View Full Version : Puddy and the pizzelles (Sounds like a rock band)

01-17-2007, 08:34 AM
Puddy was up a lot during the night wanting noggin noogies most of the time. I thought she might be feeling bad so I accomodated her, of course. I checked her litterbox: no action. Checked her food dish: same. But later she played w/her catnip mouse, so she wasn't feeling that bad. I think she just didn't want what was in front of her. Earlier in the day she heard me taking something out of the package and she actually came running cuz she thought it was pizzelles. (She loves pizzelles. I only give her little crumbs, no worries. :p And only anise flavored. Picky little piece o' fur, huh?) So I waited til this morning to see if she had eaten and she had, though just a little. And she had used the litterbox, too. So I gave her more appetite stimulant as directed and her pain meds but the pain meds make her so drowsy and she's sleeping like a top right now, so I'll leave her alone. If she walks, she staggers and falls and I don't want her to hurt herself.

But isn't it funny what a cat will want to eat when it's soooo sick?


01-17-2007, 05:47 PM
Mary, aren't cats great teachers!!! your Puddy is doing things her way!!!