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Cinder & Smoke
06-19-2002, 08:23 PM
But they say I'm gonna be OK ;)

I'z still gonna be OK, we think :eek:;
But I had a kupla relapses... :(
Skip down to 7/26 fur an uppy-date...

Herrow, All ~
It's me, Boots the Kat ~ Pawin out this Tail muself ~

My problem started a few weeks ago -
Wanderd in the baffroom to say Hi to Dad wun mornin. Felt the need to pee; so's I jumped inna sand box an hunkered down ta do it. Nuffin came out :confused:. Changed my mind after a minnit and left a smelley wun in anudder corner. Dad cleaned it up and furgot bout the no-pee thing.

Now me an Dad have this thing bout how long a box a sand otta last... When *I* think it's time for a change - I leave him a note (pee onna floor rite side the box - where he'll step :eek: in it!)
Guess I'z been leavin *notes* purdy offin lately - Sunday mornin, to be exact; after he washed the box Friday nite. Oopsie!! Dad wuz really :mad:!
Spent all Sunday locked inna bafroom.
Mundee mornin Dad comes in - no damp sand; but the rug is kinda *damp*. Uh-Oooh!
Jumped inna sand box an tried to pee as a show of good intent ~ Nuffin camed out...
Spent Mundee locked inna bafroom.

Mundee nite Dad checks - no damp sand. And then I *escapes* the baffroom. While I wuz *out* - Strange Damp Spot appears inna livin room (detected by a Daddy sock footsie). When I hear'd the **KAT!!!** I jumped inna fallin wadder klozet an waited fur the baffroom door *SLAM*!
Nudder nite in jail.

Tusdee morning; no damp sand - spent the day in jail again.
Tusdee nite I left a *note* onna floor in front a the sink - quickly note by Dad's socky foot. Any guess where I spent the nite? Yep - baffroom jail.

This mornin Dad comes in an I run over *purrrrin* up a storm, head bumpies, an leg rubbin. Jumped up an grab sum krunch frum my bowl onna vanity top; then hops down ta do sum sand box werk. Nuffin happenz.
Dad grabz the dinger phone and calls the Vet - no wun there yet... While he's leavin a message; I'z feelin the *need* so's I back up ta the klozet door an let go wiffa BIG squirt. *That* prompted anudder call the the Vet - I wus due at 12:30.
Dad sopped up the pee an put it inna baggie to take wiff us.

Got stuffed inna duffel sack and off we ALL went to the Shop. Neat place - TONS a stuff on desks and cabinets that need shufflin around. The Lab called early an said they had a no-show; so's we're due at 10:30. Dad finally *found* me an dusted off the cobby-webs and I gotz re-stuffed inna bag for the trip.

I wuz good wiffa nice guy (Doc Mike) inna Green skrubby shirt (how kum ya call em White Coats?) Wuz *purrrrrin* the hole time - eben when he stuck the thermie-meter stick up my rear :eek: end.

Gotz an owie-stick inna neck an Doc Mike showed Dad how ta jam a pill anna half down past my chomperz. Doc sez I gotz a *Urinary Infekshun* anna lil *fevur*; but I shud be OK after the biotik pills are gone in 10 dayz. He sez mebee Dad otta change the sand a lil more sooner - so's I dont get an atti-tude... Told ya, Dad!

I gotz dumped inna office and the Muttz got to go ta Petz Suppliez Plus ta pick up fresh sand for me. Cinner sez they gotz a new chewie bone an I gotz a new hi-side sand box (wiffa LID :mad: ) AND a new portable jail/carrier box - JEST what I wanted! Where's my TREATz?

Had a GREAT time inna Shop while they wuz gone shoppin - gotz a LOT of Dad's *stuff* moved around and onna floor... They brung the lil jail box in for the trip home - Good Luck stuffin me in THAT!

Most furgotz - Dad fixed up a sand box fur me here atta shop - lil plastik tub wiff sum sand - I hopped in an did a nice pee when they gotz back! Got a lotta *Good Kat* praise fur that!

Not gonna like life atta Ranch fur a while ~
Durn Doc Mike sez ta keep me *konfined* inna baffroom till I show that I'z back to a regelur *pee* routine inna sand box. Dad's gotta make sure I go *pee* ebber day an keep drinkin wadder. Dad sez I gotta sit inna lil jail box while he warshez the baffroom floor anna rug. And I dont get the rug back! Gotta sleep inna sink bowl onna towel!

Dad better member to put my dope bag of *nip*, my toidy paper tubes, an sum krumpled up paper wads inna baffroom fur me to play wiff! Else I'll paw off the hole roll of toidy paper an filp his toofy brush onna floor!

I'z hungree - letz head fur the Ranch...

I'll ME-Ow at'cha all Laterz... (this puter pawin is Phunn!)

/s/ Boots, the Kat!

06-19-2002, 08:32 PM
Dear Boots,

We are so sorry that it took so many notes for your Dad to sense something was wrong. I bet you didn't write dark enough. You know, sometimes humans just don't think like cats.

We hope you have a speedy recovery and that you get out of jail really soon.


Graemer, Miley and Gabe

06-19-2002, 08:45 PM
Gee Boots we're sorry you're not feelin' too good. We're hopin' you gots a nice window there in the baffroom to look out of to help pass the time away while you are incarcerated! Hope the pills make you good as new and your plumbing starts workin' again the way it should. Your pals, Trevor and Andy

06-19-2002, 10:20 PM
Deer Mizzer Tuxie-Boots,

Itz Sophie Bunnie. It jist ain't been a gudz day at allz has it? I iz real sorriez youz gotsta yournairy infektionz. It don't soundz funz at allz! :( I hopez you getz better reel soonz!

When Mom and I started for gammaw and gampawz houze diz afternoonz, the regoolar Mizzer Border Pawtrol wuzn't dar. I waz sittin' on Mom's lappiez and waitin' fer him to tellz me how purrtyz I was but instead he asked Mom, "Whazz on your lap? A rat?!" :mad: :mad: I like rattiez, but puh-leaze! Rattiez don't have long beautious earz of velvoot! Or a cute LIL' tail (which Mom sez will you get youz a long wayz in diz worldz! :confused: )

Mom sez I gotz to make diz quickie cos we're gonna go to bedz soon. Just cos Mom iz tiredz doezn't mean I iz. :mad:

I hope you feelz betterz soon!!

Sophie Bunnie

06-20-2002, 12:21 PM
Poor Boots, I and my four cat boys hope you are all better soon. 3 of them have had UTI too. The medicine made them all better. Hope yours does too. You and Pet Talk's Fister will need to swap stories 'cause sounds like he has the same thing. You should hear what they want to do to HIM!! All fingers and paws crossed here for your speedy return to health.

06-20-2002, 01:59 PM
Boots, sorry you had to resort to puddle notes to get your Dad's attention, but sounds like things will be under control soon.
See if you can talk him into trying Worlds's Best Cat Litter (http://www.worldsbestcatlitter.com/) It's a little spendy but if Dad will scoop out the unmentionables a couple of times a day, he'll find the remaining litter doesn't collect odors. I've even sniff tested (very carefully) month old litter and there is NO catty odor. Good luck with old Dad!

06-20-2002, 02:30 PM
Hello Boots!

It sounds like you have the same problem as I do! But don't you worry, we're gonna be OK soon!! Since I overheard what the planning was for me, I thought it was for the best to show them, so I've just been in my litterbox and done a good pee - I didn't cover it up this time to make sure they noticed! I hear that they'll ring the guy in the white coat tomorrow and make arrangements for me, so I'm being real good now! You show your dad what you're able to do and he'll surrender. But make sure not to get locked in the bathroom again. Go and lay on top of him and purr as loud as you can and he'll forget all about it!

I sure hope you'll be feeling a lot better real soon!!

Loud purrs and headbumpies from
Fister! ;)

06-21-2002, 01:36 AM
I'm so sorry to here that you're not feeling well Boots. Storm, Pepper, and Sunny wish you well and hope that you have a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted. Good luck. All fingers and paws are crossed here.

06-21-2002, 06:21 AM
Hiya Bootz - thiz iz Bagel - doin' 'puter stuff agen - to say that me an' the two boyz is sufferin' wif youz! Wot theze hoomans does to uz is terruble and if we lived clozer to youz we'd cum and break you outta your prizon!! Dat's reel crule bein' locked up - jus coz you gotta pee problum. Jus tek the tablits you Daddy is gonna stuff down you froat every day and you'll be well soon and outta dat prizon.
Oh Oh - Mum's comin' bak - gotta go. Hope da basin's cumfy xx

Purrs and Miaows from

Bagel and Ketchum and Dan

06-21-2002, 04:23 PM
Wow, what a water works dilemma, Boots!! That'll show yer Dad what the con-c-quences are when he don't keep yer "facilities" up to snuff:D Me and Oliver are keepin our paws crossed that yer medicine and "bowl time" will get ya back on all 4 paws and whizzin up a storm real soon!:) Love, yer pals, Mr. B and Oliverrrrrrrrrrrr!

Cinder & Smoke
06-21-2002, 07:15 PM
Boots, the Kat, here by way of the Muttz ~

I'z talkin frum my baffroom jail cell to CinDip and SmudgePot - out inna hallway. Hope they member all this stuff ~

Thankz! to all my FurBuds fur writin their notes and sayin Hi! Fister: Hope yer Hoominz dropped that plan they had fur You! Uggggh!
Sophie: Did ya stick yer tongue out at the dumm Pawtrol Guy? A'rat' - whudda nerb!

Wenzday nite we all decided to head fur the Ranch - and I gotz to try out my new portable jail transport box... Phunn time had by all.

Dad tries stuffin me in backwards onna level floor = NOT! After the dust an fur settled; Cinder sez: "Dad, yer leakin red stuff onna arm bonez!"

Dad rounded Kat up and tried a head-on approach.
More red leaks onna armz. Found the Kat again an tried the Pet Talk Way - Box sittin upright wiffa door pointin up - stuff back legz in an *drop* Kat; quickly slam door. Kat's IN.

Smoke - ya member how many times Kat rolled the box over? Bet it wuz 2 or 3 komplete rolls!
Dad sez only a half-roll - Kat wound up uppy-side down. (And protesting :mad: , LOUDLY.)

Gotz home an Dad started warshin down the baffroom floor an put the (damp) rug inna garage.
Kat released inna clean baffroom jail cell wiffa new sand box. Kat eatz half a bowl of krunch while muttering.

Damp sand and poopiez found inna new sand box Thurzday AM & evening = good sign. Dad agrees to parole Kat at nite wiffa condition - stayz onna string leash held by Dad...

Not a purdy site! Kat turnz on 4-Paw Drive and headz for cover - unner the end table wiff magazeenz onna shelf. Twenny magz scattered; anna string wrapped round the table legz a dozen wrapz;
Kat skreemin :mad: like he'z bein strangled...

Order restored; Kat agreez to rest on Dad's lappy inna kliner chair. Eben startz *purrrrin*. :)

Pill time is ebry mornin. Took a while Thurzday - Dad tried our new pill-popper plunger thingy - but Doc Mike made it look a hole lot eazier kuz Dad had me pinned onna table! I finally agreed to lettin em go downa hatch after he pinned my butt onna vanity top wiffa arm an pried my chomperz open wiff dat same handpaw - he used da udder paw to pop the popper plunger. Sheeeze - Doc dint jam it THAT :eek: far down!

Sumbuddie axed - bout the view fromma jail... Ain't no burdz ta see kuz there ain't no view! No winnow :( inna baffroom. I'z prolly gonna ko-operate an use the new sand box allua time - hope that'll spring me inna few more dayz. Got so *smushed* rubbin onna *nip* baggy :D I almost dint hear the gang kum home on Thurzday!

I'll try ta make sum damp sand soon'z I hear em pull in tanite. That'll make pointz wiff Dad.

Tankz, ebberbuddie, fur thinkin of me.
*Mi-Owww* at'cha All Later...

/s/ Boots, the Kat


Cinder & Smokey here ~
That'z bout whut Bootsie tell'd us unner the jail cell door this mornin. Hope we gotz most of it rite :p!

06-22-2002, 08:02 PM
Boots, I hope you are feeling better and you and Dad have signed a truce (not in blood though). By the time you read this here's hoping you've been sprung and can go back to patroling the ranch house and supervising the Cinder and Smoke critters.

Hannah wants to tell you she went to the white coats today and came up with lots of new moves to avoid them doing stuff to you that you don't want to have done, but I says *No way, bad enough that Tucker saw those.*

06-22-2002, 08:58 PM
Dear Boots the Kat,

I'm glad you're feeling better.It's sure no fun to be
"jailed" in the bathroom. Take all your pills and get all
better. O. K.? Just want to tell you that I agree the
Patrol person is a NERB ,big time.:D

06-25-2002, 02:11 PM
Mizzer Bootzie,

We iz jist wonderin' how u iz. We hopez u iz gud 'n feelin' betterz dan eberz.

Sophie Bunnie

06-25-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
Mizzer Bootzie,

We iz jist wonderin' how u iz. We hopez u iz gud 'n feelin' betterz dan eberz.

Sophie Bunnie We iz wunderin' too! Chester, Leonardo, Luke, Leroy (Momoffuzzyfaces katz)

Cinder & Smoke
06-25-2002, 03:03 PM
Boots, the Kat, sez Hi, Ebberbuddie ~

I'z doin a lot better - Thankz fur askin!
Been gettin lottza pointz wiff Dad -
I make sure I make sum damp sand eber time I hearz him pullin inna garage!

Sundee an last nites I got *paroled* outta jail an dint have to wear the laesh string! :D Wuz soooo hot I jest went ober an lay in front of the sliding door screen an sopped up the breeze.

I still gotta *guard* the baffroom when Dad anna Dawgs go to werk; but they're purdy good bout *springin* me soon as they come home. Kant get ober how happie :D Dad getz whenebber he roots around inna sand box an finds a lil dampy spot! :rolleyes: Strangest things pleeze you Hoominz...

Now iffin we could jest get dunn wiifa pillz...
HATE that dang pill-popper thingy he gotz! I figgered out that iffin I dont *fuss* too bad he won't shove it half way down to my tummie affore he *pops* it. <ugggh>!

Hey Sophie ~ Dad sez yer Mom is thinkin bout gettin ya a swimmin pool :eek: ! Sez Miz Karen's gonna try wun for Hoppy, too.
Lemmie knowe if that'z any phunn...
I *plays* wiifa wadder frumma spikit; but I'z nebber been swimmin... Nebber had a BAFF, either!
Course there wus the time I gotz locked inna fallin wadder klozet an Dummie Dad turned on the wadder wiffout knowin *I* wuz in there...
He got a LOTTA Kat-Trakz on his bod when when he opened the door and tried ta climb in under the wadder ~ I wuz in kinda a *rush* ta getz out...

Mee-owz at'cha all laterz...

/s/ Boots, the Kat ;)

06-25-2002, 07:11 PM
Hey Boots! Glad to hear Dad springed ya outta da water kloset jail!:D Keep makin those soggy sand piles an swallerin yer pills! Gotta make sure dem nasty buggers are history! Oliver and Mr. B sends ya lots a get well head bumpies and nose nibbies!:)

06-25-2002, 11:32 PM
I'm glad you're doing better Boots. Keep up the good work.http://www.gifs.net/animate/alcheshire_cat.gif

07-11-2002, 10:44 PM
Oh, Boots! We had no idea what horrors you were going through! Hope you are feeling LOTS better now. Are all the nasty pills done? Sometimes basin-naps are nifty: specially on hot days. Hope you like 'em, too.

Cassy >^._.^< and Livvy >^._.^<

07-12-2002, 09:52 AM
Sorry that your not feeling up to speed Boots.

07-18-2002, 09:58 AM
Hey Boots,

how are you feeling these days?

Cinder & Smoke
07-18-2002, 11:29 AM
Hi, Ebberbuddie ~ Boots here...

I'z feelin a lot better now - specially since those durn pillz are all gone an Dad haz quit *shootin* pillz down my mouf. Spent a lotta dayz inna baffroom jail; but when I pee'd inna box durrin the day; I gotz let out inna evenins for sum R&R wiffa Muttz. Iffin I pee'd just affore BigBed time; I gotz outta jail all nite :).

I'z drinkin bout the rite amount of wadder ebery day, and makin Dad happie by doin a kupla pees inna sandy box like I'z supposed to. He sure duz like findin *damp sand* inna mornin and at nite when the Gang kumz home frum werk! ;)

I tinkz we've arrived at an *unnerstandin* bout when to change the sand inna box. Dad gave up tryin to s-t-r-e-t-c-h a load a sand out fur two :mad: weekz... He uzes a lil less inna box each load; and I'll go fur a 7-10 day cycle - but that'z IT!

Cupla weekz ago he tried fur two :eek: weekz again...:mad:
I wuz gettin kinda *tweeked* an did a lotta pacin round inna baffroom wun mornin - lookin inna sandy box but neber gettin in... Jumped inna fallin wadder klozet an left him a pee in there as a note :rolleyes:.

Course I spent the day locked inna baffroom jail; but he gotz the hint. I did wun more pee inna box that day; gotz a lotta *Gud Boy'z* that nite; and he warshed out the box an gimmie a load of fresh-smellin sand. Wunder when the soft rug is gonna kum back inna baffroom? :( (It makes turnin the korner into the fallin wadder klozet a LOT quicker when wunna the Muttz is hot on my tail!)

I don't have ta *s-t-r-a-i-n* to do a pee ennie more; so I guess all thoze durm pillz Doc Mike gave me musta dun sum good... Glad nuffin went wrong wiffa <poop> masheenerie!!

TANKZ to alla you Pet Talker Buddies fur thinkin and prayin fur me!
Feelin *poorly* is no phunn!
But it sure helpz ta knowe yer Friendz are wurried bout ya!! :D

/s/ Boots, the Kat

07-18-2002, 11:47 AM
Boots, all of us are so glad that you are feeling so much better.

Those pill poppers aren't much fun - but you guys seem to have the fastest paws in the west (east) - so it makes it a lot easier on us humans to use them.

You take good care of yourself now - and maybe the fuzzy rug will return - I bet it was afraid of you.

07-18-2002, 02:14 PM
glad to hear that you are feeling better boots.

07-19-2002, 01:19 AM
I'm so glad to here that the pills are working and that you're able to pee again. I hope you get back to normal soon. Take care. :)

07-19-2002, 03:45 PM
Boots, you're on the right track - keep on trucking! :D

Purrs and headbumpies from your pal,

07-19-2002, 04:30 PM
Glad you're up to snuff there, Bootz - after all, when you're sickly, whose gonna keep those dogs in line? ;)

Cinder & Smoke
07-26-2002, 06:45 PM
;) Hi, ebberbuddie ~
It'z me, Boots, da Kat. This here storrie is gonna be in a kupla partz.
It'z Friday mornin; and I'z doin this maself affore we head out fur anudder vist to Doc Mike's White Coat Lab.

After the June 19 visit to Doc Mike, I dun purdy good wiffa peein inna sandy box. Eben a week ago things were OK; all dun wiffa biotik pillz anna "acidifier" pillz; peein purdy good twict a day; Dad happie kuz I was usin the sand box; life wuz good - and I wuz outta JAIL! :D

Problem come'd back agin on last Friday nite - jest a lil spot a damp sand to show Dad when he gotz home. I volunteered to sleep inna baffroom. NO damp sand Saterday mornin, Nite or eben Sunday mornin... Did a good pee Sunday bout noon a-klok; but nuffin more till Munday. Dad had already tole me we wuz goin back to see Doc Mike - but I did a 'heroic effert' and jumped inna box bout 8:30 and made a lil damp sand - after a LOT of pushin and strainin. But to no avail - 9 AM and we're walkin in Doc's Place wiffout so much as a phone call to warn em. Doc wuz bout to start wiff Sir Jury on sum poor kritter, but tole the Skrubby Tech to keep em inna holdin cell fer a few minnits while he looked at me...

