View Full Version : Taz needs PT power! Update 2/17/07 post #43

01-14-2007, 10:30 PM
Taz has not been eating as much lately and is still slowly losing weight, which is a good thing. But I think there may be more to it. We noticed he seems to be having a tough time eating his dry food. The food we have him on only comes in dry and wet, not moist. I really don't like wet food, but will go that route if necessary. I don't want to change his food, since we went through that this past summer....4 times.
He had one of his fangs removed a couple years ago, so we are thinking he has some dental issues.
He has an appointment to the vet on the 23rd. But we would like to enlist the power of PT, that it is only dental problems and can be fixed easily.
Thank you all in advance. :)

01-14-2007, 10:41 PM
HOpefully it is just a dental issue - and you can find some dental healthy dry food or treats that will help prevent a recurrence.

PT Prayers on the way!

01-14-2007, 11:11 PM
While I was reading your post, I was also thinking that it could be dental problems. My Storm had to have a tooth removed last year and he's been eating better ever since. I hope that Taz's weight loss is just due to the fact that he's not eating as much as he normally does. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. Feline greenies are a good treat to give him to help his teeth. I give each of mine 6 pieces every night. I've also just started putting Liquid Oral Care in their water too.

01-15-2007, 08:56 PM
Thank you both for your responses. I am hoping that is it only dental stuff. But I have looked at his teeth, as best as I can, and gently pushed on them to see if they are sensitive, but it doesn't seem to bother him. But it could be a back tooth that I REALLY can't get to.
A couple of years ago when he had to have his fang pulled, it was obvious what it was and the tooth was loose and he'd flinch when I touched it.
UUGGHH!!! I still have to wait another week!!! I could take him in early...but he is due for some shots, so I figured I'd get it all done at once.

Thanks again for your thoughts. :D

01-19-2007, 11:05 PM
hey girl im so sorry i just saw this, i have not been on for couple of days i will email you why, big nightmare..lol anyway i really hope he gets to feeling better, it very probably is teeth, i know bei-jing is not eating normal either, i noticed she is not chewing like she should all the time. so we will have to have the vet check. waiting can be so hard especially when us "mommies" know something is not right!!! i will keep sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. let me know how taz is doing.
talk to you soon

01-21-2007, 08:30 PM
I am sure he will be fine...he has you as his mom..:) I cant imagine him being 14 pounds though, now he is only one cat instead of 2..:) Let me know what the vets says.

01-21-2007, 08:40 PM
Fingers and paws crossed! Feel better, sweet Taz!

01-22-2007, 12:32 PM
how is taz doing? email me or pm me and let me know and how the weekend went.

01-22-2007, 08:27 PM
Well, tomorrow is Taz's appointment with the vet. I was a little worried last week because he was not pooping enough (in my opinion). But many people said maybe it's because he isn't eating as much. Which I guess is possible.

So, I almost didn't have a cat to take to the vet tomorrow!! He is an indoor only cat. On Friday we were loading up the truck (we went to stay with my nieces while my brother and SIL went out of town) and we propped the door open. We got everything packed up and set the alarm and I was locking the door. Bruce yelled out, "Is that Taz??" Sure enough he had snuck out while the door was open and was in the FRONT YARD!!! :eek:
I am so glad Zoee likes to chase him. We may not have noticed he was out there if she hadn't chased him to the porch. It just freaks me out to think that he almost got left outside ALL weekend. I don't know what I would have done if we had come home and couldn't find him anywhere!! I don't even like to think about it!
He has snuck out the door before, but he usually hangs right by the door and if there is any strange or loud noises he runs right back in. The loud noise is usually me yelling at him to get back in the house.
Anyway, he is safe and sound. And I will personally be checking to make sure he is in the house from now on when we leave. Whew!!

So I will let you know what the vet says tomorrow night.
Thank you all!! :D

01-23-2007, 05:56 AM
Whew! Close one! I hope everything goes well at the vet for Taz and for you, too. :p


01-23-2007, 09:47 PM
Taz ... you better keep your tail in that house!!!

