View Full Version : Rhaco

06-19-2002, 12:20 PM
What a funky looking color....:eek: I like it :D !Rhaco you are very cool!Do you know,by chance :rolleyes: ,the geico gecko?I see you like girls,well from what I hear your not going to get a girl for a while :( ,sorry.

06-19-2002, 03:06 PM
WOW!!!! Rhaco, you are one COOL DUDE!!!:cool: As the younger ones might say........TOTALLY AWESOME! You look like you stepped out of a scene from Jurassic Park!! And while you may look a tad fearsome, I hear you are a lover at heart! I hope that someday that special someone looking back at you is of the oppositie sex!:) Still, in the meantime, I think when you look in the mirror, you like what you see!:D So do I!! Congratulations to you Rhaco. It was a pleasure meeting you and being educated about your very special species of Gecko! I hope that your splendid species, the Crested Grecko, continues to survive and thrive; especially in homes as loving and proud as yours! Congratulations to you Rhaco, our most unique, handsome, sweet and indomitable Pet of the Day! May your bowl over floweth with a bounty of fruits and yummies!

06-19-2002, 03:23 PM
How neat you are, Rhaco!!! :D The only thing I know about geckos is the ones on the commercials on tv, but I was fascinated to see you and learn more about you!!!

I hope you have had one terrific day! You deserve it!!! :D

Congratulations on being the Pet of the Day!!! :D