Bladder felt OK - had a lil innit; but Doc sez as long as I WUZ peein he'd lemmie go... AFTER he stuck that thermie stik up my butt AND jabbed me wiffa anudder biotik shot an two more bagz a pillz. We played *locked in jail all day and eat pillz* till Thurdsday - peein purdy good till Thurdsday nite when Dad caught me strainin to pee, and no dampy sand frum all day... Uhhh-Ooooh.

This mornin it wuz no go agin - tried reel hard atta Ranch. Dad loads me inna trakter kar - complete wiff home sandy box inna trunk - an I comed to the Shop wiffa hole Gang. Tried ta pee bout 3 or 4 more times atta Shop = Nuffin! :(. Dad callz Doc Mike an Miz Bev sez "Looks like Doc duzint get his half day off, again! Bring him in at 2:30." Cinder gave me her spot unner the puter an I kinda tossed an turned next to SmokeMutt, wiff an ocassional "YeeeeOwllll" till 2 a-klok when Dad tosses me inna kar. I member we gotz to Doc's and they wuz waitin fur me. He did a quick belly rub an tell'd Dad I hadda get a "catheter" thingy put in fur 4 dayz... Tha's the last I member...

Cinder here ~ guess I gotta tell the rest kuzza Kat's a reel mess :eek: - totally wiped out on druggz an floppin round lika phish outta wadder.

Smoke an me got reel wurried kuz Dad came back bout 2:30 WiffOUT da Kat! :eek:
"WHERE's our BOOTS, we axked him?"
Dad sez he's gettin a plummin jub dun - his drain is plugged. Goin back fur him inna hour.

Wheeeew, we sez!

4:45 PM Friday...
Dad jest comed back wiff lil Brudder Bootz...
Whadda sight / mess he iz!

Wrapped up in blue surgikal drapes like a lil baby...
Wearin a Funnell collar ober hiz headbone...
Eyeshades not werkin - jest starin, no blinkin...
Gosh - he ain't eben MOOVIN very much...

Dad keeps goin ober an moppin up unner him...
He's LEAKIN out a plastik PIPE stuck into his rear end! :eek: OMG! What'd Doc DO to him???

Dad sez he's gonna leak like that till Tuesday - when the pipe comes out. Dad called Unka Pat and lined up ta borrow their paper shredder anna box a newsy paperz. Dad's gonna fill up the falllin wadder klozet tubby wiff ground up newsy paper ta try an keep Boots a lil dryer than he is rite now.

6:30 PM
Well, he'z ALIVE an kickin a lil bit! :D
Dad keepz runnin ober an moppin up; and keeps squeezin sum *goop* in Bootsy's eyeballz. Gotta keep doin that till he startz *blinkin* hiz eyeshades by hizzelf. Guess he kant SEE so good - he panics ebery time Dad touches him till he reconnizes Dad's finners an voice. We're bein good an not botherin him too much ~ But we've both sed Hellow a kupla timez an he duzint seem to mind us bein close.

He'z UP! Nope, he felled ober onna udder side...
UP agin - an sorta *crawlin* round.

LOOKIT the d-i-r-t he'z pickin up offa floor!
OMG Dad ~ When'z the MAID do to come in here!?
Ooops! Sorrie, Dad. He dint think that wuz so phunnie

Boots iz sorda confined again - Dad put his string leash back on so's he kan't toddle all round the office. Rite now he's all snarled up round the puter chair an bein kinder quiet. Musta leaked out summa the fluidz they shoved unner his skin tween the shoulder blades - he'z not dribblin out the pipe so bad now. Dad jest *goop'd* hiz eyeballs agin - still ain't blinkin.

Kinder nice in here - Dad turned onna air freezer ta make Boots feel better ~
How'z kum WE don't get the kool air when we're werkin here all day??!

Dad sez we're gonna take off fur the Ranch soon. Gotta pick up the paper supplies at Unka Pat's and get sum ground up fur the tub. Then I guess we gotta try an clean the poor Kat up a liddel. Gonna take a lotta baby wiperz ta get him prezentabul again.

Case yer wunderin - Doc tell'd Dad the Boots otta be OK iffin we keep poppin "acidifier" pillz inta him. He'z gonna get TWO ebery day fur a while ta make sure he duzint plug up rite away agin. But he don't get ANY food or pillz till tumorrow at the urliest - kuz he kant swaller rite now.

That'z all fur now - prolly be Kat-sittin all weekend atta Ranch and not get you guyz anudder uppy-date till Mundey - so don't wurrie too much!

But iffin you got the time - a kupla Prayers an sum Krossed Pawz wood be reelee Appreciated by Boots, Dad, Smokey an me!

07-26-2002, 06:59 PM
Poor, poor Bootz - and so undignified a situation! Buck up there, fuzzy campers, and we'll keep you in our prayers.

07-26-2002, 07:13 PM
Mister Boots,

Your story brought tears to my eyes! You poor kitty!! Sounds like you've got a buncha great nurses taking care of you, though.

A *gentle* hug and kiss to ya, Sweet Stuff!
Zippie and Goober-Earz the Wabbit

07-26-2002, 07:14 PM
Speaking from experience, I wouldn't wish your problem on anybody, cats or people!

07-26-2002, 07:19 PM
Oh poor little Boots! What more could happen to you? I surely hope you are feeling better tonight and will even better as time passes.

We all send get well wishes to you and thank your buds for taking such good care of you. That's alotta work Boots!


07-26-2002, 09:02 PM
Mister Boots, Geez, I had no idea that wettin the sand could be so much trouble. It's something I take for granted. All I ask is that Mom keep the box clean.

I am really sorry to hear of all of your troubles, but it does sound as though all of your buddies have rallied around you.

I got my paws crossed for you and Mom said she will teach me how to pray.

Get better real soon, ya hear?

Your friend, Mister Rascal

07-26-2002, 09:13 PM
Oh Boots we've been readin' over Mom's shoulder and we could hardly believe our eyes. We hate hearin' about our buddy bein' so sick and havin' to go to the white coats and gettin' werked on an all. Gee, now we don't feel so bad when we see our Mom havin' to scoop our sand alla time. Guess it makes her happy to see that we made it wet. It was nice of Cinder to write some werds to all of the humans at Pet Talk. I guess sometimes dawgs aren't so bad after all. We're gonna fold our paws tonight and bow our little kitty heads and send up some prayers for you. Maybe Bella will say some too. You take care of yourself Boots.
Your pals, Trevor and Andy

07-27-2002, 12:24 AM
Oh Boots!!!

:eek: All our paws are crossed for ya here, buddy! Mommy's saying prayers, too. Sorry you're feeling so yucky. Glad your friends are there for you.

>^._.^< Cassy and

>^._.^< Livvy

07-27-2002, 12:27 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your declining condition Boots. All fingers and paws are crossed here. I sure hope you get well soon. Good luck and take care.

07-27-2002, 10:11 AM

07-27-2002, 11:20 AM
Ouchhh Boots!! Just as we thought you were all OK again, this happens! :( What an ordeal you've been through - and your dad too! Uhh! I know excatly how you're feeling pal, I've had plumming problems too! No fun at all! I'm glad to hear that all of your buddies have rallied around you! You take a few relaxed days and don't wobble around too much !

I'll keep my paws crossed for you, and my mum and dad their fingers!! :)

Lots of purrs and nosekisses
Fister & his mum and dad

07-27-2002, 12:15 PM
Owwwwie, Boots!! I though you were doing ok and now this. Prayers are on the way for all of you and the boys have all paws and tails crossed for you to feel all better real quick!

07-27-2002, 03:19 PM
Oh no, Boots:( Just when we all thought you were doin better:(:( You sure have been through the mill, Boots. My brother Frtizy (RB) had the same indignities thrust upon him, what widda rubber hose and bladder squeezing and pill poppin. But yer Dad sure is takin real good care of his Boots Man!!:) So you take it easy and listen to yer Dad! In the meantime, lots and lots of paw crossing being done here and our bestest prayers are heading your way! Love, Mr. B., Oliver and our Mom, Sandra

07-28-2002, 12:06 AM
Poor Boots........we sure do hope that the medicine from the white coats helps you. Cinder and Smokey need you to keep them in line!!!!! :D Get well soon!

Butter and Mimi

07-28-2002, 10:02 AM
Oh poor Boots, what a month he has had and now all this. Dad sure is a good Daddy, taking good care of Boots when he is so sick and needs so much looking after. Cinder and Smoke I think you need to do some shopping and get Dad one of the #1 Dad cups or something.

Boots, please get well. No matter how much the dogs complain about you, you know they love you and Dad doesn't like to see you feeling so poorly. It hurts his heart. The Pet Talkers are going to get to praying for you real hard.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2002, 04:44 PM
Oh Boots, so sorry to hear you're plummn's not werking right again. :( Don't go wobbln round too much. Just get sum rest and cuddle wif Cinderz and Smokez and yur dad and do wutever Doc Mike sez and yu shud be good as new in no time.

Chin scritchies from your pal,
Oh, and Tubby just woke up and said to send head bumpies from him and hope you feel better soon!

Cinder & Smoke
07-29-2002, 04:51 PM
Cinder & Smokey sez ~

THANKz fur alla wonderful wurdz of support - anna Prayers - fur our Boots Kat!!

He's doin purdy good - other than bein Reelee Tweaked that he's locked inna baffroom Fallin Wadder Klozet TUBBY an sittin on newsey papers that leave ink spotz on his lil white pawz! :mad:

We spent the whole weekend changin newsey papers kuz he can't control when he *leaks* an getz the papers soggy :(.

He's eatin reel gud - figgered out reel quick how to duck his lil headbone down so's the funnel collar he hasta wear duzint get inna way of his mouf. :p

Miz Bev at Doc's Office jest called an minded Dad we gotta bring him in tamorrow afternoon to get the temperary *pee pipe* pulled out :eek:.
That'll make the Kat Reel Happie!

Boots will be here atta Shop all day tamorrow -
We're sure he'll wanna paw out a message to y'all.

Thankz agin fur thinkin bout our Lil Brudder! :D

07-29-2002, 05:09 PM
Cinder & Smokey
Thank you for updating us on Boots. I was wondering how he was doing. So glad he is doing better. Hugs to you for being such good nurses.

07-29-2002, 05:25 PM
Puhleaze getz better soonz. Iffin' it'll helpiez, I'll send youz summa my parzley. And you gotz ta knowdz dat meanz you iz reely spayshul cos I don't sharez my parzley wif jist anyonez.
And I promize I won'tz terrierize youz like I doz da katz at my grammawz.

Puhleaze, lemme knowz iffin' you wantz sum o' dat parzley. Oh! and iffin' you wantz, you can wearz my prinzezz crownz for a few minnutes.

Sophie Bunnie

Edwina's Secretary
07-29-2002, 05:47 PM
Dear Mr. Boots,

I had a message from Ms. Sophie (she doesn't know it yet) and she asked if I could anoint you Count of Catnip. I said if she could be Princess of Parsley, you can be Count of Catnip.

I hereby dub thee Count (and get well!)

Lady Edwina (on behalf of the Queen.)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2002, 06:11 PM
I'm so happy to hear Bootz is feeling better, and can't wait for an update from him tomorrow. I'm glad he's got such good friends like Cinder & Smoke to look after him and keep us updated.

Miz Sophie, aren't you absolutely divine in your Princess tiara. :)

07-29-2002, 07:36 PM
Awwww Boots Man, er, 'cuse us, Count of Catnip!:) We're sure glad ta hear yer hangin in der unner such :eek:stressin:eek: conditions like da temperarey pee-pipe and bein locked inna water kloset! Weeez sure hopes you'll be feelin lots better ta morrow when da pipe comes out! Ya surz got the bestest Dad and fur brudder and sister to watch after ya! Make sure ya paw off a note ta yer frettin fans ta morrow! Love, yer pals in fur, Mr. B and Olivvvvvvvvvver! (Star***Shine and Cody Girl send butt wiggles and paw pats ta Cinners and the Smokster!:)

07-29-2002, 09:00 PM
Hi Boots,

Just wanted to say that we've got all paws and claws
crossed in Indy for you. Hope the Doc says good things
about you tomorrow. Glad you eating good & hope you
get to feeling better quick. Buddy & Liz. :)

07-30-2002, 09:04 AM
Boots, we're sure to glad to hear it's almost over with these "pee pipes". I bet you'll be happy to see your sand box again - and use it! ;) You may have to get some different crunchies - that is, if you don't already are getting those, - and keep swallowing the little round pills for a few more days, they will do you good, so you keep your spirit high, Boots!! :D

You say Hi to Cinder, Smoke and your dad too!

Keeping our paws and all crossed here, just in case! :)

Purrs and nosekisses from,
Fister & his mum

07-30-2002, 10:50 AM


Dixieland Dancer
07-30-2002, 12:45 PM
Hey there Mizzer Boots - oh sorry - Count of Catnip! I don't usually talk on the Cat board but when I heard you weren't feeling good, I just had to stop over! My Mister Marty had the exact same problem. Once it was cleared up, the Doc put him on a low ash and magnesium food.

Our doc said that it is common in male cats that are neutered and are around the age of 1 1/2 to 3 to have this problem. Hills makes a prescription diet food that is low in both ash and magnesium. Purina just came out with a special urinary tract formula.

I sure do hope your feeling better in no time. I know your family is really worried about you!

07-30-2002, 01:08 PM
Hi ya Boots, Rascal here.

The white coat put me on some Hilly diet and Mom kinda complained because it is spensive. (I don't know what spensive is but she said it was, maybe it means special).

Gotta tell ya that I jus love it. I hafta round up Mom every mornin to be sure the bowl is full before I go back for my morning nap.

Anyway, hope yur feelin much better. That pee thingamajiggy doesn't sound like much fun.

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2002, 01:08 PM
Hi, Ebberbuddie ~ Boots, the dribbel Kat here ~

Tanks fur all the Kind Wurdz, Prayerz, an Get Well Wishez -
Must be werkin kuz I feels more better :).

Saprized Dad this mornin - Busted maself outta the Tubby Jail last nite! Wudda been out sooner iffin I had thumz onna paws. Dad did a big :eek: when he saw me onna vanity top! Got bored after the ink started runnin onna papurs inna tub. And they nebber put the komik page on top where I could reed it :mad:.

Figger sumpin's up kuz I gotz loaded inna trakter kar wiffa Dawgs an we're all atta Shop now. Dad brung my sandy box an set it up - I jumped rite in an tried ta pee - but it all musta dribbel'd out thru da pipe?
He laid out fresh papurz - but I'z curled up inna sandy box wiff my kone-head propped up onna side a da box - softer thana papurs onna floor!

He keeps sayin he's goin to Walliez Mart ta get sum 'baby wipes' ta kleen me up. Hurrie up, Dad - kuz I *stinkz* an got a reelee BAD case a *Bad Hare*... Kan't reach a single paw wiffa tung likker kuzza this durn cone funnel jam'd :mad: on my headbone! I dont wanna go see Doc Mike anna Offis Gurlz lookin like :o this.

Thankz fur the KatNip titul - but Iz not the "Kount" type - jest kall me *Kat*... :rolleyes:
An tanks fur the Parsley offer, Sophie! Rellee preciate that - kuz I knowe ya dont share yer Parsley wiff jest enniebuddie! Dunno if that stuff werkz like KatNip tho? Might be jest a Bunnie Thing?

An Dixie ~
Rather than switch my krunch grub - Doc tole Dad we wuz gonna try the "acidifier" pillz - only not stop em after a kupla weekz like we did last time. Doc sed I'd prolly hafta take a pill or two a day forevur... :( Wish Dad dint get QUITE so much plezure *shootin* en down my mouf!

Gettin tired - gonna go jump back inna sandy box while Dad goez fur the 'wipes'.

Dont think Doc's gonna nok me out ta pull da pipe - so Iz prolly gonna be able ta let y'all knowe how the White Coat visit goez aftur 5 a-klok.

Mee-oow atcha all then...

/s/ Boots, da Kat :D

07-30-2002, 03:54 PM
Boots, sounds like yer reallllllly ready to get that thingy pulled out permanent like! Yer personal grooming aktivities sure been hampered with all dem contraptions! Can't wait ta hear yer home and dat the plumbin works are flowin! Paws crossed for a good report!! Love, yer pals, Mr. B and Oliver

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2002, 07:05 PM
Boots, da Kat is BACK frum Doc Mike's Place :D

The visit wiff Doc wuzint half as bad as the gettin reddy part... Dad finally toddled off to Wallys Joint an got the baby wiperz. Don't they make dem things WIFFOUT the stinky purfume on em??!

Dad started wipin - the on top part wuz OK - it wuz when he started doin the tummie anna privates I gotz a lil uppyset. *I* dint knowe it, but when I wuz *out* at the White Coat Lab last Friday - Doc did a big trim job on my Klawz (rite after Dad dun it affore I went! :mad:

I gotz nuffin but STUBz :eek: fur Klawz! Tried kickin Dad's pawz anna wiperz away - but he jest laffed atta kickin. Got dun wiffa tummie - then started wipin my facebonez an earz - rite inside the kone kollar. THEN he startz wiffa ole dawggie / puppie brush - pullin out sum purfektly good hare!

We runned outta tyme - wuz a minnit late gettin to Doc's Place. Went in there almost *bald* an smellin like a Floozie! Offis Gurls said I looked :eek: *purdy*. ~ Uggggh! Grrrrr...

Doc snipped the hold-it-in threads an zipped out the pipe...

HO-BOY! Duz that feel better! :)

Then the Skrub Tech Gurl took'd off that durn kone kollar ~ YIPPIE! I kan turn my headbone agin! :D

Gotz anudder bag of "acidifier" pillz - that makes a two week supply of ammo fur Dad's *pill shooter*. Then they started talkin bout how to >>watch<< me...

Soundz like I gotta spend summore time inna baffroom jail - but at least I getz the hole room an don't hafta sleep inna tubby ennie more. Dad sez I'll get purolled out onna stringy leash when he anna Muttz are home - onlee locked up when I'z alone. Wunner iffin I'll get ta go to the Shop wiffa Guyz? Might - but still gotta stay tied up when I'z there - Dad sez WAY too many places to get lost an in trubbel inna Shop!

Big project fur me is to keep makin *damp spotz* inna sandy box! I'z gonna try an make a lotta *skratchin noizez* ebery time I jump inna box - that getz Dad's tenshun an he kumz to see "What the heck are ya DOIN in there?!" ;)

Lez GO, Dad! I'z HOONGREE an I dint see ya pack a bag a kittie krunch when we loaded up this mornin. Anna Dawgz nebber leave any skrapz inna bowlz.

Dad jest minded me ~~

Heart-felt THANKz to all you Pet Talker Hoominz an FurBuddies fur all the Wunnerful Posts ya sent me anna Prayerz for recovery! :)
Musta werked - kuz I feelz Purdy Good rite now!
TANKz again!

/s/ Yer Kat Buddie, *Boots*

07-30-2002, 07:32 PM
I 'm so happy to hear the good news Boots. Sure glad
you finally get to move around without the collar thingy.
Please keep taking your pills & get to feeling like your ole
self again. O.K.? Love ya buddy. Liz & Buddy(the pooch).

