View Full Version : Puddy the Pooper

01-16-2007, 05:51 PM
Hi Friends,
Yuk! What a mess! Apparently one of the meds is constipating Puddy and she got so much poop smashed into her fur on her hindquarters. She just reeked! She was so good today, taking her subQ fluid treatment like a little angel but I could hardly stand the smell and I thought she was just passing gas. So I had to muzzle her to clip the fur away before I could even wash her. I didn't know a cat could contort like that! And she bit right through the muzzle. This 5 lb. runt is unbelievable. I think I got it all out but what a mess! I feel so bad that I had to do that to her but I had no choice. And she doesn't seem real keen on eating today either. Yesterday I baked fish for dinner and cut up a few bites for her and she really ate. Today she doesn't seem interested, not even for chicken, her favorite. I'm still giving her the appetite stimulant and pain liquid, so I'm not sure why she isn't eating. If she doesn't eat during the night, I'm calling Dr. Lee. She's drinking and using the litter box, though.


01-16-2007, 07:10 PM
We continue to keep Puddy in our prayers. :)

01-16-2007, 07:11 PM
Wow! Hopefully her tummy felt a bit upset and that is why she didn't eat today...hopefully, she will feel better tomorrow.
Poor widdle girl - she and you have been through a LOT.


01-16-2007, 08:40 PM
Pain meds can do that. Try mixing a bit of psyllium laxative (unflavored, from the drugstore) into some ground-up chicken and broth. It's good to hear she's drinking - that'll help!

01-17-2007, 02:56 AM
Good to hear Puddy is clean and nice smelling again- now we have to work on the food .... Baked fish... oh yeah. Can I come to you and have the cat food ;)?

Killearn Kitties
01-17-2007, 03:38 AM
What a feisty little girl! Come on little puddy, eat your chicken!