View Full Version : Why does Bear want to play with Chad's dirty clothes??

01-26-2007, 07:49 AM
Bear has this thing for Chad's dirty shirts & socks. At first it was no big issue, as she wasn't shredding them.. just nawing & playing with them... However she ate his 100.00 rap hat last night... Chad was nearly crying over this hat. Hes really mad & doesn't understand why she only does it to his clothing.

Does Bear not like him or something?? Chad plays with her the most as hes home most of the day... She doesn't do it to Andrews clothing or my clothing, just Chad's.

Needless to say Bear is now getting a crate :( Its prob for the best, but we were trying to avoid that route. I'm hoping he'll see its cheaper to buy her a babygate & pen her in the kitchen, so she can lay on the massive doggie bed we have & if she happeneds to have an accident, its a tiled floor.

& to keep things fair, Mr. Biggles' crate will be put in the kitchen so he can see Bear.

01-26-2007, 09:21 AM
It's LOVE! Bear just LOVES Chad and she loves his scent - which is strong in his clothes, especially the dirty ones!!! Not sure what a rap hat is, but he must have worn it and sweated so his scent was in the band.

Can't he just keep his dirty clothes in a hamper in the closet with the door closed? (I know, MEN don't do laundry, te hee!)

Make sure she has chew toys.

01-26-2007, 09:31 AM
It's LOVE! Bear just LOVES Chad and she loves his scent - which is strong in his clothes, especially the dirty ones!!! Not sure what a rap hat is, but he must have worn it and sweated so his scent was in the band.

Can't he just keep his dirty clothes in a hamper in the closet with the door closed? (I know, MEN don't do laundry, te hee!)

Make sure she has chew toys.

I didn't think she was mad at him. As she seems to be in LOVE with him, cause she goes to insane wiggle mode when she has his clothing.

I'll let Chad know its not a hate thing, but hes just gonna have to keep his clothing away from her...

Will this be a forever thing? or a You weren't here yesterday evening so I need you sent in MY BELLY lol once in a blue moon type of thing?

Queen of Poop
01-26-2007, 09:37 AM
She L I K E S him!!! Really, while its not such a good thing for Chad's clothes, it is a really good thing for the relationship.

01-26-2007, 09:51 AM
She L I K E S him!!! Really, while its not such a good thing for Chad's clothes, it is a really good thing for the relationship.

I hope he'll be flattered when I tell him this... I was trying to calm him down last night, as that hat meant so much to him. Now hes wearing his Flordia ball cap & I laugh everytime I see it on him... OMG it looks soooo bad in him LOL

The biggest reason Chad liked that hat so much is 1. Cost & 2. it kept him looking clean. Hes VERY hygentic & likes to look clean, yet simi rappish (if that makes any sence)... He missed his shower this morning (my fault) & its bothering the heck out of him.. thats all I heard for 20 mins.. I'm dirty, ewww, I stink LOL I think its funny, but I understand that Hygene is important for him cause he fears getting FleshEatting again... poor guy

Pawsitive Thinking
01-26-2007, 10:01 AM
Maybe she did him a favour and is his fashion guru?

01-26-2007, 10:17 AM
Though Galina is the mischevious one, Zubin has adored my step son. The man took care of him in the few weeks after i got him as I broke my leg, and was at the house alot. Zubin sees him as a buddy... always has-
Zubin will ignore anyone elses things in the house- any visitor and our things as well.. But- If my step son comes over, we have to put his back pack in the bedroom and shut the door. Zubin will unpack it- and even chewed up a bag once in his younger days- but NO ONE ELSES.. We have no doubt Zubin singles him out because he adores him! He plays with him more like a golden retriever than a Borzoi- and loves him to the point he sulks when he leaves- looking out the window..
I believe she is doing this for the same reason- and - as my parents use to say when I was growing up and with all their cavaliers- if you dont want it torn up- PUT IT UP.. To this day- out of habit- clothes are in the hamper- and the closet doors ARE SHUT..

01-26-2007, 10:19 AM
I agree with the above posts. That is "his" dog. I had the same thing happen to me when I was little. "My" dog when he was a puppy was chewing up everything that was mine. I'd come home from school and something of mine would be destroyed. I was soooo mad at that dog. I kept asking why. Well I got my answer. My mom's b/f said that he was "my" dog and if I wanted it to stop I'd have to work with him. So I did, and the funny thing was he turned out to be the most awesome dog. But then he wouldn't listen to anyone but me....lol. Your dog has chosen her person. :)

01-26-2007, 10:22 AM
I agree with the above posts. That is "his" dog. I had the same thing happen to me when I was little. "My" dog when he was a puppy was chewing up everything that was mine. I'd come home from school and something of mine would be destroyed. I was soooo mad at that dog. I kept asking why. Well I got my answer. My mom's b/f said that he was "my" dog and if I wanted it to stop I'd have to work with him. So I did, and the funny thing was he turned out to be the most awesome dog. But then he wouldn't listen to anyone but me....lol. Your dog has chosen her person. :)
My daughters papillion- with two other people in the household- its her stuff her dog will get into.. Usually nothing is chewed up, but his favorite antics are to get in the laundry basket and get her stuff out of there- and lay on them in a pile outside the basket.. AND ONLY HERS!