07-31-2002, 07:22 AM
Good job, Dad and Boots! And a couple a cheers for Dr. Mike and all the white coaters!! So glad all that STUFF is outta there and yuz can start the plumbin flowin on yer own!! Sorry dat ya hadda get all floozied up tho. Yuck!!:D Now ya make sure ya take the pillies and listen to yer Dad! Me and the Oliver PItstER MaN are sending ya lots a high paws and headbumpies. (None a dat girlie kissie stuff!:D) Love, per pals in fur, Mr. B and Oliver!

07-31-2002, 11:51 AM
Oh, my, Boots!!! What a time you've had. I bet you smelled real *purdy* too after the wipies were used on you. Now you be good and make wet sand to please your poppa. I'm so glad you are feeling better.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-31-2002, 03:46 PM
I'm so glad you're feelin' better, Boots. You had a tough time of it with that pipe & collar. And to think they snipped you're claws too! How do they expect you to defend yourself against those stinky baby wipies! I know it's no fun, but take your pills whenever your dad gives them to you and keep making the sand damp so you don't have to go through this again. You're such a brave kitty to put up with all this, but hopefully you'll be better from now on. Head bumpies & chin scritchies from Tubby & Peanut. Oh, and don't forget to treat Cinder & Smoke real nice for being such good fur buddies while you were incapacitated. :)

Cinder & Smoke
07-31-2002, 04:40 PM
:( The Boots FurKid has another problem...

Sometime after the catheter was removed, Boots, the Kat pee'd a small amount of blood stained urine in the car; and repeated the small, bloody, urine deposits several times at the Ranch last night and this AM in both the sand box and :eek: the tub.

Called Doc Mike and was advised that this bloody urine is "sometimes common" after a URI and catheter combination... We're to confine him (more Jail Time :( ), keep a close watch on him, and call back in the AM with the overnight report.

He DOES eliminate urine - so that's a good sign.
He wasn't really interested in drinking - so he got *treated* to several shots of water delivered down the hatch via an old syringe (without needle). He wasn't :) after 3 squirts.

A gross observation: This morning after he pee'd a little in the tub; he immediately started licking it back up :p! Never done THAT before - he's only pee'd outside the box as a definate MESSAGE to me that the box needed to be tidied up and fresh sand installed! Possibly he was confused - no papers in the tub and he's been IN there (WITH papers) for 4 days... Prolly should have put more papers down today = bad, dumb, Dad :(. He HAS used the litter several times - don't understand the in-the-tub pee and then his trying to clean it up?

He has eaten some krunch - not much - but it IS hot & humid; and he doesn't eat more than a few bites at any one sitting = he's a constant nibbler.

Getting a clean urine sample is going to be a challenge... If he's still making bloody urine tonight or in the morning - I guess it's back to Doc Mike's to be caged and "encouraged" to drop a sample in the drip pan...

Dang it! I thought we were out of the woods...

Guess it's time for US to ask for the Pet Talk Prayers and Crossed Klawz & Pawz for the Boots.
Please keep him (and us) in your Prayers and Thoughts... Thanks Friends!

Zippy ~
Your link to the Merck Vet Manual:

"Merck Vet Manual" (http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp) is Greatly Appreciated! :D

Very Informative - after I figgered out that "hematuria" is Vet Talk for *blood in the urine* :rolleyes:

There won't be much following tonight - We're headed back to the Ranch purdy quick-soon to check up on the Tux FurBall... ;).

/s/ Phred & the FurKids

07-31-2002, 05:36 PM
Gosh, Boots you're sure having a rough time right now. I have heard of animals (people too) having blood in their urine after a cathether removal. It irritates the private parts and has to hurt. Here's hoping it clears all up and you have no more trouble. Extra prayes are on the way, just in case you need them.:eek:

07-31-2002, 06:05 PM
Yup Phred, bloody pee for a brief time period is fairly common following a lengthy period of catheterization. It's can be a rather traumatic procedure, sometimes causing irritation of the bladder. Poor Boots!!:( Poor Dad:( You're giving it all you got, that's for sure. And I'm sure Boots surely does appreciate his Dad being such a good nurse!;) We're sending along some MIGHTY HEFTY prayers and positive thoughts that this is just a little set back. You hang in there Boots! (And Dad too!) Please check in asap with an update tomorrow! Boots Man, Mr. B and the Olive Pit are sending along their bestest headbumpies and paw pats to their fur pal!! Get Well Soon!!!!!

07-31-2002, 08:53 PM
Hi Boots, Rascal here again.

Mom read to me what you are going through and I said MEOUCH!

We will both say prayers for you tonight and keep checking up on you.

Here's hoping you are feeling better real soon!

08-01-2002, 05:06 AM


LYNNE - *^%&*$%^£ - - -oi mum don't forget us! SORRY KIDS!

08-01-2002, 08:55 AM
Poor Boots - and Phred! :( We sure hope it's just a minor set back, after having the cahteter removed and that all will be back to normal pretty soon!

We're sending extra prayers and headbumpies your way! Hang in there! ;)

All fingers and paws are crossed for you! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-01-2002, 10:45 AM
Poor Boots! I just got done writing yesterday about how happy I was you're feeling better, then your dad told us you're still have troubles. I hope it's just a minor setback and just 'cause of that ol' pee pipe. Durn thing! Sure hope you're feelin' better soon - and fur good too!

Cinder & Smoke
08-01-2002, 05:45 PM
:rolleyes: Hazint been a good day...

We bought Boots the Kat a gallun of good spring drinkin wadder onna way home last nite. Dad loaded him up on good wadder wiffa syringe sqwirt gun an put fresh papurz inna tubby when we gotz to da Ranch. He dint wanna eat any krunchiez...

Bout midnite Dad checked him an found him squattin unna tub tryin to pee - nuffin happnin :(.
He musta spent mosta the nite inna tubby - eben tho Dad left the door open so's he could have the hole baffroom iffin he wanted to wander.

Mornin came an no pawprintz inna sandy box - no damp sand. Kat'z layin inna tub - lotta lil tiny *pink* dribble marks onna papurz - but a purdy good poop there, too.

Dad scooped the KatKid up an plopped him onna vanity next to his krunch bowl an wadder. He mouthed a krunch an lay down on his side an looked at Dad wiffa I dont feel so good look...
Ate a kupla krunchies frum Dad's finners, then flopped back down. We heard Dad callin Doc Mike's Place - tell'd em we wuz onna way - reddy or not!
Doc wuz inna Sir Jury room - so Boots got put inna cell an we came to the Shop ta wait...

Nurse Bev kalled at noon - Boots wuz onna Sir Jury table - plugged up agin! :( Whadda we wanna do? Doc sed he'll prolly keep pluggin up...

Dad started leakin frumm eyez... Then sed fur Doc to unplug him agin an we'd find a way to get him re-plummed.
Dad called the spensive klinik - but they wuz gone onna 2 hour lunchy break.
Then he called our Buddie Doc Lisa - she werks atta City Rescue & Vet klinik an gives the Rabies owiez atta Fire Station... She got onna phone dinger wiff Dad rite away (onlee Vet we knowe of that knowez how to talk onna phone!) an they hadda loooong talk...

Doc Lisa sed she wanted to talk to Doc Mike - she sed might try wun more *catheter treatment* to see iffin he'd stay open... Dad jumped inna kar an zipped off to Doc Mike's Place to retrieve da Boots an ax Doc to pleeze call Doc Lisa.

After the Docs talked, Dad called Doc Lisa to make the plans...
Boots gotta be in Towne by 8:30 inna mornin fur an x-e-ray (lookin for *rockz* inna bladdur), then he getz the purdy drastik change in hiz plummin :eek: that removes hiz reguler pee pipe an hookz him up to a new spigot hole in hiz tummy. Both Docs think this iz the onlee way to keep him peein - an they say he won't mind or have any trubble figgerin out how to *flush*. They sed he winds up wiffa a bigger an shorter *hose* inside - better able to pass the sand he makes that plugs up the lil nozzle he gotz when he hatched as a *guy*.

Be in Towne at 8:30 AM? Yiipes! Dad dont do morning so good... :rolleyes: Doc Lisa sed he *could* go home aftur lunch tamorrow - but she offur'd to come in on Saturday mornin (her day off) an give him a extree check iffin we wunted to leave him there ober nite. She sed we could all decide that Friday after lunch.

OMG! Where'z da KAT?
He wuz layin onna old pair a Fire Pantz beside the printer - he'z :eek: GONE!
Who wuz suppozed to be >watchin< him?!
Follow the lil pee dribblez Dad - gotta be inna offis sumwhere... *Trakz* sez he made it allua way round the room! Staggerin round unner the desk!
End of the wanderin - roped up to the puter chair now. Put summore *lube goop* in hiz eyez Dad - he aint blinkin yet.

Hey Miz Tonya ~
Dad sed fur us to tell ya THANKz Sooo Much fur callin yer *Zippy's Prayer Patrol* an askin them to help wiffa Prayerz. Must be werkin ~
Kuz we still got our Boots!!!! :D

Pleeze think sum Prayerz for Boots tamorrow mornin while Doc Lisa an Sir Jury are werkin on the KatKid. We'll post as soon as we hear frum Doc Lisa.

08-01-2002, 06:07 PM
OH Boots, so sorry to hear you still have those plumbing problems, but hopefully the new fangled repair will fix it.
Prayers from Freckles (the person) and Freckles (the cat) to your entire family.

08-01-2002, 06:24 PM
Poor baby Boots....you will surely be in my prayers all morning tomorrow and until you get better.

God Bless you little sweetie.

08-01-2002, 06:29 PM

You can count on lots of prayers from me.....and I am going to have Rascal put his paws together too.

Big hugs to you - and I cannot tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this. I know exactly what it feels like and it isn't much fun.

Hang in there Boots - you are dearly loved.

Gini and Rascal

08-01-2002, 06:42 PM

08-01-2002, 07:49 PM
We don't usually read the C-A-T section, but Mom said there was sumptin bout Bootz bein sick in General. We didn't no nothin' bout this whole thing!!:eek:

Soz I jumped right up to da 'puter and read to Shiloh what's goin on. Shiloh's here cryin for ya! Stop carryin on, girl, your a GSD!! No tears allowed in the GSD realm (right Cinners and Smoke?)! Waddayamean wuz dat wet stuff on MY face?? Allergies! Yeah, yeah.....allergies, that's right. No tears here. (Mom, get me a tissue, please?) Well, I guess we all feel real bad bout ya bein sick, Bootz. Get better real quick and we'll be thinkin bout ya tomorrow at the white/green coats. Don't be scared. I been at the coats a lotta timz and they allways help me. Here comes Mom, quick, get unner the puter.........

Killi (and Shi)

Dear Boots,
We will be praying for you tomorrow and hope that you get all fixed up real soon!


Dixieland Dancer
08-01-2002, 09:17 PM
Phred, Boots, Cinder and Smokey, we have all our finger, legs, paws and everything else we can manage crossed for Boots to get well real soon.

I went through the same thing with our cat Marty not even a year ago. Here is the link I posted then. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5852)

I reread the thread and it doesn't mention that eventually Marty did have surgery. He is fine now and is on the Hill's Prescription UT food. The high ash content causes stones to develop and being on a low ash and magnesium diet is the best preventative medicine to gaurd against it reoccuring (per my vet).

It is scarey when they try to pee but nothing happens except some blood spots. Please know that boots is in my prayers that everything will work out and he will be soon back to his good old self!

08-01-2002, 11:26 PM
Oh poor Boots, I'm so sorry that you're having so much trouble with your plumbing. All fingers and paws are crossed here. I sure hope that this surgery works. I'll say a prayer for you tonight.

08-02-2002, 06:02 AM
Just an hour or so before you are in your sir jury, Boots. We will sure be thinking about you this morning, and praying for Doc Lisa to work some magic on your plumbing. We'll also say prayers for you, your dad, Cinder and Smoke. Gotta keep that family together!! Please get well, Boots.

Logan, Butter and Mimi

08-02-2002, 06:11 AM
Hi Boots. You just gots to get better. Cinder and Smoke Mutt are in a state and your Dad is so sad, he can't bear to see you hurting. You have been in my prayers for days now. Yesterday when we got the call from MS ZIPPY we hunkered down for some please, please, please to The Big Fella. I hope you don't mind but we asked for some help for Liz's Buddy too. One thing is your Dad is just going to do everything possible for you. He loves you so much and I don't blame him. You are one lovable Kats. That was some encouraging information from Miss Dixie about how her Marty made it through such a rough time. It helped me to
think positively . Don't give up Boots. We are praying especially hard this morning while you are at the Doc's, okay?

08-02-2002, 07:44 AM
Dear Boots Man, Dad, Cinder an Smokey. Mr. B here. We surz was terrible sad ta hear yuz goin thru sucha bad time:( We all started da waterworks drippin here knowin yuz was hurtin so. When we got da prayer call from Miz Zippy yesterday, me and Oilver, Star and Cody and Mom all hunkered down for sum serious prayin. We know yer in SirJury now. We're keepin eberthing crossed and thinkin the best cuz we know that God's gonna come thru wiffa miracle, fer yuz and our Pal Buddy, too. We have a reeel good feelin bout Doc Lisa. And thanks Miz Candy fer givin us all a good dose a encourgment. Yer a fighter Boots. Yuz hang in der. The power of Pet Talk an all the critters and furmoms and dads (and da Big Guy) are comin yer way. We love ya Boots. Love, Mr. B., Oliver, Cody, Star, the piggies and Mom.

08-02-2002, 08:08 AM

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2002, 09:54 AM
Oh no!! Poor Boots. Sir jury should be over by now, and hopefully everything went well. I'll be prayin' here at work, and I'll send the mental vibes home to tell Tubby & Peanut to wake up and put them paws together for you. I know you'll be ok, and you'll be back home with Cinder, Smoke & Dad real soon, and then everything will be all better and you won't have to spend anymore time in that durn water kloset with the door closed on ya. Hang in there buddy!

08-02-2002, 10:26 AM
Killi, Shi and Sue are sending well wishes for a successful surgery and quick recoveryl!

08-02-2002, 12:52 PM
Mizzer Phred, Smokie, Bootz, & Mizruz Cinnerz~

I'z beenz a bad, bad bunnie. I eben madez my mommie criez tonightz/this morningz soz I'z been in jailz alot. But mom letz me outtie herez to postz to youz.

I hopez eberythang comez outtie alritz now Mizzer Bootz. Pleaze poztie to uz when you canz. I wizhez youz allz da beztezt wif da new hole.

I hafta get back in jailz nowz.

Sophie Bunnie

08-02-2002, 02:12 PM
Oh Boots! That's not the development we wanted for you! :( But when the Sir Jury is over with, you will hopefully feel a lot better! :) We're crossing all our fingers and paws here for a good result! - and praying the best we can too!!

We're also having a bit of trouble again here - same department as you - haven't peed since yesterday. :( Could be because of some mighty big thunderstoms and extreme humidity here. That makes us nerveus! It's raining buckets, but what we definately don't like, is all the lightening!! :eek:

We hope you'll pull through this and be your normal self in no time!! You're getting all the help you can from Cinder, Smokie and your dad, and we're praying you'll be fine very soon!

Lots of purrs, headbumpies and nosescritches from us all! :)

Cinder & Smoke
08-02-2002, 03:57 PM
Good Newz, folkz ~ Boots Kat is Oooh-kee-do-keee inna recovery cell!

We'z been waitin since 2 a-klok fur the telly-dinger to *ding*. Finally tole Dad to call Doc Lisa - mebee she furgotz us. So Dad called...

Doc sez reel sorrie to keep us all hangin - but she hadda mergency rite aftur lunch.

The Boots has hiz inside pipes re-plummed an the wun extree *part* :eek: tossed away. He'z gonna be streem-lined onna bottom end now! :D
We hopez the new plummin arrangement *flows* a lil better than the originul equipment did! ;)

Lil change in planz - Doc Lisa wuntz ta keep him inna cell ober nite. Then she's kummin in urlee (on her Day Off) an pull out the catheter, check the zipper, and *prime his pump* wiffa IV so he gotz a full tank. Iffin the pump an new nozzle werk OK - he's clear to go home inna mornin. :)

The Saterday Doc's gonna show Dad how the new plummin werkz an how to help Boots shine up the new rig. We gotta uze purrOxide to keep stuff shiney till Boots loozez the E-collar and kan take over the kleen-up dutiez. That happenz inna bout 10 more dayz - whenna zipper getz taken out.

She sed he did reel good an iz recoverin frumma laffin gas jest fine. He'z already givin allua Staff Gurlz the ole *Evil Eye* when they walk past hiz cell.

We gotta find him a new flavur of Krunchiez to get used to... Needz a higher grade krunch than he'z been on. Sumpin in hiz innerdz started makin rocks an sand outa the old krunch. Dad's gonna call our Pet Food Shop an see whut the have in Hi Test but Lo Kalorie stuff - kuz Doc Lisa sez da Boots duzint need to add ennie more *poundz*.
(Boy, duz THAT sound familur! ALLUA Docs sing that same song! :mad: )

Kant THANK ya ALL enuff fur the wunnerful support ya gave to our Fambly durrin this past munth! We REELEE preciate allua Kind Wurds an Prayers ya been sendin our way!!! :D

08-02-2002, 04:04 PM
This is the best news that I have read all day.

Cinder and Smoke, thanks for the update. Could you go over and give your ol Pa a big kissy slurp from all of us for being such a good Dad?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2002, 04:05 PM
Oh, I'm sooo glad things went well for the Boots man today. He sure has had a tough time of it. But sounds like that will all be behind him now, which I'm sure he'll be glad to hear. Although it sounds like he has to put up with 10 days worth of that durn kone kollar thingy which we all know he hates. Poor Boots, we'll keep our fingers, tails and paws crossed that everything continues to go well and Doc Lisa lets you out of your cell tomorrow. Everything is always better when you're at home with yer dad and Cinder & Smoke to keep you company.

And we'll also be thinkin' about poor Fister. Hope his plumbin' is workin' by now. We don't need another one of our friends to have to go through this. :(

08-02-2002, 04:08 PM
YEAAAA!!!!I am so glad the sir jury went well!!! In no time Boots will be back to normal again!!!

Fister honey, you get better and don't worry about those thunder storms...my grandma used to say God was bowling on the clouds. See? Nothing to fear. :)

08-02-2002, 04:09 PM
Such good news!!! I've been holding my breath all day only taking one now and then to keep from fainting. Way to go Boots Baby!!! Prayers will continue until you are all well and all your parts new and used are working again. Rest up sweetie. Cinder and Smokey, big hugs to you and a thank you for keeping us updated. :D

08-02-2002, 04:17 PM

08-02-2002, 04:20 PM
YAY YAY YAY for Bootz "Evil Eye" kat!

Sophie (who is still in jail) sends her congrats and well wishes as well.

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-02-2002, 04:25 PM
Hope your full recovery card comes fast!! And good for you... lettin those nurses know who is boss... Mr. Evil Eye Boots. Glad to hear the good report.:)

08-02-2002, 04:26 PM
BIG HUGS ALL ROUND - {{{{{}}}}}


08-02-2002, 05:38 PM
Booter Kitty, you are going to feel a whole lot better. Still saying extra prayers for you to speed up the recover. Tell Dad it is okay for him to exhale!

08-02-2002, 06:00 PM
Hey there Cinder, Mr. B and the furcrew here. We just wanna say thank you to the BIG GUY for pulling the Boots Man through. Well, that's all I can say right now. Gotta go lick the eye drippies from my Mommy's eyes. You do what Auntie Rachel says and go give your Dad a big slurpy kiss for being such a TERRIFIC Dad! And thanks to Doc Lisa too. Love yer, Furpals, Mr. B., Oliver, Star***Shine, Cody and the PigPen. Sleep well, Boots! Tomorrow yer comin home!!:)

Dixieland Dancer
08-02-2002, 08:41 PM
Great News!!! We have Marty on Hills prescription UT formula. I think there is a new one out by purina especially for UT control but I don't know if it's low calorie. Perhaps just cut back on how much you give him? Does Doc Lisa have any suggestions?

