View Full Version : Your Nickname(s)

01-07-2007, 09:33 PM
So today I was helping over at my parents place and my dad called me an old nickname that I haven't heard since I was in my early teens. So I decided to start a thread about nicknames that we have.

My first one, the one my dad brought up, was Beeper. When I was really little I would make the beep beep sound whenever I passed someone :D . I must have got it from the Roadrunner cartoons. This carried over into sports too, so the nickname stuck.

The second and most used is simply Craigy. When I played a lot of hockey I was a goalie mainly, but also played out for a few teams. One of the teams had another Craig on the roster and the first game we played on the same line. The coach yelled "Craig, change!" Both myself and the other Craig skated to the bench and left no defense for our team. I was the younger and quickly became Craigy. To this day my friends still call me Craigy or Craigory.

So who else gets stuck with nicknames and why?

01-07-2007, 09:38 PM
For two reasons..
My first and middle name (Kay Ann) sort of sound like Cayenne Pepper. So, my family would call me Kay Ann Pepper or just Pepper.

When I first met my friend Zogi years ago, she thought the teacher called me "Kid Napp" instead of Kay Knapp. So, it's stuck since then.

Craigory is a cute nickname!

critter crazy
01-07-2007, 09:44 PM
Well growing up my nickname was Peanut, cause i was a tiny little thing(was:D )

Now my nick name is Maggie Mae, my real name is margaret, and when hubby and i started dating, he began calling me Maggie Mae after the Rod Stewart Song!

01-07-2007, 10:12 PM
My Dad called me "Jo" :D

I don't actually remember why, I think it had something to do with a friend he worked with who had a witty sense of humor and the two of them got along well~

My Dad was my Good Friend for as long a I can remember :o

I still recall being called in for dinner one Summer day~I hid near the side of the big porch on the front or our house!!Giggling while everyone was looking for me.

My Dad walked out onto the porch(yeah, he saw me hiding, but never let me know) and Hollered, HEEEY JOOOO~ three times, then, he simply looked over the porch railing and said~

Come on in Jo, it's time for dinner :eek: ----------- :D

Great Memories are Better than Money in the Bank!!!! :cool:

01-07-2007, 10:22 PM




01-07-2007, 10:34 PM
Alot of friends at school call me Grudge. n_n Not certain how that came about, something about the movie? ...but now just about everyone in school calls me that.

All my close friends call me Finch. =D Its from some inside joke that I can't seem to recall right now.

My spanish teacher calls me Pez. :D I don't think she even knows my real name.

01-07-2007, 10:56 PM

Manda Moo - because I love cows.

01-07-2007, 11:08 PM
Cici was given to me in my spainsh class.
Nikki short for Nicole only a few people call me Nikki

01-07-2007, 11:18 PM
My dad had weird pet names for both my brothers & me. I was Monkeydinks. :rolleyes: OMG, I can't believe I'm telling you guys this!

01-07-2007, 11:23 PM
good thread! :)
I am often simply called "Stace".
At work I'm called - SMuss - or by my last name.
SMuss b/c it used to be my email address.
Why they call me by my last name I don't know b/c its way longer then my first name!
When I was starting to talk I had trouble saying my own name so it would come out - Tae-Te - soooo I've been called Tate or Tater all my life, it was even my CB handle when my dad drove semi. :)
For awhile I was also called Daisy or Daci b/c my cousin's couldn't say my name.
And the other is when I was in elementary school I went with my grandma to her sister's house to make candy or noodles or something- and my great uncle instead of calling me by my name he called me Ralph or Fred- all evening. I went home and told my dad and he has called me Ralph ever since!
I come from a long line of "nicknamer's".
My grandma that passed away - her name was Grace Josephine and she went by Josie or "Ting" I really don't know where that started. :confused:
My grandpa that has passed away was always referred to as "Cot". I have an Uncle Buck, and an Aunt Dutch also and neither are their given names.
My dad has been called "Short" or "Shorty" all his life. Some of his cousin's when introducing him to their significant other - usually call him "Short" and I have heard several of them say "And I can't remember what your real name is b/c I just know you as "Short"!"
When I was a child My maternal grandma was "Grandma TED" b/c my mom's youngest brother is 16 years younger than she is so when I was growing up he lived at home - so I associated him with them. My paternal grandma was "Grandma TIPPY" b/c we had a dog that in the summer lived with us b/c she could be outside and in the winter she went to my grandma's where she could live inside so I always associated Tippy with them.

01-08-2007, 12:09 AM
My mom used to call me Missy when I was younger. My youngest brother called me Twace and he'll sometimes write this name in my birthday cards. A lady who used to babysit us called me Helpful Hanna. She called my brothers Spunky Monkey and Crying Hyena. Some of my co-workers call me Trace for short.