01-26-2007, 10:52 AM
Maybe she did him a favour and is his fashion guru?

I went to guru.it & have to say heck no LOL OMG they looked horrible IMO (NO OFFENCE to anyone, not my style)... I think Chad would murder me if I called him guru :P

Chad wears mostly nice blue Jeans (fancy ones but clean.. like fully sand blasted ones), or his really nice white slush like pants.. Then he'll wear a nice t-shirt or a kind of shirt you'll find at something like the garage (just the shirt)... Then he wears his rappers hat (it has a flat beak & its kinda big, but clean looking)... His hair is short, but the hair ontop is about 2 inches & highlighted blond. He has a bit of hair on his chin & shaves his back & upper arms to stay clean looking (hes a VERY hairy man, so i shave him lol)...

I think I described him correctly.. not sure what his style is called... But he does have hill-billy days lol :D XXXL sweat pants (hes only a L) & a super holy shirt & messy ungelled hair.... he looks bad but hes still sparkling clean lol

01-26-2007, 11:33 AM
When I was away at college, i lived with 2 guys and one had a dog called Rudy. He was a sweet big brown dog, but he loved to come into my room if the door wasn't closed and chew up my unmentionables. He'd also hump my llama poncho if i wasn't careful.

I learned to keep my door shut -- maybe the baby gate to the kitchen is a cheaper idea than a crate since bear is such a big dog? Its likely easier than trying to get chad to keep the door closed :p

01-26-2007, 11:43 AM
When I was away at college, i lived with 2 guys and one had a dog called Rudy. He was a sweet big brown dog, but he loved to come into my room if the door wasn't closed and chew up my unmentionables. He'd also hump my llama poncho if i wasn't careful.

I learned to keep my door shut -- maybe the baby gate to the kitchen is a cheaper idea than a crate since bear is such a big dog? Its likely easier than trying to get chad to keep the door closed :p

You know Chad all to well now eh? & you saw the house... The clothing on the floor is mostly his... He has this odd habbit, of coming into the house & stripping :rolleyes:

Usually hes walking about just in his undies & a t-shirt (hes never seen without a t-shirt on(except when I'm shaving him LOL), hes embarrased about his fat hairy body :rolleyes: )

You were lucky to see Andrew with just no shirt on.. I was scared he was gonna come down in just his undies! :eek:

01-26-2007, 12:12 PM
The closer the item is worn on the body- the more the temptation- same thing with shoes or your case- hats..

01-26-2007, 12:16 PM
Laundry Hamper. Laundry Hamper. Laundry Hamper.

If Chad doesn't look after his clothes on the floor, he has no business being upset.

01-26-2007, 12:20 PM
Laundry Hamper. Laundry Hamper. Laundry Hamper.

If Chad doesn't look after his clothes on the floor, he has no business being upset.

We've had the dogs for 2 weeks now & no shredding happened. So we didn't really expected it to happen...

This is the final weekend of a messy house... We're stocking up on caffiene & are going to get everything 100% unpacked & gate off the upstairs & kitchen... I'll fold the guys clothes for them (lazy buggers), so we can have 5 empty laundry hampers for dirty clothing (with lids)...

Boys :rolleyes: :D :p ;)

01-26-2007, 12:24 PM
Put it this way- you are "training" them now how to be better more considerate husbands later in life.. rofl..

01-26-2007, 12:33 PM
Put it this way- you are "training" them now how to be better more considerate husbands later in life.. rofl..

Kerry (lead HR) told me I'm now a proud mother of 2 boys & 2 dogs :eek:

SAVE ME !!!! I'm too young to be a mother!!! :D :p ;)

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 12:36 PM
My dogs have done the same thing with me, always my stuff. The clothes should be ut up anyways, this is just one more reason why! he he he he he! MEN!! this is one of the reasons why i lay on the dogs beds with them, that way they always have my scent! seems to work for them!:D

01-26-2007, 12:42 PM
lolllllll or like this.. ( thats femka under there..)

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 12:47 PM
lolllllll or like this.. ( thats femka under there..)

awwww.....femka is so adorable!!!

01-26-2007, 12:51 PM
We had a shepherd who used to get clothes from the hamper and bring it to his bed when he was alone. Never chewed or destroyed anything and wasn't choosy, could have been anything of mine and hubby's. I think it was a security blanket thing with this guy. :)

01-26-2007, 12:52 PM
lolllllll or like this.. ( thats femka under there..)

heheh sooo cute :D

Chad tucked in Bear before bed for the first week we had her.. He would give her a Pillow for her head & a giant stuffy to seperate her front legs for easier breathing. She LOVED it & would give him those puppy eyes & lick the air hehe

I don't know how many times I've caught Bear all tucked in at infront of OUR couch & Chad asleep on the couch with his arm on her :D

Now the new stupid coffee table is in the way.

Could explain why she likes him so much