08-02-2002, 10:45 PM
Yo, Boots!
We haven't been participating for a while, but we had to jump back on the board when we found out one of our fellow tux-buddies was having some bad days! We're really bummed that you had to go through all those rough times (Stump here; I had the same problem back when I was much younger) and we're so glad you're feeling better!! Take care and say hi to Cinder and Smoke for us!
Love, Stump and Emmett

08-03-2002, 12:00 AM
I'm so glad to hear that surgery went well for you Boots. I hope all continues to go well so you can go home soon. All fingers and paws are crossed here for a speedy recovery.

08-03-2002, 05:44 AM
Well, Hallelujah!!!! What wonderful news. I hope you get good news again this morning and the little fellow can go home where he belongs. Hugs and kisses to all of you!! :)

08-03-2002, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by gini
This is the best news that I have read all day.

Cinder and Smoke, thanks for the update. Could you go over and give your ol Pa a big kissy slurp from all of us for being such a good Dad!
Wohoo! We're so relieved that the surgery went well! You'll soon be running the household again! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!! ;)

Btw, Royal Canin has got a Uninary Programme called LP30 crunchies, it's also low in fat (15%) if you need to slim down a bit! ;) However, Fister still prefers Hills diet S/D.

Originally posted by Noah's mummy
Fister honey, you get better and don't worry about those thunder storms...my grandma used to say God was bowling on the clouds. See? Nothing to fear. :)
Yes, it does sound like bowling on the clouds! :D

Thanks for your concern Noah's mummy and Tubby & Peanuts mum! :) I'm glad to tell you that Fister made a nice puddle in his sandbox just before bedtime and an even bigger one today, so we're all relieved and happy! :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-03-2002, 01:24 PM
:D Oh Happie Dayz! :)

Cinner & SmokeMutt here - we'll start this Tail...
Dad wuz up affore the larm klok buzzzz'd :eek:.
We all got spiffied up an startd out fur suppliez. "Too hot fur you guyz" sez Dad, so we got dumped inna Shop :mad:. Dad went shoppin by hizzelf...

He rounded up a bagga Dawg Krunch an sum kottin ballz to kleen up Boots wiff; but no new Kitty Krunch - the Food Shop duzint stock the low kal stuff :mad: Dad jest fired off a e-mail to the kumpanie askin fur a sample.
Then he headed ober to the Klinik to grabba Kat!

Boots here - inna Foul Frame of Mind! :mad:

Whudda week this has been!
Back & forth to the Vet's Place, pipe's in - pipe's out - STILL kant pee rite. Pillz, pillz an more pillz! Got wurried yesterday - wound up at anudder place that stunk like a hoppsbittel. Nice gurl in green skrubbiez started pawin all ober me - thermy stick uppa butt, lissnin ta my insides, pokin my tummie... Then Dad lays a bunch kissiez an LEAVES me. Inna cell kage fur a while; then out an onna kold table. Then laffin gas an I dont member nuffin...

Woked up (sorda) inna cell agin wiffa blankie...
Bucha udder kritters asside me an unner me. Lotta gurlz in skrubbiez fussin ober allua us. Summa us gotz wadder, sum gots mushie food - *I* dint! Doc Lisa visited an checks her handywerk - then sez "Sleepie tight, Boots", shutz offa lites, and they all goez home! Glad I wuz doppy - buncha the udder guys inna cells *snored* all nite!

This mornin Doc Lisa pops in atta crack-a-dawn an drags me out - back onna table. Played around wiff my butt summore an took out anudder pipe thingy. Back inna cell - she said I'd get sum grub whenna Nursey Gurls got in, then it wuz "Bye, see ya inna week" an off she goez. Jest gotz back asleep whenna lites go on anna gurlz start servin breakfast. Not my flavour - lemmie alone!

Dad finally showz up - recconized hiz talkin :). Nursey dragz me out an turnz me uppy-side-down anna Guy Doc splains whut they dun. Removed my WHUT? Nunbuddie azk'd ME bout that! Oh well, iffin I kan pee; who cares? Lotta furr missin back there.

We're atta shop now. Cinner anna SmokeMutt did a lotta *sniffin* an checked me out. Smoke sez I don't look too bad - must notta used a chain saw on me like they did on him. Layin on papurs ta keep me kleen - kinda boorin...

I wunna *THANK* allua my FurKid buddiez - boffa Katz annd Dawggiez, anna Hoominz, fur all the Reelee Wunnerful Thoughts an Prayerz ya been sendin me since this all started last munth!! Dad sez wiffout alla support I might be up onna Bridge chasin butterfliez.

Hey Fister - they gonna get *radikal* wiff you an re-plumm you, too? So far it'z not TOO bad - kinda wish they'd dun it a munth ago stedda shuvin all thoze pipe up my butt! :rolleyes: Hope ya getz to feelin better, Fis - keep *peein* - makez the Hoominz Happie!

THANKz Agin, All you Pet Talkerz!!

/s/ Boots the Kat :D

08-03-2002, 01:38 PM
Owwwie, Boots!!! So glad you are out of the hospital. Don't worry, the hair on your bum will grow back. I hope you continue to improve every second now. With your 3 nurses, how could you not? Just rest and let them take care of you. Prayers still with you until you are 100% well. Thanks for finding the energy to let us know how you are.:)

08-03-2002, 01:56 PM
Hi Boots,

Glad you're back from the hospital and so happy for you
to finally get your "plumbing" fixed . It's no fun when all
your "parts" don't work right. Will have to pray extra hard
that you are going to 100% from now on.

08-03-2002, 02:18 PM
Hey there Boots!! We're all doing a BIG HAPPY DANCE that yer outta jail an back onna job!! Yippppe!! Now, keeps that water flowin and them pipes clear!! Love, yer furpals, Cody, Star***Shine, Olive-Pit, Mr. B and the Pigpen!!

08-03-2002, 02:21 PM
Fister here .... Forward Bootz! - Happy days are back! :) - it's all done now and you'll be feeling better and better for every minute!! We're so happy for you - and your dad can get some time to relax and spoil you now! :D Like MOFF says: Don't worry about your fur, it will definately grow back - lucky it wasn't in the middle of winter! :eek: You have been SO brave, and you'll soon get used to the new short pipe Bootz! You deserve a medal for what you've been through!

I think they've decided to call my replumbing off for now, PHEW! I think it helped some, that I got half a painkiller, because a few hours later I made a nice puddle in my sandbox and have been racing around, so they've got the point - it's NOT neccesary! :)

Bootz, we'll keep our fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery! When you can, go and purr a nice goodnight song for yer dad, he can surely do with some rest now! ;)

.... and thanks a lot for keeping us updated!

08-03-2002, 02:32 PM
Mizzer Bootz,

I'z still in jailz but I'm gladz you aintz!! Make surez to get all the 'tention and treatz and luvin' youz kinz. You deservez itz after whut youz been throughz. Glad you iz onna way to recubbery.

Sophie Bunnie

08-03-2002, 02:54 PM
Oh, happy day, oh, happy day, Boots is back, The Boots is BACK!

08-03-2002, 05:20 PM

we're so excited - and we just can't hide it!!! BOOTZ IS OUT!!





08-03-2002, 10:15 PM
Sooo glad you are home and starting to feel good Boots!!!

Cyber-huggies and head bonkies at ya, guy!!!

Hope you keeps on feeling gooder day by day.

your pals,
Cassy and Livvy

08-03-2002, 10:40 PM
I'm glad to hear that you're finally back home. I hope the new plumbing will work well from now on. Storm, Pepper, and Sunny send head bumpies and wish you a speedy recovery. :)

08-04-2002, 12:54 PM
How ya feeling Bootster??? Hopin yer just sleepin in and takin it teezy. Check in when you can! Love, yer pals in fur, Oliver, Mr. B, Star***Shine, Cody Girl and Pig-peners!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-05-2002, 01:01 PM
Boots, I'm so happy to hear you're back home and feelin' better. Even though those nice girlz take good care of you, it can't match the care that Dad, Cinder & Smoke can give. Your fur will grow back in no time, and you'll be makin' puddles like you're s'posed to and you'll forget all about the hospital and Doc Lisa. Keep up all the good work and give your dad and the doggiez an extra head butt to let them know that you 'preciate everything they done for you.

Welcome Home!

08-05-2002, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
Can we have a Monday morning plumbing report, please? :D I second that request, please.:D

08-05-2002, 03:02 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Cinder & Smoke
08-05-2002, 05:56 PM
Hi Ebberbuddie ~ Boots finally checkin in...

Dad's been helpin Miz Liz wiffa Buddy photo and fussin over me...
Sorrie to keep ya'all hangin.

Sunday wuz a bit of a challenge - *I* refuzed to
eat or drink - Nuffin!

Dad gotz out the lil syringe sqwirt gun an started shootin wadder inta my mouff :mad:. Summtimez I'd do a lil pee; udder times jest lay down an *pout*.

This mornin (6 AM) I ate a few pieces a krunch, then Dad *shootz* summore wadder. He went backa bed.

Bout 8 a-klok he kumz in an I dun a poop, a few lil pees, AND truned the sandy box wiffa papurz innit *kompleetly* uppy-side-down!
ANNNND opened up the tubby slider door an wuz prowlin round the baffroom... :D

I came ober for head bumpiez, rubbin and a lotta PUrrrrrin whilst he wuz powderin his nose an stuff.

Still hadda *red* butt an he dint like that. Gotz tossed inna kar wiffa MuttKidz an brung to the Shop. I think'd we wuz gettin purdy close to heading fur wunna the White Coat Labs... So's I jumped inna papur sandy box he brung along an did a purdy good lil pee.

All day long he'z been *sqwirtin* wadder down me!
I dun a kupla lil pee'z - he'z wunderin how'z kum he putz more IN than *I* pump out... :confused:

He keepz *pookin* me ribbz an tummy - I nebber cry or nuffin. An I dont stand inna box an *strain* no more; jest give a quickie sqwat an if nuffin happenz, I jump rite out. He thinkz that's a gud sine.
Still leavin a lil red *blop* when I do manage a pee.

Lil while ago he drug out the kotten ballz an purOxide an did a mager kleen-up onna bum :eek:.
Sez there'z a lil red stuff *seepin* round the zipper. He duzint seem *Too* wurried bout that - guess it'z too late ;) to go see a White Coat now! :D

I triez to stay *alert* enuff that he duzint get overlee wurried. Prolly better do a kupla pee'z whilst he'z watchin - or I'z gonna wind up atta White Coat Lab tumorrow :(.
I kan do wiffout anudder trip back there. :rolleyes:

Mee-owww at'cha all Laterz...

/s/ Boots, the DripKat :D

08-05-2002, 06:11 PM
Whew, Boots, happy to get a pretty good report. Doesn't seem to bother you too much to use the new plumbing.

PS; Tell your Dad he did great with that picture of Buddy. Don't think I've seen it before.

08-05-2002, 06:17 PM
Boots boy, it's sure good to hear from you. I was about to call out a posse to check on you. So glad you are doin' so much better. Keep up the peein', it makes your Dad so happy!!! Best wishes from my four cat kids, Chester, Leonardo, Luke, and Leroy. (and me too):D

08-05-2002, 07:04 PM
I guess no one promised us this was going to be easy, but it looks like you are giving it all you got for your Dad, Booter. Sometimes it takes awhile to recover from going under the knife. You rest up now and drink your water and eat your krunchies best you can. Thanks for taking paw to the 'puter, as it sure is good to hear from you.

08-06-2002, 04:16 AM
wow bootz we'ze very imprssed - you'ze already up 'n about - gud on yer furkid. don't make you'ze dad worryz about youze - keep peein' boy! tell youze bootz all dees hoomans is doin' nuffin but talk 'bout bootz. duz that make you a star - ouz mummy dez it does.
we all send head bumpies atcha but suppose mum wants to send sloppy kisses too - eeek.
from bagel, ketchum and dan.........................

and mummy too.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-06-2002, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Hi Ebberbuddie ~ Boots finally checkin in...

This mornin (6 AM) I ate a few pieces a krunch, then Dad *shootz* summore wadder. He went backa bed.

Bout 8 a-klok he kumz in an I dun a poop, a few lil pees, AND truned the sandy box wiffa papurz innit *kompleetly* uppy-side-down!
ANNNND opened up the tubby slider door an wuz prowlin round the baffroom... :D
'Mornin' Boots :)

By your above statement I take it you're feelin' a little better this mornin'. :)

I came ober for head bumpiez, rubbin and a lotta PUrrrrrin whilst he wuz powderin his nose an stuff.
I'm sure this made your dad real happy. See, purrin' and head bumpin' is another real good sign that you're feelin' better. Now if you would drink the water on your own, he could stop squirtin' it in you. You just gotta keep drinkin' so youz can keep makin' them little damp spots in the sand which we know is very important.

Get some much needed rest, but keep drinkin' and peein' and don't forget to nibble on those krunchies now and then too. You're doing such a good job and we're all so proud of you for pullin' through like this. Tubby sends head bumpies and Peanut sends chin scritchies to help you get better. :)

08-06-2002, 01:22 PM
Good day Bootzer!

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Jist keep puttin' one paw in front of the other and you'll be feline-fine in no time!

Cinder & Smoke
08-06-2002, 03:20 PM
Boots the DrippyKat, here...

And not doin so hot rite now :(.
I wuz out an about inna baffroom when Dad come'd in this mornin - that tubby slider door is gettin a lil easier to manage. Onlee problem wuz there wuz no big spotz onna papurs... few lil spotz a pink - but no gud pee'z. Dad offur'd me sum krunch (I hadn't hardly touched the stuff obernite) an I ate a kupla piecez. I jumped inna papur box an tried - but nuffin wuz happnin. :(

I gotz tossed inna kar wiffa Dawgz an we motered ober to the Shop. I spent mosta the ride inna papur box - strainin. Managed a few poops an summore bloody spotz, but not much pee. Dad set me up inna Shop - chained to the chair inna middel a the room, papurs down anna papur box side the chair. I had the zipper leakin red stuff by then.

Started jumpin in an outta the box - assumin the position fer minnit or two atta time; jumpin out and tryin to lick my bum; an a lotta reel unhappie Grrrrrin an Yeeeooowlin. Onlee a few lil red spotz. Dad started leakin frumma eyez an called Doc Lisa...

I thunk'd this duzint look too gud, so's I jumped inna box whilst he wuz talkin to her bout "what shud we do?" an let fly wiff a purdy good lil dampy spot! He tell'd her whut I dun; an while they wuz talking summore I dun anudder lil puddel!

She axk'd jest How Much wadder I wuz takin in...
They dun sum figgerin an she sez I needs bout 3 or 4 times that much :eek:. Mebbee my pump'z runnin dry anna tank iz emptee. She sez either haul me in fur a looky-see -or- get me sum Valium to relaxe my pipes an let me quit fussin wiffa bum anna zipper. Sez bring me in tumorrow iffin I dont get better after the dopey pillz start werkin...

Dad sez OK - call WallysMart an order us sum pillz! He getz to Wally's Place anna gurlz dint do the order - they thunk sum whacko wus playin wiff em. Guy runnin the pharmacy knew Dad frum helpin him pick out pillz fur SmokeMutt - lookz atta gurl'z notes... Sez "This is OK - she's a Vet! This iz fur a KAT! Write this up!" Dad gotz my pillz. An I'z gotz a file in Wally's puter now!

We hadda lil fussin match bout jest who wuz gonna shuv what pill down who'z throat (no pill shooter atta Shop!) - an I guess he wun... :rolleyes:

Since the pill eppisode - I'z gobbeled up a hole lotta kat krunch, bout the normal amount; not tried to pee; and inhaled 3 tablespoonz (the BIG wuns!) a wadder via the durn sqwirt gun syringe. An then he made hizzelf a sammich - had a kupla slicez a CHEEZE on it. YUMMMM! :D I wandered ober an started beggin. Gotz a BIG hunka cheeze!

Think I'z startin ta get a lil b-u-z-z-i-e inna head... Did sum runnin round an playin wiffa pee papurz; started lickin a paw thru the lampy shade an wipin the outside a the shade - wunder why I kant find my earbonez???? Now I'z floppin down onna Fire pants fur a rest... Dad'z bout due ta drown me wiffa sqwirt gun inna mouff agin.

Dad sez we're gonna keep fightin this thing - as long as I'z not in ennie more pain. Keep outta my Valium, Dad ~ Thas's gud stuff... Zzzzzz...

/s/ Boots, the DrippyKat :D

08-06-2002, 03:28 PM
Bootz, you poor little guy! You sure have a funny daddy...he has me laughing and tearing up at the same time!

Be a good kitty and drink all the water daddy is drowning you with, it'll be very good for your new plumbing job.

You sure are a kitty after my own heart...I LOVE cheese too!

Take care and get better sweet boy. We're still praying for you honey.

08-06-2002, 04:22 PM
Yup Boots, reading yur stor i makes the wadder cum outta my eyes too.

Pah Leeze, try to drink sum more wadder.

And don't stay down in the Valley Um too long!

08-06-2002, 04:26 PM
Boots, baby you are sure having a time of it. Sounds like you need to pretend you are a fishy and drink drink drink (water that is). Fingers and tails, and paws still crossed here that you feel much better soon. You may want to go easy on the cheese. It may clog up the other hole back there. It does on my cats any way, if they eat too much. Have a good night sweetie and I'll be watching for an update tomorrow.

Cinder & Smoke
08-06-2002, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
... You may want to go easy on the cheese.
It may clog up the other hole back there...

:eek: :D
Cinnerz here ~

Kat'z inna drug-induced La-La Land :rolleyes:.
Hope he dont :eek: drown next time Dad wadderz him!

"Klog up da udder hole!" OMG! Jest whut he duzint need!

But I tink Dad thunk of that - Bootsy dint getz all that much cheeze - jest lookz like a big hunk to him.

We'z wunderin ~ Iz Kottage Cheeze ennie gud fur gettin liquidz in wiffout any bad effektz? He'z nebber had any - dunno if he'd eat it. We kud pick up a lil bucket onna way home if it'd help.

?? :confused: ??

PuLeeze keep Prayerz flowin ~
We needz allua Help we kan get fur the KatKid.

08-06-2002, 06:00 PM
Gosh, I don't know about cottage cheese. But do you have any people tuna packed in water? My cats love the water from it. Maybe you could drain the tuna and add a few spoonfuls of real water to it and see if he will lap it up. It has some salt in it so it might make him thirsty also. Anything is worth a try. 'course like Freckles said if he stil is a cone head he may be having trouble drinking. Prayers still continuing here.

Cinder & Smoke
08-06-2002, 06:22 PM
Great idea, MOFF!

Dad likez Mac'n'cheeze - an Smoke an I like lickin the bowl ;). Dad throwz a can a tunna in wiff the macs - so we'll save the tuna juice an try that in Bootsy's wadder. He LUVz tuna juice! Guess it'z Mac'n'cheeze tanite! :cool:

Dad looked onna Net - lotsa sites talk about lettin katz have Kottage Cheeze - so we'll grab a lil bukit onna way home. If KatKid duzint like it - I'z sure us Dawggiez will.

Thanks fur the gud ideas! :D

08-06-2002, 06:44 PM
Mac an Cheese and Tuna?! EWww... >picky eater< but if it keeps the furkid happy.....!!!!!

What about the beef/chicken boullion cubes?

*tryin' to think of some other things the katkid might drink*

what about yougurt...it's liquidy....