01-08-2007, 12:29 AM
My brother and sister called me "Pumpkin Head" when I was little. They said it was because I was so tiny, that all I had was a head! :rolleyes:

My father still to this day calls me "Wrotten". That started one Christmas morning when I said that I couldn't believe I had gotten so many presents because I was "just wrotten". He has never let me live that comment down! ;)

My dad and hubby both also call me "Kimbo" and my mom calls me "Kim Kim".

01-08-2007, 01:07 AM
Despite my protests over these years, my husband still calls me Angel. :p I think it's odd. Sometimes he'll call me Wiki (weeky).

My parents call me Troublemaker most of the time. Occasionally they will refer to me as "that Bad Seed". :p

Everyone else just calls me Angelique. Nobody has tried to give me nicknames, beyond that! (You know, except for when you were a kid and people called you things like booger brain. :rolleyes: )

01-08-2007, 03:23 AM
When I was small my dad and my gran used to call me "queenie" and as I got older I got called "Bruce" because my surname was "Lee" and then when I started going out with my husband he noticed that I liked "Winnie the Pooh" so he started to call me "Pooh Bear" and it has stuck.

01-08-2007, 04:51 AM
I prefer to be called Dave, however at work I get Davey which I can't stand! Over the years I've gotten Piz (a shortened form of my last name) Also at work I'm usually "Hey You"!

Mad Mags Moo
01-08-2007, 05:13 AM
Well my real name is Margaret but NO ONE every calls me that - only when i was little and was in trouble or by my elderly relatives!!! :D

Maggie is what i am known as to all! but at university I had the nick name of Mags then that progressed to Mad Mags Moo or Mooser! I am a bit mad and the Mad cow disease was very much in the papers so they all thought I had mad cow so called me Mad Mags Moo - I too like cows they are really quite lovely! :D :D

My brother lovingly calls me Cat Pee Lover or Mad cat lady!!!!! :rolleyes: :D

01-08-2007, 05:32 AM
When I was little I had an aunt who called me Pammie Lou (my middle name is Louise). She has passed away now so I don't hear that any more and thankfully no one else picked up on it.

One of my co-workers calls me Doodle. It just started one day out of the blue sky. It stuck and now several of my co-workers call me Doodle. One day even my boss referred to me as Doodle. :o :rolleyes:

My daughter (Christiansmommy) has a few nicknames. She used to love that song on Sesame Street, when she was little, that dealt with the alphabet. Her favorite was "J" and it went sort of like this: "J" and a jean and a jelly bean, let's sing a song about "J." She really belted it out when they sang about "J" so I called her Jelly Bean for many years. One of her other nicknames was Robbo Dobbo. I actually can't remember how that one started. (She will kill me when she reads this). :o

01-08-2007, 07:35 AM
My grandmother- God Rest her Soul- use to call me " Shelley-kins".. I would love to hear it again from her.. My parents use to call me "little bit" as I was very tiny in height compared to everyone else in the family.

Cinder & Smoke
01-08-2007, 09:13 AM
Way back When ... the 70's ... I moved to the Boonies in Ohio and of course
joined the local Volunteer Fire Department.

After assisting at a few fires - that hadn't gone all that well - I "suggested" we change a
few tactics and procedures, and become a tad bit more organized. Our new Chief agreed
and "we" set out to train and revamp the Department.

Enter "Freddie Firefighter" - a realistic Firefighter caricature featured in some children's
fire safety coloring books that were popular "back then".

Whenever one of "The Old Pharts" questioned "Who Said" we otta do something
"differently" - I'd respond with "Freddie Firefighter Sez So"!

In time, Chief Dave became "Freddie Fire Chief" (his wife HATED that!) and
I became "Freddie Firefighter" ... often shortened to just plain "Fred".

Tyme marched on ... Chief Dave was gone ... my turn in the Hot Seat ...
elected Fire Chief ... and The Guys decided I was the new "Freddie Fire Chief".
Pretty soon EVERYone thought "Fred" was the Chief ... nobody knew who "John" was!

I just adopted "Phred" as the sphelling ... and the rest is History.
For 10 years I was "Phred" on the Fireground - and everyone knew it.
To this day, my fellow "Old Phart" fire buddies call me Phred; the New Guys still
wonder who the "John" Guy is on the roster. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif

So ... if you KNOW me - I'm "Phred" ...


01-08-2007, 09:22 AM
Mine is Shell. Mom used to call me Shelly-Belly when I was little lol :rolleyes:

01-08-2007, 10:21 AM
Hmmmmm when I was little I was Red. Except to my brother, I was Kitten or Kitty. My MIL calls me DarlingDoolittle, and to everyone else they use Jaspers term Babyfigle. (don't even go there) LOL mostly Red stuck, although Thomas still calls me Kitty :rolleyes: (he couldnt say Kymmy when we were younger)

01-08-2007, 10:47 AM
A lady who used to babysit us called me Helpful Hanna. She called my brothers Spunky Monkey and Crying Hyena.

I am thinking that lady doesn't need to babysit anymore..... :D

01-08-2007, 11:10 AM
Way back When ... if you KNOW me - I'm "Phred" ...http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif :D "so know we know... the rest of the story!"Thanks for the 'splanation, Phred!