How did his vet appointment go today?

01-23-2007, 10:47 PM
Ok, we are back from the vet. A pretty emotional trip for me.

While the doc was examining him she thought she felt something in his tummy, so they did x-rays. The fact that he has lost weight so quickly is concerning her.

Those came back okay to her, but she is going to have the radiologist look at them to be sure. The next step was to take blood work, I said go for it.

So almost lots of $$$ later, now all I can do is wait for the results of the bloodwork. She is supposed to call me at work tomorrow to let me know.

(sorry, Marti, I kinda copied my email I sent you to use in this post. LOL)

I will post tomorrow when I hear from the doctor.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!! :D Keep them coming until we get this figured out.

01-24-2007, 01:22 AM
I hope that Taz receives good results. I know how hard it is to wait for the results. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

01-24-2007, 06:59 AM
lol it is quite alright, lots of typing going on....you guys are in my prayers every day, with lots of positive thoughts. i know its hard not to worry, and there is no point telling you not to, you will until you know exactly what is going on. ill check back later this evening.

01-24-2007, 12:01 PM
Any news??

01-24-2007, 01:23 PM
Any news??

Yes, the vet just called me an hour ago (got stuck in a meeting :( so I couldn't post earlier). She said the blood work came back and most everything looked good. The only concern she had was there are elevations in his kidney numbers. :( But that would not be affecting him at all. So that's not the answer to his rapid weight loss.
(By the way, I think I forgot to post that she did check his teeth and they looked fine)

She suggested that maybe he doesn't like his food. Boy do I have a picky cat!!! I just got him on this food (6 months ago) because he didn't like the other stuff!!
So we decided to try wet food. yuck! :p But whatever will help, I am willing to give it a try. I am going to mix some dry with it eventually, if he does like the wet. ((I think he doesn't like stale food. I have his food in a container that is not air tight. Might also look into an air tight container as well))

She is still going to have the radiologist review his x-rays, but he won't be in until the 5th of February. So I have to wait for that. :mad:

So the word for now is.....all is well. It looks like we will eventually have to deal with some kidney issues later, unfortunately. But we'll handle that when the time comes.

I will keep you all updated on his progress with the wet food, as well as what the x-ray results are.

Thank you all for the thoughts....see I knew it'd work!! :D

01-24-2007, 01:42 PM
An airtight container can be as easy as a CLEAN 4 gallon ice cream plastic tub! Use some dish soap and bleach, RINSE REALLY WELL, and make sure it is perfectly dry before using!

Also - those large plastic containers that restaurants use for their supply of pickes, etc - they are great for storing larger amounts.

The cats' food bowls are glass, and the water dish stainless steel. These others are for storage only.

Good luck with Mr. Picky! :)

01-24-2007, 03:28 PM
An airtight container can be as easy as a CLEAN 4 gallon ice cream plastic tub! Use some dish soap and bleach, RINSE REALLY WELL, and make sure it is perfectly dry before using!

This is a great idea!! It also gives me an excuse to eat a bunch of ice cream. :D
Thank you so much! :)

01-24-2007, 09:16 PM
Wooohooooo thank God so far all is well, im so glad girl, i will still keep the prayers going and the positive thoughts though. i think my cat is starting to have problems with her teeth, i noticed the other day she was not chewing her food, she was swallowing it, thank goodness its small pieces but still that is not good for her, so i may have to see if i can get her to eat wet food, she has never really liked it before but i have to try something. im not to keen on her being put under to have teeth cleaned etc, she is 14yrs old. so we shall see. im so glad taz is doing ok, hopefully the rest of the news will be great!!!!!!

01-24-2007, 10:23 PM
The wet food will give Taz more fluids and that's very important for any cat with the beginnings of renal problems. With a special diet and more fluids, hopefully you can keep things on an even keel for some time. Is Taz eating more now that he's getting wet food?