08-06-2002, 06:53 PM
Poor Boots! Sorry to be so late in posting - Your Dad sure does care for your silly self! I'm so glad he lets you post your story, even if sometimes you need help from those dawgs! I hope you perk up very soon, and the straining and pink spots go away quick!

Tuna water is VERY good for getting meds into cats - the strong smell overcomes most anything. When my Murf was sick with kidney infection (not the UTI thing, something else) the only thing that saved him was lapping up the antibiotic liquid in the tuna juice. You might even add some plain water (a few tablespoons perhaps) to the tuna water to help "prime the pump".

Best wishes to Boots, Phred and of course those sweeties Cinder and Smoke!

08-06-2002, 10:09 PM
Dear Boots,

I know you're trying your best to get better, takin your
pills & gettin the water squirted down your throat & all.
Just wanted you to know that there are 14 extree paws
crossed here in Indy just for you tonight. May each day
see you more & more improved and on your way to takin
charge . (Somebodies gotta watch those doggies, right) ?
We're rootin for you Pal & pray you get better every day.

Your Kitty friends, Redbud,Mikey,Pumkin,Blackie,Momma
kitty, Baby kitty and Sugar. :)

08-07-2002, 05:16 AM
Bootz, we hope you're feeling lots better today and have started drinking some more - on your own! ;) You must get the pills down that throat, Bootz! One way or the other - they'll do you good! If you're allowed to eat anything you want, that is, of course if your new fancy system don't plug up, - this is the time to go and convince your dad to get you some tasty Greenlandic shrimps. When he defrost them, make sure to tell him to let the juice run into a bowl, and a couple of hours later, you'll have a delicious drink there and your dad a tasty sandwich! :D

Lots of headbumpies (unless you have the cone on) and earscritchies from us. :)

Will keep all paws and fingers crossed here!

Fister & his mum

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-07-2002, 11:07 AM
Oh poor Boots, you really are having a tough time with this, and really making it hard on your dad and the doggiez. We're still talkin' to the big guy for you, and drink everything your dad tries to drown you with to get that new pipe good and primed so it works real good from now on.

We're all still pulling for you Boots, we know you can do this!

08-07-2002, 12:54 PM
Just checking in on you this morning, sweet Boots.

I hope this is a better day for you - and that you have Tuna breath this morning.

08-07-2002, 01:24 PM

08-07-2002, 02:58 PM
Ahhh, Boots....C'mon now, ya gotz to try yer best ta get that water an dem nasty pillz down the udder pipe so da new pipe'll start pumpin! We don't wanna hear ya hadda take a nudder trip to da white coats for a rotor rooting:( We sending ya all our love and all paws are tightly locked in prayer to da Big Guy for yer full recovery! Headbumpies and get well hugs to ya Boots. And were sendin an extra dose a support and strength to yer Dad!! We knowz how much he's worryin bout his fur kid! Love, Mr. B., Oliver and Mom.

08-07-2002, 03:29 PM
Hope you are doing better today sweetie...

Cinder & Smoke
08-07-2002, 07:18 PM

Boots, the DripKat here ~

Hey Miz MOFF ~

THANKz fur the Tuna Juice ideer - BOY duz that make wadder taste GUD! Dad popped a kan a tuna soon as we gotz ta da Ranch last nite and fixed me a tuna koktail - MMMMmmmmm GUD! ;) I lapped up a lot more'n a tablespoon! Dad sez he thunk I eben *burped* when I kame up fur air.

Oh yeah; we piked up a tubby of Kottage Cheeze onna way home - I gotz summa that fur breakfust (after Dad "tested" it) :rolleyes:. I lapped that up so hard offa spoon it wuz flyin all ober my kone thingy. Dad turned my kone round so's I kud lick up allua stray globz.

I wuz tired but dint wanna go beddy-bye inna tubby last nite. Soon as it wuz litez-out an I knewe they wuz all inna bigbed - I pried open the tubby klozet slider an jumped out inna baffroom. NUTZ! :mad: Hall door wuz latched. Herd Cinnerz tell Dad "Kat'z out!" Managed to jump up onna vanity an tried the sink bowl out fur a nappy - but gotta *krink* inna neck kuzza the kone onna hed.

Dad wuz purdy Happie inna mornin... Not a bunch red streekz all ober eberthin - my zipper purdy much dried up an quit leakin an I'z leavin my bum alone kuzza the Dopey Pillz. And *PEE* onna papurs wiffout any pink stuff innit! :) He hadda feel the papurs an look reel hard ta see that I made sum *pee* kuz it dont show up so gud wiffout the red tracer...

I jumped outta the tubby rite away (I DID sleep inna tubby) when he come'd in an started givin Head Bumpiez - which iz Reelee Hard when ya got a kone-hed /lampy shade onna hedbone! Iffin ya dont aim quite rite - Dad sez *owchie* when ya jab a soft spot wiffa kone.

I dun a kupla *pee'z* inna papur box durrin the day an he wuz so Happie he tella-dingered Doc Lisa at 5 a-klok... But she wuz werkin onna sickie...
He telled wunna the udder Docs allua gud newz. He membered me - think he mitta be in helpin Sir Jury when she wuz kuttin on me. He got reel Happie soundin an sed he'd tell Doc Lisa allua gud newz an to keep em all posted onna progress.

Wheew! I'z gettin a lil b-u-z-z-ie inna hed - gotz a Dopey Pill jest affore we kame to the Shop... Gonna take a nappy onna Fire Pantz Dad left onna floor fur me.

Uh-Ooohhh - Dad jest looked atta klok onna arm an sez it'z time fur me to eat the sqwirt gun agin.
Dang it :mad: - I duzint *LIKE* drinkin wadder that way! An I knowe he dint bring any tunna juice wiff us... Oh well; I wont fight too hard an prolly swaller summa it... :rolleyes:

Thanks a hole BUNCH fur allua Prayerz an Get Well Wishuz you Pet Talk Folkz an FurKidz been sendin my way - they make our hole Fambly feel *Gud*! :D

Mee-Oww atcha all Laterz...

/s/ Boots, the I-Kan-Pee-Agin Kat :D

Sorrie we're late checkin in - nuffin wrong cept the fambly trakter kar gotz sick an hadda go see the KarVet tuday. Dad sed the whoa peddel wuzint werkin rite an it leaked more gas than it drank. It'z all better now - but now Dad's sayin we FurKidz gotta sit onna korner an sell pensilz and hold a kup. :confused:

08-07-2002, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Boots, the DripKat here ~

Hey Miz MOFF ~

THANKz fur the Tuna Juice ideer - BOY duz that make wadder taste GUD! Dad popped a kan a tuna soon as we gotz ta da Ranch last nite and fixed me a tuna koktail - MMMMmmmmm GUD! ;) I lapped up a lot more'n a tablespoon! Dad sez he thunk I eben *burped* when I kame up fur air.
/s/ Boots, the I-Kan-Pee-Agin Kat :D

Gosh, Boots, I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Glad the tuna juice helps. I just asked the Big Guy Upstairs what he would suggest and that popped into my head. Your Dad will need to get you a supply of tuna now until you are all better. I admit, I was getting concered because we hadn't heard from you or your Dad or one of the siblings today. Have a good night's rest little one. You deserve it. Fingers and paws and tails still crossed here.

08-07-2002, 07:39 PM
What great news!! Yiippppppppppee!! Phew, Phred, me and MOFF was really gettin worried there! Connie, you really came through with the tuna water idea!!:D You get a good night's sleep now Boots! I know a lot of PT'ers a gonna sleep better knowin you're doin SO much better! {{{Hugs}}} Sandra, Mr. B., Oliver, Cody, Star and the Piggers!

08-07-2002, 08:19 PM
Yippeee for pee!

Congrats dear Boots!
Now continue to get better from here on out--no more little set-backs that scare us half to death, ok? ;)

08-07-2002, 09:27 PM
Once again! This has made yet another day for me with the very best news possible.

Tuna Breath - and Peein good - what a combination!

Boots, keep up the good work and that cone thingy will be off in no time.

Love, Gini and Rascal

08-07-2002, 11:41 PM
I'm so glad that you're finally on the road to recovery Boots. I'm also glad that the tuna water helped. My cats like this too. All fingers and paws are crossed here for a speedy recovery. :)

08-07-2002, 11:53 PM
YIPPEE Boots!! I am so happy for you!! So glad that tuna water worked (what a GREAT idea!!)...now, you keep on getting better sweetie!!!

08-08-2002, 06:13 AM

YEA BOOTS!:cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D :D

08-08-2002, 06:40 AM
Hey Tuna Breath!! Good morning and I hope this day finds you feeling better. Hope you and yours had a good rest and hope you have a gentle day. We all love you and worry. Stay strong of heart & give your dad a kiss from all PetPals. Laurie

Edwina's Secretary
08-08-2002, 09:30 AM
Phred...Since the thought of you having to eat tuna every night is distressing (actually thg thought of EVER having to eat tuna distresses me) can't you buy clam juice? It may be high in salt or Boots might not like it as well as tuna juice but it a possible alternative to opening all those cans of tuna (shudder!)

With thoughts for a speedy recovery....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-08-2002, 11:25 AM
Oh Boots, I'm sooooo happy to hear you're feelin' better. Keep drinkin' and peein' to make your dad happy. And keep up with the head bumpies, I know he appreciates those. Don't go getting spoiled though with all that tuna and cottage cheese. :)

I can just see it now. Boots is in the bafroom and squats right over the drain in the tubby so there's no evidence of pee onna papers. Then when dad comes in, he squats and pretends to strain. Dad gets worried and gets out the tuna water. Boots drags himself over to it and starts lapping. Dad sees all is going well with the tuna water so he turns away, and Boots gets a wicked little grin on his face that he has tricked dad again into the tuna water. However, he does wonder how long he can pull this off before dad demands another trip to the white coats to find out why the Boots man is drinking all this tuna water and not peein' at all. ;) :D

Keep up the good work Boots. Can't wait for your next installment. :)

08-08-2002, 12:19 PM
Bootz, this is GREAT news! :D We're so happy for you - and your dad! ;) Hearing about your tuna party, makes Fister SO envious, he can only have dry food, but then, he'd rather do without the replumbing job! You continue getting better, Bootz and get the cone off soon! ;)

Lots of nosekisses and earscritchies to you! Go and give your dad a good old headbump when you get that thingy off! :)

Fister & his mum

Cinder & Smoke
08-08-2002, 06:00 PM
Hi Ebberbuddie ~ Boots, da Kat checkin in ~

*Gaaak* Whut wuz that? OK; dopey pill is gud.
Ohhh, no! **Gulllp** **Glurrgg** <shakes hed>
Six sqwirtz a wadder later...

WISH he'd take a simple "No fanks" an QUIT wiffa sqwirt gun! Now I'll prolly havta go *pee*...

Last nite went purdy gud. Gotza left-over tuna juice koktail at bed time - slurped down enuff I dint get the sqwirt gun. Dad gave up on keepin me inna tubby cell - dint eben try to slam the slider door shut. Fresh papurs inna tubby an not much onna vanity - he figgers fur a *quiet nite*. Ha!

I waited till reel dark:thirty an pulled ober the ground-up papur plastik basket. WHADDA *BANG* that made! :p Wuz gonna do a pee in there - but the durn Kone wudint fit. NUTZ! Two Dawgz anna Dad dash in ta see whut I busted! I wuz back inna tubby (hidin) affore they got the baffroom door open. They all stumbled back to the BigBed...

Made sum damp papurz durrin the nite - AND a poop pile which Dad kudint "find" till we wuz loadin up inna kar. Lotta *sqwakin* when he stuck a finner in it! (I hided it purdy gud.) Gave a few hed bumpiez an gotz told I had a bad case a "tuna breath"... Kone thingy seemz to help deliverin that message.

I dun a kupla pee'z onna way to the shop :D. Atta Post Office stop; I felt a seer-eeus need for a #2. All dun when he klimbed back inna kar...

*PHEEWW!* "Who :eek: *buzzed*?" An he's givin durty lookz atta Muttz inna back seat! (Pot callin the kettel black...) He figgered out where the *stinky* wuz commin frum when he unloaded my soggy papur skratch box an found #2!

Gotz six sqwirtz frumma syringe gun to celebrate our arrival atta Shop. :mad: Took me anudder two BIG pee'z ta unload allua that. Then I started werkin on brekfust...

Gave up ploppin the Kone ober the bowl an pushin my hed strait down - get a *krink* inna neck an the air turnz bad inside the kone.
New methud: Use the Kone like a big shovel.
Jam er rite inta the pile a krunchiez an give a lil *flip* up... Spreds out the krunch onna floor an makez pickin out the *gud wunz* a lot eazier! The Muttz kum along after an kleen up da rejektz.

Nudder thing the Kone is gud fur ~
Makin Hoominz laff an point when we drive by inna trakter kar!
*I* rides inna frunt seat so's I duzint get *mush'd* by da klumzie Dawgz inna back seat... I'z taken to standin onna seat wiffa frunt pawz onna dash bord - an jammin the Kone onna frunt lookin glass! Peepul must tink it'z phunnie - Kat inna lampy shade wiffa hed mash'd agin the winnow anna earz wigglin... :cool:

Hey Edwina ~ I'z wunderin ~
Whas's the Klammy Sauce taste like?
Dad turned a lil <green> when he red yer note bout that stuff. He sez tuna ebery udder day is gonna get kinda *old* by next week; but he'z not sure he kan stummik "Klam Breath"...

Otta jump inna papurs an *do* sumpin... But I tink I'z gonna hold off an give Dad sumpin to *fret* about. :rolleyes:

Mee-oww atcha all Laterz...

/s/ Boots, da When-Will-He-Pee-Agin Kat :D

08-08-2002, 07:01 PM
Did you ever get excited when something peed or pooped??? Well, I haven't until NOW!!!! YAY Boots!!!! Keep on getting better! I'm so proud of you!!!

Phred, I wonder if you could freeze the tuna and just give Boots the tuna juice. Then you wouldn't have to worry about eating it so much? Just a thought!

Thanks for the update! I look forward to it everyday! :)

08-08-2002, 07:36 PM
It's not as pungent as tuna juice, which is probably why Boots likes it, but he might consider water laced with it. At least give you a little break from tuna breath.
And forget Zippy's suggestion of bullion cubes.

08-08-2002, 08:41 PM
Peein, Poopin and Tuna Breath...........sounds like that could be a great name for a play or movie!!! Maybe an Austin Powers! Naah, let's just get three furkids......like Cinder, Smoke and Boots to make that movie!!

Boots, you are doin real good and it makes all of us so happy.
We have been pretty worried about you.

Chicken Broth? Well the canned stuff has a lot of salt - and I don't think that's too good for Boots. But maybe if Dad was up to boiling a couple of pieces - he could get some good tasting stuff on his own.

Boots, thanks for checking in - the uppy dates cheer us all up.

Now look, you need to give yur Dad a rest.........he needs some sleep too.

08-08-2002, 09:01 PM
Where are the people who make designer water when you need them? We need a tuna flavor and a chicken flavor and maybe, a shrimp flavor for our Boots. That's a good idea about boiling a piece or two of chicken and making a broth without salt. If Boots likes chicken. My gang do. So glad you are feeling so much better fella. Keep up the good work. Fingers, paws and tails will remain crossed until you are all okey dokey again.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-08-2002, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Where are the people who make designer water when you need them? We need a tuna flavor and a chicken flavor and maybe, a shrimp flavor for our Boots.

You know, I think they make something like this. I seem to remember seeing it at Petsmart or Petco. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it, but dad, you might want to check it out. I think I'm like you, Tuna now and then is ok, but every other night would get *real* old. :)

Boots, so glad to hear you're doing good. We were all so worried about you for awhile. But sounds like dad and the dogz have taken real good care of you and you'll be heeled up and using that new plumbin' like a pro in no time.

And it's amazing how the little things in life (like poopn' and peein') can make a bunch of people so happy. :rolleyes:

Keep up the good work Boots! Or do we call you Tuna Breath now. ;) :D

08-09-2002, 12:00 AM
Way to go Boots. :) I'm so glad to hear that your pooping and peeing again. Keep up the good work. :D

08-09-2002, 03:18 PM



08-09-2002, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Did you ever get excited when something peed or pooped??? Well, I haven't until NOW!!!! YAY Boots!!!! Keep on getting better! I'm so proud of you!!!

I couldn't have said it better. We are absolutely thrilled at every drop and plop. Heehee Tucker and Hannah say to get all the way better now. We love you Boots.

08-10-2002, 07:48 AM
Just checking back in this morning to say I hope you have a good weekend Boots and that you keep getting better each day. Dad's had an awfully long haul of worrying about his kitty, so you and the doggers keep an eye on him to watch for signs of wear and tear. He's such a good Daddy.

08-10-2002, 02:16 PM
How are you doing dear Bootz? Hope you're eating, drinking and peeing lots! :) Can you have anything you like now? I bet your dad is checking out all the delicious stuff for you! ;)

Have a nice weekend - Cinder, Smoke and your dad too! :)

Please, report back when you're up to it!

08-11-2002, 10:04 AM
:eek: DROP AND PLOP?? Oh Rachel...LOL LOL Have a gentle day Boots and family....especially you Phred:) Laurie

08-11-2002, 10:25 AM
I was thinking about Mr. Boots this morning and I hope that he will be up to "pawin in" with us a little later on the puter. You have lots of loving fans Boots, and we hope this Sunday finds you in great health!

Cinder & Smoke
08-11-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
:eek: DROP AND PLOP?? Oh Rachel... :D

Hi Ebberbuddie ~ Smokey here ~

This'n gotta be a quickie - Me an Dad are onna MomsVille Run to see GranMaw... Miz Cinners an DripKat are guardin the Ranch kuz it's WAY too hot fur them to hang out inna kar.

Boots Kat is doin purdy GREAT! He gotz parolled outta the baffroom all day Saterday - an n
outta the baffroom all day Saterday - an no *mistakes* found onna karpetz! :)

Friday wuz a lil *tense*... Fambly Bomb (aka the trakter kar) konked out AGAIN! Thurdsday nite an we hadd go home onna end of a ropey. Dad wus purdy :mad:! Friday the same Fire Buddie komed ober an they drug the kar back to the KarVet ta getz a new starter-up spinner put on... Thas's why nonna us FurKids checked in Friday.

Wun KatTail...

Yesteday da Boots wuz roamin round the Ranch an wunted to chek out whut Dad wuz doin inna kliner chair... Now Boots STILL kant drive his wide-load KoneHed rig so good ~ ALLUZ jammin the Kone inta kornerz an bumpin inta stuff whe he triez ta jump up on sumpin...

LEAPZ up onn end table ta kome ober to Dad's kliner - SHOVELz allu junque onna table onna floor! Then triez ta jump onna kliner arm - jamz the Kone onna arm rest an heads fur the floor!
Landed strait down ONNA KONE doin a HedStand affore he fell inna backwurdz summy-salt!! :eek:

Lotta *Hed Shakin* fer a minnit or two! :p

Same thing this mornin ~ Outta jail an jumpz onna

Same thing this mornin ~ Outta jail an jumpz onna bed - made it the sekund try. :rolleyes: Flopz onna bigbed an jamz me inna face wiffa Kone! Then he'z watchin burdz outside the winnow... Wuntz ta sit onna winnow ledge like he allus duz fur a closer look...

YEP! Onna thurd try to sit onna ledge he gib'd up an got back onna BigBed. Seemz the LampyShade/Kone jest wont FIT onna ledge... :mad:

Hopefully the Kon will kum off sumtime this week ~
Sure hope it'z affore he bustz hiz necky-bone!

OK - thas's my Tail an I'z stickin to it!
Gotta getz a brush-job an then load up fur GranMaw's Place. I'll say "Howdy" ta G-Maw frum allua youze Folkz an FurKidz! :)

More KatTailz tumorrow...

/s/ SmokeMutt :D

08-11-2002, 12:32 PM
So glad to hear Boots is doing so well!!! I hope he gets that cone off soon before he does major property damage. Smokey, thank you for taking the time to paw us a message and keeping us updated. :D

08-11-2002, 02:41 PM
Thanks for the update Smokey!! What great news Bootz Man! Keep up the good work. We're keeping our paws crossed that you lose that Konz thingy reeeeel soon! Say hi to G-Mom for us all!!:D Happy Trails to Dad and the Furkids!!!:)

08-11-2002, 03:01 PM
I'm so glad to hear that you're doing much better Boots. :) Now if you can only get the cone taken off your head. Thanks for the update. Keep us posted.

08-11-2002, 03:10 PM
I probably should address this to our girl, Cinders, since she is home Kat sitting with Boots while Smokey The Dog and Dad are off to see the G-Mom. Cinders you really started something way back when you used to get on the computer. Now all the furkids are getting quite puter literate:D . I'm so happy your little Booter Buddy is feeling good enough to do all that cone manuevering. Sounds as if he wants to be involved in all his normal activities. I too hope he gets the cone off soon so he can do his appointed rounds. Poor Booter has had a hard time of it lately. Here's wishing the whole fam damily has some good luck for a change.

08-11-2002, 03:28 PM
Bootz! You're headin' in the right direction now - just need to get that thingy off your sweet little head, so you can give your dad a big headbumpie!! :D Hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell of the kliner chair! :eek:

Thanks for pawing us an update, Smokey! We're so happy that the worst is over!! :) You're bound to have some good luck from now on - all of you!! :D

08-12-2002, 06:29 AM
aw smokey dawg
fanks for da uppydate at da ranch - mum waz gonna repliez but she;s rollin' all over da flor, laffin' like a lunytic. all wez can git outta her is - dat kone, dat kone!!! watz she on about?
bye da sondz of it - bootz is feelin' a itty bitty better. way ta go bootz!
weez all hopin' youz get da konny fing offa youz 'ead pretty soon. befor youz dammidge youz 'eadbonnez - wez dont fink dats at all funny!!
still gotz clawz an pawz crozzed an' it's makin' scratchin' a bit diffycultz.
nozzy kizzies an' 'ead bumpies comin' at ya bootz and cinners dawg and smokey dawg too xx AN' DAD PHRED.
from bagel, ketchum and dan xxxx

oh an' ouz mummy too. (hmph - she still laffin'!!)

08-12-2002, 08:12 AM
Boots, you are doing such a good job of getting better! And that cone thing, well here's a pic of Miley, a friend in the same cone headed situation. She has a skin problem and not a plumbing problem. Her cone allows her to go just about anywhere. Maybe she just has a higher level of spacial abilities!

Great news Boots. I hope you are all better soon. I love reading your stories each day!


From Gabe, Miley and Graemer

Aren't I cute in my Ecollar?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-12-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
Sounds as if he wants to be involved in all his normal activities. I too hope he gets the cone off soon so he can do his appointed rounds.

:D :D

Thanks for the uppeydate Smokey. Sounds to me like Boots is trying to get caught up on everything that he's missed since he's been locked in that darn baffroom. :D And it sounds like he's doin' real good so hopefully that dern kone thingy will come off real soon.

And tell Boots we're sorry for laughin' at all his trouble with that kone, but we know he wasn't hurt at all in his falls and misses, and the mental image of him landing on his poor little head then doing that backwards summersault was just too much. :D :D Good thing your dad wasn't takn' a nap at the time or he would've wondered what all the todo was about. ;) :D

08-13-2002, 06:23 PM
Boots, boy. I'm just wonderin' how ya donin'? Still drinking tuna water? Still a cone head? Hope you didn't get a headache from your adventures the other day. Plumbing still working? Hope you are feeling lots better now.:)

Cinder & Smoke
08-13-2002, 06:29 PM
Hi Ebberbuddie ~ Cinnerz & SmudgePot here ~

Checkin in fur Boots, the Kat...

He'z doin purdy OK rite now - mostly peein inna sandy box (Dad gibed it back to him Friday nite kuz he dint like doin #2 onna papurz). He'z still gotz papurs inna old skratch box inna tubby, too - kase he feels like a papur job :rolleyes:.

All us FurKidz is a lil :mad: ~ Seemz Dad's Fire beeper went Beep, beep, BEEP!! Munday mornin an he jumped outta bed an dashed off to a BIG fire in Towne... Nunbuddie gotz an *outie*, Kat dint get no Mornin Medz, WE dint get no brunch... Day kinda sukk'd.

Dad kum'd home bout 4 a-klok ta feed an wadder us - then went rite back to da fire... Gone agin till :eek: mid-nite. Stunk like fire when he finally gotz home. Kicked Kat outta the fallin wadder klozet an played inna kleen wadder a long tyme - still wuz a lil *stinkey* when he got dun.

Tuday wuz more a the same - up urlie ta meet da Fire Guy frumma "State" an do sum Vestigatin. We jest took a load a fire pix to Wally's Place an are waitin fur the quickie photoz ta getz dun.

Tumorrow gonna be s-l-o-w, too - Dad anna State Guy gotta do sum Innerviewz inna afternoon. Check in then - IF - we get outta the Ranch at all...

Boots tell'd us ~ frum unner the baffroom door ~
that he missez :( the dailey ridez to da Shop wiff us...

Walley jest called - pix are dun - gotta run...

08-13-2002, 06:59 PM
Figured your Dad has to work once in a while, or the kar went on the fritz again.
Anyway, Phred, how about an update on Bootz? Sounds like maybe the kone might be gone soon? Does Bootz still need spiked water? Which flavor?

Hope your fire season is more controlable than that in Oregon now.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-14-2002, 12:50 PM
Hey guys :)

Thanks for the uppeydate. Sounds like Boots is doing ok if he is getting particular about which box he uses. ;) :D I'm just glad Boots is to the point he's at now 'cause had your dad been busy with the fire a few weeks ago the Boots Man might have had a different tale to tell. I'm sure your dad will be back on his regular schedule once all the fire stuff dies down a bit, be sure and give him some....(whatever you doggiez call it when you stick your noses into hands looking for pets, in kittyland head bumpies are a close equivalent). Hopefully he'll be back soon and Boots will get his kone off and be paroled from the baffroom again. :)

08-16-2002, 09:29 AM
Boots sorry it took so long for your Daddy to notice something was wrong. Hope you are feeling MUCH better :)

08-16-2002, 06:02 PM
Just wonderin' how Boots is doin'? Still a cone-head? Still drinkin' tuna water? Still peein? and poopin'? Still in the bathroom? Has his zipper healed up? Don't you wish I would stop with the questions?:D :D

08-16-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Don't you wish I would stop with the questions?:D :D


Get well soon Bootz-man!

Cinder & Smoke
08-16-2002, 08:01 PM

Hi, Ebberbuddie ~ Boots, da Kat sayin Howdee ~

Woe is me... Dad sez I'z havin a lil set-back ~
Wuz doin great - outta jail whenebber the guyz wuz home - loose inna howze all nite - peein purdy gud in wunna the boxes (I'z been alternatin tween the sandy wun anna papur wun) -an aktin kinda *chipper*.

An ketch THIS!
Last nite I wuz grabbin sum Zzzzz's onna fireplace hearth; so Dad openz the big frunt door fur more air. Dawgs gotz fed anna outie. Dad karashez inna kliner an noddz off. I wakez up an wanderz ober towardz the door ~ HEY! Door'z open - an Dad'z not sittin in it blockin the way... Wunder whut'z out there?

*OUT* I goez!

SmudgePot jumpz up an runz ober to Dad -
Hey Dad! Kat'z lookin out the DOOR! Better grab em!

Dad'z makin a lotta raket wiffa noze an dont hear the lil TattelTail.

Kinda *SPOOKIE* an *dark* out there! Made it offa porch an thru the weed gardun out to the weedz they kall grass... Nunbuddie knowez how long I wuz out there when Dad woked up bout sun-up. Dawgz are sleepin on hiz feetz hangin down offa kliner chair.

Dad axkz "Where'za KAT?" Slam'za frunt door an duz a howze search = NO Kat! OMG! Panik!

He ripz open frunt door an hollerz "Hay KoneHed - ya out here?"

I gibz him a reel friendlie *ChiIIRRp* frumma weed gardun an turnz so the yard lite shinez onna kone... Whudda HOOT!

Dad'z wearin his not much shortiez an NUFFIN else!
Tries to cum downna steps but members :eek: he gotz nuffin onna feetz. Getz his fuzzy slipperz on an jumpz inna gardun patch - but by then I wuz strollin downna bank towardz the drive. Ebberbuddie'z out lookin - durn Dawgz gibed me away - spotted me onna driveway.

Dad hotfootz it cross the yard in hiz not much shortiez an slipperz an makez da *GRAB*.
NUTZ! :mad: Furst time onna outie an it'z ober alreddy! Back inna howze... :(

They all jump'd onna BigBed an I *pouted* onna bunkroom floor... Till Dad herd me doin sum SEER-euz skratchin inna sandy box. He getz up an checkz on me - skratchin, squattin, an GRrrrrin inna box ~ Nuffin happenin - AGIN!

I wuz runnin back-n-forth tween the sandy anna papur boxes - jest a kupla lil *dribbelz* anna lotta *GROWlin* = Uhhh-Oohhhh...

Off we all goez to the Fire Station (Dad hadda pick up sum Big Fire papurz). I'z pantin lika dawggie when he cumz out in a kupla minitz. IN we all goze fur sum wadder (he had that durn sqwirt gun syringe in hiz poket!) anna gulp a kold air inna offis - it'z got a kold air box...
He brinz in my papur box - I jumpz in an duz a reeley HuMUNgus *PEE* onna papurz :D - but it'z got a lil red stuff mixed in... Dad grabz a baggie an pourz the pee in da baggie an stuffz it inna fridge. Callz Doc Lisa's Place an I hear em plottin ta drag me in fur a check-out...

Dash to da Shop to dump the Dawgz an anudder 3 sqwitz a wadder inta me. Onna road fur 5 minitz an I duz a pee an dumpz a load a *stinkey*, too!

Made the mistake of doin a lil *pantin* onna way ober... In we go wiffa sampelz an whut'z he do? Wuntz a kuppa wadder! Rite inna waitin room I getz tossed onna chair an anudder 4 sqwirtz a wadder!
GOTTA stop wiffa pantin!

Gotta phizikal frumma nudder White Coat (bladdur tank wuz nice an em-tee!) when Doc Lisa showz up - seemz they lost a kupla offis stafferz an she'z in on vacation helpin out! BOFF of em are talkin bout me an lookin at my zipper. Docz say the zipp'z healin so gud they dont wanna pull the zip stringz - they'z the dizolvin kind ennieway.
Pee an poop testz looked GUD! No kristallz but a lil hi onna pH anna blud ... "Normal" wiffa bladdur infekshun, sez Doc Lisa.

Why the big no-pee krisis??
Figger they shudint otta have quit wiffa biotik pillz eben tho I'z been on em fur bout 3 weekz. Wound up wiffa nudder 10 dayz a biotikz (lil lower dose this tyme) an ANUDDER pill - *steeroidz* they sed. Gotta take FOUR differunt pillz ebery day fur a while! (Dad LUVz shootin pillz wiffa pill popper gun! :rolleyes: )

Doc Lisa sed sum katz - an ebberbuddie'z lookin at ME! - jest have a hard tyme gettin rid of bladdur infekshunz. I must be wunna the Sum Kat krowd...

Gotta gib Dad a pee sampul in 9 dayz (that'll be a phunn event!) to take to Doc Mike fur a test - if my pH is gud an ther'z nuffin else swimmin inna pee - I getz an extree 10 dayz onna biotik pills to make sure I stayz kleen. Then they'll start takin away the Dopey pillz anna *steeriodz*, too.

Meentime Dad sez I gotta enroll inna drug programme... :p

Lookz like I'z gonna keep the kone thingy fur a while - Guy Doc sez it'll keep me frum playin wiffa plummin... An Dad got ordurz ta keep sqwirtin wadder inta me till *I* start gulpin a lot by muself an get back to a regelur pee cycle. NUTZ!

An I s'ppoze I'll be spendin summore tyme inna baffroom jail :rolleyes: ... Dad'z gonna gimmie a *kushun* sumwhere inna baffroom to uze fur a lay-me-down pad so'z I don't get ennie papur sorez or pee-burnz frum layin inna papur pee box.

Gotta run ~ Dad'z loadin up hiz durn wadder gun agin!

TANKz SOOOO MUCH fur allua letterz an get-well wishuz an Prayerz all you FurKidz an Hoominz been sendin my way! They're a Big Help to Dad an me while we fight my *problemz*. Meenz a LOT to us!

Prolly Mee-Yowwwl atcha all durrin the week - I tinkz I'll prolly be motorin ober to the Shop wiffa Guyz so'z they kan keep an eyeball on me next week.

/s/ Boots, the I-kan-still-pee ;) Kat

PS: We'z havin Mac-n-Cheeze-n-TUNA fur dinner!
More Tuna Sauce ta flavur my wadder! :D

08-16-2002, 09:30 PM


Boots, we are still pulling for you with prayers. I am really sorry to hear that you have more pillz to take - but since you turned out to be one of the Sum Katz - guess we need to keep up the meds.

One of you guys (Cinder? Smoke?) are going to have to learn how to use a video camera so we can catch Dad running around lookin for the Bootz guy.

08-16-2002, 09:54 PM
Boots, we have really enjoyed your adventures, but enough is enough!!! I'm with "Dad"......you gotta get well, little guy. We're pulling for you and for Dad's wallet. It must be feelin pretty light these days, but I know you are worth every penny he is spending.

Please get well, so you can get out of jail. :)

08-16-2002, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by gini

LOL!!!! Boots if men in blue uniforms with guns show up...HIDE!!! They will be the police and they may want to smell your breath!!
All paws and tails and fingers still crossed for you til you are 100% well.

08-17-2002, 12:35 AM
Boots -- hope you are all the way well soon, little adventurous guy! We're thinking, worrying, and praying about you here, buddy boy.

08-17-2002, 04:02 AM
hi der bootz - mum's jus red us da latest panik - you shure givin youz dad sum greef - but yay - youz gotten fru da door an OUTSIDE!! bet youz had so much fun eh? da konefing probley got in youz way an stopped reel 'splorin - tough bootz!

youz gotta stop wif da pantin, not peein and scarin all deez hoomans!
doze tablits gonna be anudder pain for youz to take - but mum sez dey'll make youz feel better an pee proper - wez all didn know you cud pee improper! itz a hooman fing!! bet youz daddy gonna ave lotz of fun firin dem down yoouz froat!!

wez all wunderin wot wez can do ta get tuna watter - sounz pretty gud - all wez get is plain ol watter! hey bootz youz gotta member howz to lap up when da kone cums off - youz don want youz daddy squirtin dat watter atcha then duz ya?

our mums stil avin a giggle bout youz dad runnin out wif no shoeis on da feetz an SHORTIES!! don know wot shez laffin at - wez seen her wif no shoeis on da feet an lickle pigyjamas in da gardun!!

wez all send lotza nose kizzez an head bumpiez - to youz an youz daddy an da big dawgz cinder an smokez - no mor paniks peerleaze bootz - we all getz wurried - so go go bootz show em dis time youz can do it - get well.

frum bagel and dan an ketchum xxxxxx

yez an ouz mummie too xxxx

08-17-2002, 03:13 PM
Oh Boots, I hope that cone thingy comes off very soon, so you can get a proper drink - and you can have an adventure out in the grass too! It's meant for us to enjoy! :D It's boring to be in the baffroom so much! I only go there for a drink straight from the tap. :p But you gotta get your pee all nice and yellow - that's the right color! When your dad comes along with that water gun and the little white tablets, you open up wide a swallow all you can! It'll soon be over! He knows what's good for for you, so you stick to him!! You may get a fat tummy from some of the pills, but don't you worry, it will flatten again as soon as you finish them! ;)

We all wish you get back to your normal self very soon Boots! :)

Lots of purrs, nosekisses and headbumpies
Fister, his mum and dad

08-17-2002, 03:38 PM
Mizzer Bootz,

Iz you a hypocondrikat? Eben naughtie bunniez ain't naughtiez fer diz longz so I thinkz sick kittiez dunt needz to be diz sick fer diz longz eitherz! Regardlez, I iz still prayin' fer youz...


Sophie Bunnie

PS Do you likez my silber nail polish?
I kinda likez it but Mom ain'tz too happie wif her sister....:rolleyes:

08-17-2002, 07:27 PM
betweeenz miz sophie's silver polish and the image of Phred in his shorts and furry slippers I've read this to my guys and they are rolling on the floor with paws across their belly's and tears of laughter down their furry faces:D eben though it's a sad sorry time for baby Bootz...at least you are hanging in and we are all hangin in wicha.. love you guys - and you get better Bootz... Laurie

08-17-2002, 10:09 PM
You get better Boots! And get that pee nice and clear for the doc. You keep us posted.:p

08-18-2002, 06:28 AM
Boots, Boots, Boots, looks like in addition to the pills and water squirts, visits to the white coats, we got to krank up the old prayer machinery. Let's eber buddie put on knee pads and spend some time on 'em sending up some extra.. *Please God, take care of our little buddy, Boots.*

08-18-2002, 08:44 AM
Oh Bootz Man, we think it's time we really put the prayer meter on high!!! C'mon PT'ers all paws together for Boots. You can do it Boots!! And God, Boots really needs yer help right now. It's Sunday, so we know ya got yer headphones on. This is one special kitty and his family and all his friends are gettin real worried, so do all you can to make him well real soon! OK God? Thanks lots from Star***Shine, Cody, Oliver, Mr. B and the piggers.

Cinder & Smoke
08-19-2002, 11:10 AM

Thanks to All our Pet Talk Furkid & Hoomin Buddiez ~
Yer Prayerz gotta be Werkin!

Bootsy Kat seemz to be feelin a lot better!
Did sum gud *peez* ober the weekend - an still eatin the combo New/old krunchie mix like a lil horse - we think he Likes the new Chikun Flavur Krunch!

Last nite, when Dad an SmokeMutt got back fum seein GranMom atta MomsVille Village... I ran Smoke round the yard so hard we wuz boff blowin like steam enjinez when Dad sed it wuz time to go in an spring the Bootz outta jail. He'd jest made sum damp papurz, so he got parolled rite away. But he akted kinda *sad* an jest flopped inna hall...

Dad skooped him up an sat wiff him inna kliner chair while we Dawgz ate din-din. Kat kept givin Dad the *Woe-Is-Me* eyez while Dad gibed him a lotta ear *skritchiez* unner the Kone anna back rubbie...

Next thing we seez izza Kone cummin **OFF** an sittin onna tabel! Kat jest lay onna lappy an rolled hiz eyeballz round in BIG cikulz - Wunderin how'z come he could *see* so gud :D agin?!

Kat wandered off towardz the baffroom - then we hearz sum *lickin* - LOTTA *lickin*! Smoke checkz an tellz Dad "Kat'z doin a reel job back were hiz lollypop uzed ta be. He'z tryin ta make a hare-ball." Dad checkz an sez it'z OK - kuz it'z furst tyme poor Bootsy been able to werk back there fur quite a while... Hare-ball won't happen ~ No Hare :( back there!

