View Full Version : I Need Some Advice: Runny Stool & Diarrhea Problems

01-01-2007, 04:24 PM
Hi, I need some advice. Starr's been having some runny poops and diarrhea problems for quite some time now. He's been eating Royal Canin Urinary S/O dry food for almost a year. I've been feeding this to all of my cats because Storm needs to eat this. If I give him wet food his problem gets worse.:( The food has chicken and rice in it and I thought that he might be allergic to the preservatives so I recently changed his diet to California Natural Chicken & Rice Formula. It has chicken and brown rice in it with all of the vitamins and minerals he needs. He's been on this for about 3 weeks and his problems have been getting much worse and it was also giving him gas.:(

He also prefers to eat the Royal Canin food so the last few days I've been letting him eat this. He's lost weight and really needs to gain a few pounds. I really think that he probably has food allergy problems and I'm probably going to be having an allergy test done on him. I also have a stool sample that can be tested but I really don't think that he has any kind of parasites. He's an indoor only cat. What would you do if you were in my situation? Thanks in advance.

01-01-2007, 04:32 PM
Is he by chance maybe not chewing his food the same way because his mouth is sore???? I hope he gets better soon........ He is a very handsome young man for sure>>>>>> ;) ;) ;)

01-01-2007, 04:38 PM
He's been eating much better since he got his teeth cleaned. He has a huge appetite and wants to eat everyone's food. It just seems like everything he eats just comes out the other end.:( I've tried adding canned pumpkin, rice baby cereal, and yogurt in the past but nothing has helped.

He had a bad case of coccidia when he was a kitten and it took several bottles of Albon to get him back to normal. I just think that he has a very sensitive stomach and may even have IBD.:( I don't want to put him through any invasive procedures. I just want him to feel happy, healthy, and normal again.:) I hope that a new diet will be able to help him.

01-01-2007, 04:44 PM
Oh that poor boy, Chloe had a really bad case of that when I adopted her also that is the hardest thing to watch those little bodies go through. That could be it to be honest, Chloe really struggles with that also. When we took her in for the allergy thing the vet said that her sample was really runny but everything was normally digested. I just really hope your wonderful little boy gets better soon ;)

01-01-2007, 05:55 PM
Try giving just plain cooked rice that we humans eat this will calm the tummy down & bind the potty.

Also, there is rice that is cooked in a bag w/holes (cant remember the brand name, sorry), cooks in about 10 minutes. When it's done you drain the rice while it's still in the bag and the water it cooked in is left in the pan. Give him that water to drink.

01-02-2007, 07:56 PM
Try giving just plain cooked rice that we humans eat this will calm the tummy down & bind the potty.

Also, there is rice that is cooked in a bag w/holes (cant remember the brand name, sorry), cooks in about 10 minutes. When it's done you drain the rice while it's still in the bag and the water it cooked in is left in the pan. Give him that water to drink.
Thanks but I have a feeling that Starr is allergic to rice.:( I made an appointment for him to have blood taken so they can send it off for an allergy test. It's this Sat. at 9:40am and he has to fast for at least 12 hours. It takes about 3 weeks for the results. Hopefully he'll be on a good food that his tummy will tolerate by late Jan. or early Feb. Thanks again.:)

01-02-2007, 08:47 PM
When I was going through the diarrhea mess with Moxie and Decker I had to leave them at the vet for a couple of days to let her get it under control. My vet fed them nothing but yogurt (she went to a health food store to get one with several active cultures) for the first day and she saw a big improvement from that. She continued with the yogurt but started adding some prescription canned dog food the second day.

I wonder if Starr might need to let his intestines heal a bit, that was what the vet said the kittens needed when she fed them only yogurt. It did seem to work.

Poor Starr, I hope you and the vet can get to the bottom of it soon.

01-02-2007, 10:24 PM
That's a drag that it takes so long to get the results back! I know that you can get the hypoallergenic foods through Southern Agriculture (anyone for Green Peas and Duck?) (http://www.southernagriculture.com/southag/product.asp?s%5Fid=0&dept%5Fid=3260&pf%5Fid=PAAAIAPCKIEILJAP&mscssid=567FU11WUM1B8LCW5FJFV55SBJPQ3GUC&) if you live someplace where ordering through the vet is time-consuming or outright impossible. I get my kitty's Dissolution Formula Chunks in Gravy through them because my vet's supplier insists that she buy a truckload before it's worth her while.