View Full Version : Dear (new) Congress!!!

01-08-2007, 01:01 PM
Ok the elections are over and we have a new congress. A new congress that promised some changes. Well, they are partially right.

After a gruling 4 days of work? they are taking a day off because (of ALL things) a ball game. I'm sure every soldier in Iraq would love to take some time off from being in danger to see a ball game. I'm sure they will all do their best to stay alive until the Congress can get through enjoying their ball game and get back to them!!!!!!!!!!
(by the way congress; I hope you aren't paying yourself from our money for your day of fun!!!)

We have some real problems here that YOU promised to fix!!!
When are you planning on doing that??? Right before you are up for re-election????

And please don't forget about the illegal immagration problem before we wake up to be a different country!!!
By the way, a certain country is giving it's people gps devices to
help them get across our borders safely if illegally. Just thought you should know!!! Sheese!!!!

ok rant all done - for now

01-08-2007, 04:39 PM
Just give them time to take off their coats, o.k.?
Seriously though, there is no shortage of issues that need attention by
our Representatives. At least the 4 day week is better than the 3 that
the last Congress had. :)

01-08-2007, 04:57 PM
WOW! I didn't realize the last congress worked THAT much!!! :eek: :D

01-08-2007, 05:11 PM
WOW! I didn't realize the last congress worked THAT much!!! :eek: :D

They all seem to like Fridays off. Go figure. :rolleyes:

01-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Don't forget that we have a Federal holiday next week, too, on Monday!!!! They will get an extra break. Of course, I'm not complaining because I will, too!!!!! :p

Lady's Human
01-08-2007, 08:48 PM
People are still naive enough to think that politicians will live up to their campaign pledges? :rolleyes:

01-09-2007, 10:15 AM
People are still naive enough to think that politicians will live up to their campaign pledges? :rolleyes:

Too true! The only way I would beleive them is if they said, "I promise to raise taxes to put more money in my own pocket, I promise to do things to furhter my own agendas, and I promise to pay myself enough to take long vacations in the islands and have a new car every year". I'd beleive that.

01-09-2007, 10:46 AM
I have several points I would like to make- but will make only one- does everyone know it will take until mid february for them to have " a 100 hours" of work logged??? A real person that works a full time job lets say does 40 hours a week- that 100 hours would be done by now on this date.. lol..
My daughter sent me something today on immagration laws. At first I thought it was a joke with statements of " if you come to work here, you must be management or better- no common laborers, " or " if caught here as an illegal alien you will placed in jail.."- and at the bottom of this whole long list- it stated " THESE ARE THE IMMAGRATION LAWS OF MEXICO.." ( no kidding!)

01-09-2007, 12:40 PM
People are still naive enough to think that politicians will live up to their campaign pledges? :rolleyes:
No, just hoping for a return to a world where people keep their promises!!! :)

01-09-2007, 01:48 PM
Does manicure,hairdressing, shopping time and taking personal phone calls from your kids count, Madam speaker?

Can I touch your gavel? :rolleyes:



Where I used to work when time was mentioned I would ask,
"Is that supposed to happen in the company timeframe or real time? :rolleyes:

01-09-2007, 01:57 PM
And Ms. Pelosi wants to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants...sure...makes PERFECT sense to me! :rolleyes: Yep, that's it...just like almost everything else in the country..."give them what they want" and dumb down every law known to man...God forbid we offend anyone or hurt their precious self esteem. I want drive to D.C. and walk on the the House floor and ask them exactly how far up their backsides are their heads, because that's the only explanation of how they run things.

And LH...I don't think ANYONE believes that politicians do anything other than what is good for themselves.

01-09-2007, 02:57 PM
Too true! The only way I would beleive them is if they said, "I promise to raise taxes to put more money in my own pocket, I promise to do things to furhter my own agendas, and I promise to pay myself enough to take long vacations in the islands and have a new car every year". I'd beleive that.

At this point, I think I would actually at least respect that since it's the truth......

Did that make sense?

01-09-2007, 04:52 PM
And LH...I don't think ANYONE believes that politicians do anything other than what is good for themselves.

