View Full Version : OCD with dogs

01-22-2007, 07:33 PM
haha okay not really WITH dogs but with dogs OWNERS!
I just saw a comercial on TV on the tv show Monk, well anyone who doesnt know much about it, i havent really ever watched it. but it's a detective that has ocd, well i was thinking while i am watching this commercial...is it possible to have OCD while living with dogs?
dogs...well puppies are kinda messy, tracking mud, leaves, sticks, and who knows what into the house, not to mention tearing everything up. Im pretty sure anyone with OCD would probably flip out if they ever had a puppy! haha
I have alittle bit of it...as does probably the rest of the world...like towels have to go the same way, folded exactly the same. Things need to be the exact same numbers, colors ect.
but anyways i was just thinking and i wanted to share! haha

01-22-2007, 08:15 PM
I am the same way except I am slight OCD with Mister's dog toys they all have to be in his toy chest and he is great at taking them out but not putting them back in. So I run around the apartment all day putting them back into the chest. Then picking up his chewies and putting them away I am always running after him my mom teases me saying I'm OCD about it. LOL Just thought I would share too. And I have seen that show Monk I love it.

critter crazy
01-22-2007, 08:26 PM
well I have a little story about an OCD woman I know, who got a dog many years ago. She fell in love with a golden retreiver puppy, and brought it home. She would only let the dog at first stay downstairs, cause she didnt want it to mess up the rest of the house. after spending hours cleaning up after the dog, daily, she decided it would be best if the dog was an outside dog. That dog stayed outside the rest of its life. She wouldnt pet it, cause it was dirty! The dog was given no affection, was never taken off the chain, and was in horrible shape. My inlaws later took this dog in, and she was a mess! The leather collar the dog was wearing removed all the fur from the dogs neck, and it never returned! the dogs name was ashley! and she was such a sweet girl! No matter what she went through as a puppy and a young dog, she always was a good girl! this dog ended up costing my in laws a huge fortune! but they didnt care cause she was a great dog, ashley lived to be 11 yrs old, and was put down two years ago, suffering from cancer!
I am not saying all OCD people are like this, this is just my one experiance I had with one!

01-22-2007, 08:32 PM
Thats awful...I am just a neat freak anyway before I ever got a puppy so it was just a tad bit more to pick up. I'm glad to hear that at least she got to live in a happy manner at the end of her life. :)

01-22-2007, 08:34 PM
Jasper is OCD the medicated kind! we have 3 dogs and 8 cats, birds guinea pigs, snakes and rats. Ok so maybe the cages don't really need to be cleaned quite so often....but since he HAS to do it, you think I am going to complain??? It works for vacuuming too... I look at a spot on the floor and say Oh my, what IS THAT?? then start to walk over and he can't help it he just has to vacuum the whole room. :p OOPs did I just let out a secret? :eek: