View Full Version : Anyone have a Nikon?

01-13-2007, 09:34 PM
I was on the Belgian list and mentioned that I am going to start some candid show/trial photography when I get my new camera. A very awarded prestigious photographer replied to me and told me that I should avoid getting the Olympus Evolt E500 like I had planned. The kit lens is not very good, and if you want to buy a better one it will cost you almost as much as another camera -- not only that, but Olympus has specific lenses that you can only use on that camera. If I try to resell another kind of camera lens, I can do it easily -- but no one is going to be interested in buying an Olympus lens. He said it just isn't worth it in the end.

So he suggested a Nikon D70 or D70S, with an 18-70 DX lens. It's cheaper than the Olympus, comes with a good lens, better lenses are relatively inexpensive, and yes it's got 2.1 less megapixels but he says it's doubtful I will need the 8.2 MPs of the Olympus -- especially with a bad camera lens.

I've always liked the pics I've seen out of the Olympus, but he is very experienced so I'm going to take his word for it. I am hoping to find someone who has these cameras though, so I can see some pictures and know if they like the camera.

Anyone here have one?

01-13-2007, 10:07 PM
The EVOLT 500 is an amazing camera - it just may not be this guys favourite camera. Some reviews I've read say that the Nikon D70 is much better than the equivalent Canon Rebel's - either way, you're getting a great camera no matter which you choose.

01-13-2007, 10:13 PM
I'm curious as to where you found the D70 with a lens cheaper than the Olympus? I'd be double checking to make sure the lens is part of the kit. Nikons are often sold as a body only. The D70 should be coming down in price since Nikon released the D80 a couple months ago. I'm looking at getting it soon(when my bonus comes in).

I am an Olympus fan, all my digital cameras have been Oly's so far. I have no complaints about any of them, but I decided against the Evolt for the same reason, in part. The Olympus lens attachment system is radically different than other camera brand and that makes them pricey and hard to resell. The guy at our local camera shop told me that "bodies come and go, glass is forever". Other brands can use non-brand lens, some of which are superior to the camera branded ones. Oly cameras can only use an Oly lens!

The other reason was that I carry an 8mp pocket camera. I realize that's overkill and megapixels after a certain point don't have as much impact, but I just can't justify buying an 8mg DSLR, when already have that much in my pocket!

01-13-2007, 10:23 PM
I'm not familiar with Olympus cameras (I'm a Canon fan myself), however I have found this website Steve's-digicams (http://www.steves-digicams.com/hardware_reviews.html) to be of GREAT help in deciding on a particular camera. Their reviews are thourogh and detailed and very accurate (one of the cameras I own was reviewed on their site actualy told me about one feature that wasn't even listed in the owners manual!!) :eek:

I'd highly recommend looking up the few cameras you are interested in and see what you think in the reviews.

I personally think the choice of a camera is totally a personal one. While one camera may be great, it may be uncomfortable to use, while another may be mediocre it may be very user friendly. I think it's a matter of your own choice since YOU will be the one using it, not anyone else, professional or otherwise.

Camera's don't make great pictures.....PHOTOGRAPHERS do!

Good luck