View Full Version : Furballs....

06-20-2002, 02:47 PM
Noah has been throwing up furballs lately. I have been trying to brush him everyday...but oh how he hates it....does anyone else have this problem? Do you have any ideas on 1) How to make him enjoy being brushed and 2) How to stop the furballs?

I feel so bad for him when it happens. :(

06-20-2002, 03:10 PM
Is he an inside kitty? I know we had "Kitty Grass" as a supplement to help keep the fur from clogging up their tummies, especially in the summertime, when shedding is much worse. Of course, they'll be throwing that up too, but it's much easier on the digestive system. Also, you can try the dry food made for fur balls - Science Diet has one.
Have you tried different brushes, like bristle & prongs only? Maybe the wide prongs would be more like a massage than a fur puller to Noah!

06-20-2002, 04:46 PM
My cat is very prone to hairballs, and unfortunatly hairballs can turn into a tramatic and expensive experience. I recently spent most of my savings at the vet trying to remove a hairball from my cat Zasper. I have since switched to Science Diet Hairball formula which works great, and some treats to prevent hairballs. Zasper never really liked being brushed because her skin is so sensitive. I finally found a slicker brush that is plastic coated so it won't hurt her. I've also started giving her baths to loosen most of her hair, however this may not be a possiblity for your cat since most hate water. I may be going a little overboard on hairball treatments for my cat, but I hope to never have to her to the vet again for another $500 hairball!!!

06-20-2002, 04:49 PM
Iams hairball control works GREAT!!! Since Bassett started eating it (she was a frequest hairballer - usually once or twice a week) there hasn't been ANY.. that's my recommendation :D

Unfortunatley, I don't know how to make a cat like anything he or she doesn't WANT to like!!!!! :rolleyes:

06-20-2002, 05:17 PM
Great ideas! We feed the cats Nutro Max Cat...has anyone used the Nutro Hairball Management Food (http://www.nutroproducts.com/maxcathairball_product.html)?

I think I should wait until Noel is one....on August 13th. Is that right? She's eating the Max Cat now.

06-20-2002, 08:49 PM
when I adopted Amy from the rescue shelter, they gave me a bag of Iam's hair ball medicine in food form. My cats loved it, especially Tiger , who has digestion problems anyway. I havn't been able to find any more of it around town. ( However, I am sure that someone carries it). The other hairball stuff is not as tasty, because most of my furkids will not eat it. In the mornings I have been going outside and pulling some green grass for Tiger, as she demands it. :)


06-21-2002, 12:23 PM
:rolleyes: My sweetie Sydney has not thrown up any furrballs yet ......... I hope he never will .......... . I try to comb him twice a day ; maybe this helps :confused: ??
Please Sydney , NO FURRBALLS .... NO WETS , NO DRIED !!!!


06-22-2002, 01:29 AM
I give my cats Laxastat every other day. Storm is the only one who likes the taste of it. I groom them once a week and then give them treats afterwards. Storm has such a good memory that if I forget to give him a treat, he'll stand in the kitchen and meow until I remember to give him his treat. I feed them Nutro's Natural Choice Complete Care Weight Management Formula. It's supposed to make them shed less and it also has fiber in it to help prevent furballs. They rarely throwup furballs these days.http://www.gifs.net/animate/thecatsign.gifThey will sometimes throw up food though.http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/pukeb.GIF

06-24-2002, 08:52 PM
Cute graphics!!! I will try giving Noah treats after brushing to see if he'll tolerate it... :) Thanks for the good idea!

06-25-2002, 07:06 AM
Yeah..try science diet brand food for hairballs. That has helped Dutchess and she doesn't have them as often. :)

06-25-2002, 07:31 AM
Try the furball remedies. Most of them work really good!!!

06-25-2002, 07:20 PM
Have you tried the hair-ball remidies?? they work AWESOME!! :) Good luck!!!;)