View Full Version : Wish Us Luck

K & L
01-30-2007, 09:19 AM
Thanks to Becki (Craftlady), and her recommendation, I have ordered some special herbs for Leila in hopes these will help with her behavioral issues. It was really interesting because I was asked all kinds of questions on how she behaves and issues we are dealing with. She will make up some special herbs that apply to these problems, and I will apply systemic to Leila. I’m very anxious to get started and hope this helps! Wish us luck!

critter crazy
01-30-2007, 09:22 AM
Good Luck!! I sure hope it works!!! keep us posted!

01-30-2007, 09:46 AM
We certainly hope that those herbs work, and Leila can calm down and be a Purrfect Cat for you.
Would they be the same things that are in Feli Way.

01-30-2007, 09:47 AM
Good luck...keep us posted on your progress.

01-30-2007, 09:59 AM
oh that sounds very good, keep us posted on how she gets on, lets' hope it's really successful :D

01-30-2007, 10:14 AM
I wish you the very best of luck. Please let me know how it works so I might have another option with Ripley besides Valium. For some reason Rescue Remedy doesn't seem to help here (I've been trying it for 2 months) and Feliway tends to have the oppostie effect on my gang.

01-30-2007, 10:43 AM
Good Luck! Hope the herbs works out well.

01-30-2007, 11:25 AM
The rescue remedy Leila will get comes from Bach Remedy (from Dr Bach's formula's that started in England) concentrates. There are allot of "knock off" rescue remedies out there. This is the real deal Leila is getting :)
We are doing a website for my friend once it's up and running I will post the link.

I'm so excited for Leila :)

Craftlady (Becky)

01-30-2007, 11:28 AM
Thanks to Becki (Craftlady), and her recommendation, I have ordered some special herbs for Leila in hopes these will help with her behavioral issues. It was really interesting because I was asked all kinds of questions on how she behaves and issues we are dealing with. She will make up some special herbs that apply to these problems, and I will apply systemic to Leila. I’m very anxious to get started and hope this helps! Wish us luck!

How do you apply it systemically to her?? Is it drops in her mouth? I always thought it was added to water? I have to call this woman too and see if I can something for my jealous, possessive, and generally neurotic, cats, lol.

01-30-2007, 11:30 AM
How do you apply it systemically to her?? Is it drops in her mouth? I always thought it was added to water? I have to call this woman too and see if I can something for my jealous, possessive, and generally neurotic, cats, lol.

Yes, to all the above.
Via mouth, on their skin, added it to water.
The best way is to do it via mouth or skin that way you know they are getting the proper dose, yes it's via # of drops. I give 4 drops 4x a day when using the speciality blends. Regular Bach Remedy is 4 drops as needed.
I use the skin method.

01-30-2007, 03:16 PM
GOOD LUCK with Leila!

01-30-2007, 04:21 PM
The rescue remedy Leila will get comes from Bach Remedy (from Dr Bach's formula's that started in England) concentrates. There are allot of "knock off" rescue remedies out there. This is the real deal Leila is getting :)
We are doing a website for my friend once it's up and running I will post the link.

I'm so excited for Leila :)

Craftlady (Becky)
I just checked the bottle of what I'm using and it's Bach Original Flower Essecnces Rescue Remedy. It's not a knock off and I get it at a nutritional store. I've been putting it in the water for all my cats to try to get them to be calm and accept the new kittens but I've seen no evidence of it helping. I talked to my vet about using it directly on Ripley (drops in his mouth) to help his peeing issues and she said the alcohol in it would not be good for his kidney failure and overall health. It is 27% alcohol.
Would you care to tell me what you've used it for and how it worked? What bad behaviors did it cure? Did you use it along with other herbal remedies?

I think I just have strange cats because Feliway makes them aggitated and they fight more. It used to work on Ripley but it doesn't seem to faze him now and Rocky and Scout seem to get wired from it - I think the Rescue Remedy does that to them too. Weird.

01-30-2007, 05:07 PM
I just checked the bottle of what I'm using and it's Bach Original Flower Essecnces Rescue Remedy. It's not a knock off and I get it at a nutritional store. I've been putting it in the water for all my cats to try to get them to be calm and accept the new kittens but I've seen no evidence of it helping. I talked to my vet about using it directly on Ripley (drops in his mouth) to help his peeing issues and she said the alcohol in it would not be good for his kidney failure and overall health. It is 27% alcohol.
Would you care to tell me what you've used it for and how it worked? What bad behaviors did it cure? Did you use it along with other herbal remedies?

I think I just have strange cats because Feliway makes them aggitated and they fight more. It used to work on Ripley but it doesn't seem to faze him now and Rocky and Scout seem to get wired from it - I think the Rescue Remedy does that to them too. Weird.

#1 The remedy mixture that is made up by our Reiki person is using 100% spring water along with the herb extracts, She mixes the remedy herself. No alcohol is used.

#2 Skinny had some behavior issues (scratching, seperation anxiety, stomach upset) 4 drops a day, 4 times a day for 1 month (that is how long a bottle lasts). Cured :) No more symptoms.
Skinny doesnt use any other herbal remedies.

#3 Thumper is using a special blend mixture for seperation anxiety & over grooming. Her HUGH bald spot on her tummy is result of to much grooming. It only took 3 regular practing vets & few specialist later to tell us that fact. No one else had a clue. IDIOTS :mad: pure and simple.
She also takes a cancer herbal remedy that I get online. Along with the Reiki treatments this remedy is helping to disolve the tumor. She gets it 3x a day through her skin (I put drops on her back).

#4 I use 2 drops on each wrist and rub together to blend into my skin. Stress situations.

01-30-2007, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the info Becky. I will look for the link you are going to post. I'd prefer the alcohol free stuff (although it did me wonders during the stressful holidays :D ).

01-30-2007, 06:23 PM
Lisa, wishing Leila all the best of luck that this remedy will help her.

01-30-2007, 07:11 PM
Lisa, best of luck.

Craftlady is having good results with Thumper, and with other issues there.

We could be on to something!

Oscar has to be on Feliway the rest of his life. Would be nice to use the Bach...though Feliway is a natural cat face pheromone, so maybe no harm.

Looking forward to that website!


01-31-2007, 12:59 PM

Please let me know if this works!! It sounds really interesting!


PLEASE let me know this woman's name & website!! She sounds like a miracle worker! :)

I have one old guy that can't hear, pee's inside/outside the box (at least it is close) and just downright old!

Then I have a pee-boy that's been on kitty prozac for years now, and I must admit it has helped, but he still pee's!!!! :(

And if your taking it, I sure could use some too! Between the cat's helath problems and my own I'm pretty stressed out lately!


01-31-2007, 01:14 PM
Y'know, Feliway never worked in this household and I thought I was just expecting more than it can deliver. Glad to hear that isn't the case. Good luck w/the herbal remedies. I'm all for that and I hope it brings you success. If so, I'd like to give it a whirl.


K & L
01-31-2007, 04:00 PM
I'm very excited to give this a try. I will let you all know how it goes and if it works for her!

01-31-2007, 05:01 PM
4 days into her regiment, I can tell the excessive grooming habits are slowing down. :)

K & L
01-31-2007, 05:29 PM
Well I sure could've used it today! I came in here to log on the computer and pee ALL OVER IT! This is SO aggravating. It couldn't get here fast enough! :)