Kat spent mosta the nite sprawled out onna BigBed booky-shelfz - he *fitz* agin :D now that the Kone'z gone! Soon az Dad got outta bed - he dun hiz famus *Rug-Shuffel, Two-Step* all round the Ranch Howze - testin fur the dreaded >damp spotz< :rolleyes: Luckie fur da Kat - Nuffin found!

Dad 'cided it wuz gonna be kool enuff to leave him inna baffroon jail tuday... We'll see how much drinkin an peein practice he dun on hiz own when we getz back ta da Ranch. We'll be leavin urlee - Dad'z gotta go to a skwel wiffa Fire Guyz tunite.

Yap atcha All inna mornin...

08-19-2002, 11:46 AM
Boots Baby, such good news that you got your cone off, if even for a bit. Be real good and drink, eat, poop, and pee (and leave your zipper alone) so you can keep it off. I know there has been lots of extra prayers from your Pet Talk pals to help you get well. We will keep them up until you are 100% ok. :)

08-19-2002, 03:02 PM
Bulletin....Bulletin......Hear the great news!!!!

BootzMan is a conehead no more!!:D Woppeee!!! Listen to MOFF, now! Keep it goin in and comin out! Phew, we're all breathin a bit easier today~ Love, yer pals, Mr. B, Oliver, Star***Shine, Cody and the Piggers!

08-19-2002, 03:50 PM
Boots, glad to hear you are feeling better! That was so nice of your dad to take that cone off!! Keep on getting better!! Saying lots of prayers for you over here.

08-19-2002, 03:54 PM
I'm so glad to here that you're doing much better Boots. Having that cone off for a little while must have felt so good. Soon you'll be rid of that thing. Just poop and pee a lot and let your zipper heal up so you can get back to your normal self. Storm, Pepper, &Sunny all send you headbumpies and get well wishes. I also hope that your recovery time is quick. :) Thanks for the update.

08-20-2002, 04:00 AM
wow bootz - youz got da kone fingy off?! bet dat feelz soo gud! we'z all rootin for youz ober here - keep da peein goin gud.
we'z gonna keep da pawz crozzed - jus to be onna safe side - go on youz can do it bootz -
get well soon.

lotzza noze rubbiez comin attcha from bage, dan an ketchum

ok ok - an ouz mummie too xxx

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-20-2002, 01:11 PM
Wow! Great news! The Boots man got his kone off!!! Yippiee!!! Whew, glad to hear everything's going good again after that little scare. Keep up the good work, Boots. Tubby and Peanut are still prayin' for you too. They don't like to hear one of their buddies isn't feeln' good.

You're such a character when you're feeln' good, but you gotta stop scarin' your dad. Thank goodness the dogz gave you away when you made it outside.

Oh, and Sophie's silver nails are divine, they kinda go with her crown. ;) :D

08-20-2002, 01:30 PM
I'm always a day late and a dollar short, but I couldn't be happier than to hear this news!!! :D Yeah, Boots!!! Hope you wet those paper real good, so Dad will keep that cone off your neck, and quit his worrying!!!! Be well, my friend!!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-20-2002, 07:51 PM
HI, Ebberbuddie! :) I'z back atta shop wiffa Gang tuday...

Kinda *tweek'd* I dint get ta make da trip yesturday - I'z startin to like kar ridez long as it'z NOt to da White Coat'z Places.

I dun sum lil papur peez whilst I wuz home yesturday, so Dad lemmie out till BigBed tyme last nite. He locked me up kuz I dint make no damp papurs affore litez out.

Made up fur it this mornin - HuMUNgus pile a damp papurs! Gave Hed Bumpiez an a lotta door pawin when Dad kame in - so he sed I kuld ride ober to da Shop. Sellabrated wiff anudder big pee dump jest while he wuz loadin up all my gear ta go. THAT got da papur box warshed out an fresh papurz fur da trip!

Got here an Dad unloads the Dawgs an all my stuff an returnz fur me. I'z peepin out his winnow inna kar till he getz klose - then I krowchez down when he pops er open an *kaZOOooom!* - Off I goez like a Streak-a-Litnin --- fur about 2 feet. Left my durn Tail flyin out behind an he *GRABBz* it (wiffa Left handpaw, no less!)
Left 50 footz a gud Klaw Nailz onna sidewalk affore I quit runnin. Dang it! :mad: He hadda good gripy onna Tail! Sheeze, Dad - I wuz jest tryin ta beet ya to da door! Whud a worrie-wart he iz!

Dad set up my spot - chair holdin the leashy string (so's I kant go 'splorin all ober the Shop place lookin fur the Kumpanie Rat {Smoke's lil mousie bud that hangz out here makin Dad :mad:}), boff my pee boxez, krunch bowl, an the durn wadder kup. I settel'd down to a long sessun inna krunch bowl - ate a BIG brekfust. Then I noticed! Durn chikun krunchie jumped inna wadder kup. NUTz! Aint supposed to be in there... Better get him out...

Started lappin up wadder - I'z gonna sink him onna bottum an *grab* him! Kept swimmin round an hidin unner that dang sqwirt gun Dad plopped inna kup wiffa wadder. Eben tried dippin a paw ta snag the lil floatur - Kunnit get it!! Lapp'd up an Drunk a hole *heck-uva-LOTTA* wadder affore I gib'd up wiffa lil *uRRRRpp* an lay down fur a nappy...

Feelz like I gotz a half gallun wurth a *Good Kat* wadder inna tank - But I'z gonna keep Dad gessin just WHEN?? I'z gonna du a pee job... Kan't wate too much longer - I kinda *Sloss-shez* when I movez around... :rolleyes:

Dad'z Happie Azza Klam kuz I'z not jumpin inna boxez an strainin nor lickin the plummin. He tinks mabee I'z tryin to get back onna skedule of jest two Big Peez a day. It'z a Pain Inna Butt ta havta keep klimin inna box ebery lil while ta dumpa a lil outta da tank. Mebbie I'z gonna wate till we kar-ride back to da Ranch - I likez the *challenge* of hittin the papurs standin sidewayz inna muvin kar!

Kace yer wunderin - the poopy part iz werkin OK, too. Dad tinkz it'z a lil soggie - kuz I'z up to bout a 50-50 mix a New Chikun Krunch an old stuff.
A gud stinkie *plop* getz flushed a lot quicker than a dry wun - saves me frum havin to move a lotta sand. :rolleyes:

Dad sez time ta get offa the bodily funkshunz topik!

I'z jest kinda hangin round - moved muself into Cinner'z spot onna unner-puter hide-a-way ruggy. She wanderz ober ebery now-an-agin an gibz Dad a sad-eyez look :( about loozin her place asside SmudgePot; but she spendz her tyme onna ruggy in frunta the door watchin the karz go bye. Smoke duzint seem to mind my kumpanie - but I hate it when he *S-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-z* Waaaay out an skrunchez me inna korner unner the puter.

An Hoo-Boy! :eek: Ya gotta watch out fur Dad'z B-I-G PawFootz when he furgetz we'z unner the puter an he triez to stretch hiz long leggz!!
Eeeee-Yipes! Duz it get *krowded* down here when THAT happenz!

OH Yeah! Hey Miz Sophie ~

Originally posted by zippy-kat
Mizzer Bootz,

I iz still prayin' fer youz...
Sophie Bunnie

PS Do you likez my silber nail polish?
I kinda likez it but Mom ain'tz too happie wif her sister....

Sorrie the dumm Dawgz dint komment onna NEET Silbur-Nail jobby yur Aunt Lys gibed to ya!

That pixshure wiffa Krossed Pawz is reelie Furst Klass! Anna Silbur looks Sooo Klassie! Ya get the back wunz dun, too? Wunder HOW? ya managed to sit still while Lys did all that paintin? Momma Zippy is prolly jest jelluz kuz she dint tink of the ideer... Tell Anty Lys WE tink it'z NEET!

Awww, NUTz! Cinder jest shuffled ober an gobbeled ALL my left-ober Krunchiez! :mad: Dad fixed er, tho... Gibb'd her a 10.5 Boot inna Butt an hollerd "Quit Dat!" An SmokeMutt jest runn'd ober a slurrp'd up allua dust that wuz left!
Whut us poor Katz gotta put up wiff! :rolleyes:

Now we gotta go home...
Sure hope Dad duzint *squweeze* onna Tank when we loadz up!
Hate ta waste a gud pee onna sidewalk!

Mee-Yow at all yoze Buddiez onna next visit to da Shop!

/s/ da Boots I KAN *pee* Kat

08-20-2002, 08:09 PM
LOL!! Boots, you are priceless. So is your dad!!! I had to read that one out loud to make sure I didn't miss anything.....there's something about reading "Boots" language that makes me smile every time!!! Keep those bodily functions going, little fellow. Sounds like you're doing great!! :D

08-20-2002, 08:11 PM
Sounds like you are feeling much better. Is your tail any longer after it being pulled like that? Ouch!!! Try not to be nawtee and scare your Dad and he won't grab your handle like that. I agree that Miz Sophie's nail polish looks very nice on her. Keep the water works flowing, Boots! :D

08-21-2002, 03:58 AM

bootz - we'ze all soooo pleazed to her youz is workin better. jes too ekcited = got to have a nap! jes watch da tail an' keep it unner youz!! nose kisses an head bumpies from bagel, ketchum an dan xxxx

i'm thrilled to hear the wonderful news boot - i hope the is just the beginning of your getting better plan! all us dopey humans have been worried about a certain little guy - and maybe get the feeling we can unlock all these crossed finnerbonez! love and big cuddles brave boy xxxxxx

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-21-2002, 12:08 PM
All right Boots! Tubby says a regular schedule of two good peez a day is a good thing. He has to go down to the basement for it, so twice a day saves all that climbing up and down the stairs - 'specially when he's up in the loft when he gets the urge, then it's a real long trip down the stairs. ;) :D

It's great that you're feelin' better, and enjoying the trips to the shop, but you gotta stop scarin' your dad! He's been so worried about you so keep up with the head bumpiez, but stop with the scarin' - kay? ;) Hope your tail isn't too sore.

And who needs apples when reading a Boots, Cinder or Smoke post a day is enough to keep the doctor away. :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-21-2002, 05:17 PM
Bootsy here ~ back wiffa Guyz agin!

Iffin I dint knowe better - I'd tink they wuz *watchin* me...

This ridin inna kar to werk is kinda phunn!
Dad sez kupla more kritterz an we'll call the place a Zoo.

The lost pee frum yesturday? Yep; dun it inna papurz onna way home! Reelee BIG wun - jest after we bounced ober the RR trakz. Rite inna papur box onna floor - I'z gettin purdy gud goin inna kar.

Did anudder wun soon as I gotz set up back inna baffroom. That got me a tikit outta jail all nite.

This mornin Dad axk'd if I wunted ta go wiff em - so I sed "Why not?" Load my stuff an off we goez!

Dun a kuple lil pees an pooperz inna sandy box. Been hoggin Cinders spot onna puter ruggy all day.
Payback fur her grabbin a big bite a my krunchies agin tuday... :mad:
Dad paid her back too ~ She onlee got haff a haffa kup a dawg krunch fur brunch.

We'z loadin up rite away - sumpin bout Dad needin ta go ta the Hoomin Food shop...

Mee-Owww more later...

/s/ Boots, da Kat :D

08-21-2002, 05:25 PM
WAY TO GO BOOTS!! So glad your plumbing is working fine. Those railroad tracks will shake it out of you all right. At least the ones in Kansas would. They also will shake out your liver, spleen and anything else shakable. You got to watch them all the time. Thank you for taking the time to paw us an update. :D

Miss Meow
08-21-2002, 06:09 PM
Yay for Boots! Keep pee-ing!

08-21-2002, 07:44 PM
"What Boots?"
"I wanna go on a car ride!"
"Not today."
"Yes today."
"If you don't take me on a car ride--I ain't gonna pee!"
"I'll get the keys...."

Is that kitty spoiled or what? ;)

08-21-2002, 09:32 PM
Hey Bootsey,

Glad you doing better sweetheart. I think your dad
otta let you paw out messages all the time now. When
you're back 100%, why don't you just keep on letting us
in on the goings on at the ranch, from a Kitty perspective ?
Hang in there Boots boy and keep on getting better and

08-21-2002, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
WAY TO GO BOOTS!! So glad your plumbing is working fine. Those railroad tracks will shake it out of you all right. At least the ones in Kansas would. They also will shake out your liver, spleen and anything else shakable. You got to watch them all the time. Thank you for taking the time to paw us an update. :D

:D :D :D :D :D

08-22-2002, 05:44 AM
hey bootz - we'ze all impressed - youz LIKE bein in da kar? yuck - we'ze all hate goin in dat fing. but if'n youz keep peein itz gotta be gud.
one time dan got reel skared in da kar - an he pooped!! - eeewww it waz so smelly an mum an dad finkz he did it onna poipose!! poor dan.
keep pawn da newz from youz neck of da wudz - givez us all da chucklie fing.
member bootz drink all dat watter an keep da peein - youz be all better - an no more WHITE COATZ! keep well buddie.
head bumpies attcha bootz - bagel, ketchum and dan xx

ps. an mum too xx

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-22-2002, 10:39 AM
Yay, Boots! Sounds like you're doing real good now. I can see how you'd like it at da shop better than home all alone, 'specially when you were in jail all day while they were gone.

Keep up the reports, they're fun to read and let us know that you're still drinkin' & peein' like you should. :)

08-22-2002, 10:56 AM
Where might I find a photo of this poor dear? I have searched the precvious post and have not come across a photo!

Boots, what do you look like (without the Ecollar, for sure)...

sas, graemer, miley and GABE

08-22-2002, 11:48 AM
OOpss,I hope that Phred *da Dad* wouldn't mean!
Koxka asked me to pots,so the kitties at PT could see this gorgeous guy :D .
As he's very busy pawing updates!:p

Boots atta jail


Boots munching krunchies.........atta jail!


Koxka's human on behalf of Koxka :cool:

08-22-2002, 11:57 AM
Well, I just knew Boots was one handsome dude! This is the first time I've seen pictures of him too. Thanks so much, Koxka's Human for posting these.:D

08-22-2002, 12:06 PM
Boots, what a handsome dude you are. We know what you look like now Booties guy.

Hope your recovery is coming along nicely and that you are using that sandy box lots these days!


08-22-2002, 01:16 PM
ooohhhh - bagel's been looking at boots picture and has gone all
droopy and glassey eyed - d'you think she's smitten?
:D :D


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-22-2002, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
ooohhhh - bagel's been looking at boots picture and has gone all
droopy and glassey eyed - d'you think she's smitten?
:D :D


Could be, Lynne, but she better beware if Ritzy ever sees these pictures! We might just have a cat fight on our hands. (ha, ha, ok, bad joke) ;) :D

08-22-2002, 03:36 PM
Oh Boots, what a great update!!! And at the risk of sounding rude, very entertaining!!:D:D:D Your literary style rivals Cinder's! Make sure you get equal paw time on the puter from now on!!:) SOOOOOOO glad to hear you're doing so great. Of course, your tail might be ouchin just a BIT!:eek:!! Headbumpies to you sweetie from Mr. B, Oliver and Sandra

08-22-2002, 06:07 PM
Boots I don't know a whole lot about plumbing but it sounds like yours is starting to work real well. We are so happy for you and your whole family. I think that this going to the shop routine is maybe what you needed all along. A few bumpies on the way to jar stuff loose is all that it takes. Right?

08-22-2002, 06:18 PM
I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. You sure are one handsome guy. Thanks for posting the pics koxka. :) Keep up the good work Boots. :)

08-23-2002, 07:47 AM
The news has reached all the way to Scandinavia - and what good news, Boots! :D We're SO happy to hear your new plumbing works well, I bet you're feeling a lot better without your cone on, and not having to spend so much time in the baffroom! :)

You're such a handsome boy, sitting there in the sink! ;) Your dad must be very relieved and proud you got to this stage! He was very worried you know - and so were we!

Keep peeing in your sandbox and remember to drink lots of water! Hope you'll be pawing us updates whenever you get near the puter!

Headbumpies and nosescritchies from us
Fister & his mum :)

08-24-2002, 12:22 PM
Glad to hear you are so much better, Boots. Killi and Shi send their best wishes (and Sue, too). You are one handsome dude, Shiloh says. :D

08-24-2002, 04:22 PM
Hi Boots - Hope you are continuing to improve health wise! Are you at the ranch?

Keep us posted, cause we all worry about you and your plumbing issues!


Cinder & Smoke
08-26-2002, 10:51 PM
Hi Ebberbuddie ~ Bootsy HERE agin (at last...) :rolleyes:

Nebber trust a dumm Dawg (or Two!) ta due a Gud Kat'z Werk! I see my Dawg Buddiez haven't sed nuffin fur DAYZ!

Furst: TANKz ta Koxka fur findin my old mug shots an stickin em up fur me! We gotta keep an eyeball on them - they're OLD WebShots links - might vanish :eek: iffin they get *look'd at* too offin.
Dad'll change em to ImageStation if they go away.

Next: TANKz fur all the continued Get Well Wishez!
Reelee means a lot to Dad an me!

Gettin Well?
I gess I iz!
Hadda stay in jail Friday - Dad wuz onna road an wuz fraid the Muttz wuld eat my Krunch an gobbel my wadder iffin I stayed wiff dem inna Shop.

Tuday wuz *pee-inna-kup* day - Dad hadda take a "sampel" to Dok Mike. I thunk sumpin wuz up when Dad furgotz ta load my new box wiffa sand inna kar... we jest brung da papur box.

An it got lined wiffa garbitch baggie an onlee WUN piece a papur. I wuzint inna mood, so there wuz no pee by noon :p. Out kumz the durn sqwirt-gun syringe thingie - an I ate 6 sqwirtz a wadder on Dad'z lappy. >>Uggggh!<< THAT produced a purdy quick trip ta the box!

Yu'da thunk it wuz ChrisMus! He tossez me outta da box; rippz out da papur an pours the stuff frumma garbitch baggy inna nudder lil zippy-bag. Then he'z squalkin it aint enuff!!
Out kumz the sqwirt gun again - nudder 6 shotz!
Boy! Wuz I :mad:!

Held on till bout 3 a-klok - jest kunit hold it ennie longer... Nudder trip inna papur box.
Wheew! Felt gud ta unload da tank!

He duz his HappieKlam danze an runs off ta see Dok Mike... I gotz untied so's I wuldint *hang* myself. (Keep this thought...)

He'z *BACK*!
Dawgz are hidin unner the puter - wont eben crawl out ta say Howdie... Dad startz ta sit down atta desk - wunderz why the desk lookz so kleen... ??

"Who Dun THIS!!?? KAT!!!!!!!"

Uhhhh-Oooohhhhh....! :p
Thas's my name... {Dawgz <slink> off into the shop room...}

But Dad... It looks better wiffout all that *Junque* an papurz all ober it. An it'z all rite there - piled up all round the desk onna floor - I dint throw nuffin away. You'll also note I kleen'd off da udder desk, anna tabel, anna bookcase, an wuz werkin onna third filin kabinet top when ya innerrupted me.

He gotz Reelee Smoked when he discovered I'd played *snap-da-rubber-bandiez* that held a buncha pilez of papur poketz (envelopie things) in neet lil bundelz. Them rubbie bander thingies dont hold up verry well to Kat'z Klawz an Toofs...

I wuz rope'd up to da chair inna middel of da offis in purdy quick tyme! An he spent kupla hourz putting allua junque rite back where it wuz. All my kleenin gone ta waste! NUTZ!