Sorry Molly, but I must take exception to that remark.A member of my
family is a local politician who has been reelected for many years because
he enjoys the trust of those who elect him. So you can't say there are NO
honest people in government cause I know better. :)

01-09-2007, 04:58 PM
I guess I should have qualified that statement...and said...big time politicians...state and federal...and not even so much the state level sometimes...more the federal. Sorry if you took offense...I should have been more clear.

01-09-2007, 05:14 PM
At this point, I think I would actually at least respect that since it's the truth......

Did that make sense?

I agree! And yes it did make sense.

Lizbud, I also was referring to the higher ups, not usually the locals. Often they actually ARE honest and hard working and want what's best, they just get their hands tied by those others I'm referring to.

01-09-2007, 06:18 PM
Lizbud, I also was referring to the higher ups, not usually the locals. Often they actually ARE honest and hard working and want what's best, they just get their hands tied by those others I'm referring to.

Do you mean that only Federal politicians are dishonest & untrustworthy?

01-09-2007, 08:02 PM
No, I didn't mean that, what gives you that idea? Higher ups doesn't just refer to federal, I just feel there probably are SOME decent people politically involved in their cities etc., but the higher you go the worse it gets, and yes I do beleive that.

Lady's Human
01-09-2007, 08:10 PM
It all depends on where you are. Buddy Cianci (a trustworthy local pol) anyone?

How about Billy Bulger?

Alan Hevesi?

There are corrupt idiots at every level. But who is fooling who? Alan Hevesi was re-elected comptroller in NY AFTER being indicted for fraud and abuse of his office.

01-10-2007, 07:07 AM
.... My daughter sent me something today on immagration laws. At first I thought it was a joke with statements of " if you come to work here, you must be management or better- no common laborers, " or " if caught here as an illegal alien you will placed in jail.."- and at the bottom of this whole long list- it stated " THESE ARE THE IMMAGRATION LAWS OF MEXICO.." ( no kidding!)
As promised:
"Immigration Laws 2007
>1. If you migrate to this country, you must speak the native language.
>2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers
>3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special
>ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our
>4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are
>5. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.
>6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers . No welfare, no food
>stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.
>7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to
>40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
>8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land
>that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed
>waterfront property. That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this
>9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag,
>no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if
>you do you will be sent home.
>10. If you do come to this contry illegally you will be hunted down and
>straight to jail.
>Harsh, you say? The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of Mexico!"

01-10-2007, 12:46 PM
Is anyone going to watch the president's speech this evening? I wonder
if this new congress will roll over & play dead for him the way the last
congress did.I would imagine not. :)

01-10-2007, 01:03 PM
We'll probably miss the speech, tonight, and have to catch it online.

We have an important church meeting, this evening, that we need to attend.

I think I will probably be glad we missed it. I'm sure there will be "boos" and some applause. I might rather get it in the replays than here it in person.


01-10-2007, 02:04 PM
I wonder if this new congress will roll over & play dead for him the way the last congress did.I would imagine not. :)

With a gal in charge? never.

01-10-2007, 04:20 PM
With a gal in charge? never.

You got that right :D :D

Lady's Human
01-12-2007, 09:04 PM

Yep. This is really a more civil, transparent congress.

Hope you're happy with the reformers!

Edwina's Secretary
01-14-2007, 06:53 PM

Yep. This is really a more civil, transparent congress.

Hope you're happy with the reformers!

Sorry Charlie! The American Samoas have been exempt....nothing new there. If you read the story carefully you will see this is a rather misleading headline. What happened was other islands in the Pacific lost the exemption but not the Samoas (which very many people...including most of Congress I would guess...could not find on a map...) And....oh this will shock you... in the FLSA there is a different minimum wage for exemption from overtime for the American Samoas as well... :eek: :eek: There must be a way to blame that on Pelosi!

And what about Tuna of the Sea? Whose district are they headquartered in? Is that congressperson in on this great conspiracy???

Did you know agriculture is also exempt from the federal minimum wage? Has been since it was established as a part of the FLSA in 1938. I can see the headline now....Pelosi has agricultural companies in her district and she did not end the minimum wage exemption they have!

You'll have to do a little better than this one!

