View Full Version : Allergic cat

01-13-2007, 11:37 AM
I live with and take care of my grandparents. They have two cats that they have always fed, but never pet. They are over ten and have always stayed here, but outside. One of them has allergies; she (Sandy) is always sneezing and sounds miserable. Since I can't catch her to give her a pill, I was wondering if there might be something I could put over her food that might help? I was thinking about grapeseed extract, but I didn't know if it would be OK for cats. It does well enough to reduce human allergy symptoms, and I thought it might help Sandy. Any opinions?

01-13-2007, 11:12 PM
Being an outside cat (with no vaccinations??) I'd think an upper respiratory infection. If that was the case then nothing but good old antibiotics are going to clear that up. However if it doesn't have vaccinations it could have some kitty disease. Either it would need to be caught and taken to the vet, or at least call your vet to see if they have any suggestions of something in the food, but I guess that would mean you'd have to know exactly which bowl she eats out of, and make sure only she ate it with no leftovers. See what your vet thinks.

01-14-2007, 08:48 AM
She was fixed and vaccinated when she was younger. Her mother and sister both had allergies. She doesn't sneeze all the time, just when fronts come in.

01-14-2007, 07:06 PM
She may have been vaccinated when she was younger, but how long ago was that? Vaccinations are only good for a specified amount of time, usually between 1-3 years depending on the vaccination. The paperwork will tell you when the next was due, so if it's passed that date, then the kitty is at risk.

01-14-2007, 08:00 PM
I think it is great that you are taking care of the grandparents and thinking about their kitties too!

It sounds like these cats are more outdoor wild types than pets? Could you invest some time to befriend them and make them pets and indoor/outdoor cats? Then it would be easier to deal with updating their vaccines and getting the treatment they need. At this age, they are at the point where a vet check up is in order!

01-14-2007, 08:57 PM
I think you may have to take Sandy to the vet. It might be allergies and something else might be wrong with her. The vet would give you the proper midication to help Sandy.
Good Luck!! :)

01-14-2007, 10:08 PM
Yes, they are both wild. When my grandparents were able, any cat that stayed around long enough would get caught, fixed, and shots. I think they were up to thirteen at one time. Some would be pettable, but most were not. Sandy and Scooter are the last of "their" cats. All died of old age. My roommate and I have "our" cats inside. Long story.
I guess I'll have to live trap her to get her to thr vet. All attempts to befriend Sandy and Scooter have so far been unsuccessful. The only time we were able to get Sandy inside was when we were trying to catch a skunk. We caught an oppossum as well(it was released elsewhere). Thank you for all of your help.