NOW you'ze all knowe WHY I don't get to hang out wiffa Dawgs too oftin atta Shop... :rolleyes:

Oh, yeah... Dok'z report ~
I STILL gotz sum white blud cellz an sumpin else whut indikatez I still gotz a *fekshun* - prolly inna bladdur tank... Gotta keep takin biotik pillz fur anudder 10 dayz - then anudder pee test. Dok Mike agreez wiff Dok Lisa - I must be a tuff kace!
Iffin I'z still got the *fekshun buggz* inna pee aftur the next test - Dok'z gonna *stain* it an grow sum kulturez an peek unner hiz teleskopie gadget ta see whut I'z growin :eek: inna tank...

Dad sez ta quit jabberin ~
We'z gotta get ta da Ranch while it'z still Munday ta light da Kandelz inna winnow an say sumPrayerz ta God... fur our Buddie Miz Sophie.

Ebberbuddie member ta say Prayers fur Sophie Bunnie an Miz Zippy - they'z goin to the White Coat'z Place tumorrow (Tuzeday) ta get Sophie'z *lumpz & bumpz* looked at.
Puleeze switch yer Prayerz furm me to her - she needz em worser rite now... I'z gonna be OK! :D

Mee-Ooww atcha all Laterz...

/s/ Boots, da :) Kat

08-26-2002, 10:56 PM
Boots, I'm am so glad that you keep your dad on his toes, and help him to keep his desk clean!! I think you and Butter are kindred spirits that way!! Butter loves to "clean" my desk, and act as my paper shredder. He thinks that it saves me lots of money :rolleyes: .

You just keep on taking your medicine like a good cat. We aren't going to "switch" our prayers away from you yet. We'll just keep you right there on our list of favorites, and also pray for Sophie Bunny too. God has room for all of you, Boots.

Logan and Butter, the shredder

08-26-2002, 11:31 PM
Boots, did you get all of the pencils off of the desks? Those usually roll pretty good and they are fun to watch and bat around. I bet that was what you were after and the rest of those papers kinda just went with the pencils. I don't see how any of it was your fault. Offices are pretty boring. Mom used to take me out to hers in the back yard, and believe me it was borrriiinnng! (except for the pencils).

Sorry you have to keep taking those pill thingys to clear up your bladder. Doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

Mom says she still is going to keep you on her prayer list cause you aren't better - until you are BETTER and done with those pills.

Gotta go, Mom said lots of people need to send letters and stuff to God and she is going to help. She says she needs my help too. I don't have a clue what she is talking about.

Gotta run.....

Your friend Rascal

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2002, 07:48 PM
Boots here ~ Back fua anudder day of Phunn an Phrollik inna Shop! :D

Few changez atta Ranch Howze last nite...
Got locked OUTTA the fallin wadder klozet stedda IN it??? An no papur box ennie more - onlee gotz the sandy box ta uze fur a baffroom. Oh well - long as Dad keepz **fresh** sand in there - I'll quit peein onna floor. Grub bowl wiffa krunchiez anna wadder kup moved back up onna vanity counter, too. Gotta werk ta eat - BIGG jump up onna vanity ta grab a byte. New food is goin down OK; anna pooz are gettin back to normal (not so wattery now). Anna wadder tastez Sooo gud wiffa chikun bitz in there fur added flavur. I stopz fur a sip a wadder quite offin, now.

Rascal ~ Yu axk'd bout Dad pensilz...
He gotz (or rather HAD) more PENz - till I got here! I'z purdy handie pushin em offa desk - alluz get em ta land onna *pointy* end :rolleyes:. Dad getz :mad: - after he findz wun (onna floor) they duzint rite so gud. I put'd sum away in safe keepin - wun hind da filin kabinetz; wun unner da kopie masheen; wun unner da printer kart; an a kupla more dat I furgetz jest where...

Lernt a nastie lessin, tho ~ Gotta watch playin wiffa tella-dinger. Dad wuz yappin at sumbuddie an I wuz playin wiffa koiley-kord - lossa phunn while Dad wuz holdin the talker part... When he quit yappin - I kept pullin. **OWCHIE!!** Durn talker part comed offa udder thingie an **BONKKED** me rite onna hedbone. Did a heckuvva **YEEE-Ooowwwwl** an hi-tailed it :eek: cross the offis. Dad wuz laffin so hard he most flipped hizzelf outta the rollin chair!

I'z sorda tryin ta bee-have tuday... Jest kiner *laying* onna desk. Dad gimmie a pile a papurs ta make a kinda nest on - we'z been sharin the space purdy gud. Thingz get a lil *tense* when I reachez ober an triez ta help him rite wiffa pen thingie, tho...

I s'poze when the novultee of watchin EBERY Tyme I goez ta pee wearz off - I'z gonna get re-assined frum Offis Kat back to Howze-Watch... Be kinner nice ta be my own BOSS agin :cool: atta Ranch.

Mee-oww atcha all Laterz onna next Offis Visit...

's' Boots, da :) Kat

08-27-2002, 09:43 PM
Oh Mizzer Bootz,

I hopez ya don'tz gotza headache!

Luv 'n fluff----errr... stuff,
Miz Sophie Bunnie

08-28-2002, 11:14 AM
Boots boy, sounds like you are feeling better and are really on top of things. Got to keep your Dad in line, you know? Tails and paws still crossed that you have a good next check up.:)

08-28-2002, 03:24 PM
I'm glad you are still finding ways to have fun! You sure have a wonderful personality! :)

Keep on gettting better sweetie!

08-28-2002, 04:40 PM
Hey Boots, have you been studying the Cinder and Smoke handbook on extracurricular activities??:D So glad you're back in charge and keeping Dad on his toes!:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-28-2002, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Lernt a nastie lessin, tho ~ Gotta watch playin wiffa tella-dinger. Dad wuz yappin at sumbuddie an I wuz playin wiffa koiley-kord - lossa phunn while Dad wuz holdin the talker part... When he quit yappin - I kept pullin. **OWCHIE!!** Durn talker part comed offa udder thingie an **BONKKED** me rite onna hedbone. Did a heckuvva **YEEE-Ooowwwwl** an hi-tailed it :eek: cross the offis. Dad wuz laffin so hard he most flipped hizzelf outta the rollin chair!

Sorry, Boots, but I'm with yer Dad on this one.
http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif

Glad you're feelin' better though and everything is getting back to normal for you...and your poor Dad. At least he's finally laughing ovre you again instead of worrying and getting those soggy eyes.

Keep up the good work and can't wait for your next report. :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-28-2002, 09:32 PM
It'z Me, da Kat, back atta Shop - agin! :D

We gotta get more organized, tho...
Yesteday it wuz a problem gettin LOADED - furgotz wunna Dad'z Fiur Pagerz an my jug a springy waddur.

Tuday it wuz a problem gettin UN-loaded - furgotz my pillz inna kar... Thunk I wuz home free - but Dad hadda get sumpin outta the kar an found em = NUTZ!

Dunno HOW them Dawggiez put up wiff Dad 24/7??
EBERY Tyme I findz sumpin new ta klimb on or check out it'z "KAT!!! - QUIT DAT!!!"

*SHEEZE - Whadda Grump!*

An WHY? duz he ALLUZ wanna use the desk jest when I duz a lay-me-down onna papurz an getz cumfertabul? Itz a big desk, Dad - use da udder end :rolleyes:.

Big panik this afternoonz...
He runn'd inna werk shop room an furgotz ta latch the door. Natchurlee I snukked in ta look around. Ooooh - WOW! Whadda NEET place!

HUNNERTz a lil tiny radidio partz in lil binz an boxez on shelvez an werk benchez... A Kat'z DREEME! Where do I start?? An he went back inna offis - Iz ALONE!!!!! :cool:

Got wun lil tubby fulla skrewz off da bench an onna floor - but Big-Earz Cinner herd it *krash* an started whinin atta door... NUTZ!

Dad comed a-runnin - We had a Merrie Lil Chase fur a kupla lapz round the shop! Korse I *lost* ~
Back inna offis an **SLAM** went the shop door...

Gotta be more q-u-i-e-t next tyme I kan get in there :D. LOTTA phunn thingiez ta play wiff in there! Gess thatz why he alluz klozez that door whenna Dawggiez get left alone inna Shop. :p

Gotta werk on Dad'z *Hollerin*, tho...
Kinda getz onna nerbz an makez ya *tense*...

Mebbee Mee-Oww atcha all tumorrow...

/s/ Boots, da :) Kat

08-29-2002, 12:18 AM
I'm sitting here laughing my head off, sweet Bootsy kid! It definately sounds like you are feeling better. Hope you are all the way better very soon, if only for your dear daddy's *nerbes*, if not your own.

Headbumpies from Cassy and Livvy!

08-29-2002, 12:18 AM
I'm so glad to hear that you're back to normal now Boots and that you're keeping your Dad on his toes. :D Keep up the good work. :)

08-29-2002, 05:22 AM
Bootzer, you are definitely feeling better to get yourself in all kinds of trouble. Be a little bit care though, that getting konked on the head don't sound so good.

08-29-2002, 11:56 AM
Gosh, Boots the way you descripe your dad chasing you around the room has me laughing so hard my side hurts. Thank goodness your Dad wasn't wearing his fuzzy slippers or I'd never stop giggling. I'm so glad you are feeling up to mischief again.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-29-2002, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I'm so glad you are feeling up to mischief again.:D

Me too, Boots, me too.

08-30-2002, 05:23 AM
hey bootz - youz feelin bettur arent cha? sneekin off fer a kwik game of skrew rollin is furst sine of a well furboy!! trust da dawgz to tell on ya! anywayz a cupla lapz of da shopp's pretty gud aint it? neck time youz play wif sumpin less noizy - we likz ralpugz sure haf fun wiv dem fingiez.
head bumpies comin attcha bootz
frum bagel, ketchum n' dan xxx - - - oh an mum

08-30-2002, 08:57 AM
Boots, I can picture you with the box of screws, all the over the floor - uh ohh!! But you've got to keep your dad fit and your training programme will work wonders, I'm sure. (giggle!) :D Your dad may not agree, though!! ;)

We're SO glad you're having fun doing a bit of exploring and getting better all the time!! :D

What's next??

Cinder & Smoke
08-30-2002, 06:35 PM
Hi agin, Ebberbuddie ~ Boots, da Offis Kat, here ~

Kant beliebe I hazint been thrown outta here - yet! Gess I have been a lil better behaved the last kupla dayz - lil less *hollerin* by Dad...
He lemmie pick out a few favorite spotz an arrange em like I wunted - but I'd still like ta have the center spot onna BigDesk :p.

Weez a lot better orgainzed now - heez leebin my old sandy box here; an I get da Medz first thing affore we leeb da Ranch. Lot less 'stuff' ta haul around... An he dint 'furget' nuffin the last two dayz :rolleyes:.

He keepz mumblin I otta lern ta *walk* onna leashy string ~
I getz reel NERBUS when he hookz me up onna stringy - keep thinkin wez goin ta see a :eek: Doktor! I layz down - reel FLAT - an dig in wiffa klawz stedda 'walkin' to da kar... Thunk he wuz gonna *bounce* me downna stairz this mornin - so I did get onna feetz an kinder hoppy'd down behind him. Korse then I runnd back UPstairz when he let go... Wound up gettin karried to da kar.

Nite affore last wuz a sirkus gettin outta here - Dawgz went out fur an outie; then my krunch bowl an springy wadder jug left - I figgered sumpin wuz up an got *skarce* hind sum boxez. Dad looked fur a lotta minnitz affore he got hold a my :mad: Tail! Last nite he hooked up my stringy while I wuzint lookin - hard to 'scape wiffa stringy hangin offa neck belt!

Made it inta da werk roon wunst taday... Dad popped out an I wuz waitin rite atta door - *Zinnng* - IN I goze! Rite up onna bench an started werkin a lil tub a partz towardz the edge... Too slow - DadsPawz grabbed da tubby an me atta same tyme = NUTZ!

Dunno iffi Iz gonna be here inna Shop next week...
Dad sez he duzint get as much werk dun while hez gotta be KatSittin! And having ta keep the door clozed tween da offis anna werk room is a pain - Dawgz dont like not bein able to Tail aftur Dad. Plus hez wurried bout furgettin ta lock da frunt door -fraid Cinners will *pop* it open or sumbuddie will come in an let me 'scape...

Think mebbee Iz just gonna go back ta bein a HowzeKat guardin da Ranch ~ Let da Big Guyz do da werk atta Shop. I knowe Iz gonna be back at leest wun day next week - Dadz gotta kollekt anudder pee sampul ta take to Dok Mike. So Iz gonna be here that day, fur sure!

Been a lotta Phunn Mee-Oowin wiff y'all the last few weeks ~
Iz purdy sure we kan do it agin...

Till da Next Tyme...

Boots, da :) Kat sayin Keep *Swisssshin* thoze Tailz!

08-30-2002, 07:00 PM
Boots, I'm glad you are well enough to go back to house sittin' but you must insist that your Dad let you paw us a note now and then. You have lots of fans that want to know how you are and what you are up to. Besides who else will tell the REAL story of what Cinder and Smoke are up to?:D

Cinder & Smoke
09-05-2002, 09:44 PM
Hi, Ebberbuddie ~ Da Offis Kat is Back Agin! ;)

Almos dint make da trip -
Dad furgotz :rolleyes: it wuz my *pee*inna*kup* day.

Dad dun hiz chorez (my pillz, filled da krunch bowl, fulff'd da sandy box, an eben kooked me a kuppa Tuna waddur (kuz we had Mac 'n Cheeze 'n TUNA last nite!) (Sorrie Miz Zippy - he *likez* the stuff!)

Sumwhere in allua fussin round, he noticed the *prezunt* I dumped inna hallway ~
a G-I-A-N-T FURR-Ball; covered in brown slymie goo -
rite onna karpet!! :eek:

He wuz a lil :mad:.
I wuz purdy proud - Furst Wun I eber dumped! :D
Rather, furst wun he eber FOUND...

All hiz fault ennieway - I hadda wear the durn Lampy-Shade / Funnel thingie fur so long. Kunnit keep da fur kote shinin like I nornally do... Had a munth's worth a kleenin inna tummy all at wunst.
Sure felt gud ta unload it, tho...

He hadda kook up a batch a Oxy-Kleener and mop da pile up an flush it. THAT'z when he membered it wuz pee-test day. NUTZ!

Tossed inna kar wiffa Muttz {HEY - ya furgot my kuppa Tuna waddur!!} Wuzint lissnin...

Dint like the 'rangementz atta Shop...
Tied to da chair wiffa stringy leash;
No sand inna box -
jest a *squeekie* garbich bag an Wun thin sheet a papur;
*I* aint gonna pee in THAT thing!
Least he membered ta toss sum chikun bitz inna waddur kup.

Held out past wun a-klok. Got 6 sqwirtz frumma wadder gun.
Holdin tite at 2 a-klok. Six more sqwirtz inna mouff.
Still holdin at 3... Nudder 6 shotz a wadder.
Four a-klok = NO peez. Nappin INNA pee box.
Four:thurdy - STILL holdin...
I started *gurgglin* on the 4th shot a waddur.
Dad pikz me up an I'z *slosshun* inside.

He kallz Doc Mike'z Offis - they'z gud till 6 a-klok.
NUTZ! I kant wate that long! Gotta PEE!!!

Snuk inna box an dumped a purdy gud-sized puddel.
Dad dint notice till 5:thurdy.
OMG! He *PEE'd!!!

You'd think I made a bottel a wine!
He bagz it up an dashez off to see Doc Mike...
{HEY! Put sum sand inna box - I still gotta pee summore! He nebber lissinz!}

Dad come back liddel while ago -
rubbin hiz pocky-book an sayin "Owch!"
Seemz I STILL gotz sumpin inna Bladdur Tank - white blud cellz anna few pink wunz, too. :(
PH wuz gud, tho.
Got anudder 2 weekz a biotik pillz; more acid pillz (gonna be on them furever, I gess). Biotik dose is gonna be a pill anna quarter ebery day, this tyme.

Doc figgerz my "FLUDT" Kondishun iz makin sum *grit* thatz aggervatin my tank. I duzint plug-up ennie more kuzza the re-plummin Sir Jury dun on me. Iffin I'z still gotz the fekshun inna tank onna next test - they might havta do a $50 bukz "Kulshure" an try ta figger out whutz growin inna tank...

Dad sez fur a "Free" Kat - I'z startin ta get a lil *spensive*!
SmokeMutt'z happie azza Klam - Long as we keep pourin munnie thru my plummin system - He kant get sent out fur hiz Bum Knee Sir Jury job!

Dad finally put sum sand inna box ~
I wuz innit doin a *pee* affore the dust died down!
Wuz gettin reddy to find sum offis papurz ta take a leek on!
Memo to Self: Pee inna baggy-box SOONER, next tyme!

And so endz the Advenshurez of Boots, da Part-Tyme Offis Kat, fur dis week.
Mee-Ooow atcha all inna kupla weekz!

/s/ Boots, da Kat :D

09-05-2002, 11:55 PM
It's not that I enjoy your circumstances, I just LOVE hearing your side of the story!! You are way too cute honey! :) Glad you are still able to have all that fun! You sure are keeping dad on his toes huh? :D

Take care sweet boy! I'll be praying the white and pink cells do whatever they should so you get all better.

09-05-2002, 11:57 PM
Hey sweet Bootsie boy,

Glad you are feeling better, but so sorry that you aren't completely well yet. Parts of your adventure had me laughing out loud tonight. You might want to be really sweet to your daddy tonight. He's had a TOUGH day with you, honey.

09-06-2002, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
(Sorrie Miz Zippy - he *likez* the stuff!)

oh yuckers Bootz!
Howz about Mac 'n Cheeze minus the tuna? lol
Or mac 'n cheeze and cod (not together of course) black bass? halibut? that's all the fishes I kin standz!

Sorriez 'boutz da hairballz. Doncha know yer suppose to do 'em in the middle of the night and wake everybody uppiez? That's what the girlz here do! :rolleyes:

Tellz yer dad to check out that Pet Medz place (1-800-Pet-Meds?) that they advertise on tv.... Sara's 'fektion pills were cheaper when we ordered from them.

check ya laterz bootzie,
Zippie and Sophie

09-06-2002, 08:53 AM

Great big furballz getz 'em ebery time! Gud for youz bootz! Shame youz mizzed dadz shues - better luk nex time!! :eek:
Ourz Mum sez evybody xcited 'cos youz did anufer pee - why? We dos 'em all da time. She sed youz gotta fekshun - we fort you'd gotta rid of dat. Haz it cum bak agen? Shucks!! Pur Ol' Youz.
Why is she laffin' agen bootz - we'd fink she'de more wurried about a poorly puscat. An' youz is stil gettin' da tablits shuved down youz froat? WOW - youz us one brave cat bootz
Wot they gonna grow in youz tank - soundz spencive Mum sez.
How aboutz sum Kapnip! ;) ;) That'd be reel kule wuldn't it?! :D
Mums comin bak - we'ze is off - Bye Bootz.
Head bumpies comin attcha frum Bagel, Dan & Ketchum xxxxxx

09-06-2002, 11:43 AM
Awww, Boots my boy, you are supposed to be all well. Prayers will continue until you are completely 100% fit. I'm must admit I got a grin out of your side of the story. I will never be able to drink wine again without thinking of you and your adventure. Take care!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2002, 11:58 AM
Sorry to hear the fekshun is still there, Boots. You sure do have some adventures though, and we sure do love to hear about them. :D Keep taking your pills so that durn fekshun disappears already, durn thing! Oh, and sounds like that was a real good furball. I'm happy your dad saw it afore he stepped in it - ugh.

Keep up the good work and keep getting better, although I kinda like it when you hafta go to the shop with your dad. Otherwise we don't hear from you too much. :)

09-20-2002, 08:27 PM
how about an update on Boots?