Miss Z
01-08-2007, 11:16 AM
I don't really have nicknames as such. Occasionally the PE teacher at my school might call me 'Zed' or 'Zar'. Some teachers also just call me Miss H*****, the name in asterixes being my surname which I don't wish to share on the internet where any rogue guests could see! ;) I'm called that for sheer irony most of the time as it's an unusual surname and probably doesn't suit me :p

My mum calls me 'sweetheart' or 'darling'. :rolleyes:

01-08-2007, 01:08 PM
When I was little my nickname was Mutsie (pronounced like the shoe brand, Mootsie). I'm still not exactly sure where that one came from.

The class bully used to call me Elsie the Borden Cow. That still hurts.

My nephew and each of my nieces gave me a different "title" when they couldn't quite say my name. My oldest called me "Cease" and that has stuck for 25 years! She's 25 years old and her mother still calls me Cease. I love it. The other ones are Aunta Ease, Aunta Leet and my youngest niece called me "Grandma" for awhile as well as her other aunts and both of her grandmothers! Every female except for her mom was Grandma. I'm not sure why.

I picked up a new nickname as an adult - friends at church call me Leesie. Heavy emphasis on the ee - Leeeeeeeesie! I don't mind. The same group of friends came up with it that gave my cat the name Cassie Lassie. She even has a Christmas stocking from one of them with Cassie Lassie written on it!

01-08-2007, 01:20 PM
Ohhh Monkeydinks....... LOL!
Oh Pat... I'm going to make sure I don't forget that one!! :D :D

Some old one's of mine are:
and my personal favorite....
(pickles was because of my stinky feet on a family trip when I was younger :o )

01-08-2007, 01:53 PM
Ohhh Monkeydinks....... LOL!
Oh Pat... I'm going to make sure I don't forget that one!! :D :D
:o Alright, wiseguy...and which one of these would you like me to call you? Belch? or Pickles?:p

01-08-2007, 01:58 PM
ROFL! :d

Mines pretty simple "GreyhoundGirl" lol... bet no one could have guessed that... :p

01-08-2007, 05:08 PM
My nickname was Betty. Later on in school it was Lizard. :D

01-08-2007, 06:25 PM
oh wow, I have a ton of nicknames.

The Informer ~~ After being somewhere, I'd come home and tell everyone all about it. My mom always told my dad, "you can go anywhere you want, as long as you take the informer".
Weed ~~ This derived from Stinkweed...
Weeders ~~ My parents trying to be cute with the Weed
Buckner ~~ Friends call me by my last name.. what can I say?
Buckineer ~~ 8th grade friends decided to be cute.
Roofus ~~ On a mission trip, I worked on the roof for a straight week, and only wanted to mess up one pair of jeans with tar and stuff... so by the end of the week, my pants were rather "roofy"
SaraBeara ~~ Common nickname for Sara, I believe.
Sare (one syllable) ~~ My mom likes to shorten my name a lot...
SaraLou ~~ My grandmother used to call me this... my name is Sara Louise.

I've got a ton more, but a lot of them have stories behind them that I can't remember.

Most, if not all, of those names are still being used today. My dad started calling me Weed again just a few weeks ago.... and I was thought it was going to be one of those childhood nicknames and that's it!!! Nope, I was wrong.

01-08-2007, 06:54 PM
Well these are my nicknames.

Almita -- when i was little since my name is Alma and my mother's name is Alma as well, they called me Almita.

Mayeya -- my mom's dad used to call her that when she was younger and now she calls me that so she can remember him at times.

AlmaDelia -- it's my real name, but i mostly use it as a nickname since it's rare for people to call me that since there is rarely any Alma's at my school.

Squirt -- Vette that is also on PT, named me that because she could never spell Almita, and from all of our friends that we talk to I was the youngest she called me that. Also because i love turtles, but i don't think that is part of why she named me that haha.

Pibes -- I get named that from my oldest brother Hector. I don't know why he called me that but he calls me, and Chiquis that. :p

That's all i can remember, there are more but not common ones that i'm mostly named by.

01-08-2007, 06:55 PM
And the other is when I was in elementary school I went with my grandma to her sister's house to make candy or noodles or something- and my great uncle instead of calling me by my name he called me Ralph or Fred- all evening. I went home and told my dad and he has called me Ralph ever since!

Ralph is also on of my mom's nicknames!

I've never had too many nicknames...hard to shorten (or lengthen) Amy, but Ive been Amos, Amela, Coon-Dog, Halfman, and Awesome

01-08-2007, 07:36 PM
Ralph is also on of my mom's nicknames!

I've never had too many nicknames...hard to shorten (or lengthen) Amy, but Ive been Amos, Amela, Coon-Dog, Halfman, and Awesome
My older sister's name is
AMY - my mom would get ahead of herself yelling at us growing up and it would come out