01-16-2007, 02:00 AM
in the FLSA there is a different minimum wage for exemption from overtime for the American Samoas as well... :eek: :eek:

Most American Samoans are playing Football in the NFL....Even in overtimne they don't get paid........ :confused:

02-06-2007, 03:42 PM
Madame speaker needs a bigger military plane.


She wants a bigger plane for her family?

Isn't she a successful business owner?

Like why do I have to pay for her "grandkids" to go visit her.

Talk about pork.....


That is the reason she wants the Armed Forces back in the U.S....

She wants a C-5 or -141 at her beck and call!


Lady's Human
02-06-2007, 03:48 PM

She can have all the Starlizards she wants (C-141s).

I'm sure she could go out to Davis-Monthan and pick one out for her very own, but she might have a rough time getting a flight crew. The USAF no longer uses them. They were retired for SEVERE maintenance issues.

02-06-2007, 04:09 PM
Madame speaker needs a bigger military plane.

Talk about pork.....

With an oink oink here and an oink oink there.... :rolleyes:

I was trying to wait and give her time to prove me wrong .... but I don't care for her very much. :p
She's too big for her pumps!!!! Bossy bossy bossy !!!

With a moo moo here and a moo moo there ... :rolleyes: :D

02-06-2007, 05:47 PM
Sorry Molly, but I must take exception to that remark.A member of my
family is a local politician who has been reelected for many years because
he enjoys the trust of those who elect him. So you can't say there are NO
honest people in government cause I know better. :)

Trouble is tho....the lower ranking and more honest pollies never get to the heights dominated by the old boys club.....it's way too corrupt up at those levels.

02-06-2007, 06:20 PM
Trouble is tho....the lower ranking and more honest pollies never get to the heights dominated by the old boys club.....it's way too corrupt up at those levels.

No worries, he is right where he wants to be. His work in Indiana is challenge enough. :)

02-06-2007, 06:33 PM
Madame speaker needs a bigger military plane.


She wants a bigger plane for her family?

Isn't she a successful business owner?

Like why do I have to pay for her "grandkids" to go visit her.

Talk about pork.....

Where did you get this info Richard?

02-07-2007, 03:23 AM
790 KABC, CNN and some other places




No wonder they were parked at the last airshow I went to. ;)

02-08-2007, 06:39 PM
be fair here. she didn't ask for more then speaker hastert got. he lived in illinois, where a smaller plane could reach without refueling, her home is in california, same size plane needs to refuel to reach california. this type of transport was set up after 9-11 when the white house realized maybe the person two hearts beats away from the oval office needed a little more security

Lady's Human
02-08-2007, 06:50 PM
Actually, no, the same sized aircraft could reach CA, A gulfstream G-V, which is the same physical size aircraft as the one Speaker Hastert had (His bird was a G-III) but has a much longer range.

02-08-2007, 06:55 PM
She did not request one certain type plane. If fact, she didn't have to
ask at all since it's mandated by law that the speaker have this transport
available. The House Speaker is 3rd in line to suceed the Prez.

Lady's Human
02-08-2007, 07:10 PM
Liz, It all depends on which of the dozens of articles you read on the topic whether she or her staff requested anything.

As usual, too much spin, little substance from all sides.

02-09-2007, 12:15 PM

For security reasons she has a number of military bases to stoip at.

It has nothing to do security. IT has to do with that "female makes good-lookie at what I can get" syndrome;

This AH tells everyone that she wants to keep a eye on waste and she wants a 757 to carry her arse back and forth...

Well, the noblest thing she could to is fly commercial and make good on her promises,

Greta Van Cistern caught her in her headlights the other night and Ma-DAMN
Speaker stuttered likea scratched 33 and 1/3 album.

If she wants to go non stop back home I do have a suggestion for her...

astronaut diapers


And what was the smack about the 'I won't go smaller than the Male Speaker?"

If she checks her inseam, she'll see that bigger ain't better for her. :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: :D

02-09-2007, 12:46 PM
I saw a news clip of her last night. She said just because she is a woman doesn't mean she will accept any thing less than the last speaker of the house. I totally agree. But she shouldn't get more either. Why can't she use the plane he used? I'm sure it's not that old or any thing!!!

