly 2 days and she was weak and wobbly. This episode with Tiger gave me an interest to find what could be done to help her. When I took her in for spaying, I told the vet about her barfing and weakness. She suggested that I do what has been told here, especially about the Nutracal.

In cleaning up kitty barf, personally I use a small metal scoop on a handle ( a home made divice), also, that an ash scoop, the kind used in a home wood-burning fire place, works very well. Usually it doesn't stain the rug, not like kitty litter. You can use any number of commercially made rug cleaners, especially those that are marked for pet odors. I hope this helps in your decisions. I just now read the post, so, am a little late with a response.