01-25-2007, 10:55 PM
Well, I just got the wet food tonight and gave him some. He LOVES it!!!
I am only going to give him the wet to get his weight back up to where it should be, then I think we will go back to dry. Dry is easier and I'd rather not have him on the wet unless he can no longer chew the dry.
So for now all is well. We will see what the radiologist says about the x-rays and hopefully we will be a okay! :D

01-26-2007, 09:24 AM
I give my guys just a BIT of wet in the morning - 1/8 can of Royal Canin S/O split in half...helps the digestion and gives them a treat.

Maybe you could just keep a bit in his diet when he regains weight? Just get a good quality wet, and it can last a long time if you just feed once a day.

GOOD news on Taz...he'll be a plumper baby before you know it! :)

01-26-2007, 07:40 PM
Yeah, that's something to consider. Give him some wet occasionally. It's just such a pain....to have to wash the dish everytime. I'm lazy!! LOL
And on weekends I get up at 5am to feed him and go back to bed. Now it's going to be an ordeal to feed him. Don't get me wrong, I will do it. I want him to be healthy, so I will do what ever I need to do. Boy, what we do for our beloved cats. :D
I'm also going to start working on the tub of ice cream. :p Woo Hoo!!

01-26-2007, 08:07 PM
Then give him some wet at night time. And not a ton of it...my boys lick the plate clean!

Well, not CLEAN - but easy to wash! LOL

01-27-2007, 12:59 AM
Yeah, the problem with that is that my boyfriend feeds him his dinner. I can't rely on him to do it.

I gave him his dinner tonight (because Bruce hadn't fed him yet when I got home) and he hasn't touched it!! :(
I don't know what I am going to do with this picky cat!! I was mixing the wet with dry, so I guess I'm gonna have to try just wet. I was trying to avoid that, but it looks like I can't.
I almost feel like if I keep catering to his pickiness it's not going to go away. He'll just continue to be picky. But on the other hand, I need him to gain some weight. AARRGGHH!!
Well, I'll let ya know if he will eat just wet food.
Thanks for the replies Catty1. :D

Edit to add: I just went to see if he had eaten anything and he was throwing up....nothing. Because there is nothing in his stomach to throw up!!
So I cleaned out his bowl and put just wet food in it. He wouldn't touch it, but he was meowing at me like he does when he wants me to feed him. So I smelled the food (wet food always turns my stomach anyway) and it smelled metallic like. I use the stainless dishes. So I put it in a plastic dish and he still won't touch it.
My last resort is to go to the vet tomorrow and buy a small bag of dry food and keep it sealed and fresh. So that's my next step.......the saga continues tomorrow..........these are the days of his nine lives.

01-27-2007, 01:59 AM
Yeah, the problem with that is that my boyfriend feeds him his dinner. I can't rely on him to do it.

I gave him his dinner tonight (because Bruce hadn't fed him yet when I got home) and he hasn't touched it!! :(
I don't know what I am going to do with this picky cat!! I was mixing the wet with dry, so I guess I'm gonna have to try just wet. I was trying to avoid that, but it looks like I can't.
I almost feel like if I keep catering to his pickiness it's not going to go away. He'll just continue to be picky. But on the other hand, I need him to gain some weight. AARRGGHH!!
Well, I'll let ya know if he will eat just wet food.
Thanks for the replies Catty1. :D

Edit to add: I just went to see if he had eaten anything and he was throwing up....nothing. Because there is nothing in his stomach to throw up!!
So I cleaned out his bowl and put just wet food in it. He wouldn't touch it, but he was meowing at me like he does when he wants me to feed him. So I smelled the food (wet food always turns my stomach anyway) and it smelled metallic like. I use the stainless dishes. So I put it in a plastic dish and he still won't touch it.
My last resort is to go to the vet tomorrow and buy a small bag of dry food and keep it sealed and fresh. So that's my next step.......the saga continues tomorrow..........these are the days of his nine lives.

Hunny you know I love you..........so just a question, maybe a thought to look into? how about trying him on a RAW diet? I know how frustrating a picky eater can be ,but I haven't ever met a picky RAW eater. It is a thought thats all. And I will get some new Goofy pics this weekend for you I promise!

01-27-2007, 12:29 PM
LOL Kym, are you trying to bribe me with pictures of Goofy! :D
It might just work.
Well, what do you feed a cat on a raw diet? I never even thought of that.
And it won't be a shock to his system since he's almost 12 years old and has always just eaten regular cat food?
He also has IBD, not sure if that matters or would be even more of a reason to go raw.
Thanks for the suggestion!! :D

01-27-2007, 08:20 PM
I went to the vet today and picked up a small bag of his food. It actuallly comes in a resealable bag. I fed him tonight before we left to feed ourselves and when we came home he had eaten most of it! Yay!!! I am so glad.
I have been struggling with him being overweight most of his life, and now I am struggling with the exact opposite.

I was worried earlier today because I tried something just to see if he'd eat anything. I put some tuna juice on his food, because he NEVER gets tuna unless he is getting medicine. (which has probably been less than 10 times in his life) He wouldn't even touch that. But he would eat some of his treats he got for Xmas. :confused:

So I am hoping this new bag of food stays fresh and he can put a few pounds back on so we can go get his shots.

Woo Hoo!! Let's keep that PT power coming strong and we should be back to normal here soon! :D

01-27-2007, 08:43 PM
hey girl, sorry i have not been on much last couple of days, how is taz doing??? is he still being picky or is he still eating the food from the vet? I would not even begin to know how to tell you to fix any of this..lol mine is a very picky eater as well and im not sure what to do with her either. i know im going to have to put her on softer or wet food and no clue how to or what to put her on. i really hope he gets some pounds on him, i say prayers for him daily and keep the positive thoughts headed your way. talk to you soon.

01-27-2007, 09:31 PM
hey girl, sorry i have not been on much last couple of days, how is taz doing??? is he still being picky or is he still eating the food from the vet? I would not even begin to know how to tell you to fix any of this..lol mine is a very picky eater as well and im not sure what to do with her either. i know im going to have to put her on softer or wet food and no clue how to or what to put her on. i really hope he gets some pounds on him, i say prayers for him daily and keep the positive thoughts headed your way. talk to you soon.

I just sent you an email. Tonight is the first night I have had the "fresh" food and he ate it. :D So we shall see if he continues to eat it and puts weight back on.
As for Bei-Jing, does the food you are currently feeding her come in wet? If not, just try to get a wet food with similar ingredients. Of course that is just my opinion, and I am not an expert. LOL
Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts, we truly appreciate it. :)

01-28-2007, 06:19 PM
I sure hope that Taz will continue to eat his food so he can gain some weight. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.:)

You have mentioned earlier that he has IBD. What kind of food are you feeding him?

01-28-2007, 07:08 PM
I sure hope that Taz will continue to eat his food so he can gain some weight. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.:)

You have mentioned earlier that he has IBD. What kind of food are you feeding him?

He is on Veterinary Diet z/d for sensitive stomachs. And he has not eaten anything again today. :(
I left a note yesterday for my vet, so hopefully she will call me tomorrow or Tuesday at work so I can talk to her about it.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Starr is also in my thoughts to get back to 100%. :)

01-28-2007, 10:14 PM
this must be so hard and so frustrating trying to get him to eat and constantly worrying. im sorry you guys are having to go through this. maybe the vet can think of something else to do for him. i think of you guys often and keep praying for you.

01-30-2007, 05:49 PM
But, my vet called me today and suggested we give Taz a cortisone shot, like we did back in August when he was not eating. But in August he was not eating or drinking and he was vomitting a lot. And she said, she thinks it will help him for now. She doesn't want this to be an ongoing solution, just for now to help him gain back some weight and also to give the radiologist a chance to review the x-rays.
So I am taking him in tonight for the shot.
Boy, I hope this works!! :D

01-30-2007, 06:07 PM
An appetite stimulant such as val syrup doesn't work for Taz?


01-30-2007, 07:50 PM
An appetite stimulant such as val syrup doesn't work for Taz?


You know, I hadn't asked the vet about any kind of weight gaining supplement. One of my friends had suggested that.
But what is val syrup? I've never heard of it. Do you get it at the vet?
I'll ask the vet tonight about it.
Thanks! :D

01-30-2007, 08:10 PM
Val syrup w/serax is an appetite stimulant, a liquid that's given by dropper. Puddy takes half a dropper twice a day. Might save Taz from an injection of cortisone. Easier on him and your wallet. :)

Let us know what your vet says.


01-30-2007, 08:17 PM
Val syrup w/serax is an appetite stimulant, a liquid that's given by dropper. Puddy takes half a dropper twice a day. Might save Taz from an injection of cortisone. Easier on him and your wallet. :)

Let us know what your vet says.


Awesome! I will find out tonight. Thank you so much. :D :D :D

01-30-2007, 09:32 PM
She didn't agree with the val syrup. She said that's more like a valium (sp?) and would sedate him. :confused: I don't know, what ever. LOL
So she gave him a cortisone shot that lasts about 10 days and if this doesn't work then we will look into appetite stimulants.
OH, a couple of other good things!! He has not lost anymore weight in the past week. :D And she didn't feel the "thing" she had felt in his tummy last week anymore. Woo Hoo!! That was so great to hear!!

01-30-2007, 10:03 PM
WOOOHOOO that is great news, i will keep the prayers coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really feel like everything is going to work out just fine, but i will still keep sending positive thoughts your way.
i have to tell you something funny, i bought a small can of iams cat food to try on bei-jing, lol well that did not work, she smelled it for a long time, looked up at me as if to say " mom you have got to be kidding me", the stuck her nose up in the air and walked away.......im still waiting to hear about the truck so i can make an appt for her at the vet.
i sent you an email i will talk to you later

01-31-2007, 07:28 AM
Hey, that's great news! I'm so glad to hear that he hasn't lost any more weight. Yes, val syrup does have valium in it and I guess that's what Puddy needed to keep her calm. She can be a real tazmanian devil at times. But whatever works, right? Your vet knows what's best for your cat. So keep up the good work.


02-02-2007, 01:45 PM
Well, he got the shot Tuesday night and he seems to be eating more. So hopefully he will put on some weight within the next couple of weeks. His "bugging" me for food has stopped slightly as well. I am so happy my baby seems to be getting better!!! :D
Thanks PT, for your thoughts and prayers!!

02-17-2007, 01:20 PM
Well, it's been a while since I've posted on this thread. I thought the shot was working for Taz, but when we went back to the vet this past Tuesday he had actually lost MORE weight. He was 12.7 lbs. :( So the doctor wanted to do an ultra-sound, which would have been big bucks. But instead we decided to give him a stronger cortisone shot and she told me to feed him "kitty junk food". Anything that he will eat, give it to him. She did list three brands to not buy. I think it was Crave, Friskies and Whiskas. Anyway, I got him some dry Cat Chow and some wet food I'd never heard of before. He has been cleaning his bowl at each meal!! Woo Hoo!! So at this moment Taz is the KING of the house. He will get whatever he wants.
He is also not bugging me endlessly anymore. It's such a relief. I will weigh him again in two weeks and see if he's gained any poundage.

Thank you for listening to me express my relief. :D

02-17-2007, 01:29 PM
Thoughts and prayers still flying your way Cindy!
Tell Taz if he stops worrying you, then Lilly will let him play with her new cat toys!


02-17-2007, 01:53 PM
I sure hope that this will work. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

02-17-2007, 11:34 PM
prayers still coming to you and taz, cindy. i really hope the shot works for him and he continues to eat and put on weight.
keep up the good work taz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2007, 12:07 PM
Thank you for your thoughts. And Kym, I will let Taz know. After all, he only has a big ol dog that wants to play with him, but he doesn't want to play with her. :) BTW - I am still waiting for some pictures of Goofy. :p

Thank you also, KAK and Marti. :D