While I'm ranting: What is with Hillary? If I hear her say this one more time, I may explode: "If I had been elected at the last election we wouldn't be in this war!"
Hello Missy!!! I didn't see your name on the ballot any where so SHUT UP!!!

I think we need new rules for electing a president:
1. No one making over $100,000 a year could run!!! Let the people who are in touch with the real issues run the country for a while. It would stop the buying voters too.
2. Canidates would have to travel by bus or train across the country and meet the voters. Give them a view of what is happening. They would be required to vist all 50 states at least once.
3. No mud slinging would be allowed - EVER!!!
4. Only what the canidate believes in and would really vote for would be allowed on tv ads. Anyone who mud slings, even once, would be disqualified from running.
5. The winner MUST keep their campaign promises. If they break 3 promises, they will be thrown out of office and the next runner up would be put in office. If he/she blows it - out they go and the next one gets a shot.
6. In the event that no one could run the country, I will take over. Believe me, no one (not even me) wants that to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

02-09-2007, 12:52 PM
While I'm ranting: What is with Hillary? If I hear her say this one more time, I may explode: "If I had been elected at the last election we wouldn't be in this war!"
Hello Missy!!! I didn't see your name on the ballot any where so SHUT UP!!!

Like, Didn't she vote for the war?

There is a saying in spanish that the voters should adopt..

Que me miran?
Cada de pendejo?

What do you see? The face of an idiot?


02-09-2007, 04:43 PM

For security reasons she has a number of military bases to stoip at.

It has nothing to do security. IT has to do with that "female makes good-lookie at what I can get" syndrome;

This AH tells everyone that she wants to keep a eye on waste and she wants a 757 to carry her arse back and forth...

Well, the noblest thing she could to is fly commercial and make good on her promises,

Greta Van Cistern caught her in her headlights the other night and Ma-DAMN
Speaker stuttered likea scratched 33 and 1/3 album.

If she wants to go non stop back home I do have a suggestion for her...

astronaut diapers


And what was the smack about the 'I won't go smaller than the Male Speaker?"

If she checks her inseam, she'll see that bigger ain't better for her. :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: :D

Feel better now? That was quite a load of crap for one person to
be carrying around. :p

02-10-2007, 12:21 AM
Feel better now? That was quite a load of crap for one person to
be carrying around. :p

Got me, I forgot my deoderant the other day, I thought that was the stench following me around... :eek:

I guess you have seen "El Pendejo". :D


My mom told me this one time....

"who cares what your car looks like, as long as it gets you there"
Having never traveled in a G5 or a 757, I guess my opinion is not valid.


I have always checked the box for the three dollar contribution on my federal income tax for the campaign fund,I will be danged if I am going to pay for someone to fly a 757 back and forth on my dime....

She can use her broom....

I feel better,

Ah....And I thought that last line was gas.... :eek:

02-10-2007, 08:49 AM
richard, gotta ask, is there a politician that you like? or respect? i've got a few that i admire/admired, and it has changed over time. as well as my losing respect for some, and still others that i hold mixed feelings on. thanks, joyce

Edwina's Secretary
02-10-2007, 10:29 AM
She can use her broom....

I feel better,

Ah....And I thought that last line was gas.... :eek:

The first six or seven times I read it.

02-10-2007, 09:13 PM
richard, gotta ask, is there a politician that you like? or respect? i've got a few that i admire/admired, and it has changed over time. as well as my losing respect for some, and still others that i hold mixed feelings on. thanks, joyce

Jane Harman,
Mitt Romney,
loved the Kennedys
Willie Brown
The last LAPD chief, now city councilman.can't think of his name.

A few of the Lost Angeles Locals

And the guy driving the bus.

I am a registered Dem.....But they have wussed out lately and don't
care for the "suspend reality and let's kinda pretend there are laws in place" mentality.

For example.

It irks me to no end about the whiners in Congress that hold GWB to blame for everything.

And it's the same AHs that voted for the war. They are just as much to blame - They voted for it and now they are backpedalling faster that Lance Armstrong goes moving forward.

Now the insurgents are stepping up the attacks on the military because they see that the politicos that are screaming to get them out of Iraq.

