View Full Version : Hereditary Mange?

01-25-2007, 03:00 PM
Hi everyone! I never post on this side, but I come over periodically and look at all the cute and adorable pups! I have kitties, but I am a dog lover also, just not owned by a dog (yet!?). I have a question for everyone!

My friend (who lives in Florida and I am in Indiana) has adopted a one year old, full blooded black cocker spaniel named Midnight. When she came to live with him just before Christmas 2006, she had a problem with her jowls. They swelled up and seemed to fill with blood. Also, much of the fur in that area was gone. She would scratch at the area periodically, but not all the time. She also had some hair loss on her back. His Mother technically adopted the dog for him and she had taken her to a vet in the area that she lived. That vet gave her some medicine (don't know what) and said that she had allergies.

When I was there visting at Christmas, the swelling seemed bad on her jowls. In fact, if she laid directly on them, there would be blood on the floor where she had liad her head down. :( But she was always full of energy, has a healthy appetite, etc. Seemed healthy except for this problem.

Well, last weekend, when giving Midnight a bath, my friend noticed that there was swelling on her neck area. So into the vet she went. This vet has said that she has "hereditary mange". He said that she got it from her own mother. Now she has to go in every other week for a "dip" and this will need to be done a total of 6 times.

So now, (finally) my question..... has anyone here every dealt with this condition? Any suggestions that I can give my friend about this? Is there a good website that I can go to to learn more so that I can help him? I feel so bad that I am so far away. I want to be able to help, in some small way. Thanks for reading... and understanding! Donna

Ginger's Mom
01-25-2007, 03:14 PM
Although I have never personally had to deal with it I have heard of it. It is called demodectic mange. Here is a link (http://www.marvistavet.com/html/demodectic_mange.html) to some information on it. Hope this helps, and I hope the dips work for her. Poor baby girl.

01-25-2007, 03:16 PM
There are hundred of sites available with information about mange. These two will get you started and answer the majority of your questions.

Pet Partners (http://www.petpartners.org/mange.html)

Wikopedia on mange (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mange)

01-25-2007, 07:40 PM
Thank you both so much! I will check out the links that you have provided! I talked with my friend tonight, and he said that Midnight is doing fine.... she just looks bad. :(

I will maybe come back with more questions after I look at the sites.

We are hoping the dips help her as well. Thanks again!

01-25-2007, 07:41 PM
If the dips and medical reasons are fine- we need to look at the diet.. But I am waiting for that on what the mange actually is...