View Full Version : Outdoors and Cole's Sibe Tail

01-26-2007, 05:33 PM
It is chilly here, but nice and sunny, so I let the boys out for a few minutes on the deck:






01-26-2007, 05:34 PM
One of these is Cole outside....his really fluffy tail CURLS like a Husky's! Hope you can see it okay here. And sometimes he flicks that part as he walks...looks so cute. :)



01-26-2007, 05:41 PM
The Found Cats Play That Old Trick, In Front Of The Cold Door.
In The Words Of The Clash
Should I Stay , Or Should I Go Now?
They Go, But Its Way Too Cold To Stay Out Too Long.

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 05:42 PM
Awww.....Te kitties are so cute!!!! Great pics!! Love the Sibe Tail!!

01-26-2007, 05:49 PM
Cole is so fluffy and gorgeous! I'm in love.

01-26-2007, 06:12 PM
Awwwwwww! What a great tail! Makes me think of a peacock flashing its plumage.


01-27-2007, 07:45 PM
*bump* :D

01-27-2007, 08:14 PM
OMG, this picture reminds me sooooo much of my RB Katie girl.
I'm sorry, but I forgot the name of your handsome tabby.

WOW!!! That is some beautiful tail you have there Cole. Very unique. The last picture looks like someone stuck a big black pompom on his back.

Great pictures Catty1. :)

01-27-2007, 08:24 PM
The tabby is Oscar, so named by the man who tamed him because he was wild....Oscar Wild...okay.... :D

He had been wild for at least 2 years. Once he realized that food and ATTENTION was nice, he warmed up quickly.

Still, after developing a UTI last year with a few crystals...and having blood in his urine even after crystals and infection were gone - poor baby! - the vet that he was responding to stress. Instead of pills, the vet was very fine with trying Feliway, and Oscar now wears a collar so I can give him a wee shot of it in the collar morning and evening.

He is my heart kitty and sucky boy...winds up on my pillow at some point in the night, and I am sleeping with a large warm purring tabby lump who loves licking my hair, nose, whatever is handy! :D

Cole was DUMPED just over a year ago. Both boys came from the cat boarding kennel where I used to work. I named Cole.

Abby, another fluffy black kitty - a girl! - here, looks SOOO much like Cole, right down to the white hairs inside the ears.

Also, I thought that little RB Scooter would have been Cole as a kitten.

Enough outta me....running on about my boys....but I kinda like them!!! :D

01-27-2007, 08:35 PM
OSCAR!!!! Yes, now I remember. Sorry for the senior moment. :)

I love how he got his name. :D

Hey Catty1, you can run on about your crew any time. I'm sure no one here would mind. I know I don't, as I love to hear how people aquired their kitties.

Here's a picture of my RB Katie to show you how much Oscar looks like her.
Well, I think he does anyway, especially in that picture of him.

01-27-2007, 08:38 PM
Awwww...she is just SO pretty! I even call Oscar my pretty boy...cause he is!

They really do look alike. Wow

I hope my Oscar is with me for as long as your sweet Katie was with you.

I know he is my heart cat and his passing will rip me up...but I am gonna love him with all my heart just the same!

And his brother Cole is really special too..."My Little Prince"! :D

01-27-2007, 09:14 PM
I am pet-sitting a houseful of cats while their mom and dad visit Egypt. One of the cats is a big handsome brown tabby boy named Oscar the Wild!


01-27-2007, 09:35 PM
Pat - is a pic of that boy possible? :D

01-27-2007, 09:40 PM
Beautiful pictures of the boys. Oscar looks a lot like my Tazmoe too. :D
And Cole actually looks like a cat that lives at my vets office. His name is Murphy. He needs a home, but for now he's just living at the office. He is the office mascot.

How old are the boys?

01-27-2007, 10:04 PM
best guess...vet is sure Cole is 2 (as of Oct) and Oscar is about 5
pardon typing...fresh Sally hansen on nails :D

K & L
01-28-2007, 08:07 AM
OSCAR!!!! Yes, now I remember. Sorry for the senior moment. :)

I love how he got his name. :D

Hey Catty1, you can run on about your crew any time. I'm sure no one here would mind. I know I don't, as I love to hear how people aquired their kitties.

Here's a picture of my RB Katie to show you how much Oscar looks like her.
Well, I think he does anyway, especially in that picture of him.

They look almost like the same cat! Cole's picture brought back memories of my RIP Scooter.

01-28-2007, 08:09 AM
Friday was bitter cold here, but my 4 who go outside supervised INSISTED on a trip out to the backyard and the sun shine. :cool: Joke was on them, ha ha. Vita never made it out of the garage, she was back at the door to get inside. Chestnut stepped off the concrete apron onto the frozen grass (we have no snow yet) and tippy toed around for 30 seconds before he too had to get back in. And he was the noisiest one demanding to get out, ha ha. :rolleyes:

Sparkle just headed straight for the catnip (all gone at this time of year) until a gust of wind literally chased her back inside. :D And then there is Crystal. She settled under the bird feeder and was prepared to wait as long as it took. I had to pick her up and carry her in.

I do hope Oscar and Cole were a bit more cooperative in their venture outside on the deck. The sun speckling Oscar's back in the first pic is startling! I can't decide if he has a white tip on his tail or if that is more of the sun. And the plume on the rear end of Cole is gorgeous!!!!

01-28-2007, 09:11 AM
Oscar's tail is interesting....the last 3 inches or so of it turn from a brown tabby to almost a silver tabby marking. So that is what you likely noticed.

He IS pretty, isn't he? (proud meowmie) :D

As it gets dry up here, and he started scratching a lot under his chin, I started adding a single drop of canola oil to each cat's wet food in the morning.
Great results within a week! And no extra scratching! Oscar's fur is SOOOO soft now...So is Cole's but there is a lot more fur for the oil to work with, and he never had a scratching problem. But he is nice and shiny!

01-28-2007, 10:27 AM
I loved reading this thread,and seeing how beautiful your cats are.My Monty's tail is just like Cole's.Curling.Especially when Monty gets that burst of energy every night and runs around like a cookoo with his tail turned.It's a real Hoot.
That porch looks great for them to enjoy for a couple minutes every now and then in the winter.I do the same with our new screened in porch.But I get so afraid they'll want to go out all the time so I cut it short. :rolleyes: Poor babies.But,there are Fishercats in my yard sometimes and they EAT cats!Among ather preditors.But I would never let them out-out.The screened in porch we have even has a locked door with a slide bolt near the bottom.(just a wee bit paranoid.) :D :rolleyes: )And we stay with them for the fresh air event. :)
I know...Way to over protected.
Your babies look so happy and we know how lucky they are :)
Thanks for sharing their story.They really are lucky cats.

01-28-2007, 10:53 AM
How did I miss this? I LOVE Cole's floofy tail!

01-28-2007, 03:05 PM
What the heck is a Fishercat? Sounds like a Raptor! :eek:

01-28-2007, 03:13 PM
You may know fishers as martens? Here are some photos.




You can google fisher cat and find lots of info.

Here is one

They have strong sharp front claws. My cousin had them claw right through the rabbit hutch out in her back yard and get the rabbits, poor things. They have become a huge problem in parts of New Hampshire.

01-28-2007, 04:29 PM
You may know fishers as martens? Here are some photos.




You can google fisher cat and find lots of info.

Here is one

They have strong sharp front claws. My cousin had them claw right through the rabbit hutch out in her back yard and get the rabbits, poor things. They have become a huge problem in parts of New Hampshire.
The top brown one was in my driveway before the winter started,so I know they are living nearby.I FREEKED!
Thanks for the pictures.
Me and Monty were looking through the window at it.
I lectured Monty on that's why I want you indoors I said to him. :)

01-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Pat - is a pic of that boy possible? :D

Candace, today I discovered that I described Oscar the Wild wrong: he's not the tabby boy, he's a handsome tuxedo. (The tabby is named Tiger.)

I could get some pictures, and since you mention it, I think I will! I'm sure Kristine and Simon would be delighted to have some new pictures of their cats when they get back from Egypt, too.

I have to do it in a rather roundabout way, since I don't have a digital camera yet: take film pictures, then take the roll in for processing and get a CD of them too. So it will take a bit of time, but when I get one(s) of Oscar, I'll post it (or them) here.


01-28-2007, 08:39 PM
Your boys sure are handsome.:) My Sky and Ziggy both have the poofy tails too.

01-29-2007, 06:00 AM
- When I first read this thread and saw the picture of Cole, I remembered how much he looked like my Abby.
I could'nt find one of her fluffy tail, but these were kinda close.



in this next picture here , you can really see how much she looks like Cole :)


01-29-2007, 08:53 AM
omigosh - they are twins!

Cole has his winter coat, and this morning I referred to him as a Woolly Mammoth! :D

Or woolly black sheepskin - especially when he flops on his back! :)