They seem to believe that they can absolve themselves of a vot for war by being the standard bearers for getting them out.

But remember, they support the troops but not the war. :eek:



Thank god it didn't smell.

Edwina's Secretary
02-11-2007, 12:45 AM
RICHARD....face is "cara" in Spanish and "idiot" is the...well... nicest translation of "pendajo" I have EVER heard...

So I'm curious...what kind of plane does Cheney get to use? Does that upset you? Or is it only woman of power (who don't wear a uniform!) who upset you?????

02-11-2007, 12:51 PM
RICHARD....face is "cara" in Spanish and "idiot" is the...well... nicest translation of "pendajo" I have EVER heard...

So I'm curious...what kind of plane does Cheney get to use? Does that upset you? Or is it only woman of power (who don't wear a uniform!) who upset you?????
Since Cheney is second in command, I think he should have a plane as good as Air Force one. How many speakers of the house have ever made it to President? Not many! Dosen't matter what sex they are.

Now, my rant: I am registered as an Independent but always voted Democrate until after 9/11. I always thought I'd vote for Hillary should she run but lately I'm changing my mind. :( My mind is not made up yet though. It will depend on who else is running.

02-11-2007, 12:58 PM
RICHARD....face is "cara" in Spanish and "idiot" is the...well... nicest translation of "pendajo" I have EVER heard...

So I'm curious...what kind of plane does Cheney get to use? Does that upset you? Or is it only woman of power (who don't wear a uniform!) who upset you?????

Mea Culpa.

I make mistakes.

Hmmm, Never hear that from the mouth of a politician...

As far as pendejo?

They don't teach that word in spanish class, and never having taken Espanol......ds

Mea Culpa again.

I hate not being perfect.


Dick Cheney fliies an airplane? I always thought he was a passenger

DC uses a plane with engines and wing and it goes ZOOOMMM.

As a matter of fact, It's not as big as GWB's and bigger than Pelosi's.
Rank has it privileges (did I spell that right?)

As far as women, power and uniforms.

I love my mom. She's got power.
I dislike Rachel Ray. Does being on TV make you powerful?
Demi Moore is really HOT, but since she was in uniform in a "FEW GOOD MEN"
she's DQ'd


IT's quite a hoot to see a woman who works her rear end off to make it, just to get it kicked when she tries to act/play like the boys.

Especially when she makes stupid statements about saving the taxpayers money, professing her desire to fly commercial and then making a really stupid statement about not wanting to fly in a smaller airplane than a man.


02-11-2007, 03:34 PM
Hahahaha....Richard.......in Aussie terms........"Good one !!!"

Edwina's Secretary
02-11-2007, 05:29 PM
Gosh RICHARD.....

is this what I said....
Dick Cheney fliies an airplane?

or is this what I said...
what kind of plane does Cheney get to use?

If you are going to belittle me...a little accuracy would seem appropriate!

Edwina's Secretary
02-11-2007, 05:34 PM
IT's quite a hoot to see a woman who works her rear end off to make it, just to get it kicked when she tries to act/play like the boys.

This says it all. You find it a "hoot" when a woman in power gets her rear end kick. When she acts like a "boy." She should go back home and play with her dolls, right.

I see you excuse imperfection in your words but not in hers?

02-12-2007, 12:38 AM
This says it all. You find it a "hoot" when a woman in power gets her rear end kick. When she acts like a "boy." She should go back home and play with her dolls, right.

I see you excuse imperfection in your words but not in hers?

Well, I don't have a following to be truthful to and my words don't set policies or make a difference in the Grand Scheme of Things.

My words are just that, words- Senora Pelosi wanted the job, and her words carry a whole lot more weight.

Maggie, Golda, The German PM, Doile, Carly Fiorina and a few other gals have made it to the top.


They know that they don't have to go toe-to toe with men.
They let class, decorum and common speak for them.

There is something about a woman who says, "I can drink you under the table, boy!" that really turns me off.

There is only one competition on the planet where men and women compete evenly....Olypmic Equestrian events.

And then you HAVE to give to the horses.

There is a game men play, it's called a Pi$$ing contest.

Old men, drunks and guys with a point to prove play it.
(Did I mention the guys with a bad prostates?)

Women have the disadvantage.

So, I admire all the women who use guile, intelligence and common sense
to conquer those odds.

They will sit on the sidelines and wait until us silly AH men tinkle on our shoes, Pi$$ on our pant legs and pass out on the couch.


Blessed are the meek,
They are usually the women us men have by our sides.
They have to clean up after our clumsy arses.
:eek: :confused: ;)

Edwina's Secretary
02-12-2007, 10:02 AM
Sorry...that was too boring and full of your bizarre reading of history and current events for me to read.....so tell me

is your apology for miss-quoting me on Cheney in there somewhere?

02-12-2007, 05:24 PM
Sorry...that was too boring and full of your bizarre reading of history and current events for me to read.....so tell me

is your apology for miss-quoting me on Cheney in there somewhere?`

I think you owe me an apology.
All that hyperbole and you didn't read it. :(


I think you misspelled 'misqouted'...No harm, no foul.


I still love you!
Happy Valentine's day. :)

Lady's Human
02-12-2007, 05:45 PM
The 89th airlift squadron (AKA VIP taxi) has a finite number of aircraft of each type. They can only allocate assets according to what they have. The G-III and G-V aircraft are probably the easiest to assign to the Speaker of the House, and probably most suited to the mission.

They aircraft used to fly the President and the Vice President are specialized aircraft, with full military communications suites (read $$$$$$$$$) onboard so the President or if necessary the Vice President can carry out command functions regardless of where they are. If Madame Speaker wishes to appropriate that type of aircraft for her use, she most certainly may. Those aircraft, however, are not assembled overnight. I just don't see the need for it, as it is highly unlikely for overall Command to fall on the Speaker's shoulders without warning short of a nuclear strike.

Should the Speaker have an aircraft available? Yes, as it would ease the Secret Service's burden. I just don't see what the big deal is about stopping to refuel, as there are USAF bases scattered all across the country. She wouldn't even have to worry about landing at a commercial airport.

02-12-2007, 06:36 PM
If Madame Speaker wishes to appropriate that type of aircraft for her use, she most certainly may. Those aircraft, however, are not assembled overnight. I just don't see the need for it, as it is highly unlikely for overall Command to fall on the Speaker's shoulders without warning short of a nuclear strike.

With GWB's penchant for bike accidents (he could fall on his head) and
Cheney's wild use of guns, (could shoot himself next time) I wouldn't discount
the notion of Madam Speaker taking over. :D :D heck, she sure couldn't do
any worse than those two. :D

02-12-2007, 07:25 PM
With GWB's penchant for bike accidents (he could fall on his head) and
Cheney's wild use of guns, (could shoot himself next time) I wouldn't discount
the notion of Madam Speaker taking over. :D :D heck, she sure couldn't do
any worse than those two. :D

Whats wrong with Bush and Cheney ??? They're running the country ok.

02-13-2007, 10:46 AM
haha, sometimes I dont take these things serious enough, sometimes I do....but this thread is hysterical...lol.

Richard, as far as the women in unifrom...I AM one of them...I serve in the National Guard in Virginia...soon to be an officer....in the military world its not always easy to get by on guile and intelligence...lol...too many people in the military care about one thing and one thing only - and that is PT...so most of us have to work REALLY hard just to keep up...but at the same time, my Commander, who is female and who has past the age when she really needs to worry about her PT scores, and she is amazing...she uses her brain the right way and she runs our company beautifully and everyone respects her - but at one time she was also one of those women who had to struggle with being one of the guys....I have also noticed that to a certain point we just kinda loose our femininity while in uniform...no biggie....but we do become one of the guys while it is on...it makes functioning better. I admire women who struggle to get to the top - sometime that struggle isnt just the physical though...and women in uniform can be pretty dang attractive.

As far as Bush goes - it ticks me off when people make fun of his speech...I couldnt give a hoot...I'd like to see anyone address as many people as he has to and not get flustered...hec...I used to faint in front of a classroom.

As for the speaker....meeeeeeehhhh....dont think she will do too good a job. The whole immigrant thing...and the whole do one thing say another...tend not to be high on my list...

I voted for Bush, and I dont regret it...even though I might end over seas...I dont much like politics anymore though...I am a jeffersonian...I feel that both parties put too much on the federal government and not on the states.

Oh, and one other thing (saw something about this on an earlier post)....You can't support the troops but not the war - the troops are in the war....and they're dying because the insurgents see on CNN everyday that the American public wants them to come home, that the politicians and the speaker and all them are trying to bring them back...the media, and the public, is showing them that they are winning, giving them more food to fuel the fire and attack us...if you support the troops, then support the war too - it would do buckets for increasing our morale and destroying theirs.


Edwina's Secretary
02-13-2007, 11:35 AM
...if you support the troops, then support the war too ~Ceph

So even if one thinks the war is wrong...a bad idea on the part of those who send the troops to fight? Hasn't that been done already? So the Germans were correct to support the Nazi's war because that was the only way to support the troops?

I kinda thought that is how dictatorships get going....

I support the troops....bring them home now....

02-13-2007, 01:00 PM
I think we need to do some cleaning out in Congress.
We need some new people in who haven't been corupted yet. I'm tired of the same old f--ts and the same old "do what's good for them not the country" attitude that seems to run rampent in Congress. ARRRRGGGGGGG!!!!

Two terms is all anyone should be allowed!!! I think some people have been there since they were in diapers; now they are in them again!!! :eek:
ok this rant is over - for now! :)

02-13-2007, 06:15 PM

Thank you for your service and input.

Good Luck on your promotion.

Yes, unis on gals are hot. And they are hotter when out of uniform!
pardon my sexist, male mind! :eek:


I guess that diapers are the Word/topic of the week, eh? :D


Richard's Rules of Politics.

Politicians who use product in their hair and part it on the side are flakes.
Politicians who run for office while in office are flakes.
Only ONE presidency per family.
If you really want to be president, NO BEGGING.

Edwina's Secretary
02-13-2007, 07:08 PM
Politicians who run for office while in office are flakes.
Only ONE presidency per family.

R... a couple of questions....if a politican in office cannot run for office...you are advocating single term limits, correct?

And you are a bit late on the one presidency per family...Adams, Harrison, Roosevelt (do cousins count?) and of course....the current occupant.

02-13-2007, 07:12 PM

Thank you for your service and input.

Good Luck on your promotion.

Yes, unis on gals are hot. And they are hotter when out of uniform!
pardon my sexist, male mind! :eek:

Haha, you really do have a funny way of looking at things.

The severe hairstyle doesnt do a whole lot for the complexion.

I cant say I can hold it agains you...lol...I have dealt with more male minds than I care to... I dont think anything really offends me a whole lot anymore in that particular way of thinking. (any my boyfriend prolly agrees with you too, so its okay)


02-14-2007, 08:59 PM
My only rule for dealing with Women in Uniform.

Be nice. They are trained in the use of firearms.



I cannot answer your question due to my bizarre reading of history in past

But, I'd like to try current events for one thousand, Alex. :confused:

02-15-2007, 12:12 PM
I cant say I can hold it agains you...lol...I have dealt with more male minds than I care to... I dont think anything really offends me a whole lot anymore in that particular way of thinking. (any my boyfriend prolly agrees with you too, so its okay)


Sarge sacked over Playboy pics

A US Air Force drill sergeant has been demoted - for posing nude for Playboy magazine.

Michelle Manhart, who appeared in a six-page spread in the February issue, has been demoted from staff sergeant to senior airman.

"I'm disappointed in our system," Manhart said. "They went too far with it."

Manhart said she was reverted to her Air National Guard status and that she submitted a "resignation" to the Guard.

She was a member of the Iowa Air National Guard before going on extended active duty, reports Sky News.

The 30-year-old mother of two, said the military's action against her hinged on the fact that she was pictured wearing her uniform.

She was photographed in uniform yelling and holding weapons under the headline 'Tough Love'.

Additional pages showed her partially clothed wearing dog tags and fully nude. After the pictures went public in January, Manhart was relieved of her duties pending an investigation.


Could this just be another way to a "Man(s)hart"?

OK, kick me now! :eek: